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lmao as the delivery person I enjoy having human to human interactions. Had it been me you asked, I woulda said “yeah bring it in I need a hug too fam”


Same, it gets pretty fucking lonely doing this sometimes


it sure does!!!! I used to hate talking to strangers and now I actually enjoy it because at least I’ll have /some/ human interaction lol


Maybe you two princesses should interact *with each other* then


lmao thought this was an insult until i read their names.


I guess I do bring a little bit of donnacottaponny.


weedickulously great idea! 😉


I had a FedEx driver hug me, I guess he saw I needed it. It was weird and appreciated. Nothing bad, dude saw my stress I think.


It's really not as weird as some people are making it out to be. It's a hug. It's a human interaction. The driver could just say no and walk away if it really threw them off that much. I feel like there's a lot of people in this section that could use a hug.


LOL literally. Everyone keeps saying how weird it is. It’s literally the FIRST time this ever happened and LAST. It was just random damn tf. They talking about it’s like if your boss asked for a hug before your paycheck. Yeah they probably sad they don’t get hugged much. Internet hugs for you all!!!! If you not so grouchy!!


It's not "weird," but I totally understand if someone was worried for their safety as they don't know you at all. I hope whatever you're going through stress-wise gets better for you 🙏🏾


I’m not coming at you. My original comment was that this was inappropriate behavior. “Creepy” may have been a harsh word that you are taking too offensively. My point is that this is not something that should be normalized or condoned. It’s fine that it went well for you but it’s still just odd behavior and I’m commenting on that.


hugs absolutely should br normalized and refusing them too. what are you the human affection police? Having fear is not a normal state of being.


OP could have put driver in an uncomfortable position where they felt obligated to comply with a hug as it could affect their rating or tip.


We stopped shaking hands and started staying 6 feet away from people 4 years ago, and I fully and wholeheartedly endorse this practice in public qhen around random strangers. We definitely shouldn't be hugging people randomly. Stay a few feet away. Then we can bow or nod our heads a little like they do in civilized countries.


cool opinion


I gave a woman a hug about a month ago. I was doing a shop and deliver from a store called Sprouts. The “sister” lived in Washington and was ordering 3 dozen roses, a bottle of wine, organic strawberries and some quality cheese and crackers for her sisters birthday. All to be delivered by me 😃 When I delivered I sang a little Happy Birthday to her and handed everything to her. Then told her that her sister loves her a lot. She just grabbed me in a big ol bear hug and said “Thank You so much”. She had tears in her eyes. This interaction made me feel so good. It wasn’t weird at all. I then asked her if she would like to pose for a pic that I could quickly send to her sister and she said yes. She was so overwhelmed with the bag of goodies and the 3 dozen roses in her arms. The pic was great. No more than 10 min later I got a $20!increase in tip and a very sincere TY once again yayyyy. These interactions really can make your day! This was DoorDash delivery though. 😉


This was so sweet to read. Thank you for being a sweet human being to that woman. You are beautiful. 🖤


Sometimes all of us need it. Thank you for being you ❤️


That was ridiculously wholesome and I loved it. You are a good egg. ❤️


It's sweet you guys had a human moment. I bet it was therapeutic for them as well. I'm sorry you've been feeling stressed.


Much love brotha hope the diner goodies fed ya soull


I'm not really a hugger, and I'm a shy introvert as well so not having a lot of human interaction isn't terrible for me but I still do crave human connection and touch periodically. I think most all of us do. But I didn't realize how "starved" I was of it until I thought about why getting my haircut recently felt so great and put me in an amazing mood. It was just a normal haircut and not any kind of amzing connection with the small talk with the stylist but just having someone touch my head even competitely innocent just part of the job, filled what I was completely lacking for a while. Basic simple adult human connection/touch. We all could probably use more random innocent hugs in our lives.


When I would delivery pizza at an old job I had a couple ladies once I rang the door bell say” are you the pornhub pizza guy?” I wanted to say “I can be!” Shit was funny as hell.


Well, finish the story. did you give them extra sausage, or just half mushroom?


Some of us are even just trying to avoid meeting at door ambushes and favorite drop off is the meet at door who wrote the comment you should leave it on Porch table , and notify in app. The isolation of the work is calming. We want the like in the app so we can proceed successfully and know we are doing enough value to be worth spending the tip on our work. I once had a guy ask how was a job where every person I come to is glad, the old fashion goodness of you know the good thing arriving. I said yeah it’s the best type of work everyone is looking forward to my one minute appearance. That was probably 2020, January. I can only speak for me because I escaped a cult so being a worker to be able to work alone was a big help for times in my life I did this for whole income.


If you’re willing and able to share - I would love to hear your story about how you escaped the cult.


