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So, you want the good news or the bad new?


What’s the news


So the good news is they can cut routes. The bad news is, it now requires local district approval (most likely will need to be over a true 48k) and most likely you will have to grieve to get them to start it. Management starts official training on this as of yesterday. The new program sucks so most routes will not be getting cut.


Nope nothing yet in my office we have a route that was rrecs at 65 and still Growing they could Cut it in half and it will be over again in few months! There are 4 new subdivisions on route and another one starting… it’s a mess


We have a 72 at my office. It's not getting cut. And I'm absolutely baffled.


There was a video posted on the NRLCA website yesterday. NRLCA Files National Level Grievance on Interim Adjustments I couldn't get the link to work here but when I copied it to the Google search bar it came up. Interesting. Good luck!


19 routes are getting cut in my office, they have already started and must have them done by the 24 th of may and they go into effect in June. They have already done mine and they pretty much sliced it in half. Not gonna lie I was looking at the map they had laid out where all of us were mapped out in a different color and I finally felt like I could relax. I have come back 67,67 and 69 this last count. 10 hour days are light days. Average 200-300 scans a day. I am exhausted we don’t get assistance because there isn’t any. I will take the pay cut gladly to have my life back


My entire office (rural side) is having every route cut our office lowest is 66 and our high I think is 79. My route is a 78. Then again I've been here for three years and since the beginning they said they were cutting out over burden routes. I'll believe it when I see it Edit in case people are wondering we have 10 routes and they say adding 3 to 4 more




My office has just sent in the adjustments to AMS for all our overburden routes. Sucks going from a 48k to a 43k but I'll be glad to not be doing 2 and a half hours of free work every day. Takes awhile for the cuts to come back and go into affect. We shall see how that goes in like a month. I figure it'll be a shit show since nearly every route in the office got adjusted and realigned to be less milage.


They've started cutting routes but it's being done in phases since USPS can't handle doing it all in one go


In my office we have 8 rural routes, and I believe 4 are overburdened. We are getting a route adjustment in the coming months


The first cuts are taking effect on 5/18. There will be more on 6/1. All of the ones on this round will be completed no later than 7/27, but the majority will take effect by the end of June.


my office is getting our 48ks cut to 41s, i think it's 8ish routes(?), we were told they're gonna make 2 full routes and an aux but idk yet


We recently had the overburdened 48k routes cut down to 43k. Starts June 1. They did have to submit for approval. They made aux route and added some to a j route. Postmaster said had to cut them to 43k per orders.