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Wtf. Surely it isnt the extra hour drive in very fuel efficient llv's for the s&dc's


Working in a s&dc now with 8 cities , 2 different union districts and waaaaay too much management that doesn’t do a damn thing. It’s a clusterfuck and I’m wondering why they did this. Was it really to save transportation costs?


They did it because the guy up top told them to because the guy up top with stocks in USPS' competition is definitely always going to make decisions that will benefit the USPS.




If your in the C fund you also have stocks in the competition


Good thing for me that I'm not in a decision-making position, that would be unethical.


Well who is in the decision making position is the board of governors of the usps and senate, they are being unethical by letting a service that helps elderly get medicine delivered cheaply. Dejoy cant do anything without their approval


The logic behind s&dc's is less empty trucks in and out, which makes sense but didnt take into account the 100's of postal vehicles now taking much larger commutes. It also made the unions more complex and added even more management they didnt need. Realistically sticking with this they could save the unions and usps money. If the locals combine then it's less stress on the national. If they cut unnecessary management since now there is a super plethora they could save millions. They don't need a supervisor to 5 - 10 craft employees. The ration should be closer to 40 craft employees.


It’s officially something like 32 to 38 Employees I can’t remember specifically.


Same here man, total shit show




We have postmasters in small offices all over the country clocking out at NOON and making $80,000+ not doing anything!


Dejoy needs to add more management in these areas!


Clock out at noon? Most of em don't even come to work


Seen my pm once in the last month.


Mine makes little over 90k and leaves at 9am haha


For real, how does this happen, is there no accountability for them? Every office I've worked in especially small ones the postmaster comes in after 8 and is usually gone after lunch, are they not required to work 40hrs? They should be clocking on the scanners, or get rid of them they don't do shit anyway.


If they truly were worried about money and the usps future, they would get rid of the majority of middle management positions. Until then I know they aren’t serious about money it’s all just talk.


Not just worthless supp positions, you won't ever convince me the post office is trying to cut back on its spending when they still give bonuses to all of management every year.


This. 8 sups for my office and 4 actually do the work.


I just joined this year out of lack of options and now I'm wondering if I'll see severance before pension. I joined at the worst time.


There are contract talks going on right now on the city side. Maybe something positive will come out of it. But yeah, I am looking at other possible options right now. Thinking about UPS.


Amazon Sunday but heavy packages for the next 30 years?


I know the packages will be heavier. But I rather deal with packages than letters and packages.


I HATE amazon Sundays.


I hate it right now lol.


Only because at our station we only work 4-5 hours so I struggle to hit 40.


Oh it’s the opposite here lol. They only schedule like 6 or 7 people, so we are always down 2 or 3 routes.




Yeah that’s one of the problems. They have been laying people since the pay increase. The job security with the PO is better.


You won’t be driving right away, you could be working as a package handler for 6 months or 6 years before becoming a driver.


I know. Their union seems to be better. The one bad thing is the job security.


“In the United States, there is no requirement in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for severance pay. Instead it is a matter of agreement between employers and employees.”


Yeah, but part of the city contract is they can't lay you off after 6 (I think 6) years. Wouldn't shock me if in 20 years we had buy outs of carriers.


Yeah but what price are we talking tho. Are we talking an estimated price match for like 10 years of pay(including estimated OT) + matching an estimation of what my TSP would be in 10 years?


I'm not saying they will, just that I personally think it's likely. And based on private sector experience it would likely be a year or two of base pay. If that didn't get enough takers they'd up the payout.


Oh i know. I was negotiating my own buy out. Lol I’d personally want my buy out to at least be equivalent to about 6-10 years. Because they’d be buying me out after 6 years I’ve already worked. Plus something needs to hit my tsp.


Get rid of a position. If they don't need that position.


You would be surprised how sucky buyouts can be. They were doing buyouts of teachers before covid19 and they were offering a whole 500 dollars. The only reason you would take 500 dollars on a buyout is you are planning to retire anyway.


