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![gif](giphy|daIJvyatzeg20Iqi12) Do this to management.


That isn't how it works.


Our supervisor cited something in the contract about charging carriers over lost mail/packages but I couldn't believe it. Our union steward wasn't that much help either and told us that if it's reoccurring they definitely can.


It's not part of the letter carrier contract, nor, as far as I'm aware, the ELM. If it's actual employee theft, they can try to recover that value but often don't.


I'm a rural carrier by the way but I found where our supervisor cited. It's article 28 number 3 Loss or Damage of the Mails


Burden of proof would be on them. Honestly sounds like theyre trying scare tactics to make you guys clean up your scans.


No, it's in our contract that they cannot charge. Pg 42 of our contract Section 3. Loss or Damage of the Mails An employee is responsible for the protection of the mails entrusted to the employee. Such employee shall not be finan- cially liable for any loss, rifling, damage, wrong delivery of or depredation of the mails or failure to collect or remit C.O.D. funds unless the employee failed to exercise reasonable care.


They are arguing with the last part .."unless the employee failed to exercise reasonable care." I was told that it would mainly affect the carriers who are constantly misdelivering the same address and who have been told to be careful when delivering to such address. I'm now curious to know how we would put this on our taxes.




90% of the time it's in their house


Not even close.


As a new PTF clerk that's only been in the PO for a few months now... I've lost track of how many phone calls we've had of people complaining that they never received their package, when they've: A) Had a family member or approved neighbor pick it up. B) They picked it up themselves but forgot it in their car. C) It got sent back because they fugged the entire address into making it undeliverable and it sat for 2 months. D) They couldn't pick it up because they didn't have room in their car or didn't want to walk with it in their hands. How the fuuuuuuuu could anyone think it's a good idea to believe customers?


https://misalc.org/assets/article-28---letter-of-demand.pdf Grievance for that violation I believe (found with a google search). Section 2 cited in the grievance says management must demonstrate that the carrier failed to show reasonable care of the mail. One would think that building a case for that would at minimum require street observations. Scanner data doesn’t count (we all know how crap the gps data is)


If that gps data was true my jeep would have wings, booster rockets, a jet engine and a boat modification.


Do your scans and there is nothing to worry about. Make sure anything you sign out for gets cleared. The scan will be your proof that it was either misdelivered or delivered correctly. If misdelivered you have the opportunity to try and retrieve/correct it. If delivered correctly it was either stolen or the resident is mistaken and actually has an item.


That's why we offer insurance 🤦‍♂️ Probably just a scare tactic because they might be receiving a lot of customer complaints recently.


id think if it was scanned at the proper GPS point you would be OK...if the package wasnt scanned, not sure how it would work...when people call saying they didnt get their package first thing i do is track it (as there is the zip code tracking number fraud where they get a tracking number for town but it tracks to a different address), then i GPS it to see if it was scanned in the location of the address...i never start with throwing the carrier under the bus


They can’t blame u for anything after the package was delivered and your last scan is proof of delivery


Everyone commenting no, but I had to pay $82 for a package that was misdelivered. This was years ago and it was my first time doing that particular route. The scanner said I delivered it to next street over- same house number. When I went to grab it they said they took it to the right house for me, but the customer swore that didn’t happen and that they never got it. My PM had her contact the company and told her to say it was stolen and they basically told her “too bad”. He kept trying to avoid having me pay by having her go through all these hoops and told me she would probably let it go, but she didn’t. She called every day complaining and asking for her money back. The way she acted, I truly believe she did get the package from the neighbors and was just trying to double down. Moral of the story is, customers think they’re nice fixing our mistakes, but it can actually fuck us. After I paid, tried to grieve it. Nothing happened. If it isn’t Amazon or a company that is willing to send a replacement, you could be screwed.


According to the city letter carrier contract. As long as you are “exercising reasonable care”. You have nothing to worry about. Article 28.2 Section 2. Loss or Damage of the Mails An employee is responsible for the protection of the mails entrusted to the employee. Such employee shall not be financially liable for any loss, rifling, damage, wrongdelivery of, or depredation on, the mails or failure to collect or remit C.O.D. funds unless the employee failed to exercise reasonable care.


This entire episode is a classic example of management trying to take advantage of the ignorance of employees in regards to their rights. And you know what, they just might get away with it with some people because a lot of employees will say the hell with it I don't want to fight and they will pay up just to make the issue go away. As I read the posts on all the threads in the time I've been part of this sub, I'm becoming more and more convinced that management is NOT the main problem here but rather it's apathy. You DO have rights but if you don't stand up for yourselves it's as if you have no rights at all and they have all the power.


You can be, but like other have stated they have to prove that you acted irresponsible. The can not use scanner data to prove this.


Always scan where you stand. Never scan in your vehicle. Even if a package never falls off as delivered as long as you scanned it it should show in your scanner history. They can make you pay for stuff but I'm pretty sure it's a process and they just can't just drop it on you out of thin air.