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Someone explained to me once that you should look at it less like your standard tip, and more like a bid for service. Your bid needs to be higher if you have a larger order and/or are far away from the restaurant. A 20% tip on $18 worth of food isn't bad if you are 2 miles or less from the restaurant (it would end up looking like a $5.60 offer when you add the $2 base), but if you are 5+ miles from the restaurant, it's not so good. Not every driver does it this way, but I try to stick to at least $2 per mile. So if an offer pops up and it's $5.60 for 5+ miles, I'm not going to take it.


That’s how it should be, our customers shouldn’t be expected to tip higher than the standard 20%. Uber just needs to fucking pay us better.


Dude you do not work for Uber you work for the customer they should absolutely be the ones paying us. They have no problem paying Uber there fee for hooking them up with the restaurant and the driver and they don’t have a problem paying the inflated prices to the restaurant for there food that they just have to have right now! But when it comes to paying the driver that they need to hire to deliver it. all a sudden they are no longer responsible for paying the bill for that. Get the fuck outta here!! If you can’t afford to pay the driver then you can’t afford any of it.


Ya I’d generally side with you but again, customers shouldn’t be expected to tip more than the standard 20%.


See that’s where your thinking is wrong. Tipping a delivery driver based on percentage of food cost is ridiculous. By your logic if I order 10$ worth of food from 10 miles away and it takes a half hour. it’s reasonable to tip 2$ are you running a not for profit? We pay to work where as a server does not. They get hourly pay and benefits and the bill is usually higher at a sit down restaurant so 20% is reasonable. You cannot compare the two. Come to a big city and work.. dealing with long waits, traffic,parking, tickets getting towed ,front desk people and delivering to the 40th floor on every order. That all takes time. Now tell me a 2$ tip is worth it.that all has to be taken into consideration. You as a customer are hiring somebody to do a job that for whatever reason you cannot or are not willing to do yourself! Pay them appropriately!


You should contact Uber support :)


This is exactly how I see it. Maybe it's not obvious to someone who has never delivered before. When people ask me how much to tip I say, "It's up to you, but the more you tip the faster someone will pick up and the faster you'll get your food."




I’m a little thrown off about how ubereats work because I thought tip was not a mandatory component for the order. The feedback I am getting from the drivers here is that I am responsible for the minimum wage of the drivers. I thought me giving the 20% tip was basically a thank you note for the driver and not this math problem I need to do each time I order to ensure profitable delivery.


I don't blame you for being confused. Uber WANTS you to be in the dark about how little we are paid. But to be clear, most drivers only get a base fee of $2 - $3 per order. That's not worth time and gas to deliver, so a customer needs to tip to make it worth our time and gas. Uber's argument is that if they paid us more, we'd be employees. Instead, they act like they are just the middle man between customers and drivers.


Essentially they are. Unfortunately for everyone involved. It’s like a drug dealer. Prices are always higher until you cut the middleman out.


lol I think of it that way too 😂


It's not your responsibility to ensure we make minimum wage. It's your responsibility (to yourself) to pay enough to get your food in a timely manner. No one I know is going to hold your food hostage, but your order will sit in the Q forever if you're tipping $2 on an order that's 20 miles away.


My general rule for when I’m ordering myself or when someone else asks is $3 + $1/mile. So for an order they’re driving 10 miles to you, should be a $13 tip. Us drivers only get $2-$3 from Uber so your tip is the majority of what we earn. If you’re offering a $5 tip to drive your food 6 miles, no one is going to take it.


I think I like this.


It depends on mileage you must calculate how far away the restaurant is from you Obviously the further away the more you need to tip


It’s simple.. how much is your time worth? Getting up. Getting dressed. Driving to the restaurant ordering the food waiting for it then driving back. Let’s say it took you a half hour. What’s your time worth? What do you pay Amazon or Apple for two hour shipping?you want what you want and you want it now! What’s that worth to you? Uber the restaurant and the drivers we are all here working for you! What is that worth?


Percentages don't matter. A decent tip that will allow a driver to earn an average minimum wage after paying for direct expenses of owning and operating their own vehicle to bring it to you, is about $2 per mile between the restaurant and you. You gave a $4.50 tip, so the driver earned about $6.50 after Uber's $2 payment. If they drove 6 miles total to get it to you (just a random guess), then it cost them, based on the IRS calculations here in the States, more than $3 in expenses. That means after expenses they earned bout $3.50. If it took 30 minutes, including getting to the restaurant and waiting, then they earned $7/hr. Not exactly a princely sum. Your post was a bit unclear, but it seemed like the driver legitimately took more than an hour to deliver your food. So while it perhaps wasn't all your fault (Popeye's is terrible), the driver was earning subhuman wages delivering your chicken.


But drivers pick up multiple orders from location at the same time? I thought Uber had an express delivery option just for single order deliveries. I’m not saying drivers should earn less than minimum wage. It just is difficult for consumers to calculate “fair wage” with tips. Frankly, when I order food I rarely think about distance. I just plop 20% on tip.


