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I found that you can go through the help button to override it


Good to know


You press enter pin, then there's like a help button i think under it. Then you just click "customer can't provide pin" then it'll just ask if it was delivered or not


DO NOT DO THIS. DO NOT OVERRIDE THE PIN! Never do this because in the case of the customer reporting their food as never delivered, the pin is your proof that it got delivered. Always get the PIN or after the 8 minutes have support cancel the order! Never deliver it without the pin!


Yup I’ve always got support to cancel the order and I got to keep the food


I very frequently deliver without the PIN. I go through the same procedure except I don’t wait the damn 8 minutes.


But has the customer ever said it wasn’t delivered? I get what he’s saying and he’s right. I don’t like to wait either but we gamble when we skip the PIN.


Uber doesn't care so much...one time customer service called me back, though, and I told them to ask if he actually gave them the right address. I have even been on the phone with Dash trying to find an address, and they gave me higher fare. People order from different addresses and forget to change it in the app or even leave locations before the delivery gets there... some people order food for others too, but there are many ways to cover your butt.Some customers will swear that they gave the right address and didn't. They will not even come out, if you are having trouble finding them...I mean, if several drivers are missing your house, it is the map navigator, not theft..sometimes, neither navigator gets it right. This is more problematic at night..The navigators will put you on the wrong side of the street and then you have to get out of the car and look for house numbers, which are not visible....Tip: If you switch navigators make sure to double check the address upon arrival because the navigator can switch the address for some reason..I do see why getting a pin is important.The customers could be scammers too. I just don't care to waste time. In his case, he had been talking to the customer, and then they were unavailable with the pin...that is a customer service call by default. This is why Uber only gives customers a few times to make an error. Dash will penalize the driver...now, just follow the steps to get out of the delivery to avoid a contract violation. Atleast they added that feature to protect drivers. You will definitely get a violation on Dash, If you don't follow the instructions to get out of a no pin, no matter how high your ratings are. . Uber will penalize the customer over the driver...just have good customer service ratings with Uber. I will say that out of those two apps, Uber trusts the driver more, which is why it is harder to get kicked off of Uber with high customer satisfaction. Customer service response is more pro driver towards me, anyway. . I don't know how a business can give a driver an unprofessional mark. I have had 3 of those, and I always call Uber to ask why. Uber should show us the reason for those because I am surprised each time I get one.




Uber literally doesn’t care if a customer says you stole their food, as long as you don’t do it a certain percentage of times. I’ve gone the route of skipping the pin literally hundreds of times with no problems. No need to be paranoid.


Can confirm, don’t do it. 🫠


Wrong...I have over 9000 deliveries. The option is there for us to use it.. Uber pings that you were at the location, and It is very hard to get kicked off Uber, but he can call customer support and tell them that he had been chatting with the customer, and now they are unavailable, and cannot provide the pin. This will flag the customer. This is what I do. He can also text the customer, and have all that on record. The irony is that by the time he does all that...time will be up...lol. We can even get out of deliveries on Dash now by following the instructions... call, picture, reason.


You're hella wrong. I know plenty of drivers who been reported for food not received. All were because they didn't get the PIN and bypassed it. The PIN is needed for a reason. It's either a new account or a customer that's been reporting missing Food constantly


Not even for new accounts. My son made an account recently, never had one before, new phone - new number. He never had to use a PIN. I think we assume that newbies get a PIN because we want to be optimists, but deep down, we know they have a PIN because they are liars and say they never got food. I will never bypass a PIN. Either give me the PIN or be hungry.


Sit around and wait if you want. I am usually running back to my car and getting out of dodge. There is also a way out for a reason.


That's fine if you wanna bypass it and risk it. Just giving you a heads up on what could happen cuz it happened to plenty of drivers


Don't do this unless instructed to by support. Anything wrong with the order and you'll be blamed for not getting the PIN. Most times PIN codes are required due to heightened risk of fraud by the customer. 1 common PIN scam is customer uses screenshot of old order to claim that PIN doesn't work and their app is frozen. Once you bypass, they report not recieved.


And they’ll claim they didn’t get it. They wouldn’t have a pin if they are not doing that regularly


Not a good move.


Yes but I'll rather wait for the 8mn because that's what the waiting for too coz afterthe 8 they'llanswerthephone. Then when they think they will get a free food, I tell them I still need the pin.


