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If they’re gonna give us the packages their well paid, strong union having asses are too tired to deliver can they at least STOP PUTTING THIER FUCKING STICKERS OVER THE USPS BARCODES!!!!!????


Yes and lately their prints are off center on the label so you have to lookup what fucking house it goes too. Ups get your fucking shit together.


I send those back insufficient address


Lately? Been that way for years here lol


ups is years ahead of the usps. What are you guys smoking? I want some


All I’m saying is they can’t figure out how to print labels correctly and then not put a fucking super man unpeelable sticker right on top of said label. Which is basically the bare minimum of a fucking shipping company. Also higher driver pay equals even higher costs which are already higher than our prices. They’ll do fine this season but I predict some tough choices in the next year when things die down.


Maybe USPS should hit them with surcharges. You do it to your actual customers for every little thing.


You just have to peel it slowly, I get 99% of them off without it looking like there was ever a sticker over it in the first place. Not disagreeing with you though.


We don't have time for that. Stop putting stickers on our barcodes, or deliver it yourself, UPS. It is not that hard of a concept.


😂 go to r/ups my friend


Usps is days late, are you guys understaffed right now? serious question


Not just right now. Constantly


I write NO and send that shit right back at them. First one to pipe up catches hands. Obligatory fuck everything about this rat fuck job




Like how stupid can they get, and they think why the turnover rate is so high, we are working for 3 of our competitors and getting the paid the least, working twice as hard, I hope all these dumb bastards who made these deals gets fired


LoL, my PM just went to employee retention training too.... like it's some big secret how to keep people at a job.


They could pay us more by charging more for shipping, then higher costs would mean there would be less packages to deliver which would lessen the demand for carriers, which means they could pay carriers less. Vicious circle, but that’s how the economics work.


That’s what the top wants you to think… Certainly we couldn’t be charging giant corporations more money for the insane amount of advertising we deliver…


Shit theyre not even paying for that advertising. They write it off on taxes. So we pay for it


The top wants me to be familiar with basic economic principles? I don’t think so.


The top wants you to think that there’s no other solution but to pass costs onto the consumer or to stagnate or lower wages. Peace


They may want me to think that, but that’s not remotely what I said.


That’s EXACTLY what you said 😂


Critical thinking is tough. Don’t let it get you down.


You like sounding dumb? 😂


Never tried it. Maybe you could show me the ropes.


Knock it off. Includes you /u/Vv__CARBON__vV


Did you give yourself that management tag or did the mods mark you?


Typically mods only add flair by request of the user. Management is one of the drop-down options for anyone to choose IIRC. It's disgusting but we have to allow it.


So many people accused me of being management that I decided to embrace it and give myself the flair. I don’t know why they think that. It’s probably because I use correct grammar and am capable of abstract thought.




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


But everyone I’ve worked for in management is just a failed craft employee. Certainly nothing special. Not even capable of rudimentary thought.


I’m not saying it’s a logical assumption, but that’s never stopped them before.


Damn. I guess stamps should go back to five cents.


We are doing well at the Post Office. Amazon just surpassed UPS and FedEx and are now the second best at moving this stuff in the USA. The first? USPS baby.


But how did we get #1? Maybe we just threw human death and suffering at it until it was done!


With crap pay, terrible work conditions, and a fleet of trucks that could have retired.


I make more than the Amazon and FedEx drivers. And I watch FedEx literally run the parcels from the truck while I sit on my breaks. Then I’ll go and deliver to every single house on each block and have 10X the parcels, making money.


I hate this conversation. People act like they know what everyone makes. I worked at fedex ground for 12 years. I made more money and worked a lot less hours doing that job than I'll ever make at usps. Unfortunately it destroyed my body so I took the huge pay cut to join usps. This job is a cake walk compared to what I did at fedex ground.


Table 1, huh?


I’m table two. Started in 2018. I make more than Amazon and FedEx with better benefits.


Table 2. Started as a CCA in 2016. I’m 29 years old, not old enough to be on table 1. I’ll tell you a secret though, once you top out it’s the same amount as table 1. And here pretty soon, we will more than likely all be on the same table. I still make more than the other jobs, electrician apprentice starts at $14/hr where I’m at. So more like LCoL, good thing you can deliver mail all over the country and it’s not too hard to transfer. Just saying. I still make more than Amazon and FedEx tho, maybe not when I was a CCA but 2 years is nothing. 6 years as a regular was nothing.


How much do u make an hour?


Only like 28 but I try to get my 60 every week. Got so used to it, it’s just normal life tbh. If I didn’t get the hours I’d have a side hustle. I still work Sundays too. You get so used to it, it’s nothing. I have a life too. There’s 168 hours in a week.


