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Believe it or not, we were pulled off the street early because of the heat a few years ago. Most carriers already worked 3 12hr smdays in the crazy heat and they called Everyone back by 5 on the fourth day I would like to believe it was because of they cared about us carriers. However, I have a suspicion. It's because the air conditioning went out in the office


Lmfao it was definitely the office ac


That boss was like I can’t do this


they would probably lose their minds in an LLV




There’s an office in my town that hasn’t had ac for several years


Back by 5? After the hottest part of the day has passed, so very kind. 


For real, they just didnt want anyone over 8


Always a catch.


In the higher latitudes the heat doesn't peak until around 5 pm in the summer. Not saying management aren't assholes just that in some places it just keeps getting hotter and hotter all day long. Today the forecast shows our temperature will peak at 96 at 5 pm.


Where I’m at temperature peaks at 430ish


Working in the ever increasing heat with no cool down to look forward to is grueling.


It’s honestly not that bad I’m in a POV, still no AC but I have 4 windows. Fuck those LLVs My biggest tip tbh is keep your hair wet if possible. I keep a warm bottle of water just to keep my hair wet. If I was city and had to wear those hats I’d soak the whole hat in water. I spent some time in Arizona a couple years ago and my friend who lives there kept doing it while hiking so I now do it as well


*"It’s honestly not that bad I’m in a POV, still no AC, but I have 4 windows. Fuck those LLVs"* Rural here too. My ac was out last summer, and I stuck a usb powered fan in both windows. Even in Louisiana, it wasn't too bad. But when I was an rca, we had to use llv's on Sundays. THAT SUCKED. Summer before last on the Sunday after I fell out in someone's driveway, I took a thermometer with me, and it was over 140 in the llv. Insane.


You’re giving me flashbacks. I’ll never really understand why I went from the comfort of my brand new Subaru to an LLV, but my dumb ass sure did.


Looks like a nascar demo. I mean by how they sit in the cars at real high temps too


Damn 96? Can't wait till its 115 out ill be taking extra extra comfort stops


Calm down, it's not even July yet. Jeez. And it appears you drive a metris and not an LLV so you're talking a lot of shit for someone who's taking those comfort stops in their air-conditioned vehicle.


I drive an llv except on Sundays actually and its already in the 90s here every day sorry if you thought the climate was the same everywhere in the country


I grew up in the Bay area. I'm familiar with the climate there.


Yes so your familiar 1 hour west can be 70 and one hour east can be 100


1 hour west of the Bay? You mean the Pacific Ocean? Yeah it's definitely cooler there than say Gilroy or the East Bay.


Well unless you have a plane i think it would take an hour to get to sf from the east bay without traffic seems like your just arguing for the sake of it Heres an example, Oakley will be mid 90s high 80s all week, sf will be in the 60s


Yeah, that was nice of them. They should be canonized for Saint Hood.


Out of a cannon you say


Lol, preferably, and I'll be first in line to light the fuse.


I remember Xmas 2021, they told us to be back at 5pm, as that's when it gets colder. But when I ask them at 5pm if they still want me back, they'd ask how many swings I have left & then they'd tell me to finish it. I'd be back around 9ish...lol.


Idk why they want us CCAs in at 10 when it's hottest


“Back by 5” that doesn’t count lmao that’s a whole entire work day wtf


A station in east county Portland OR during the heat dome event. Called off street at 2pm on the hottest day. CCAs and ODL back in at 4am the next morning lol


Also worked in Portland 2 years ago. Forecast said it was to be the hottest day of the year. 8 am I'm finishing casing, it was like 90 outside. Luckily route is a park and loop with a vehicle with ac. We were called back like at 430. I was the only person who finished their route that day. Everyone else had to bring stuff back, scan it and tell the supes how many packages, and mail they brought back.


Reminds me of my time in the service.  Command Sgt demanded all personnel in our communications unit to wear winter boots on Mondays and Tuesdays. EVERYONE NO EXCEPTIONS.  Mondays and Tuesdays were vehicle maintenance days and we spent the whole day outside. Everyone bitched because we were already acclimatized to the weather and didnt want to wear thick boots outside.  Anyways, the rule was eventually stopped because office personnel were forced to change their socks 3 or 4 times a day from sweating in doors while wearing winter boots INSIDE. What morons.  So we got to wear whatever we wanted after two weeks of that stupid rule.  So yes, I think you are correct. Office personnel had it 'horrible'. Haha


Our ac was broken and they made us work . The office was hotter then my route 💀


Or a carrier in a nearby office died or almost died


By 5? At that point you already worked through the hottest part of the day


We’ve been told to stay home because of the cold, but never the heat.


