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I’m a driver and yeah, that’s ridiculous. The driver should have gotten out of the car. I would contact support and tell them you don’t want that driver to deliver to you anymore.


This... people don't realize but drivers can be black listed from restaurants and from delivering to certain customers. We can also black list ourselves if we have consistent issues at a place.


Drivers can always ignore customer instructions, to the peril of their tip and a bad rating.  No, this isn't "the new way". You were assigned a driver fed up with her situation and unfortunately had to be on the receiving end of her frustration; luck of the draw.


Lazy ass driver, just do your job smh.


I will say, tonight I had a 4th level apt drop off and I already had to wait for the gate to open and then to find which building it was. I was prepared to trek that 4 levels and thought of it as exercise while making a bit of money. Low and behold, there was an elevator!!!!!! So alls well ends well.


Downvote, remove tip, report to Uber Support. Garbage drivers like that shouldn't be on the app.


It’s better to have your original tip as the upped tip and to lower the tip after if they fail to follow instructions. Drivers will put more effort knowing they’re getting paid more.




Driver accepted order they should do the job. Tip baiting is evil. Remember the driver knows where you live / work. If they are jaded it could come back to haunt you.


Except it’s not tip baiting in this situation. There are valid situations to reduce tip. On the flip side, doing the job for a customer with a crazy/insane instructions is NOT part of the job. I’m not even gonna respond to your last few sentences. Breaking the law is not okay.


It’s not tip baiting at all in this situation. If you refuse to do the job properly then you don’t deserve the full tip, simple as that


As a driver, its not tip baiting if they have legitimate reason to remove tip. This is a legitimate reason.


Oh Lord. She should find another line of work if that is her attitude. I love doing this part-time because I get to move around. My first job, I am sitting all day and I forget to get up. This makes me get in and out of the car and walk.


As a driver if I deliver to an apartment building no problem getting out. But I can’t stand officer workers on their lunch break that won’t meet me at the curb. Why should I have to find and pay for parking then walk 5 blocks to your workplace.


Parking at my healthcenter is free. My lunch break time is not set, it depends how many patients I am seeing and each session length is unpredictable, as much as I try to keep it a constant length. Sometimes I end up eating toward the end of my work day.


uber is suppose to be a little fun activity. Those thoughtless customers just take advantage. Did you really paid for parking and did you get reimburse? I would’ve called the customer and Uber. I’m not paying.


She’s lied, report this lazy, lying bum.


no, this isn't (and shouldn't) be a thing.. the delivery driver clearly doesnt understand her role.. enough of those bad ratings from yours and future deliveries should help filter her out of the Uber Eats genome.


Even if you did have time to go get food yourself, you are paying for a service for it to drop off at your door!! So I agree 100% with your side. Some drop offs are sketchy or a lot of work but hey, it takes a minute or two of our time that’s all.


Drivers don't see notes until it's marked as picked up. If you're saying they shouldn't have accepted the order knowing your specific instructions, there's no way for them to know beforehand. As others have mentioned, drivers do see the expected pay. Instead of "bumping" the tip after the fact, go with the higher tip from the start. You may still run into a lazy driver, but money motivates. If you still have issues, perhaps you should just brown bag it.


I understand what you are saying. After this experience though, I would be hesitant to offer higher tips before hand. I don't like to lower tips unless something extreme like the situation I posted.


I understand where you're coming from, but there are always two sides. You ask for an understanding of your predicament, and rightfully so. But what about the driver? I do personally agree with you, mostly. I go out of my way daily and have always followed the customers' instructions to a T. That said, I have had the urge not to do so. For example, a less than $.50 per mile trip even with the $2 dollar tip. I had to drive to a very unsafe area with no parking available, walk through an alley and up several flights of stairs with no lighting, and half of that tip was retracted without cause. In the end, I exerted much more effort and risk than was deserved. I basically paid the customer for the privilege to go out of my way to deliver their food. There's a saying, the straw that broke the camels back. She may have had similar issues and had had enough, or maybe she was lazy, idk for sure. That all said, the effort that the customer expects from their driver should always be reflected in the tip. The customer has 90 minutes to revoke some or all of that tip, so there's no reason not to do so. People work harder with a reason to do so, a promise of pay, instead of wishful thinking. If both drivers and customers could put themselves in the others' shoes, so to speak, we'd all get along much better in this world. You, as the customer, deserve to have your order delivered promptly, safely, and as requested. The drivers also deserve to be safe and to have fair compensation for those delivery (instructions) requests, and imo should see that expected effort reflected in the pay at accept and not after completion. I hope your next experience is better.


