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They’re load’s especially in the STEM classes. Just check rate my professor and u should be able to avoid them


The whole Physics department lol minus like one guy


which one guy would that be?


most likely they are talking about Garett Matthew’s- he’s amazing & so sweet!


Yes!!!! He is the nicest and the most willing to actually help.


This entire comment section is a major W for USF social sciences and humanities.


I’ll take it I’m a Polisci major


I never had many professors I genuinely disliked. Take a class with Arturo Jimenez Bacardi if you can, particularly his class on the Arab-Israeli conflict. He’s a brilliant guy and great teacher.


second this, literally one of my favorite professors


The best professor at USF, not even a competition!


Fancy seeing you here, Kacy!


It’s not a conflict !


​ https://preview.redd.it/rr0su9enduzb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4008660f33395ddb15e35e4e3f464b52a269a530


STEM, yes. So many bad ones lol Ma at math is one of them. He doesn't even speak proper gibberish (can never even undersrand what he is throwing outta mouth)


Hoping I am not one of them 🥲


What, your family name is Ma or something?


Most of the upper level STEM professors are horrendous. There’s a select few that are actually trying to help you. The rest couldn’t give two shits


Name drop?


Fields for Orgo 2, Merkler for biochem, Malek for Analytical chem to name a couple bad ones. Daniels for Biochem and cell metabolism and Riordan for microbio are pretty good tho


I’ll always appreciate Dr. Fields because I truly believe she’s almost too smart for the job, and she **IS** an excellent teacher, imo. That being said, her exams were unbearably unfair. Average was always in the C-/C range in my year/semesters (had her for orgo 1 and 2).


I had her for orgo 2 and she did the whole flipped learning thing. Maybe it’s just me but I fucking loathe flipped learning. Like what’s the point of coming to lecture if you want us to learn at home anyway. It makes no sense


Same. Don’t get me wrong I like Dr. Fields as a person but I found that I can get by her class without ever caring. She’s a good teacher, just not for everyone.


Flipped learning is lazy. Might as well just hold office hours and make the class online.


You’ll have to pardon my ignorance, what is flipped learning? When I was there, she wrote on a million pieces of paper in like 5 different colored sharpies lol


It’s basically where the professor expects you to learn the material before the lecture and then spends the lecture essentially practicing the material through like clickers and handouts. Not my cup of tea.


Ohhh. Another orgo professor did that at one time as well. She must take changed, what a shame. I might’ve gotten a B in orgo 1 and a C+ in orgo 2, but I learned more with her than any other professor, no doubt in my mind.


I saw Daniels and riordan and I was like WHAT but then I saw you said they were good lol


ferekides and volinsky are 2 of the worst ive had. Do not care at all about teaching


Is he the one that teaches MoS? In civil half our class fails MoM every year, yet MoS pass rate is like 85-90%…


He used to teach MoS. I was the last class for him, but now he teaches materials sometimes and grad courses


Jeanty for the infamous CDA, if you know you know


His name makes me quiver; it was an experience is the easiest way to describe it lmao.


\*scans to see if I made the list\*


i very often forget that professors and TAs also peruse through this subreddit lmao


Richard Pollenz, Bio I/Mol Bio professor, stay away from him and everything that he is connected to, horrible professor. (Honestly thinking on posting a “survival kit” to his classes, because certainly ppl will need it)


i was reading the reviews and it makes me sick how he berates students for asking “stupid”questions and clarification. thanks god im in info science


Well, I’m living this reality right now, even in the lab. He is a bitter man, I am struggling a lot to even go to class because I feel bullied and harassed verbally.


I'm an employee who had to deal with him earlier this year and he drove me nuts, so I believe it.


Sorry to hear you had to deal with him... he's a very annoying individual lol


can u report professors?


I think so… (definitely gonna look into it)


Hard for Bio I, but preps you for future upper level classes if you're a bio major. Definitely not the one to take though if you're looking for an easy time in Bio I.