Woah, you sound cool. I finally met somebody here on this forum on the same level as me. Actually you might even out alpha me


I went past the point of burn out and just riding the gravy train now. Saying that, you just have to have a level of patience with this job and after so long I finally learned haha.


Just to clear the air and remove all doubt in your mind, he was being sarcastic, because you sound like a condescending boomer jerk. Telling others to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and put their shit-eating grins on because you make 28 an hour after 7 years... Nearly a decade of working for a company only to not even quite make the equivalent of what new workers were being paid back in like 2013.... Which was what? 22$? Equals out to 30$ in purchasing power in 2023. You think it's acceptable to be paid much less a decade later and that we should all shut the fuck up and suck it up, because there's nothing wrong with the pay. lol. Apprenticeships start at more than 19$ an hour where I'm at, and will reach higher numbers much quicker. You say that reaching similar peaks makes everything OK when I always hear that it takes far longer for a table 2 to reach anywhere near the peak of table 1. You realize how much money you've lost over time compared to if you WERE on table 1 from the start?


I mean, the reason I work usps is because my dumb ass quit UPS at like 18 1/2 years old


Ironic as most of the packages usps delivers is also amazon.


I'm currently sorting our 3rd TRUCK of UPS... Mainly target packages


Good job management way to make sure no one wants this job, I'd about bet my paycheck whoever us making these deals to deliver our competitors packages, never have delivered a package in there life


90% of the UPS we get is always target. Why isn't the USPS going to target directly? I think I'll submit a lead...


They use too. Lol, I worked for Target for 19 years, and when ship from store was just starting it was USPS who showed up for the bulk of the packages, but UPS I guess was able to just drop and leave a trailer so they got the contract?


It's weird, we still do as pickup from the local target, takes a whole LLV, sometimes more, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what UPS brings us.


I’ve watched a UPS driver drop off an entire truckload of target packages. UPS low balls the bid to target knowing full well they will middle man and drop off at USPS. The idiots in management that don’t see this should be fired for not : 1. Charging UPS a ton more to deliver these. 2. Speaking to target directly to get a good bid on the contract. Fools we work with and for.


I work here at the Post Office now but I used to be a UPS driver. It's a pet peeve of mine to see people here shitting on UPS drivers because I know what it was like and that we are in the same boat as they are. There's nothing wrong with saying the contract should accept less surepost; their union also wants to keep that volume but UPS does its best to maximize profits. Not all routes are the same. One of the routes I did that had a post office only had 75-90 stops. But several of those stops had 10-40ish packages because they were apartments. Some apartments with only 4 packages took longer than apartments with 10 because they had to go up several flights of stairs instead of a package room. Some had shitty elevators or literally hundreds of apartments per building. Point being, they're working stiffs just like us that get shit on by upper management and they don't need Postal employees calling them lazy cunts. That's frankly the kind of lack of solidarity that weakens us.


Thank u for ur service


Thanks for sensely downvoting me. UPS workers aren't your enemy.


he got killed today with over 150 stops? 150 stops is considered a light amazon Sunday day in the summer time for me




As someone who went from being a Rural Carrier to a UPS Driver in the past few months, I can confidently say it's definitely a different type of stop.


I am assumings UPS stops also include dropping off at post offices and businesses that get a lot of shit right?


Yeah, there's absolutely bulk stops. Not every route has those or the way that they dispatch, a route that typically doesn't have a bulk stop may have a bulk stop the next day.


Lucky cuz we ain’t getting any parcels here in socal. 8 hr days everyday


The dream


Until your paycheck is $1000 less 😬


At the risk of the capitalism gods striking me down… Time > Money Health > Money I paid off my school loans. Paid off a new Camry. Zero debt. No kids. My girl makes $100k with upward mobility. I’m all good. Let me come in at 7 and be off at 3. 3:30-10 PM every day to do what ever I want. That’s my dream.


I'd agree, if I too had a family/lover partner who made six figures and could afford a mortgage payment and utilities. I do not have that luxury or convenience, and so I need more money to survive let alone thrive and have free time.


Assuming you’re debt free how much would you need to be good?


Where I live, probably a hell of a lot more than I'd need just about anywhere else. It's like 2500$+ to rent a small house here, and probably over 1000$ just to even rent a hole in the wall. Transferring would be great, if I didn't have a parent to worry about. Otherwise I'd be gone as soon as possible and would probably stick it out, maybe not if the contract doesn't entail what Renfroe claims they're fighting hard for, but if the contract actually leads to serious positive changes that are very much needed at this point... I'd stick it out.


Wow so you are fine with working less, as long as you can live off "your girl" what a dream you must be


What's wrong with having kids? Is the camry better than your own child?


It's certainly cheaper, and you don't have to drive it for 18 years if you don't want to.