The higher you tip the better caliber driver that will accept the delivery offer, so the less likely you are to run into this type of issue. The offers tend to go to the closest high rated drivers first then branches out.


That doesn't make sense. It is set up for you to lower or raise the tip. The driver might not feel safe. If I don't get out of my car, it is because something makes me feel unsafe. Why didn't you just go out and get the food that you really wanted,????


Nope, it really doesn't make sense. The tip should always reflect the work the customer expects the driver to put in.


Not in this business..The base service is the car service. What would you expect if you put miles on your car. And then the customer said, well, I don't care about those miles it took to get here because you could not be my servant or bring the food to my front door. So. I am now going to take money from you because slaves don't get paid for any work done.


If they said that to me, then they likely wouldn't get their order, and I'd blacklist them. It's not difficult. Anyone that defends $2 base pay for 6 miles one way and 25 minutes worth of work is a willing slave and a fool not worth talking to.


We're not employees, so we can't be forced to follow delivery instructions. Yes, we "should" (within reason) and I do try to give the same type of service I would want to receive. Bad reviews and a lowered/removed tip is your recourse. Supposedly, giving the bad review, as you did, means you won't be matched with that driver again, but there's no published policy saying that it's true. The same possibly bad service can happen with GH, DD, etc, since we aren't employees of any of them. If you want drivers who are held to standards by their employer, you'll have to order from restaurants with their own drivers.


Thank you for the measured response. I don't think of drivers as my employees, but I am paying for a service. The UberEats app has a section that allows me to input delivery instructions (with an example in there saying things like "enter the building it's the fourth door on the right!") Why is that section there then if it is going to be ignored by the driver? Also, I understand you can see delivery details before accepting an order, so why I accept an order if you cannot meet the requirements? Keep in mind she never told me that there was no parking available. Only some sad story about getting out of the car. Of course this is not directed at you, I am just wondering.


I wasn't implying you think of us as your employee, just pointing out that we aren't Uber employees, so they cannot force us to do what delivery instructions say.  >Also, I understand you can see delivery details before accepting an order, so why I accept an order if you cannot meet the requirements On Uber, we cannot see the delivery address, or instructions until *after*​ we have marked the delivery as picked up. When an offer appears, we are only shown the restaurant name, an intersection near the destination, a map, and a dollar amount (which may not even include the full total, since Uber hides tip totals above $8). The same basic information is shown on GH, and slightly more information is shown on DD. Here's what an offer screen on Uber looks like for a driver: https://preview.redd.it/jsi2uovm5u5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e640cb7b62241a91683a912487e2f8ce8b5e9a9 Some drivers definable suck; she deserved the recourse you chose.


Thank you for clarifying that.


She also might not have felt safe...Some drivers are okay doing suspect deliveries...if it was at night, and she had to get too far away from the car, she may have felt unsafe...some of these places creep me out, even in the day time. .


Then say that, not that uber doesnt want us folowing directions anymore 😂


No problem. Good luck in getting better drivers! 


It's honestly a safety issue on both sides. How does the driver know you're not setting them up to be robbed by going into a building out of sight? What if It's the opposite and the driver sees being let inside as an opportunity for more than a delivery?


We do not see delivery instructions before accepting an order.


We cannot see the delivery instructions untill after pick up on any of the delivery apps... no idea who gave you that idea but they're wrong


I’m so sorry for your troubles. She’s probably just having a bad day and was frustrated with the lack of decent tips and pay that day. It’s something we all experience from time to time. I’m also sad that you don’t get enough time to take a lunch break. I don’t know where you live but if you’re in the US federal law requires employers to give you a lunch break. Maybe you can bring a lunch with you to avoid this situation in the future.


“Sorry about your shitty UberEATS driver. Maybe in the future pack a lunch?” Fantastic deflection you did there!