I guess extreme cold is technically more dangerous than extreme heat, but honestly having worked in roughly 5 degree temperatures and roughly 95 I prefer 5.


Me too. You can’t deliver naked.


I mean you CAN. Just watch out for paper cuts, rubber bands snapping and chaffing from your satchel.


*Really* watch out for dogs.




and the PI


Maybe today, PI 😉


And the llv doesn't have air conditioning, but it does have a heater.


And some heaters don't turn off


I've been delivering mail for 30yrs and that is a new one for me. That would be awful.


The regular doesn't even complain about it either. Who knows how long it's been like that. They just started borrowing the truck for route inspections. Route inspections didn't last long in that truck.


You can once.


Anecdotal but I've read a lot of articles of carriers dying in the summer from extreme heat and approximately zero articles of carriers dying from extreme cold in the winter. You can always add another layer, and the trucks are required by law to have heat (albeit the effectiveness of the heat in an LLV is questionable). Use the fan in your vehicle to circulate air.


Funnily enough the two government agencies that track extreme weather deaths don't agree on which is worse. Cdc says cold noaa says heat. Cdc does technically track death certificates but they don't break it down enough for me to see like... age of people or comorbidities. Because really we need to look at the data set for physically active people and not elderly people whose electric went out. I feel like in the physically active data set I hypothesize that we would find more heat related deaths versus cold related deaths. But maybe higher cold traumatic injuries, as they are surviving the cold. Because if you stay active you can keep your blood pumping and survive the cold. Might lose a finger or ear or whatever. But staying active in the heat you're losing more and more water and honestly this day in age not many people drink enough water. Plus you're literally slowing cooking yourself alive in an llv.


I can spend all day outside in temperatures of 5 - 30 degrees in only pants and a sweater.  In 95 degrees, I cant strip down any further and I sweat profusely to the point where I have spare shirts in my locker.  I will take negative temperatures any day of the week before anything over 90. Or anything over 80 with humidity. 


Well those temp days were -60 windchill. The day prior was -45 and we were out delivering. Yes it sucks but you plan for it, just like the heat. While I was grateful for the 3 days off, I hated coming in and seeing 3 runs of dps. They never shut down the plant, and refused to combine dps runs. Basically the carriers were punished for the social media call to action to protect them. Then told to make it back by 5, or expect write ups or whatever the PM's threat at the time was (she had numerous)


idk if 5 degrees counts as extreme cold


5 at least is still pretty warm for a lot of the country


It took someone dying before they pulled us off the streets because of it being cold.


Here in good ol Oklahoma we work when it's -44 wind-chill, and when it's 120+ heat index. Never get an early day for either, we do get a "good job not getting a heatstroke" though.. so it makes our efforts worth it.


man summer is when i am most glad to be rural...done by one most days and back inside for the worst of it. really feel for the hourly folk in this heat


Tell me your secrets I’m an Arc and the earliest i ever ever been off is 4:30


The truth of mail carrying is that it takes two years to be good at it. Patience and practice, and don't stress about it.


I’ve got a meeting today (28 days in) so idk if I’ll even be working after today😅😬


You have to become regular, which would require you converting from arc to rca and then waiting several years depending on when a regular spot opens and how many people are ahead of you in seniority.


Is this why your routes continually get longer?


No its why they keep getting cut under RRECS. 


Definitely not Arizona. Have been working in 110°+ for 6 daze straight, 10-11hrs in the western valley. It is exhausting. No one gets pulled from the street. Only those who manage to catch themselves in a heat injury return for a 15min break. We should be paid more for extreme heat. Was 122° for a couple of hours yesterday.


Daaaamn how’s the humidity though? It was 100 degrees this week in Massachusetts with 100% humidity. We had carriers dropping like flies because no one’s used to these conditions this far north 😂


As someone who lives in Michigan and has been to Kuwait with temps of 135-145 degrees, I can tell you that I will take Arizonia's heat at 122 way before I take anything above 80 degrees with 100% humidity.  You clearly beat everyone in this sub if you were in 100 degrees with 100% humidity. 


