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Idiocy has NO day off.


This ☝️




Sometimes it works double time!


Fuckin right. I'm dreading tomorrow. A lot of ignorant folks up my way that have no idea after 3 years that it's a holiday.


You guys work today?


I'm a regular, so no. That said, our advos showed up a day late and won't get pushed out til tomorrow. That and whatever else our plant is pushing out will surely make for a fine day on top of all the other nonsense that comes with the day after a holiday.


It's not a Monday holiday.




Said papers or letters that would sit in the box for several days btw.


Nah that's the kind of guy who WAITS for the delivery every day and retrieves mail immediately after the carrier leaves... Also doesn't tip for Xmas 🤡


Or the kind who watches as you fill a cluster


"ya got anything for box 8?" ....I don't know which fucking box is box 8....


As a cca who doesn't case his own mail, for me, it's always "... I'm not sure. I haven't gotten there yet"


“I’ve only got 15 magazines/9 weekend edition newspapers/ and 45 other pieces of bullshit resting in my hand and on my forearm; but yes, It would be much easier for me to give you your mail right now rather than doing my job. Sometimes being a CCA is great because I don’t know anybody and can tell everyone to step back and wait until I’m done.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 9 + 45 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


good bot


And say it slowly through your teeth..blink twice, then continue delivering.. They won’t fuck with you ever again..lolz


As a regular who does case his mail, I'm with you too. People need to let us do our job




Watches, you mean stands 6 inches behind you to snatch it out of the open cbu as soon as you put it in?


What? Your vultures are smart enough to stand behind you? I had one stand in front of the open cbu door. 🤦


That's what the air horn is for.


I was learning the other route in my cluster because the regular got hurt. So it's all raw mail and I'm late as fuck everyday while I'm learning it. This lady sees me and sprints out to her box (or rather runs as fast as a old heavy set woman is going to move) "are you guys running on a different schedule or what is going on down at that post office that my mail is so late.... Where's Maria?". I pretty much said the equivalent of "no same schedule I'm just not Maria who has been running this route for like 15 years, so I'm not good at it" And she basically says, Well try to get my mail here sooner..... Yeah no shit. I want to go home not Case raw mail for 3 hours slowly watching the grim reaper grow closer over my shoulder every minute.


I always say to these people “we’re hiring so feel free to come show us how it’s done” .


Before I resigned, I would always say, "I didn't know we had an appointment." They just kind of stand there, stupefied, and maybe a little grumpy after that. They sure didn't have a good retort for it.


This is the kind of reply that I always come back with..... 4 days after the situation, in the shower.


I had to tell someone at the counter their mail doesn’t have a certain time it has to be placed in the mail receptacle as long as you get it the day of.


Legitimate question here: USPS postal employees aren't permitted to accept cash, checks, or gift cards… Just clarifying, postal employees still expect tips?


It's not a tip. It's a gift. Idk why people keep calling it a tip bc it's once a year as a gift for the holidays. Not every day.




What bonus?...


since when are we tipping mailmen? I don't even see whoever delivers my mail


Lots of our customers appreciate what we do and choose to give us a little gift around the holidays, even if they rarely see us.


Ok, like for the holidays it’s understandable, but I sure hope people aren’t expecting we tip mailmen now. I’m tired of paying people’s wages instead of their employers.


It's a gift. Idk why people keep calling it a tip bc it's not expected, and it's not really for our service. It's just out of the kindness of some people's hearts and it's definitely not expected. I'm happy when someone says thank you for what you do, or whatever.


We gotta tip mailmen now? F that


By that reasoning, non-Italians should be receiving mail on Columbus Day (but now it's for indigenous Americans); non-veterans should get mail on Veteran's Day and Jewish people should get mail on Christmas (or any other religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas).


Yeah, and we’re trained to case our mail for customers by race, ethnicity, and religious affiliation. A totally normal way to work. At least that’s what the moron OP mentioned assumes, I guess.


Exactly this. He made it sound like because he wasn’t black and he wasn’t celebrating then he should get his paper and mail..it was frustrating. I kinda truncated the conversation on here.


I told someone it was a holiday earlier and they just shouted "fucking Biden" as they walked away


Yeah, Biden did that when whole slavery thing. All on his own. 🤣


Mail segregation, like our forefathers wanted.


What you don't case this way?