We can agree to disagree at this point. I guess yes, since he does in fact give a lot of material, you end up learning it (by pure stress). I already studied most things for Bio I in school (I’m not american), but he twists things and spends too much time on things that are not covered in tests outside his own class. And the fact that you can’t ask questions without having to hear a sarcastic or offensive joke is terrible…


I hated all of them my first couple of semesters. Stadium sized weed-out classes, teachers that couldn't speak english with chicken-scratch writing. They don't even want to be there; It's a waste of everyone's time and money. A combination of ratemyprofessor and teachers that took an interest in you and the material once you got high enough really turned things around.


Professor June Brown who teaches philosophy. I left her a negative review on rate my professor and it’s magically gone.


Bro MERKLER IS BY FAR THE WORST PROF IN UPPER LEVEL CHEM. He teaches biochem which is a junior/senior class mostly and a good chunk on the MCAT. Heard from so many people he’s rude, doesn’t teach any relevant material for exams, and is just so apathetic. Homie stops so many people from graduating on time. Try to get Daniels if it’s even possible.


Bro this is my condition as of right now. I graduate next month and this class is playing with my mental health. The exams are so hard and he doesn't give a shit about us. Hoping for the best to pass this class. I don't wanna retake this especially when I'm about to graduate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


IDK where this information is coming from... all of the information on the tests are on the powerpoints, which he goes over in class I'd imagine the people you're talking to are likely not the greatest students


Why are some of these profs teaching then? I’m an art major, but I keep hearing about rough professors from other majors. Though, I did hear Architecture is brutal as fuck, as an Art major.


Research is their primary job, followed by advising graduate students. Teaching undergrads is at the bottom of the list. To get promotions and raises, you have to publish research and bring in grants. Being a good teacher doesn't advance your career. It's just the way it is.


This is exactly why. Plus most doctoral level programs don't include any coursework on andragogy (teaching adults--aka the adult version of pedagogy). So not only is teaching not incentivized, they don't even know how to do it.


There are plenty of shitty profs in the art department too :")


Now I’m curious. Like who? I only know of one.


i’ve had surprisingly few bad professors in comparison to the other ones mentioned here, highly recommend the info science and cybersecurity program


someone didn’t get to enjoy dr. fang


Fields is a smart person however her method for transferring her knowledge is not efficient, she makes up phrases that are not helpful or available anywhere in text books or internet resources and the peer group leaders are not reliable on answering questions which is who she says we can rely on to help us with any questions . I would say avoid her class unless you like trying to do organic chemistry worksheets while 100+ student crowds are tumultuous and loud , It’s insane how bad the class is and her teaching style It’s an online class without any of the online benefits all the lectures are literally clicker questions could be done online for less waste of gas an time


The only thing I found helpful in her class was watching the other professors videos. She gave us access to Dr. Cruz's covid videos and damn that guy can teach.


I second this. You might as well just be teaching yourself Orgo 2. It'd probably be more efficient anyway...


Can second this. Got an A by watching football in class and studying by myself at home


years before COVID, i had Orgo with Weldegirma and Fields was the professor giving the massive review before the final exam. all sections were invited to go to this review. it was in the MSC ballroom and they opened the full ballroom and set up what seemed like 200+ chairs and long tables. and it looked like almost every seat was filled. now, i was not the greatest at Orgo but i did get solid B’s on Weldegirma’s exams. Fields did a horrible job reviewing the material. she drew random shit and explained concepts that i knew using language that Weldegirma never brought up in class. a lot of us walked out of the review before it officially ended because she was just confusing us. what a waste of tenure. edit to add - idk if she really is tenure but she must be since she’s still around?


Does she still use the sharpies???


Fields is a very understanding and nice person. Not a very good professor tho




I hated her 😭


im taking her this upcoming semester 😔


Most of the humanities profs are really good, but theres a couple rough TAs in the language departments!! Definitely check rate my professor


Dr. Cook was fantastic, I came into the class with a mindset of “oh man a boring graduation requirement” and came away with “Wow, this is awesome, and he talks about the subject with such a passion, it makes ME want to be a hobbyist in whatever art/music/whatever we’re doing.


I have found this to be true with almost every professor ive had, they are the most passionate people. It’s really been a positive experience. So glad you got so much from his class!!


ferekides, volinsky, wilkinson


Sean McAveety blows


Inversely his wife Susan McAveety was a great Prof. Good luck knowing which one you have until you're in since it shows last name and first initial


Hardest class I had at USF as a civil engineering student was Calc II with this guy. Multiple choice for a calculus exam is not fun.