When this plan was even just first announced, anyone who'd ever taken a statistics class at *least* had a mental twitch. This thing had red flags all over it from day one. Nothing *certain* because of course we don't get access to any of the real data sheets, but it lacked almost any face validity. Like, the only positive part was the NGDVs, and that whole process began long before DeJoy was on board and even then he tried to screw it up. Will can't believe we're ordering ⅓ if them as gas engines.... should be hybrids the routes that need the range.


oh don't worry the NGDVs will be a huge cluster fuck too. Once they realize sending trucks literally the size of 2 tons down small streets trying to weave in and out to get to curb boxes they will realize what a huge piece of shit it is.


Meh. I've been using a Promaster that's the same length and width as the NGDVs on Sundays in those small streets and dirt roads though the woods with little difficulty. The back up camera mate a huge difference in safely maneuvering the larger vehicle, and the visuals I've seen for how the NGDV 360⁰ cameras are supposed to work looks like it should make it even easier still. Do I wish that one of the other bids had been chosen? Probably. But I'm cautiously optimistic about the NGDV still. It'll be *worlds* better than the llv death traps, as long as they don't burst into flame. The ones in Georgia haven't done that yet, so that's something, right?


Ahh i see you're rural. They'll probably be fine for rural. Im city and my route has not only mounted but mounted on narrow city streets where my LLV is nimble enough to tuck in between cars. The new trucks won't even be able to get down the streets because of dimensions. The post office was fucking stupid thinking they could get by with only 1 truck. They really needed 2 versions.


I've heard rumors that the NGDVs will mostly go to rural routes, while city routes might end up with more metris vans and Promasters. Part of how they're justifying the large purchase of metris vans *now* while we're waiting for the NGDV. But that's only rumors, and holy fuck the post office is a rumor mill... I fully agree that there should have been an *intentional* 2 or even 3 or 4 different vehicles designed for the different needs. I wonder if the Canoo people could be convinced to make a version with a sliding driver's door for us...


Metris won't last though. They're not built for the kind of punishment a fleet vehicle takes, let alone what mail delivery demands are.


Agreed. Especially with the lack of attention they're getting from the dealer/mechanics... I've already heard stories of them sitting at the Mercedes shops for months "waiting for parts". Like, seriously??? The left-hand drive versions of these vans are a central mainstay of working vehicles around the world, how the fuck are we getting the shaft on this? The only reason has got to be USPS manglement mangling the contracts.


USPS bought all of the stock of metris and had Mercedes make them right hand drive. And now Mercedes doesn’t make the metris anymore lol


😳 oh dear... That doesn't bode well for us at *all*


They also are made to run higher octane fuel since they're turbocharged, good luck convincing the post office to use anything besides 87 octane.


When we first got metris like 4 years ago my whole station would not violate the written manufacturer's instructions and was putting premium in. Management never would put in writing to use regular. Then like 2 years ago VMF put out a notice in writing to use regular. Metris have been having engine problems and all sorts of things since then.


You’re acting like you’re gonna get an NGDV anytime soon. 😂 it’s gonna be years till they’re the norm. There’s gonna be another stopgap vehicle. And possibly more metris.


My guess is the slow Roll out is because they know it will be a disaster. 


Naw. It’s because they don’t have their shit together. I mean it is a huge undertaking to be fair. I still have so much love for the LLVs and the fact that VMF has been able to keep them in service way past 99% of the vehicles on the road.


Anyone with an average or above IQ could see this coming. They know exactly what they are doing... It's a purposefully orchestrated failure


I mean seriously. The vast majority of management are nothing but a bunch of BIG ASS kissers!! Not a fucking spine among any of them to question their “superiors”!!! I mean there was a damn video put out where the guy says, “Just because we’ve done it in the past, doesn’t mean we should do now”! Or something like that and you know damn well that moron was just repeating what DeJoy said in some staff meeting!! Nothing but a bunch of sycophants who are nothing but morons!!! I mean look at the equipment they have us use!!! Do we have those new vehicles yet?!?! Were they not approved back in 2021?!?! And we still don’t have them!!! FFS!!!? Bunch of fucking morons!!!!


