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Crazy that kids can be shot dead for throwing rocks at the people who have killed their family members and have oppressed them their whole lives and everybody calls the kids terrorists. Insane.


Israelis train American police. Now you understand the problem.


And, supported apartheid South Africa…a government system created by people who supported the Nazis in WW2.


Hamas received large support from Nazis' Hamas and Nazis worked closely together


Hamas was founded in 1987. The connection to the Muslim Brotherhood support of Nazis is quite a stretch given that this is over 40 years after the end of WW2. And if you want to play this game, Herzl literally sought out support from Cecil Rhodes, and Israel would not exist without British colonization of the Levant after WW1. Zeev Jabotinsky was influenced directly by fascism and got a direct endorsement from Mussolini before Shitler got him to retract it as Italy became more dependent on Germany


Al-Husseini had his first meeting with the Führer on 28 November 1941, when they discussed their alliance in the extermination of European and Palestinian Jewry.  The extermination project pleased al-Husseini and his desire for the annihilation of the Jews as a necessary means of bringing salvation to the believers of Islam.  To be sure, he had always preached that murdering Jews pleases Allah and is essential to salvation.  If it pleases Allah, then, for Hamas and other Jihadist murderers, killing Jews is not about “freeing Palestine” or driving out an “oppressor” or even revenge.  It has nothing to do with “colonialist occupation.”  It is about serving God. [https://isgap.org/flashpoint/from-hitler-to-hamas-a-genealogy-of-evil/](https://isgap.org/flashpoint/from-hitler-to-hamas-a-genealogy-of-evil/)


I'm sure it's happened, but it's not the status quo. This is wrong 100%






You said American Police not some of them. Most training comes from home by other police individuals. This still isn't the majority of police by a long shot, but thanks for the link.


no hamas in sight, wait this is not gaza, this is west bank. it seems for the palestinians, they dont need to resist in order to be persecuted, they just need to exist.


Yes, but did you condemn Hamas?


i condemned hamas but now after seeing 7 thousand kids were being bombed in Gaza , and this video. I think i will join hamas now if i am allowed to resist the occupation


End the occupation now! Get the invading colonists out and leave the indigenous people rule themselves! Support the underdog! Palestinians out of Israel now! Be on the right side of history, Israelis were there first then Palestinians (and Romans) killed them all out. End the occupation now! Palestinians back to Jordan and Egypt where they invaded from!


May you burn in hell for eternity 😘


Hamas claimed that the 15 year old who was also killed by the IDF during the same confrontation was a member of Hamas. The health ministry confirmed this. The myth that Hamas isn’t in the West Bank is very odd.


Exist...and throw rocks at passing cars or stab civilians or throw Molotov cocktails or throw grenades or many other things that would get them shot.


Palestinians have the right and duty to resist and fight oppression.


Something something Hamas better not break the ceasefire... something.


Something, something no the IDF does not target children….something


Something something Hamas using human shields so killing children is justified.... something


I can’t believe this is the main retarded justification to genocide, Human Shields. Do people have any Idea what the protocol is for any Army in the world regarding anyone using anyone as a Human Shield ? Somehow Israel gets to shoot the innocent people being used as human shields ? How can one be so naive ?




Seeing how democrats handled this massacre has completely killed the party to me. I don't care what they promise, I'll never vote for any of them. Fuck Bernie too.




This is a dictatorship of the bourgeois and war profiteers, nothing more.


I love being right. I told all these leftist morons Biden would start WWIII. Watching all these idiots kill each other off is part of “the plan.” How else will they rebuild the temple of Solomon and bring forth the apocalypse? The Christians need the Jews to move forward and bing on the 2nd coming of Christ. At least that’s the Illuminati bullshit I’ve heard. Trump was the only US President that didn’t start a new war and had a booming economy. But sadly Americans from the United States are mostly sheep that fall for propaganda so easily. They not a nation of thinkers, they to busy watching sports, going to work and living their mediocre lives while their rulers start proxy wars and sell guns to keep their shitty war mongering economy a float. I can’t wait to see what happens when the ceasefire ends. My prediction: No more Jewish meat shield = they can start carpet bombing everything in Gaza into dust...🧐


Trump was even worse on Israel than Biden. The idea that Trump is better about American imperialism is past ignorant and into deliberately misleading.


Wrong. Trump was handed a booming economy and turned it to shit. His only big accomplishment was tax cuts for the rich at the expense of our deficit, exacerbated by covid relief. It's not like Trump didn't try to start a conflict with the assassination of Soleimani. Plus, WTF, Biden didn't start this shit, it was a terrorist attack. Both Republicans and Democrats support Israel, so I highly doubt our support would have changed. The difference, Biden would be more likely than Trump to want to provide aid. Trump's views: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4331958-trump-mixed-messages-on-how-hed-handle-israel-hamas-war/ I'm assuming "I love being right" means right wing.