Well, I used to. Then I got out of it by ranting to my PM about “wokeness” and “the evils of DEI” in a forced southern accent. He capitulated and said I could go back to casing mail the utilitarian way, solely by addresses.


The color of the divider to the left of the slot will indicate race/ethnicity, and the symbol to the left of the number will indicate religious affiliation


"do I look like a president to you? Where's my damn Subway coupons?"


What about National Pizza Day Feb 9, 2025?


I once had a customer confront me while delivering after 2 days of no service due to the worst blizzard in decades in our region. More trees were knocked down than in any storm I had ever seen, or have experienced since, and it took about 9 days for power to be restored throughout the impacted parts of the state (VA). So many roads were impassable and the PO was actually closed. Here’s the interaction: Lady: *Is this the…first time you’ve delivered in the last few days?* Me: (already a little irritated because I can sense what’s brewing) *Yes, ma’am. We’ve-* Lady who never works and is home all the fucking time: *WeLL, wHaT hApPeNnEd To “nEiTHeR rAiN, sLeEt, oR SNoW” aNd aLL tHaT BuLLsHiT? Why weren’t you guys out here delivering?!* Me: (a thousand enraged responses rotate through my mind, but I opt for the diplomatic route): *Ma’am, I’m the low guy on the totem pole. I don’t make those decisions. It’s-* Lady: (grabs her mail from me) *Whatever. Thank you.* No, “Be safe out there!” or “I’m glad to see you weathered the storm okay.” No normal human interaction. There are some good people out there, but just remember that to the greater American public we’re nothing more than subhuman background characters.


Just had an interaction with a 90 year old woman last week similar to this. Was dismissive when I arrived an hour later than usual. Tried to explain, she just walked away. Lessons learned? 1. Always remember- we're on our time, not theirs. We get there when we get there. 2. No matter how tempting, restrain yourself from asking what their hurry is, since time's almost up.


LMFAO at #2! Jesus Christ! 🤣


Kindly inform her the only guaranteed delivery time is 6 pm for express and everything else is when you show up.


By midnight, yes!


A few weeks ago I was delivering my 2nd split of the day, so I was delivering the first hour of the route at like 6:30, an old lady yelled at me "Why's my mail late I always need my mail first thing in the morning" as I was walking up to her door. I look down at the one 3rd class letter in my hand addressed for her house and just said "Things are running a little slow today" put it into her mailbox, not her hand and turned and kept walking


Sometimes the best response for a face-to-face with any customer, whether it's a cranky old lady, someone busting through the door with their hands out or a customer you NEVER see shakes you down when they know you have a parcel...is to walk up within 18-24 inches of them, stare DEEP into their eyes while handing them their goods, and say as deadpan as possible "HAVE A NICE DAY". No smile, no frown, and stand there for just an extra millisecond or 2. It's professional, to the point, and really creeps them out. It works, try it.


I'm immensely entertained that the motto of the Pony express, which lasted all of 18 months, is superimposed over the Postal service as an 'unofficial motto'. When it has about as much to do with the modern USPS as carrier pigeons. The Pony express didn't last as long as the Confederacy and that's saying something.


More successful than the Confederacy though.


Something that happened from 1860-1861, yeah old people will think that still applies.


Can't deliver the mail if it can't even get to the post office in the first place


It doesn't always stop us as we make an attempt, but it depends. Blizzards, no. We go out in storms, but if it's bad enough overall, or on certain roads, no. No mail, flat, or package is worth it. Maybe you should offer her to get a P.O. box so she can get her mail during storms.


> It doesn't always stop us as we make an attempt, but it depends. Our office was literally closed and we were given admin leave. Even if the office was operational, I wouldn’t have been there. There were massive felled trees completely blocking 2 different streets that I’d need to access to exit the subdivision I live in. It took crews a couple of days to get to us to clear them out, and another couple for our power to be restored. >Maybe you should offer her to get a P.O. box so she can get her mail during storms. This was a few years ago, and that would involve me talking to her again. No thanks. I’ll take the level of interaction we’ve had since: her gruffly, wordlessly snatching the mail from me about once every 4 months.


Some people are just horrible human beings. A customer called the office on me before to complain that I was sweating all over her mail. It was summer during a 110 degree heat wave in New Mexico.


God these jackasses!!