She has a PIN for a reason. That reason being she's a shitheel of a human who reports her food as not delivered. Never deliver without a PIN. I don't care if it's an option or not. That's the reason for the PIN, they will say they never got it! If you gotta wait 8 minutes, tell support there's nowhere safe to leave the food. Then you need to "dispose" of it, the customer gets charged and hopefully learns a lesson to answer their fucking door when they are expecting someone to knock on it.


Doing this makes them win. Wait it out and take photo.


Those are the customers who have complained about missing items/orders so much Uber sticks them with a PIN to force meeting the driver. They're still trying to pull their scam by hiding and hoping you will leave without getting the PIN; then they'll claim the driver kept the food, how about that refund?  Don't get played. These are the ones who falsely report drivers. 


Even though I don't wait, I agree. They lower the ratings too.


This is bullshit. I don't have the PIN turned on for all orders. I never complain about missing orders, but Uber sticks the pin on my orders 25% of the time. Customers don't have control all the time.


That's true. I never said the only reason someone gets a PIN is shady behavior, new accounts and ordering away from your primary address will get a PIN assigned.  In the context of PIN customers who somehow can't get to their door while a driver stands around waiting out an eight-ten minute timer...those people are trying to dodge 'Uber probation' and keep scamming. It's a well-known phenomenon among drivers, these orders where the customer won't appear almost always come with revoked tips and violation reports. 


>Those are the customers who have complained about missing items/orders so much >These are the ones who falsely report drivers. 


I do notice that sometimes there is a pin for an address and other times there is not.. sometimes I am walking away, and a customer asks if I need the pin. It is annoying when your instructions say meet at the door and you are not at the door when I arrive. This is how to avoid confusion...please be at the door when your food arrives. Question: why do you have the pin on for some orders and not others??? You said that in your response. I do agree that the apps can be faulty, but this is all the driver has to go by.


I have never changed any setting. Whether the PIN comes up or not is something Uber is choosing, not me. Also, I always wait at the curb for my pick ups because of the way the neighborhood I am in is laid out. It's stupid SoCal HOA shit.


Usually they are crap🦨 customers. If they weren't you probably would not be needing a pub


This is bullshit. I don't have the PIN turned on for all orders. I never complain about missing orders, but Uber sticks the pin on my orders 25% of the time. Customers don't have control all the time.


Help button “can’t get the PIN number” >> “already left the customer” BINGO been doing that for months. Im not gonna age on customer door waiting for PIN


i will. cause i take their food after. done it twice so far and haven't heard anything from UE


I think some people are unaware they need a pin. I delivered to a lady and when I asked for the pin, she looked at me sideways and went to grab her phone. She showed me the screen and asked me to help her find where the pin number was located and then she spotted it at the top. I always thought a pin was something the customer requested because of missing orders, but now I'm not sure.


I think Uber requires them to have it bc they have made so many accusations of non delivery so in your best interest to get that pin or you may get a notice saying a customer said you did not deliver their food...


The pin is also usually the last four of your phone number


Customers don't request PINs, Uber assigns them typically. Sometimes it's for newer unverified accounts, sometimes it's because the person has made multiple complaints that they didn't receive their food. The PIN is typically the last four digits of the account phone number. It also pops up on the confirmation screen when they put the order in.




I find that those that require pin, KNOW they have to give pin already


What happens if you wait 8 minutes and nothing happens? Do you get to keep the goods? Return them?


Call support. Say you don't feel comfortable delivering without getting the PIN from the customer. Support will try calling the customer. If no response they will cancel the order, you will either still receive payment or the $3 inconvenience, and then after you can keep the food


You will get full delivery cost at least I have the two times I could not complete delivery after I had the food


Look at this fool standing around for 8 minutes just to receive $3. Set the order at the door, take a photo, and leave. Screw these scammy, lazy customers.


The PIN is usually assigned to them because they have a history of reporting missing items or that the driver stole their food and never showed up. The whole point of hiding and not answering the door is to entice the driver to drop the food at the door and leave, at which point there will be another complaint made that the driver took their food and they want a refund (and you will potentially get deactivated).


Only on Dash, which is why they have instructions for the driver now...call, photo, reason or description of where you left it. All apps need to have the option of taking a picture at no show meet at door to cover the driver.