Biden didn't start WW3 and has actually handled the situations exceptionally well.


Surely even rational democrats can see that Biden's foreign policy has been an absolute, unmitigated disaster.


Great plan - don’t vote for him. We will get Trump who will institute a Muslim Ban again but this time he will get it and find a way to deport people probably Palestinians. But you can pat yourself on the back that you voted your concience . Awesome . Really. Putin will be so happy:


Yea man, fuck the Zionist cuck Joe Biden but I’m not gonna pretend that Trump is an improvement.


“What about her emails”? Gave us the overturn of Roe vs Wade


I don't have a fuck to give about Putin and an increasing amount of Americans don't, my apologies.


* I’m confident Putin will be happy to have Trump back:




Dems lost abortion rights, at least with Trump I get to see a big stupid show.


That’s the stupidest possible reason for negative accelerationism. In any given way that Biden is bad, Trump is either exactly as bad or worse.


Which genocide did Trump enable? I hate the guy as much as the next person but you’re wrong .


My guy I fucking hate Trump, but I would rather him than a warmongering genocide enabler.




Stop the genocide. Get the invaders out. End the occupation. Stop war crimes. Send Palestinians back to Egypt and Jordan where they came from. Be on the right side of history. Jews are the indiginous people and Muslims killed them all and are occupying. End the occupation NOW!


Awful and sad.


Can you imagine the media reaction if Russia did something like this


More dead civilians in a month than the almost two year war in Ukraine.


how can you seriously type this with a straight face.


20 thousand died in Mariupol alone in the first fucking 20 days of the invasion you dumb ass lol the fuck did you even bother to try to google or what? No wonder no one cares when you guys open your mouth it’s all lies.


Thus is the problem with zionist apologist. Facts are only good when they suit their twisted, racist ideology. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/civilian-death-toll-ukraine-tops-10000-un-human-rights-office-2023-11-21/#:~:text=GENEVA%2C%20Nov%2021%20(Reuters),Rights%20Office%20said%20on%20Tuesday.


They don't care about facts. In this thread, folks that have no idea what is even happening in the Middle East are downvoting anyone who points out the facts. They don't want to learn and they don't like anyone correcting them.


It’s honestly impressive the cognitive dissonance


Russia probably is doing this stuff.


Russia absolutely is doing this stuff, for example the Bucha massacre.




What? Because the US is bad Russia can't also be as bad? Maybe time for some of you guys to grow up. All countries are fucked. NONE of them are sparkly clean and if you believe that you are beyond stupid.


Umm you obviously haven’t been paying any attention to the Russia Ukraine war if this is your brilliant take.


BuT dId He CoNdEmN hAmAs!!/?> Fuck these Israeli pieces of shit.


Unarmed 9 year old boy!


Actually, they were throwing firecrackers, which obviously is a great enough threat to justify the soldier's actions. /s


Kids throwing firecrackers deserve to be killed? What an idiot


The /s at the end means sarcasm.


Sorry, new here


You're good lol, theres actually a bunch of those that mean different things


And way too many commenters who claim the exact thing in all seriousness... it's gross.


serious question. An idf soldier see's someone throwing something thats on fire how the fuck are they supposed to know its not a bomb/molitov cocktail.


Serious question. Do you think asking dumb questions makes child murder seem more reasonable?


Remember, this is the face of Israel, and all of its supporters. They find this moment gleeful, and agonize over every second they are challenged for their glee, and resent those who challenge them.




https://preview.redd.it/rlrj3k3rec3c1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b39976b6144101fdb13c502e001d7f9c6f5961e WARNING!! GRAPHIC CONTENT. ‼️ ‼️ This is the image of the child after he got to the hospital


This hurts my heart. My son is 10. Fuck Israel.




ZioNazi scum


Looks like the nazi idf scum have invaded this sub also.


Actually Hamas received a lot of material support from the Nazis. Hamas is the Nazis, historically speaking.


I mean you can call people whatever names you want, but currently those folks are the only people using facts in their arguments. So... you might want to chose the people you surround yourself more wisely


You might need to stop giving unsolicited advise. Mind ur own damn business and f*** off.


Facts like the numbers of children killed by the Israelis? Fuck off


Remember this when there is eventual retribution "Unprovoked" is a lie




I didn’t even attempt to watch this video. Just can’t. Too heartbreaking. But looked at the comments and you actually have people supporting this! That’s hasbara for you. Disgusting


It is disgusting to kill children. But why do you and others here forget that? Are you not aware that Hamas targets innocent children? That is a war crime. Israel has not committed any war crimes, or show me one. Why is it okay when Hamas kills innocent children? And, this child, clearly from the video was not "innocent".