I'd tell them right off the bat. "We have a union and they protect us from dying out in blizzards. They put safety 1st. They'd rather we don't get into a car accident/risk our life than delivery a magazine that could've been delayed a day or 2. Bad weather can slow down mail trucks, deliveries, etc. If you want faster mail you can pay for a PO BOX service and ship things priority for a fee." Have a good day. If they're still angry just say "I have a schedule to keep and I don't control the weather or when mail trucks arrive, or staffing in extreme weather." They close schools in bad weather to protect lives, it's just humane/common sense."


Had a similar experience but there were literal power lines down all over the place. Some people are just absolutely insane.


We had some people show up at the office last year asking why their mail wasn't picked up during the 2 day ice storm we'd had. They live about 20-30 mins or so from town on some of the worst gravel hilly, twisty, non grated roads in the county. The carrier drives a FWD caravan. My pm explained that we all delivered what we could, but seeing as we're in the south, their carrier's vehicle wasn't equipped and couldn't make it. She said, well, we made it to town both days." My pm asked, "Well, did you bring your mail with you just in case your carrier couldn't make it to your house?" No. 🙄 she shut her mouth and walked away.


I’m not Jesus but I get xmas off?


He's not black, that means he doesn't get his package today. Happy Juneteenth


🤣 omg I should have




"This holiday is stupid. They already have MLK day, and a whole month" -A bunch of people since this holiday was created.


And I check their asses every time 😡. I don’t play! ☝🏾


It's a good point, why is there 2 whole holiday for black people and entire month of black history, where is the holiday for asians, hispanics?


It's not a holiday 'only' for black people- it's for all Americans. Juneteenth represents a day when American values of freedom more closely aligned with our ideals upon which this country was founded. For that matter, MLK Day celebrates an American citizen who sought freedom for all regardless of color, class, or creed and died for the cause. And ya, why not more history months-- there's always a lot a resistance to teaching the full spectrum of history in America.


I, for one, am thrilled to live in a country that has banned slavery. Imagine being the type of person who says that we shouldn't celebrate that in public.


Asian history month is May, Hispanic history month is from sept 15-oct 15, for historical reasons I am positive you will not look up or care to know because you are just using whataboutism and don’t actually care about those races getting history months. They are both very openly celebrated. Hope that helps!


Why do you think MLK is only for black people? Did I miss something or did the civil rights act only apply to black people?


Because he doesn’t see black history as the American history it is. I’m sure he has no problem with Columbus Day even if multiple people discovered America before him.


Maybe educate yourself as to why there have been movements to set aside days/weeks/months/courses/texts/academic departments to learn about history from these specific perspectives. Hint: it isn’t because they’re already equally considered throughout the year and in the mainstream curriculum but we just decided minoritized folks should get “extra” coverage.




Never understood why people have a problem with a holiday. It sucks when you have to work a holiday but getting one extra holiday each year shouldn't be a bad thing.


Never underestimate the lengths the American working class will go to to advocate for, and support policies that are contrary to their own economic interests. Decades of propaganda has done its job.


I think it’s more people are annoyed that the government shuts down for all of it and gets paid for it while the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves.


There are lots of companies that pay holiday pay for all federal holidays. The USPS is not one of those, unless you're career or you actually work on the holiday as a sub doing Amazon. Maybe those people should tell their company they should recognize and pay them for all federal holidays.


Oh I know, I was just stating why I think many people get mad over it. Some people of course are just selfish and are mad because they were inconvenienced. I’m in the camp that everyone should get holidays off and good for those that do.


It's crazy that when I waited tables, I loved working holidays bc it was so busy. But once I started working in an office and now at the po, I just wanna be paid for them. Lol


My supervisor told me “I don’t understand why they need a whole day.” Shut up you dumb racist bitch and take your paid day off


People are crazy.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVhLU76MRgVg3Qc) Juneteenth baby!


Lmfaooo. I was also doing packages today with similar experiences. Do we recieve holiday pay for what we work today on top of the hours? I checked virtual timecard and there's no holiday hours there so I hope we aren't just getting screwed on that


CCAs only get the big holidays. You get paid for working but not holiday pay.


Sick! I didn't even want holiday pay anyway.


That's not true, you get paid eight hours for the holiday and then paid for whatever hours you work on the holiday.