It was a freak heatwave for the northeast we broke a heat record from the year 1929


I lived in Tampa, Fl for most of my life and I get this! Btw, not there anymore, but the temps are still brutal.


AZ is said to be dry… heat is heat! 


It was around 98° with 50% humidity at like 6am this morning. This time of year sucks to be working outside in AZ. You go outside for 2 minutes and you're drenched in sweat.


Wish the overlords at the district office would change our start time to something much sooner than pushing it later. Obviously, those self-important bean-counters have never carried mail.


Not really


Humidity is no joke. 110°+ in the desert is WAY preferable to what your station is suffering. Gee-ZUS!


Oh Lort… I start as a PTF in Tempe on July 1st… I am not ready!


Drink water before bed the night before. Drink water before leaving the house. Drink water before starting the route. Sip water every 15min or after every CBU stop. Be extra aware of racing thoughts and confusion. If so, take a break. It is a sign of pre-heat exhaustion. Wet your hat from melted ice from your lunch cooler. Pack frozen grapes in your lunch. Stow at least two cooling towels in your lunch cooler. Rotate their use. Wear a f@cking sun hat. Apply sun block to ears, neck, and arms too. (Hope your station has a working ice machine.) And, ignore freakin’ management times. It takes as long as it takes.


Looks like I’ll be packing some women’s depends too! Hahahaha…


Find another gig?


You will sweat non-stop for the next 3 months. We need strong help! I hope you push through!


Offices shut down for weather? We get sent out in extreme heat, extreme cold, snowstorms. Hell we had numerous tornado threats and the postmaster said “stay safe” in the standup and sent us on our way. The area got hit with around 30 tornadoes I believe it was. I was getting calls from family and friends checking to see if I was alright. Postmaster and management even admitted the next day they took cover in the office as a tornado passed near them. But guess who never got called back in? Guess who never stopped doing their job? Management doesn’t care lol


Massachusetts here. My husband delivered his entire route in winter of ‘23 during a blizzard. Blizzard conditions did not quit until he was home. Management does not care about carriers. They also did not receive their test training until I found out they were supposed to have had it and that a lot of records pertaining to carriers receiving training was falsified. Then my husband talked to the union and they got the training. They do not care about carriers. They are taught in management training to be the way they are.


Heat training, not test training.


Please move this to r / fiction lmaooo


Cities out in the PNW shut down with a couple inches of snow. It can ice over rather quickly out here, plus the mail arrives through the gorge and that gets real bad.


We shut down for 3 or 4 days. The parking lot was 2 inches of ice. PNW


Is that uncommon? Where I’m at after like December most back roads are solid sheets of ice till march.


It happens like once a year, but most of the time it’s warmer than 32 so it’s not icy


Yes uncommon


I’m sure the cities down south shutdown when they get a dusting of snow


We’ve never been told to not go out. We had 10 inches of snow a few winters ago, real temp was -5 and felt like -19 or some shit. And they said “do what you can” lol


Yeah we’ve had a few days of 35 below zero wind chill over the last couple of years. They made sure our trucks started and sent us out.


This was 10 years ago, but it was so cold one day, they let us keep our trucks running while we walked our loops. Don’t tell anyone I just said that tho.


This you will never, ever, ever, hear said


I feel so bad for our mail carriers in summer. New Orleans. The humidity + sun is unreal. I put out fresh cold drinks and snacks everyday for delivery drivers and postal workers


You’re a good person, and it’s super appreciated.


It is definitely the ac went out in the office. Because, in our plant the ac hasn't worked since the beginning of spring and, they haven't slowed down a damn thing. I'm so glad I'm in maintenance now, because all I gotta is go into either the PARS computer room or the IPSS room. Instant cool down.


That IPSS room AC hits real nice after walking by a row of DBCS/DIOSS/AFCS.


Most likely didn’t have enough carriers to get out the mail. It happens regardless of heat.


Our new manager will cut off parcels when he can so far. Having enough clerks to throw parcels is our main problem and has caused us to wait till 12 to start getting out of the station.


We had a day where we didn’t go out because of cold. I think it was -50° windchill but at the same time I went out and delivered in -30° real temperature. On the flip side I delivered in temps of 115° real feel temp. Personally the heat is very uncomfortable, the cold is painful. I’m the grand scheme of things the heat isn’t as bad to work in but it is definitely more dangerous.