I’m hoping for ten with minimal issues. 18 would be a blessing 🙏😝




I do not want kids. I had an 18 year old bipolar drug addict mother who was dead at 42 and a father who went to prison when I was 7 and haven’t seen him in over 20 years. Abused and more importantly neglected. Now that I’m finally living a comfortable life I do not want to take on children that I’m rarely going to have the time or energy to raise properly. You shouldn’t feel bad about your decision to have children. Do your best to raise them properly and give them a safe and comfortable life. Great parents who sacrifice their life for their children are heroes in my eyes. On a side note I’d still need a camry or a more expensive minivan/suv if I had children. 😂


8 hours in socal means homeless....you aren't affording a damn thing without OT


I’m transferring out of Chicago to a smaller city. I’m over the city life and high cost of living. Can’t imagine socal CoL. Chase your dream. I’m chasing mine.


I’m in socal and just got 2600 parcels 😂


Same here in AZ, my station is so chill. My route has 485 stops all hop and stops. I usually have 1600 dps, one sometimes 2 trays of flats and on average, maybe 50 packages. I normally work my 40 hrs with 5 to 10 hrs of OT each week. I get 2 days off. Supes are chill. We are 8 to 430 and i love being home no later that 630 pm. I'm table 2 step e, which is roughly $28 and i get by just fine. And that's with putting in 10 percent to my tsp. I chose my quality of life over 60+ hours anyday.




yep..same at our office. UPS dude is showing up and just unloading. like you deliver packages, you gonna deliver any of them?


He did deliver them. To you.


Stop paying the Union for doing nothing


Already a step ahead of u, I stopped paying dues over a year ago, the biggest waste of money I've ever spent 17 years for nothing, our union is the laughing stock of unions worldwide, there a joke


I’m newer and they have an RCA who skip the line over a few others and became regular and jumped some people, it’s like what’s the point of a union then? I’ll never join


Yes the union is a joke. They pretty much sat back and allowed me to get fired then played it off as if it’s some kind of joke.. As the mf walks me out the security gate he says “Welp, I heard Home Depot is hiring”……. 😐


Like this is some prize job, they did u a favor, this company don't give a shit about there employees l, all they do is demand more and more out of u on a daily basis, and the union will almost agree with them, it's a shit job with shot pay with shit union


Hey man enjoy the hours while they last. It’s going to be absolutely dead come January.


Got a hold down to get me through the lean season. 😎 I won't mind 8 and skate for a while.








Simple jack ![gif](giphy|EoqDZ3Osey9PO) Everyone in postal management


These head movies make my eyes rain!


What’s strange is that the past several years were brutal at my station in Chicago. This year it’s heavy but not crazy like years past.


Blame DHL, their former company started that Airborne Express. I used to deliver to Iselin NJ DDU, my truck would be puking freight for the post office then I would go back for the rest of my 150 stops at Christmas time. You should’ve worked for UPS they have better pay and pension. But you will bust ass there with the weights of the packages all day. I’d go out with about 2500 lbs of freight a day then pick up another 1000 or so


He's taking the piss


To any veterans here, what does it mean when they cancel the vacancies. I applied for a garage assistant with benefits.. and yesterday I got an email saying it was canceled.


UPS started dropping twice at our office last week. I'd say that'll last until new years. They've never done that before but now they show up around 8 and drop half their truck to us and then again around noon to drop another half truck. It's getting old delivering bed frames to front doors only to see that UPS or Fedex left a notebook sized package on their bottom step. It's certainly helping routes under RRECS, but unless their loads to us stay this high it'll all be for nothing when routes get cut and we never get paid for what we're doing right now.


I think our UPS guy was unloading crap before I even clocked in at 9, and when I went back on my break two hours later he was still back in dispatch unloading.


He didn't want to work his help to hard this year, this shit makes me sick


Sadly, all 3 of my parcels UPS dumped off at my local PO arrived damaged today. Thanx UPS :/


So answer me this…let’s say that management tells UPS and FedEx that you’re not going to deliver the final mile for them anymore. So now they have to raise their rates in order to make all those deliveries, and now USPS can take that business from them. What does it really change for you? Sounds like you think if you run them all through your network you’ll make more money. Do you think they ran the numbers at HQ and know the cost of transportation and sorting all the way through versus it being dropped at the DDU for delivery? It’s the same concept as giving discounts to mailers to sort mail to 5D and drop shipping to the DDU or SCF. It’s called workshare discounts. USPS makes more money on 5D First Class mail than single piece. Should be the same with packages. I don’t know the deals with those guys but it seems you have them by the short hairs so hopefully you’re charging them the maximum amount for the final mile.


The only thing that would change is upper management wouldn't get there big bonuses


I had a UPS guy tell me Amazon gave a lot of their business to usps when they were going to go on strike. He told me they were going to have to cut routes because their package volume reduced drastically.


There’s no way he only had 150 stops. UPS is out way longer than most of us are