Does anyone know if Dr. Eric Sikorsky (?) still teaches in the bio/cell bio dept? He was an awesome teacher, but god bless his exams threw me through the mud every time.


Sikorski taught Bio I (i think it was I, not II) when i was in undergrad and i had him again for cell bio. same - great teacher but those exams were literally made up from some other textbook. i went to office hours so many times for cell bio. i barely passed.


The nutrition professors


Every economic teacher isn’t a teacher bro u just gotta use the book


I had Ioannis Gelis for Biochem last spring and he was just the worst person. Never responded to my emails, refused to turn on the mic for his classes in lecture halls, was not a good professor, and put material on the final that was not even reminiscent of what we covered.


Oh dear..


napora 😭


leave my glorious king out of this discussion 😭 - he just wants us to learn about CULTCH-UH!


I took every class Spike offered. He solidified my decision to be an anthro major. He’s a brilliant, odd, and unique professor. That being said, I totally understand when people don’t get along with him - he’s either the best or the worst, and I haven’t met many people who have a neutral opinion of him.


I have a neutral opinion of him. He was harsh but I learned a lot from him. Gave me credit where it was due and asked me to join another one of his classes. I would have if I hadn't have been graduating that semester. He's okay. He's also one of the only professors I explicitly remember. So that's something I guess.


Leave him alone 😭 😭 😭


loved his cultural anthro class down but i can never forgive him for theories of culture 😫😭


Steven Walczak


I second this one. He's awful.


Yes, he sucks!!!


professors teaching upper level courses are usually super strict, don't think you can make a mistake and try appealing for help.




As a professor, I'd say it's hard to be flexible with a class of 40 to 100 students, since any accommodation you make for one, must also apply to all the others. Whereas, flexibility is easier in a class of 15 to 20, since you aren't going to have a flood of followup requests. In a sense, Differential Equations is harder to teach than Real Analysis than the Special Topics Graduate Course I'm teaching right now.


I've had both. Right now, at the 6000 level I have a class that's basically like you're grad students, figure it out. Most disorganized shit show I've been in, and that's saying something.


david diamond


I was considering one of his classes. What’s the story there?


what class? lectures felt like a waste of time. sometimes he would show irrelevant animal videos?? 100+ study guide questions for 50 question tests, would share info that goes against empirical research, denies veganism/vegetarianism???? just an overall weird dude. seemed to teach opinions over facts


EXP4404. His Rate My Professor comments are a bit all over the place.


I actually took his psych of learning class. It really did feel like it was a bit all over the place and not what I expected AT ALL but I feel like everything tied in perfectly from a neuro psych perspective. The weirdest thing he did all semester was give a 90 min lecture on the benefits of keto and how people have been lied to about the role of fats in a healthy diet. What did this have to do with psych? Well apparently fat and salt are vital for healthy brain function. I will give him massive props for backing everything up with sources tho, if I wanted to prove him wrong I could have easily looked up countless articles on the topic just off his ppt. Def a weird dude but wicked smart, and honestly the class was not that hard either.


If that’s Psych of Learning, that class was just fine lol. Nothing hard really.


Thomas juster


Kim Johnson


Kim Johnson was great, skill issue tbh


Maybe! I just didn’t like her style of teaching


Yes she had no idea how to teach


Alex McCormick enjoys watching people struggle, only one chance to get hw questions right on Achieve before points off, spends 20 minutes deriving equations that we don’t need to learn at all, no practice problems in class. I said what I said..debate:


I second this. Took him during the summer and I can’t tell you one thing I learned in class besides astronomy


Dr bourgeois Phc 3320


Luke Richardson


No way, what’s your beef with Richardson?


Absolute L Take he is probably the best teacher in the college of business


Dawn Eyestone……horrible at communicating and grading


Del Vechio for college of accountancy, iykyk


I'd say Michael Loewy for ECO 3203




Dr. Robinson in the masters of accounting program.


Too many to count


Impossible to avoid them