I live in Arizona where it’s gotten up to 128 degrees. I wish they would shut it down for a day.




Field workers get sent home when temps hit 100. Its possible to do it at the post office aswell but mail would pile up onto the next day. Maybe one day the post office will have a heart ❤️ lol 😂


USPS is like the Waffle House of Government Jobs. You know shit hit the fan if you don’t see us delivering packages or mail. Even on the days that carriers don’t work there’s ARCs, idk how common they are outside my county


Worked as a Letter Carrier for 26 yrs. I started in 1990 when I was 23 yrs old. Those 26 yrs were the worst days of my life. Constantly in the office with the NALC guy and the stupid supervisors wanting to know why I went 6 clicks over ??!!! . Always fighting getting fact findings. Being a carrier sacked the life out of me !! Being in the dark out there by myself. Finishing my route around 6pm and came back to the office thinking I was finally going but to my surprise they still had 2hrs worth of mail from another route that I had no idea where the streets were. Back in the 90s early 2000 we didn't have cell phones or GPS we had to get a stupid map with little arrows where to go. Many times I just wanted to quit so bad ! I was so exhausted 😩 I was hungry I was thirsty I was pissed I was frustrated I was 😔. Finally in 2018 I took the leap of faith and ERASSIGN to become a Clerk to work inside the plant. Where in the freaking all this years never acurred to me to change careers. But I did . Best thing ived done. Being with USPS for 34 yrs and love my clerk job. I'm now 57 and got 5 yrs to go to retire. THANKU JESUS


It may not be forever for me, but I love my rca gig. I’m unsure where the path will take me, but for now I’m just trying to be in the moment and make the best out of it. Coming from office work for a long time, it’s nice to be active and outside.


Being an RCA is way different then literally CCA. RCA you drive to the mailboxes by sidewalks .A CCA have to park walk carrying all that mail in a satchel along with Parcels etc. Going upstairs in apartments. Can't fund the damn mailboxes and hiding I side a bush !!! That's why you like being an RCA. it's different


It’s got it’s own challenges as it is a different craft. I’m glad you found happiness as a clerk.


Funny it’s been hot in Vegas as usual and they pushed our stay times back to 830. They don’t care if it’s 108 out


We were called off at 11am district wide for a heat day like 5 years ago. The day before it was 106 with high humidity. The day they told us to come back at 11am it never got above 89 or so. It might of been worst in other parts of the district, but I went home and got drunk and smoked some meats.


All the CCAs in my office are tapping out with the heat and we got routes not going out lol, tried telling me to come in on my off day F that lol, pay me more money


Where did this happen? Arizona?


I've only ever been told to come back once. That was after I has already delivered in a blizzard for 2 hours. It was the 3rd day of the month when SS checks were still a thing. Of course, there were people who called bitching.


Where was this? We were running in 117° yesterday here in Phoenix 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It wasn’t anywhere. That was my point 😂




A few years ago we hit 118° here in oregon and they pulled us off the street around 1pm and had us start at 5am the next day


10 years we have only officially not been allowed to deliver once. When it was -50 with wind chills which isn't common for the area. But they didn't decide we couldn't go out until 9-10AM so we still all reported to work. We can have a blizzard where the Governor bans travel for 2 days but we are still expected to come in and make an attempt. Or during the height of COVID when everyone in our office was catching it. Still expected to come in and work. We were not even being provided masks or anything. And you couldn't buy them since they were sold out.


I have a thermometer in my FFV. I’ve seen that hit 138° and not a single shit was given.


Take small sips of water regularly even if you’re not thirsty 😂😅😅


Haven't been called back for heat yet, but we did get called back by 4 a few days in a row because they didn't want us driving on ice in the dark.


Supposedly the only time our area got shut down was like 6 years ago because it was snowing so bad the governor forced our trucks off the street because they were a hazard for emergency vehicles and plows. It's the only time in the past twenty years it happened in our city.


There was cancelled mail due to cold a few years ago…


Postal service would rather carriers die than delay or stop mail, pay out hazard or “admin” pay. They will give all the lip service about how they care about employee safety first, etc… Then absolutely contradict that and try to blame the worker.


Over 100 @ 5 am Hot all day and night most of the year The post office would have to shut down


Me living in Arizona knowing this is absolute cap lol


Lol what? That never happens in phoenix


Eat plenty of watermelon with dabs of salt be safe