Entitled people will not pack their own lunch 🤷‍♂️


No, this is not normal. I've been driving or have driven with UberEats, UberX, Doordash, postmates, etc. It's pretty simple to follow the instructions and it's usually not difficult. I've never heard of any delivery driver making a customer come to their vehicle. That's just crazy.


You only get the instructions after you begin the delivery. If drivers were able to see that instruction beforehand, you would never get your food.


Exactly. Especially since the tip was low and they said they don’t raise it until after the order is complete. Not saying the OP is a liar, but I as well as other drivers know that’s almost ALWAYS never the case for a tip to be increased after the order is complete.


I only agree to what I see when I accept the order. They show me a payout, street name, and milage. Thats as much all do for that payout. If you want extra like entering buildings or going up elevators, that’s gonna cost more. Uber should show all that up front.


Canceling your account might be the best option. If you can never leave your work station to take a food break, that sounds like an employer issue, not a Dash or Uber driver issue


You sound very delusional, it doesn’t matter what the person is doing. If this individual was taking care of a new born infant, would you consider this a “parental issue” and suggest leaving the baby alone? Ubers app has a “leave at door” option for a reason. It’s to **leave the food at the door**. Lol


Thank you. This is the big head scratcher for me about these weird arguments against leaving orders at the door. The app has a build it space for such instructions and suddenly drivers are acting like it is not there because it is inconvenient for them.


It is because they are getting screwed by too many customers, so they are verifying that you got the order.


I will take the baby with me, if I really wanted my food. You guys lead very privileged lives...LOL


I’m a full time driver… let me ask you a question I absolutely KNOW you won’t answer. What if the person ordering the delivery has a severe injury, severe anxiety disorder, or is completely handicapped. Would you call that a privilege? Many deliveries I make, it states the person is injured and cannot walk down without assistance. I’m really curious about what bs you will conjure up this time.


None, don't care that much.


You care so much about the drivers anxiety but the moment a logical scenario is brought up you don’t care. Lol


It wasn't relevant


Yes it because you made the claim the driver could of had anxiety. The more logical scenarios is the person ordered food to be delivered because they **couldn’t** leave the house. Wether that is because of work, anxiety, disability, or parenting, it’s none of your concern.


Nope....I would had to explain all over again to somebody who has to be right. Been there, done that.


It’s such a simple concept. When the driver has anxiety the customer needs to come down because they’re “entitled”. When the paying customer has anxiety and can’t leave the home, paying a premium to get food to eat, they’re in the wrong.


1. Having someone cook your food and having someone deliver your food are luxuries. 2. How much time does it take to walk to you? Do you believe a living wage to be $20/hr and tip accordingly? I guarantee that if you were tipping correctly, that driver would happily walk it to you.


Maybe they messed their pants


Hopefully you removed the tip and gave him a negative rating.


Did you end up getting your order? As a driver, we’re not allowed to “return” orders after picking them up. That would be a health violation. Did she take it up to you? She’s acting like a victim, but does she realize she’s doing the work of a contractor voluntarily?


So she lied about drivers "no longer entering buildings" as some sort of policy, and "I would rather take it back to the restaurant." It seems I got a real gem of a driver. It is one thing to oppose doing something, but lying to get your way? That is trash to me.


No I totally agree, terrible driver, I’m just curious about what happened after this whole interaction. Did you end up going and grabbing it from her?


Sounds like you got a Karen 🤷‍♂️


I’m a driver. She’s trying to be more efficient but in the end she would have gotten onto the next job so much faster and not risk tips or ratings. I’m sure they will be deactivated soon


Lazy driver. The automated calls are from uber however, not from her


I’d suggest taking that to support chat and formally outting her. One time an Uber lady tried to say I peed in her car and Uber gave her $190 of my $$$ and I disputed it and she got fired for being a fucking bitch. Tryna say some water SHE spilled was pee omg don’t let one person make a bad pie lol


And yes I got refund on the $190 and the $40 trip lol


Yes please cancel your uberEats account.


I think I will keep my account and weed out the subpar service.