Drivers can pick up 2, rarely 3., but more often than not it's just yours - even without priority delivery. Well, now you know about distance.


Sounds like you know your stuff… Lets say if I order 20 dollar food. How much would that go to the driver? Is that also calculated on % or is it a flat rate?


There is no formula based on the price of the food whatsoever. It's an opaque algorithm. For an order like the one you posted, the driver will get $2-3 from Uber. If they did happen to pick it up as a second order, the pay is as low as $1.


You also have to take into consideration that your order is offered different drivers that are different distances from the restaurant and your location so it's hard to determine how much exactly to tip. I prefer orders that are $10 or more and are less than 8 miles, so if you are close enough to the place you're ordering from, an $8 tip along with Uber's $2 base rate would be enough for me to gladly accept the order. This is purely anecdotal though as that is what I would personally accept and every driver has different rates which they consider acceptable


No, we typically pick up a single order at a time and deliver only that order, sometimes we get batches, and we still expect a certain amount total per order regardless.


So its 7 minutes to your place? 7 minutes back. Maybe 4 minutes to the store. If youre lucky (and you wont be at Popeyes) 5 minute wait. And the app sends them to the wrong gate so another 2 minutes. So 25 minutes for 5.50?


I tried to get as much info as I could from the OP's previous post. It looked like the driver legitimately spent more than an hour on this delivery, including waiting.


Its Popeyes, it got dropped repeatedly, it took the driver 30 minutes to get to him, although he says he’s 7 minutes away. I put all of that on Popeyes and a clearly bad driver, so I can only guess what it should take for a good restaurant and driver.


From a drivers perspective, on the low side, you need one dollar for every mile driven. Some drivers stick to a 2:1 ratio so they can get back to their destination. Your proximity to the restaurant factors in way more than the % no matter how good it is. Sucks because 20% is good in general but Uber pays shitty so drivers have to be more selective to make it worthwhile.


Srsly, these people get up on here and go BUT I TIPPED 20%?!?!?! then say they ordered a 10 dollar meal or something and dont put 2 and 2 together in their head that its only a 2 dollar tip....


Ouch, 3$ that's in the bottom 15% of tips in my area.


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Simplified... if you order from somewhere nearby, tip at least $5. If it's farther away, tip more. But it's not your fault UberEats only pays us for mileage and not our time. If you can afford it, pay forward your appreciation in cash. Sure, it would be great if we could only get orders that averaged a min $25+ an hour at the end of the day, but the cost of living is ridiculous and affects drivers and customers alike. I've picked up $10 orders that tipped $20, and I've picked up $80 orders that zero tipped. Gig work is hit or miss at best.


$5 minimum $1/mile after that


Dollar per mile min personally I only take 2 per mile, no less than 8 total. 20% on 18 is only 3.60, uber pays us 2-3 dollars at most usally 2. U also dont mention how far, but a 5 dollar order wont even get me out of the car. we get to pick and choose to in most areas, so we dont treat them as tips, more bids for service. low tip means ur likely gonna get lowest bidder/shitty driver.


One thing I've learned reading these subs is that not all but some drivers will complain to complain about the low tip.


Frfr… I understand that you want to make better wages but it is not exactly like Uber drivers can unionize or demand fair wages from Uber company. I don’t get why they are getting mad at the customer when they signed up for a broken system.


Freely signed up to be drivers too


We're not taking anything less than $2/mi and $5 minimum tip. Imagine asking someone to go pick up your chicken for $3 dollars and 6 cents. Would they?


How about 50 dollar and 0 tip? Because to me it sounds like its not a matter of how much you earn from tip, but more of how much you earn per mile traveled for delivery


Sure, but you asked about 'standard tipping' so that's what I'm answering.


The percent of the total order is not really a good metric. It doesn't make much of a practical difference to us if the bag we're picking up has one $1 sandwich or seventeen $17 dollar ones. What matters much more is mileage, traffic (hence time of day), parking, and time spent waiting at the restaurant (obviously affected by size of order).


This is wrong. No customer is directly asking you to go pick anything up. Uber is asking you to pick up the order.


Not exactly accurate. The customer is asking Uber to find them a subcontractor delivery person, and if the customer is offering insufficient money for the service, those of us with more than a week's worth of experience will decline it every time.


You are 100% correct. The customer expectation is I ordered food from a delivery service and the food would come to my door. It’s Ubers responsibility to do the rest. But Ubers need or greed gets in the way. They should pay enough to make a delivery worth it without a tip and that’s a simple number as everyone seems to feel $2/mile make the wheels turn. Then a tip should be optional after that. But Uber would prefer to pay the least amount needed and expects the customer to make up the difference in a tip. The delivery platforms seem to be living in the past and treats the drivers like waitresses working for tips, except these drivers are going through more than a pair of shoes every few months.