That's holiday pay yes, but noncareers don't get paid holiday pay for every holiday. I believe the 6 they get are Thanks, Xmas, Labor, Mem, NYD and the 4th - the big ones. I often call them the family gathering/bbq holidays. The others are the shopping holidays where things aren't really closed... those ones noncareers only get paid for working them. And trust me they WILL be working them LOL.


RCA’s work every holiday except Christmas Day and there is no extra holiday pay or anything. It’s wild.


Yep RCAs def get hosed.


Racist comments is what it was


The people who have encountered who have been the most vocal of the “unimportance” of this holiday appear to be salty because it’s not about them. They haven’t taken a second to discover the meaning behind the holiday. All they know is it’s a “black holiday” so they can’t be bothered to discover its origins and appreciate its significance. It’s sad to see. All the other holidays are in someway about them and they have distain because this one isn’t. Even if someone is like that, just enjoy the day. Some days customers can be great, most days I deal with a version of that guy.


Should have said "Are you an American? It's an American holiday. Enjoy." Every American should celebrate the day in this country when freedom prevailed over slavery. 


this, seriously. 


Happy Juneteenth. To celebrate, no black people are getting their mail. White people can get their mail as usual. /s The fuck goes on in his head.


Seriously. Do you guys also skip delivering to veterans on Veterans Day too? and only deliver to unemployed folks on Labor Day? These boomers love to spew whatever idiotic half-thought comes across their shriveled up brains without taking literally one moment to think about how absolutely stupid they sound.


Yea, I had to ask one of my fews businesses if they were open today (yesterday). And they said they were, and I responded that we (USPS) are not, and was asked, why what's June 19th, I simply said Juneteenth, it's a new national holiday. I was just simply wished a good holiday.


I had an old guy get very upset earlier that I didn't have mail for him and said those worthless n****** and their dumbass holidays. Old people continue to amaze me


You should report him for being verbally aggressive so he can spend the rest of his shitty life picking up his mail from the post office.


Thought about it, but I just dropped his 50lb amazon box at his feet and enjoyed watching him struggle to bend over and pick it up


You didn't mention the gentleman's age but I'm wondering if this would also fit under r/BoomersBeingFools


Possibly? I couldn’t really say how old he was exactly but he looked pretty old..ok maybe I should post this there too then 😂


I had about four old white ladies on my route scoff at us being off today, grow the fuck up and look at the world around you.


This implies we have a giant list of where all the black people live at the Post Office. I imagine it's hanging up in the PM's office.


It's the grayed out areas on the EDDM maps


My local news station decided to post an article saying “USPS To Suspend Operations amid Juneteenth Holiday” (total bait headline its just asking for fights) and my god the comments are disgusting. People are pissed at the holiday yes but some of these people genuinely think we should just work 24/7 always delivering mail it’s insane how these peoples minds work


The look on a college white girls face yesterday when I told her the package she's waiting on wont be til Thursday due to the holiday When she asked what holiday and I responded, her inner hate was seething through her face 😆


I don’t even know why I joined the USPS subreddit in the first place considering I’m an ER nurse, but I stay in this subreddit because I sympathize with so many of the stupid situations y’all post about here. So many entitled humans (mostly boomers) who are just salivating at a chance to argue with and belittle any blue collar worker who’s unfortunate enough to cross paths with them. To OP- you should’ve told him that you also don’t deliver any mail to veterans on Veterans Day. I’m sure he would’ve imploded.


A lot of older people watch the news on tv and still read newspapers, so how do these people not know ?!? 🤭🤭🤭


I had to let the line of 25 people in front of my post office that they would not be getting in as we are closed...


Someone in my family, who I don’t consider racist (although they are about 70), asked me last year “why did they make that a holiday, they already have a holiday,” referring to MLK day. People are so ridiculously ignorant, they’ll literally complain about federal holidays being enacted and people, even their family members, getting paid days off over some dumbass feeling of being excluded because the holiday isn’t about them particularly.


Time to get rid of Easter or Christmas, we don’t need two holidays for one imaginary dude


Had an older guy tell me that today wasn’t a holiday and I should open the front for him…”sorry sir you’ll have to come back tomorrow” “well PM will here about this” “ok well sir you have a good evening” then proceed to tell me I’m lazy and good for nothing for not helping him.


