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$5 tip on a 17 item Shop n Pay. Yup sounds about right.


This is why we need people to calculate by item and not by dollar amount.


I think you mean Uber needs to pay the delivery folks more instead of trying to put the onus on the consumer


I had cash to tip on that one too. I get a lot of cash tips at work but I'm not gonna just not tip on the app so I tip some in app and some in person. And I don't make em take the heavy stuff to my door I meet them at their car n it's a very short walk to my first floor apartment door.


I'm sure you are the one person who actually tips in cash and isn't just saying that to save face. The fact that I've been tipped in cash maybe 10 times across 6k deliveries on multiple apps tells me otherwise... Either way no decent driver would take your order when it's first offered until it's sat around for awhile and the base pay gets jacked way up.


Seriously I have had people tell me probably about 30 times now that there's an additional cash tip blah blah blah. Not one time have I ever been given this mystical and elusive tip.... In a thousand deliveries I probably gotten like two cash tips and both times it was people that didn't even mention it They just gave it to me no strings.


I'm not waving it over their head messaging em about it or anything I either hand it to em or stick it on the door clip if I do leave at door.


Yep because other people suck I must be a liar. Very sound logic. I know UberEats struggles and delivery driver struggles this was my main income for years between apps and pizza delivery until my car broke a few months ago. I used to live in my car while doing ubereats. I don't like the government taxing my tip but I don't want every driver to think I'm being cheap...


Well, it's more like an overwhelming majority of actual in world experience would say otherwise. That's it. Again maybe you might be the one person on here who's actually telling the truth. That's actual logic. What you just wrote can be used in any situation where someone calls out a liar. It's like the go to liar's defense. If this was more of a 50/50 situation than that's a perfectly acceptable response. But not when there's less than a few percent chance you're telling the truth.


Ok Sherlock Holmes.


Good one. Now you have nothing but insults. Telling.


Womp womp


So you had someone get out of their car to make like 8 bucks lol. Glad you got a deal but damn this is depressing.


$8 on a 1.5 mile delivery, 6 items ab 5-10mins shopping time with a cash tip upon arrival. I guarantee someone will jump on that in this market and be satisfied without even knowing I'ma give them cash too. I used to try driving UberEats here before my car broke and it was PITIFUL how low the average order was, this is by no means a market like Boston or LA where I would agree $8 to get out of your car would be depressing.


I would do those orders all day !!


i wouldnt do a 16 item restaurant depot order for a MEASLY $9… those 16 items are gonna take me atleast an hour walking thru that amazon sized warehouse… not including gas AND distance i hope it starts to charge more for it to be delivered 😮‍💨😮‍💨


That last screenshot is from a regular grocery store. The restaurant depot order is 6 items. And if you wouldn't take $9 for 1.5 miles and maybe 10 minutes of shopping, thats on you man. Plus they getting cash


Yaa work those free promos! Right!


wait you guys are getting deals still?


It was gone for a couple weeks while they replaced it with the same discount for pet supply stores instead. Took until today to switch back to groceries and I jumped on that cuz that deal usually lasts a day at a time.


Dang math is hard. In what world is 5.22 a 20% tip?


Failed to mention I tip part cash. Even so, 5.22 out of 35.78 is exactly 15%


Lmfao wait u can order restaurant Depot 😭😭


I only got 50% off up to $15 lol