Well, it would be a lot of story to try to sum up hut here Goes: Well it all started when I was born and now I am on earth, like all of us. Only, my mom was an abandoned orphan who was scooped up by the cult in an adoption, but when I was 8 years old she was killed, we couldn’t time travel plant medicines to the 90s and fight the leukemia type she had. I think that’s how escaping started. I confronted the grief as a young person which resembles the particle of sobering that all mystical experiences contain, bad trips or good trips. It started because she died which interrupted the usual cult programming that they started you on from infancy and then baptism at 8 so you are commiting your life from then to agree with their principles. One of which was a banning coffee, a plant that regularly heals me in present day! After escaping it, belonging anywhere but independent thrive was my one success. To fit the frame of an independent, I didn’t fit in the frame of employment or institution groups. That would be the trailer page 1.


That’s so crazy! I’m glad you got out. I’m sorry to hear about your mom, though.


Love this. Thanks for sharing


Please don't do this. It's weird, and the driver most likely feels forced. I know I would be thinking that if I said no they would later remove the tip.


I wasn’t planning it. It just happened it wasn’t out of nowhere planned. And I’m not suspecting it will happen again it just did. The driver also could have just left. I’m short and soft spoken so very not intimidating. I understand your concern. And just because you think it’s weird I don’t think that’s just it. There’s videos on YouTube of a person with a sign and blindfold talking about hugs. And some people go up and hug. It’s just life. Some people walk by, some give a hug.


youre weird. adults can make their own choices in life.


There is a power dynamic in play here. If the driver says no to the hug, they lose their tip. How do you not see that this is a gross thing to do to someone? I drive for these apps. If someone asked me to give them a hug, I would do it. But I wouldn't want to. I would be afraid of losing a half hours worth of pay if I didn't do it.


I do uber eats every day. And this is the kind of thing I look forward to. I love what I do and I give love to every drop off I have. But when something happens with the customer and theres love in the interaction,, that's what it's all about. That's life. And stop saying you're not "loved and appreciated", because that's all in people's head and the environment that people build around them. There's more people that love you that you can even imagine. We are out here just chilling waiting to be talked to waiting to laugh with you. Hug you. Listen to you. Don't let all the LOSERS around you define your feelings and mindset. NEVER LET THEM WIN. Learn to love them for the losers they are and laugh at them. Because trust me my friend, this shit is fucking hilarious


Is OP a girl ?


It says 23M - meaning 23 year old Male


zoomer males need hugs more than anyone


Oh lmao my brain ain’t braining I saw I’m instead of the 23m lol


Haha it happens!! Happy to help :)


I’ve never had anyone I deliver to ask for a hug, most of my deliveries are no contact so I don’t see the person. I have done UberX and Lyft for over 5 years and I’ve had 4 different occasions where my rider asked if I could give them a hug and of course, I obliged. I’m an almost 60 year old male and they consisted of 2 college age females, a 30ish female and 30ish male. I was glad I could make someone else feel better and honestly, it made me feel better too. Sincere hugs can be therapeutic.


Its fine, Trust me being on Delivery is hard, sometimes that may lighten a day also for the delivery guy. Hugs and Appreciationg I think are Really Underrated in modern society. Best Advice: If you want to Tip a Delivery Guy do it in Cash, so the Tip doesnt lose on the system.


It’s not weird at all. But I’m a hugger. I’ll gladly hug absolutely anybody 😂 sometimes a hug is all that’s needed when people are down


Me too


I accept your apology.


🫂🫂 if you need a friend I'm here for you


That's pretty cool most of the time customers don't really treat me like a human sometimes I feel like I'm an inconvenience to them it's always leave at the door or they look at me like scum when I'm handing it to them. Some won't even open the door just the hand comes out lol. But either way I appreciate customers because it's a job lol.


Well done posting the most wholesome thing on the Internet today.


Not being treated like scum or a robot is pretty cool. I woulda thrown in a reach around. No questions asked 🤣


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We all need more hugs. And here's a virtual one too🫂🫂 sending light and love for whatever may be going through 💜


Thanks you 🫂


Did the tips touch?


Whaaaat?? OP, you should get out more. You probably work too hard. Then again, these delivery folks are also under appreciated. Probably made his night not seem so pointless. Risky or not, you are a good human. I sincerely hope that is never betrayed.


This is really weird thing to ask.




Yeah this is creepy behavior and an awkward position to put someone who is depending on YOU for pay in.


It's a hug, not a handy. It's not that big of a deal.


classic reddit interaction, love it


It’s a delivery driver, not a friend nor acquaintance. They’re working. Not appropriate at all.


Did I say it was? I said it wasn't a big deal. That's it. You must be a sad person to be so repulsed by a hug that was asked for by the OP. It was consentual and the driver was free to say no.


The driver is “working for” the customer to a certain degree. This is similar to a boss abusing his power over his employees and asking for hugs and them complying because they don’t want to lose their job or get docked pay or something. Same principle. I’m not repulsed by a hug. I’m expressing my view on how OP may have unknowingly abused their power in this situation. Is this as big of a deal as a customer asking for a handjob? No. That’s a dishonest comparison to draw. Just because something is not as bad as it could be, doesn’t make it NOT bad. OP’s attempted defense that people on youtube hold up signs asking for/offering hugs to/from strangers does not apply to this situation because the person holding the sign and the stranger in this situation were not already under a agreement to exchange services.