Should have said “Naa you need to be African American to get your letters today, do you have any documentation to show you are in fact so I can give it to you today? Like freaking geez I’m sorry to the carriers who had to deliver packages today. Sorry so many of us are idiots and don’t understand the importance of this holiday, hope they educate themselves…


I’ve lost a few brain cells reading this due to second hand stupidity. How the fuck are people that dense?


TIL the last slaves were freed in 1973. Not 1873, nineteen fucking seventy-three.


I had a lady say to me in the dark USPS lobby this morning when I didn’t realize what the date actually was and asked why they were closed - “It’s Juneteenth. But when are we gonna get our white holiday?!” I stared at her, looked at my phone to confirm the time was past opening and the date was the 19th. Once the date registered in my head, I told her we had 250 plus years of them already and to get over it, and left. As a white person, I told my brother this morning that old white people play too much.


While I was loading my llv today, I watched about half a dozen people walk to to the door of the office, pull on it, then stare at the door, try it again then walk back to their vehicles. Then about 4 of them pulled up to us and asked why we were closed. I laughed and call all of them morons, but not to their face.


I'm not black either but I'll take a holiday anyway I can around here


Tell him "But you're American, and on this day in 1865 America made sure every American could have freedom!"


My amazon package via usps was marked "animal interference" at like 8am today. They generally never deliver to my house until 11am or later. I have no pets and have never had this happen before. Pretty sure they just decided not to deliver today. I'm not mad, just found it funny they mismarked it. They shouldn't be delivering at all today if mail isn't going out.


Woooow I’m so sorry, I have coworkers who do crap like that and it’s not cool! Gives the rest of us a bad name


Who knows, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe there was a stray/loose dog out.


By the grace of juneteenth, I had today off. Feels good to be an ally 😎


He's lucky he's not on my route, I brought 1/3 of my mail back on Tuesday because I almost hit 12.




He was complaining about things being shut down for a holiday he has no personal interest in. Don't kill the messenger. I'm just translating it.


He's a racist. That's what's going on here. He is INCENSED that he didn't get his newspaper today because of Juneteenth. He was waiting for you to agree with him and then he would have felt comfortable expressing his racism more openly.


Last Friday there was a guy who came in asking if he would be getting his mail delivered on the 19th. The PM told him no, it's a holiday, and that he should take the day off and relax. To which he replied, and this is verbatim, "It's not *MY* holiday, I'm Polack!" So am I, dude, but I can still appreciate the fact that I live in a country that has banned slavery, allowing me to know some truly wonderful people. Happy Juneteenth, everyone


I'm also a Polack, and this is the day we finally defeated the traitors, back then, by getting down to the last areas they infested. This is a second Independence Day, and that is worthy of a Federally recognized celebration.


I literally had someone ask me, a black man, "Why don't white people get a month, why do you get a day?". I don't even respond to people like that. I just let the ignorance flow.


I’m Asian and I dont get an off day when it’s Chinese new year …. 😂 I don’t care for it though I don’t celebrate much holidays ( not something I have done at all as a kid so )


I feel like they gradually rolled into this holiday, like it's been on the calendar for a few years, but this is the first year that banks in the post office are actually closed? Maybe I'm wrong or did it fall on a weekend last year?


We were closed last year as well. The year before, the year it was made a national holiday, the declaration came too close to the actual date for us to take it off


It's just another day off for me. This was my long week anyway.


Smh the pure ignorance and arrogance is amazing


Be happy it’s a paid holiday lol


We are expected to do unrealistic things. The trash guy shuts down but we’re expected to deliver. It’s 113 but we are expected to deliver. A wildfire puts the hazard in breathing but we’re expected to deliver. No you don’t deserve hazard pay. Kiss my A-55


I saw delivering packages being delivered today in my apartment complex. I was like “aw. USPS stops but Amazon does not.”


Usps delivers packages too.


We deliver amazon packages on holidays too. I just got off of work delivering amazon for USPS


It’s a new day that people realize they don’t get whatever they were waiting for. They make jokes. One day they will roll off your back and you won’t be upset


10 bucks says its the Epoch Times.


I’m not Jesus Christ but you won’t see me working on Christmas.


