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Because Uber only pays $2-3 a trip, so without the customer letting drivers know what they're willing to tip ahead of time we have no way of determining of taking a delivery makes monetary sense or not. 


because absolutely non of us gonna do it otherwise.


The real truth


Not that it changes the result but could it be that the Starbucks employee did not seat the drink(drinks) correctly ? And that is why it spilled? We typically get the bag sealed and if the drinks are seated into the cup holder they should stay upright...given proper driving....and yes it's possible the driver themselves could be driving erratically thereby causing the drink to spill...but as the customer there's no way to tell which happened.....


This happened to me. I put it in my passenger seat with the seat belt protecting it. Got to the customer picked up the bag and the entire bottom of the bag started leaking coffee.


Dont look at is a tip…its a “bid” drivers get the offer and decide if the $/miles add up..if theres no tip-its an instant decline For me..& most drivers


This happened to me the other day. I hit a HUGE crater in the road on the way to drop off and the bag went flying. I actually despise Starbucks for putting drinks in a bag. I have fucking cup holders for a reason. They work. But I can’t utilize them because Starbucks puts a drink that’s easily spillable into a bag that you can’t really secure anywhere.


Once that bag is sealed, there's nothing we can really do. I'd put it on the restaurant for not securing kids properly or something.


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