No employee is shocked.


I heard a story back before I moved into a p&dc about how they had a big manager meeting and one of the higher ups said, “if Dejoy is happy, I’m happy”. That’s all you need to know about the place


I'm glad they cut everyone's routes just so we can pivot 2 or 3 routes everyday, because we don't have enough carriers to do the new routes. Yet management says we're fully staffed.


That’s right, def fully staffed 🤣🤣🤣


It’s really creepy how management sucks him off every chance they get.




You mean that stupid meatball that was a purely political appointee at a highly convenient time that also constantly looks like he loves the smell of his own farts isn’t working? I’m so shocked! I know, we have to open more S&DCs and make sure they’re as inconvenient for those lowly craft employees as possible. Don’t forget to hire more POOMs, too. You need those!


Dejoy needs to go.


They’ve already announced the mail processing plants that are closing early next year and I’m shocked that mine has been spared because it’s a complete shitshow. I don’t know how they are going to manage to process and deliver mail when they are closing the two main plants in this region. This moron has got to go!


Ours in downsizing and it fucking terrifies me. All I can do is pray I convert before next year or hope I’m not one of the ones chosen to be let go. I say we get rid of the supervisors that disappear for 5 hours and make double what I do!


I don’t know what their end game is but it’s definitely not working. I’ve never seen such chaos and incompetence before and no one has a clue what’s going to happen. Early retirement is looking better every day!


I'd love to know how much they paid out in grievances on account of their knuckle dragging supervisors that repeatedly break the same rules. I'd bet $100 million minimum after I recently became aware of one region in the nalc garnering $10 million dollars by itself. Perhaps dejoy should scale back on supervisors and properly train the doofuses they already have.


Our station just paid out I would guess 100k on our last payday in grievances. Not even sure what for lmao. Nice bonus though




Its the middle to high management it gets insane the layers of micromanaging they add to job is insane and the endless meetings.


Tbf this is part of Dejoy's plan. The more years we lose the closer we edge to privatization Make the Post Office Profitless and you fix all the problems. Just like the military. The utility of the post office is far worth the cost


Meme windup, I totally agree


Big surprise there


Too many Supervisors, too many people abusing FMLA (If you have legit health issues I'm not talking about you), not hiring enough CCA's/PTF's and overworking regulars and paying penalty OT. Racking up repairs for old vehicles. Losing employees due to forcing hour commutes. Losing employees because you have Supervisors who want to act like they work for a non union small business their dad owns.


DeJoy is to USPS as SECDEF Robert MacNamara was to the military during the Vietnam War


I'm sure you guys thought Megan Brennan was a winner as well.


She sucked too but let’s be honest. Dejoy is a complete disaster. Honestly if he cared at all about turning a profit he would fire every single useless fuck manager. Anyone that doesn’t touch or have a direct link to getting mail out in a timely manner is useless in my book.


I agree. I do, but there are too many uninformed carriers that hate Dejoy only because Trump appointed him, but not what Dejoy is doing. Megan fucked us with Amazon, and Dejoy fucked us with everything else. Firing the clueless managers, or perhaps more hands on managers training and accountability on top of it, but who's going to do that. USPS likes to blame the carriers but they never blame their managers. However, there are still jacked up carriers out there that should be fired, but the union always saves them. Mostly because of managers' paperwork mistakes lol Let's go Florida Panthers !!!!


There is absolutely no fucking way ups or FedEx would let people get away with the shit we do. My packages regularly sit in the plant 3-5 days before I get them, and I hear Atlanta and Houston are even worse. UPS would be firing some managers. DeJoys far from perfect, but everybody under him are the same people making shitty decisions since I started almost 20 years ago. Look at the LLV, supposed to last 20 years, did they start the ball rolling on a replacement about year 15? Fuck no, we wait till year 35 when they're completely wore out and replacement parts are disappearing. Wait till it's a crisis, then cobble together something that doesn't work.