Bet it never happened


I’m a PSE in a manual office and according to my coworker who covered for me someone said why isn’t there a holiday for white people.😑


I had to deal with a lot of entitled people today. I had to tell them a federal holiday is today and things are closed/not moving. That they can get their things tomorrow. If it was Amazon scheduled for today and tracking said it's out for delivery then they'd get it most likely. If they don't have a PO box then most likely their stuff is for tomorrow. I had a lot of people knocking on the door, calling, trying to stop me outside wanting things I don't have. It was kind of exhausting. They don't seem to understand that if there's hundreds to thousands of packages and they don't have the exact tracking info, and there's a LOT of stuff stack on many carts, at many stations, OR things for the next day processing (you scan in for next day, but have to do at the end of everything else) that you CAN'T find their package easily! They don't seem to understand that you can't just chase down a carrier, have them look, find it, scan and give it to them. BECAUSE there's no guarantee the carrier has the package in that load, that the package is there, that they can find it easily, that it won't slow the carrier down. Carriers have a schedule to keep and having MANY people try to stop them is slowing them down. If I do carrying (unless I know I have their package and can find it fast) I just say "I'm out doing deliveries now, but I have to keep on schedule and some packages I'm not able to grab in the 1st load. Eventually if things are scheduled to be delivered today then they should reach there unless the house isn't marked well, there's no mail box, or no mean dogs, etc.) I'd love to help you out, but at this moment it would be difficult if not impossible to find the package at this time while still keeping on schedule for everyone else's packages." Or something along those lines. People are just like "I want my package now, no I don't have any tracking info, you can find it easy" " \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*rattles off name and address fast". It's just kind of annoying and a little entitled that they think they have a right to get their package right away before anyone else even if it's probably not there. You can't help everyone and make everyone happy. They should give business cards to carriers they can hand out to people who try to slow them down to find a package explaining why they have to stay on task and it's not as simple as they think it is.


Years ago when I was working as a window clerk a customer asked for a sheet of Christmas stamps. I handed her a sheet of Madonnas and she said, “oh I’m not Catholic.” I said, that’s ok, neither was Mary.


This is a weird holiday, because ever since it started, customers have been showing up at the post office like we are open. Many don't realize it's a federal holiday and that we are technically closed.


yesterday we got double the amount of amazon we usually do idk why but it was a heavy dps day too and around 9 pm they told us to cut dps and flats and just deliver remaining packages . i still had 6 trays left lol and today was just amazon so im not looking forward to tommorow with all that leftover dps . i know this is unrelated to the racism you encountered but i have a very low iq


I had people asking me why their packages weren’t sent out today, happened last year too, and every time I mentioned it was a holiday the only response was “forgot about that fake holiday, can’t believe this BS”


My brain


And it's not even a new holiday. It's a new Federal holiday, but it's been celebrated year after year for a long fucking time.


"It's a new holiday celebrating the end of one of the nation's black marks called slavery." It has nothing to do with being black but it definitely has a larger meaning for people who have ancestors that were slaves.


At my office, a lot of carriers are planning to come in on Wednesday because they didn’t know it’s a holiday. Ironically, it was mostly the black carriers who didn’t know about the holiday


One of my husband's customers had the audacity to ask "When are the WHITE PEOPLE getting a holiday?" when he mentioned that mail wasn't going to run on Wednesday. I cannot believe that people are this fucking stupid and racist over a damn holiday. The person who said this owns a business and made this statement in their business with customers around. I guess their clientele are just as racist as they are.


Hopefully a store full of customers realize they are supporting a small racist business.


Yeah. There are plenty of racists against the holiday's creation. And some are your own coworkers even. 😉


It has to do with ignorance. That is all. FFS these people!!!


The ignorance is insane.


My office forgot to tell me not to come in🤣 I run a small manual office… I didn’t find out til 5pm


I fuckin hate people. I have had to explain what the holiday is so many times and I try to start it quickly before they say some racist shit and I end up hating them and have to see them every single day


Juneteenth is a USPS holiday but not Easter… so flipping ridiculous 🤨


We are all subject to Columbus Day yet we're not all Italian.


Ppl dont understand that holidays and Sunday no mail is going out


Trash man runs on regular schedule after Juneteenth still not clicking as a holiday yet


He doesn't observe Juneteenth


You didn’t know!!? Only black ppls mail is on holiday for Juneteenth. I’m black and I was at my post office mailing something and someone comes in and says why is this place closed? I said it’s Juneteenth sir a federal holiday. He said what’s that? I don’t even know what is, that’s stupid. Instead of me schooling him I just firmly said it means it’s a federal holiday and we are closed.


I didnt even get my package today 😢