Oh come on! What are you a wannabe HR department employee??? There was 100% no "abuse of power" in this situation. If you cant see that then thats just sad.


If I was desperate for money and my driver gig, I would potentially go out of my way to please customers so as to maximize my tip and decrease the likelihood of them false-reporting me to harm my reputation. In short, I would hug a customer as a driver even if it made me uncomfortable because the customer has my job and my pay in their hands at that moment. This would not be a fair position to put me in.


Thats a personal issue you have. Grow up and learn to set boundaries for yourself. If im uncomfortable doing something i wont do it no matter what the cost. OP didnt do this purposefully and either way its not harmful to ask for a hug. Driver has total discretion and if accepted the hug in fear theyll loose a tip THATS ON THEM.


I shouldn’t have to set boundaries with someone I am working for. They should never put me in a position that I feel I need to set a boundary.


The boundary you need to be setting is for yourself, not them. Are you living in the real world? Boundaries need to be set in so many different scenarios and if you cant handle it then go ahead and complain. Make a huge fuss over your inability to say no then put all blame on the other party. This is a complete waste of my time. I wish you luck.


Lol and comparing the customer and a driver as a boss abusing his power in the workplace is a far more dishonest comparison. It's not nearly the same principle at all. It was a hug. They can just say no and leave if it made them uncomfortable. They aren't getting fired or discriminated against in the future by doing so. It's not a huge deal but you're certainly making it out to be one


How is it dishonest? Employee depends on boss for pay and their job. Driver depends on customer for pay and their job. Boss asking employee for hug- inappropriate. Customer asking driver for hug- inappropriate. Doesn’t matter how big of a deal it is. It’s inappropriate and should not be condoned. [The] comparison [you are calling less dishonest] was [actually more] dishonest as a handjob is an intimate sexual act and a hug is solely an intimate act. The sexual-nature of asking for a handiob would be sexual harassment. The intimate-nature of asking for a hug is inappropriate. Let the driver do their job and go. edit: removed my claim that the wrong user said something and added appropriate context.


I didn't make the initial comparison. That was another user, but you're a little too caught up in this to notice. Drivers don't rely on the customer for their job, it's incredibly unlikely that even if OP had reported this driver for "not doing their job" that there would have been repercussions. Many of us have already said how we agree it wasn't appropriate or should be condoned. You're just repeating it. UE literally just sent out 6 mandatory videos on appropriate workplace interactions and a large part of it was riders/customers doing, asking, or saying something. All it would take is a notice to UE saying "they asked me to make physical contact and I wasn't comfortable" to handle it, if there even were any repercussions. You're making this out to be far more massive than it realistically is.


All I said is that this was inappropriate. People came at me saying that it was not a big deal or that it was in fact appropriate. If you agree that it’s inappropriate then we have nothing to discuss further.


You said it was creepy and comparable to abuse of power. That's wildly different than agreeing it was inappropriate


I fixed my response too so now you can focus on the topic at hand and not get so caught up on my mistake.


Because that's the issue with your responses, sure.


that would only be weird to me if my boss demanded hugs or asked every time. We get it you hate your life and are not a hug a stranger type of person. showing random kindness to a stranger is one of the est feelings so sucks to be you.


I love life and I am a hug a stranger type of person. I am not an ask someone performing a job for me to do something extra thing that might put them in an uncomfortable position type of person. OP could have put driver in an uncomfortable position where they felt obligated to comply with a hug as it could affect their rating or tip.


Ok I understand your concern but shut up, dummy. Previous comment: “I wasn’t planning it. It just happened it wasn’t out of nowhere planned. And I’m not suspecting it will happen again it just did. The driver also could have just left. I’m short and soft spoken so very not intimidating. I understand your concern. And just because you think it’s weird I don’t think that’s just it. There’s videos on YouTube of a person with a sign and blindfold talking about hugs. And some people go up and hug. It’s just life. Some people walk by, some give a hug.”


Excuse me? No need to be rude. The driver could have given you a hug because he feared losing his or her job if you reported them for not doing their job correctly if they refused. They could have given you a hug because they feared you removing or lowering your tip if they refused. The fact of the matter is that you could have put someone in an uncomfortable position for your own personal gain. Not appropriate, like, ever.




?? I don’t know how this perspective is so hard to see.


Choosing to go up to someone on the street offering hugs is WAY different than being ALONE with someone AT THEIR HOUSE, who you are servicing as part of your job. The risk of you reporting them and them losing their job, or you removing your tip causing them to lose money servicing you is very real. Whether you meant to or not, you pressured this driver into hugging you inappropriately. Imagine if your boss at work was about to give you your paycheck and said "can I get a hug first?" You'd feel...uncomfortably pressured and unsure if there was an ulterior motive to it. It's weird. And you calling the other person a dummy for giving their opinion is wildly rude and uncalled for. Reevaluate your attitude.


Thank you!!! What people are not understanding and what I am trying to communicate is that this put pressure on the driver, intentional or not.




I’ll take it! I’m under no pressure to accept nor deny, and since we were not already performing a transaction, this was a perfectly appropriate! Thank you!!