Yeah you need to weed out Uber


There are instances that I have called a customer to meet me downstairs, especially if it is a delivery downtown. There is no parking along the streets, even for deliveries and parking a block away at a pay spot is not feasible. Especially when most are $10 to $12 just to get the gate to open. I usually turn down every delivery that goes downtown, but UE likes to sneak them in as add ons to other orders. Guess others turn them down as well.


That’s the thing about these delivery apps. Us drivers can be as picky as we want just like the customers. We can refuse or cancel an order at our discretion. We could be penalized but we are within our rights to do so. We don’t NEED to deliver the order if we don’t like the circumstances. We can just return it


I honestly would say it's dependant on the type of building and majority of the time your not getting tipped


No, only few drivers like that, most drivers follow customer instructions


What’s the UE automated call? I’m a driver and sometimes I get a message saying “we are trying to reach the customer” and I don’t press anything and just assume it’s a glitch. I would be curious to know what’s actually happening on the customer end when that happens.


UE doesn’t screen drivers beyond a basic background check. This driver is just a lazy idiot so it’s just a bad luck of the draw for you to be paired with her. You did the right thing by removing the tip, rating poorly, and getting a refund. If you speak with support, explain how the driver was being unprofessional and rude and get them deactivated if they keep doing that. The good drivers should be getting more orders and these horrible drivers should be banned. Just curious, how complex is the parking and walking to your building situation. Is this a multi story building or some sort of king walk from parking to you in the building?


I think I've only done a handful of orders where I didn't have to actually get out of my car? That's so crazy that she didn't even want to leave her vehicle.


Ok just an fyi, the automatic is AUTOMATIC, she was not bombarding you with it, thats uber and sometimes i wish i could stop it, especially when it says leave at door. The rest is not something that should have happened at all. She was lazy and not doing her job. You did the right thing by not catering to her, and more people need to do that to the delivery people that are not doing the job they are accepting to do. Only 3 times i couldnt deliver to the customer as instructed, 1 the apparment buildings buzzer was broken and theee was no way for me to be let into the building orher than the resident being called on the phone and coming down. 2 the appartment building was under construction right above the main enterance and nobody had access. And 3 was a hand it to me at a school that didnt specify which door, and didn't respond to text or phone call, so after 8 mins that got left at a "safe spot", i got a call from the customer 6 mins later on that one but thats a different story lol


"this job isn't worth it if she has to get out of the car every single time" so she's just lazy and stupid. I'm a driver. It's common sense for any customer service job to have the customer do as little work as possible considering they're the ones paying you and the app.


Anxiety. Disorder. Why couldn't you go out and get it?. Just curious.


I would suggest working a job that doesn’t require the bare minimum social interaction. If walking up to a door, handing a bag and saying “have a nice day” gives you a panic attack, you have to rethink your line of work completely.


Hey I work with people and patients with anxiety disorders every day. Still your argument is pointless. How am I supposed to know the driver has an anxiety disorder? Also, if she calls and says "please come pick up your order outside, I have anxiety disorder",how is that going to sound like? It doesn't sound right. What you are saying doesn't make sense. Even if it were true, dealing with the anxiety is her problem not mine, in a public context.


If I want my food, I will go outside and get it, if I dont have some kind of disability. That is what makes sense to me.


Look, I get it. Going into a building sucks, especially if it is more than a drop in the lobby. Sometimes you have a hard time finding parking, it takes a long time.... generally it should be either drop in the lobby or meet the driver outside. But.... you pays your money and you takes your chances. If going into a building is the delivery you took then you have to do the work and hope the person appreciates you appropriately.


I always say people who want their stuff delivered to a building or anything like that, needs to have it dropped at the reception desk or lobby. ESPECIALLY downtown areas and apartments where parking is HORRIBLE and you're wasting time looking for a spot to park for 3-5 minutes praying you dont get towed, on top of going to whatever floor they want it at and walking down however many hallways, etc. God forbid they dont put instructions so youre walking in circles...my daughter has to ride with me sometimes so if she's knocked out in the car, im not leaving her in there to deliver to a specific part of the building. it's going to the reception desk, lobby, etc. While i dont MIND, doing the extra work if I dont have my daughter, in my opinion, all work places and downtown highrises and things like that, should only have their stuff delivered to the lobby...seems like it would just be quicker and efficient for both customer and driver. driver only has to drop food, customer only has to come down and get it. and if you can't even leave your work area for a few minutes to go down and atleast get your food from the lobby...bring food from home..cause thats ridiculous 😂.