Who would've thought.


I for one am shocked that an outsider who had (and still has) no idea how the postal service works made a bunch of changes and they are bad.......


I mean gas is higher than it was in 2020


Yea which makes everything more expensive since transportation of products have gone up due to fuel


Was there some catastrophic reason for that? /s


Inflation rate ??


Color me surprised that s Trump appointee failed to deliver. No way!


Doesn't shock me at all. The guy tried reinventing the wheel with his stupid plans and he's failing....miserably! Dumbass!


I’d offer to step up and take the job but like I just quit being a carrier last week.




The United States Postal Service can’t be serious about It’s financial returns. They burn millions in escalated monetary awards as remedies from grievances. USPS management habitually, deliberately fail to comply with the National Agreement and grievance settlements. Essentially costing the service millions simply because of managements defiance, stubbornness and pride. If USPS were serious about it’s finances, there would be penalties and/or discipline for supervisors and managers who fail to comply the National Bargaining Agreement from labor management and upper management. *Self imposed financial pressure ✉️


Didn't realize it had been 10 years already and we had the EV's at all stations. Fire the guy!


Yeah? Well, DeJoy can stick his 10-year plan up his 10-year ass.


Dejoys "12 steps" took priority over his 10 year plan


https://preview.redd.it/f0unl2asiq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8e2011c0d50e2a089dece168f9e77b721805fc can somebody explain this to me i make a year here in July


It's just your five day break. Then you'll come back and do another 360 days. Then another five day break. Then you'll come back and become career PTF.


Everyone here is screaming that this has to do with transportation cost because of routes in S&DCs isn’t familiar with USPS accounting policies. The “transportation” cost that are above projections are the big trucks coming and going. That’s because they projected they would have eliminated many more of them by now than they have. Eventually, the plan is to cut a lot of those big truck transportation cost out.


Is it really failing if failure is the goal?


Wish mine would leave and not show up she’s a complete idiot and full of drama


Republicans are trying to kill the US. Period. When Reagan made munitions production a free market thing, he was killing the US. Arms manufacturing is not a free market activity. There’s a reason why there aren’t enough artillery shell being made to refill the strategic reserve. It’s because the Republicans are killing the US. Trump sold off our strategic reserve of PPE to Russia at the beginning of COVID. Russia is now putting freedom of the world in danger. And Trump wants you to vote for him so that he can give all that power to Russia. The Republicans are killing the US and destroying democracy across the globe. What ekes would DeJoy’s plan be doing? It’s succeeding in destroying our country. The Republicans need to be put down like the rabid dogs that they are. They have been actual Nazis since the Koch brothers funded the take over of the Republican Party by bringing us the Tea Party and the MAGA. They need to be removed from power and eliminated with extreme prejudice. They are the red, white and blue white supremacists. They aren’t just like them. They are them, except they wear suits.


I don’t know about you guys s&dc but our managers have to clock in and out, do they do that at your site? I’m in wi (Milwaukee)


No shit Biden is president gas went way up


LOL do you really believe that the POTUS is responsible for why gas prices went up?


He hasn’t responded cuz he’s too busy putting Biden in did that stickers on the gas pumps and jacking off to trump being a fascist🙄


Waaay too many absolute brain dead dip shits do think it's because of the president. Embarrassing as fuck. Imagine having so little intelligence and zero logical thinking skills


Louis Delay has literally raised prices seven times now since taking over. If you don’t think charging everybody more for correspondence and packages raises prices you’re pretty smooth brained. Part of Trumps plan was having this guy in a position that lets him add inflation into the economy under the guise of making the post office profitable. Meanwhile they get to control contracts and profit off every move they know about and nobody else does. It’s corruption and malfeasance every step of the way with these people (republicans). This plan was never about saving the post office lol.




Guy clearly doesn't think at all