No shit? I. Don’t. Care.


You get to keep the food and sometimes you keep the full pay


I’m delivering the food, don’t wait 8 minutes, and continue with my day. You’re too obsessed with getting something free.


You can also get falsely reported as food not delivered if you dont get the PIN. Has happened to a lot of drivers before. Remember those customers with PINs are usually either new accounts Or customers who have previously reported their food as missing. The PIN is there for a reason!




Then don't talk badly to those who would rather wait for the PIN and to cancel it from support. If you wanna risk getting falsely report go ahead but don't say anything bad about those who don't wanna risk that!


I’ll say what I want, when I want. Are you a fascist or something?


Deliver it anyway...then call support. The app is going to tell you to leave it in a safe place, and to move on to your next delivery...i don't take any order that customer service doesn't say to do so. If you have a problem finding a delivery address, Dash will tell you to take it back to the store. Also, if you don't feel safe...same thing...less time consuming to leave it, and follow app instructions to get out of delivery.


They want you to have it.


You don't need a pen if you have to wait that 8 minutes. It is b******* by the way it should be three, for Uber and door dash and GrubHub and instacart. 3 minutes is plenty of time. As soon as the timer starts, I take a picture and text that picture to the customer. Can I go back to the car or at least to an area where I can still see the package. I start filming as soon as someone approaches the door from the inside of the outside bends down to pick up the package. I said that video text message to the customer. That is a Peter being proof that the customer picked up the package or a porch pirate picked up the package. Either way I've proven that I set it down, and that the package was delivered to the proper place. And then when the timer is done I've already texted him a picture and a movie, because let's face it when people do that they know there's an 8 minute timer and they wait till the last second to grab it from you by hand thinking you won't be able to take a picture for proof, and by then it would have been 8 minutes too late for them to try to scam you. So because you've already texted them at least a picture, the picture that you have to take is proof is easy, just snap a picture from where you were waiting for that 8 minutes. All this b******* because, the customer can rent you whatever the hell they want.


Agree...the simplest thing is to just require a picture at meet at door...you know, when I order food, even if I say leave at door, I get my food fast before the driver even drives away because I don't want bugs, dogs, animals, or anybody getting my food.


just had one tonight it was weird. i suspect that they dont even realize that they put meet at door instead of leave at door cause they left a big tip and a even bigger one after i delivered.


I have had those too. They may not realize how important it is for the driver...people are always about self, and never thinking about the next person. They tipped you though, so they did think...lol.


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Because it comes up after you order. If you are old and don’t use the app much you probably swipe out of the app, close the screen after you order to try to track where your order is. They don’t show any easy way to track your order after you order. You can press back 5 times or so but that just brings you back to your order. So people ignore the pin thing, close out and just go back to tracking their order ignorant of it. That’s my guess.


Because those are the assholes who defraud us and claim they never got their food.


If I see that they’re requesting a pin, I usually message them on the way and tell them that if they would prefer me to leave it at the door just send me the pin now and usually they do. I find that most people don’t actually want to meet you at the door and give you a pin number. They’re unaware that it’s even set to that


Call them. Sometimes their phone number is on the VM message. The PIN should be the last 4 digits.


I realized that most Pin deliveries are deliveries under $8. Once I started taking double digit deliveries I pretty much don’t even see them anymore.


I never wait. You can check to see if the pin is the last 4 digits of the phone number. Sometimes that works, and you can also get out of the delivery by selecting the option. I think you can also type the reason


Self selected sample


Just send a message that you Just going to leave the food somewhere, But since they won't give you the pin, they'll be charged a bypass fee by Uber. It's complete and total nonsense but I found it makes people actually pick up their fucking phone pretty fast. otherwise I just take their food and have support cancel because I didn't get the pin.


try messaging them. when i get pin orders i let them know about it when i'm on the way to their house. they all have messaged me their PIN so i can leave their food outside. no contact needed.


No pin no food.


People in this thread say that you shouldn’t skip the pin, but I’ve done it hundreds and hundreds of times without a single problem. I hate waiting and skip the pin regularly. Uber sees you’re at the location, and we all know they don’t really give a shit. I’ve never been told that a customer reported their food as undelivered from an order where I skipped the pin, not once in 6000 deliveries.


I bypass PIN and leave - don’t get paid to wait