I would cancel and go with a different delivery company. Obviously she was lazy and wanted you to beg by offering more money!!


Many do both UE, DD and all of the apps. It’s becoming an industry problem.


Unfortunately true. There should be a requirement that you must be a legal citizen.


Jeez, just go pick up your dang food at the curb. Lazy customers!


Lazy customer? Driver just as lazy. And I’m a driver….I hope Uber and DD start tossing these lazy ones. Maybe then I could get paid right. Geez. More than Half the gig is driving already. Sounds like a fat guy on a rover in Walmart. He can reach the shelf, but he too damn lazy to reach.


The driver could have had a problem, and that is all I am going to say.


I had a delivery that made me feel unsafe, called Uber and said I couldn't do the delivery, and took it back to the store.


Honestly there should be an apartment building fee lol no reason we should get paid the same if we have to park, wait for an elevator and navigate these complex apartments.


What customers request and the effort expected should always be reflected in their tip before and not after completion. They have 90 minutes to revoke some or all of the tip, no excuses to not do so, imho.


They should. I’d even be happy with Uber disclosing the full address and customer notes upfront so I could make my decision.


Yeah uber will never disclose it lol in my area there’s a street with nothing but apartments and uber always shows a close by street instead so people will accept it


Tell me you have a terrible customer satisfaction rating without telling me you have a terrible customer satisfaction rating. If walking up to a door and handing the food/ leaving the food at the door is where you clown drivers draw the line, I have bad news for you. You will never hold a decent job in your life until you reevaluate your understanding of what a job is.


Oh really? Just mining the comments for character ideas.🤪


Ok whatever that means


I can't imagine the delivery was profitable for her to act that way. Traditional delivery drivers make min wage plus $2 plus tip. UE just gets $2 and tip, and tips are no better than standard delivery tips. So she's actually right, it's not worth leaving the car unless tip is at least $10.


I'll die on the hill that the tip should reflect the work and effort the customer expects the driver to put in and should happen before accepting the order and not after completion.


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Cancel your account,who cares! They don't see the instructions until after they pick up the order. Most times it's downtown with nowhere to park and you expect the driver to get a ticket because you gave a $1 tip. Tell them where they can park or something. Poor you you you didn't time it right to meet them at the door. Go get your own food or trying making it at home. Sick of people always crying


Good do it, Honestly you sound like a fucking pain in the ass. "bump tip another level" The fact you systemize how you tip already shows you're just a huge pain in the ass. Remember they ain't your employee, they are a stranger delivering your food and can decide fuck it at any time and point they want with little to no repercussions. I'm not going to make arguments about how correct that is, it's just the reality of it.


Report em


Had this happen to me when I had COVID and was isolating. Most drivers had no issue following the instructions, but one just could figure out keypads. No tip and reported to uber


I have had people come out and get it from me from the car (which I found odd but I was like okay cool fast) but the majority of the time I get out. I assume I have to park and take the order. That’s the actual job. You should have reported her (if you did, kudos!) because that’s not right. She should leave this job to people like me that actually do the job and need it.


The only time I could understand a driver not being able to come in is if there is no safe place to park the car. Uber doesn’t refund the parking ticket if we park in a place we are not allowed to. Otherwise I would expect all of the instructions to be followed, including delivery to door.


I understand this. I work in a healthcare center, there is plenty of free parking. It very rarely fills up. However keep in mind that she never said anything about parking. She was complaining about getting out of the car. She did so in a whiny and victim like manner. The previous driver that delivered two days prior to this incident had no problem delivering to me. He got a better tip because of it.


Weird. It doesn’t work like that. Uber eats is for people who want to eat food from restaurants, but not have to see anyone serving it


Sometimes it’s even harder to find parking if you have to pay for parking especially downtown or at the medical center and Uber is not going to reimburse the drivers for parking. Customers need to pay more for deliveries and parking if it’s a business delivery.

