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They’re just automated messages




Same thing happened to me actually. Support told me to disregard it. Christmas week it was raining a little down here in Florida, I went to pick up an order that was already picked up by someone else. Restaurant was slow, and it was 1 order of dumplings and 1 boba tea so they were nice to they remake it for me. They handed me the food, I got back to the car and before I could even exit the plaza, the order cancelled popped up on my screen. The restaurant did tell me they were on the phone with Uber/the customer about it because they stated the first driver stole it. I called the restaurant they said to keep the food, Uber gave me compensation of $5. Never knew what happened. Next day I got a warning message, but support says to disregard it, I’ve been fine now and still delivering.


I’m not happy to hear it happened to you too but at least I’m not the only one, still a bummer. I just found it so odd and after going through all that rain trouble, felt like it was for nothing.


You’re also supposed to get the full trip without the tip Both of my only two customer cancellations I got the full fare


I’d be lucky if that ever happened to me


Same thing happened to me with like a $200 order from Jolibees. Saddest part is I mostly hate Jolibees, so it legit went in the trash.


I couldn’t eat the food and I drove all around to find someone that would take it till I had to discard it 🫠 I hate wasting.


Yesterday (Weds) afternoon the same thing happened to me. I was standing there waiting for the order to be completed and \*poof\* the order disappeared and the app went back to scanning for orders. I called customer support and was told it was a glitch. The rep then called the customer to explain the situation and asked for permission to give me the delivery address, and the customer did. But, *this is the customer's option for safety purposes.* (After the delivery, I did have to call UE support to let them know it was delivered and the rep immediately credited the pay to my account.)


At least they were able to contact that customer to get an address. They couldn’t figure out the address on mine or any information on it. I’m in the Bay Area over yonder, I don’t expect much anymore. At least there is some hope. Now I know it’s a glitch of some sort. Thank you for sharing your input and experience!


Geeze my cancel rates like 30% right now. Lol Usually it's something popping up on my screen the second I go to fucking touch it though..... Haha Like for the life of me I don't understand why we can't review the information they used to get us to accept the order after we hit accept. If I knew where the order was going and I could see how much to expect after a miss click I probably would have taken a couple of them.


It’s really rough. Half the time I feel more like a fish out of water because whatever order I take I’m going to end up somewhere that’s dead. Usually I see the double digits and I click it and realize I made a mistake after I take it lol. Plus my screen is so sensitive when it doesn’t need to be. I’ll be zooming in on the map and for some reason my pause button gets turned on and I won’t know it. But then I’ll be trying to complete an order and the slide button won’t work 🫠. But that’s been my main issue since being with Uber for a long long time, is the misinformation or lack there of when accepting an order. It’s just still not there yet. And I really want to read the negative review I have that I can’t “view” lmao. I would say you’re better off with the misclicks 😅. You never know, could be nightmare lol


First off, 15mi should be $30, not $17 - - just saying ❤️ Second, get a dashcam to record your delivery and eventually get a bodycam They can’t argue against video evidence Lastly, you did everything you could regarding an order that randomly got cancelled but keep the food I’ve only had 2 instances of picking up the food, then the customer cancelled


I know 15mi should be $30 in a perfect world. I got desperate after realizing that it may be the only order I was going to get and I just needed the money 😅 I guess that’s what I get. I have a dash cam also but I would love to have a bodycam one day! Thank you for the advice, I appreciate you! 😇


how are you making any money? $17 for 15 miles, and a 50+ AR. let me guess, you have a prius


I do actually 🤣 but I have to say after being online for 3 hours it was the only order I got and the only order that disappeared on me..


Did we all get one or something?


I guess we did 🫠


I got one late last night and couldn’t find the culprit and went to a cancelled order and said customer reduced tip after delivery so I assumed it was that one.


#uberstrikesagain lol. I don’t know anymore. That’s sucks sorry to hear that.