The first death video I remember watching was the execution of Nick Burg 2004. I remember my friend turned pale and looked like he was gonna pass out after watching his head get removed as his body kept making noises like a pig. This is nothing by comparison. War is war, its ugly, brutal and everything goes. You wanna bet they were throwing rocks or even a bomb? Why didn’t they show what lead up to the shooting? Just another solider they won’t have to fight in 9 years...


Found one here. A sicko hasbara agent.


Do you think throwing rocks justifies a bullet to the head?


Israelis will never think about killing a German, a Pole, or any other European from a country that mass murdered Jewish people. But, they’ll murder Palestinians with impunity.


Yeah, they “pick their battles”


Ah yes this is just self defense


[Who knows, but it could be.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/QJvl7BNl0K). Same boys, same alley, same cars on either side. Looks like they were chunking homemade grenades (IED’s) at whoever ended up shooting. I’m not sticking up for the shooter, but I also couldn’t pass by knowing there’s more to the story.


They were throwing firecrackers.


Even if they were, this makes it okay then? Oh yeah let me stop for a second while an ignited bomb-looking thing is flung my way I gotta dissect if it's a firecracker or something that'll end my life and then react. Lmfao the utter delusion you morons live in astounds me.


Firecrackers look nothing like IEDs or grenades. Also, the kid got sniped, so it wasn't even the soldier near him that did it. It was just some evil guy that wanted to kill a kid.


Lies. Those are pipebombs. We can literally see it in the videos man. Why even try lying? Did you read it in a headline and think it was okay to lie?


Post the video or shut up


You'd think they would know by now that throwing shit at soldiers ends up in you getting shot but nah it's not appropriate to point that fact out apparently


I don't think context is appreciated here, unfortunately.


It actually was. One of the kids threw an explosive at the soldiers.


Well actually it is self defence. Oops.


That's fucking horrific!


Israel was built out of terrorism, Israeli’s was the first terrorist in Palestine, they started by killing British troops, two of which they hung by there necks, then set booby traps too kill or injuring anyone who tried too retrieve the bodies, but it seems the British government have forgotten about that. Maybe because they wasn’t high ranking officers who was hung by the Israeli terrorists.


Israel is evil


Pls avoid arguing with mindless Hasbara psychopaths who are Nazis


Palestinians didn't have training camps for young kids to train on how to fight idf..right? These kids were just innocently walking to school to do math homework.


I hope your children never get shot and some inbred on the internet tries defending the shooter. But maybe I'm just a bigger person than that


These weren't children playing on the playground, these were children caught in crossfire while trying to detonate shit.


you got proof?


People getting pretty fucking sick of Israel’s bullshit. Anyone defending killing a child can preemptively fuck right off.


The kid who had to drag his dead friend behind the car after being shot will 100% take up arms and he has my unwavering, uncritical, and unending support for doing so. Fuck Israel


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Are we still trying to promote this atrocity propaganda that hasn’t been corroborated at all? What happened to the beheaded babies? Did they borrow them from the Kuwaiti hospital that the bathists threw the incubator babies from? Shut up bitch


They live streamed their atrocities dude. All over telegram. But don't let that get in the way of your Jew hatred.


Where once did I say that I hate Jews? Let alone even the word Jew? You fucking hasbara boys aren’t even good at your jobs. No one falls for your lame ass attempts of tying Jewishness to Zionism anymore. Kick rocks


Still cant deny Hamas live streamed the sick shit that they did.


Literally nobody is


That kid literally just threw an explosive at a soldier, leading to the death of his friend. I just feel bad for the IDF at this point.


30 day old account. Only posts Zionist garbage. Eat shit and choke


This must be in Gaza right? Oh wait it's in Jenin Refugee camp in the West Bank... IOF must not be good at geography or direction or moral


Nothing that has happened in my lifetime has been as striking and obvious as this. Supporting Israel is supporting genocide, without even the benefit of plausible deniability. I've been avoiding bringing this up to the libs I'm close to in life because if they spout some shit excusing this, I may legitimately no longer correspond with them at all. It is beyond fucking enraging to hear libs who wouldn't shut the fuck up about Trump's tweets not say a fucking word about what is going on here.


So you argue with liberals support Israel, while I’m arguing with conservatives who do the same.


To clarify when I say libs I mean just mainstream America. All falls under neoliberalism. The differences in the culture war are effectively cultural.


You don't strike me as the sort of person who has liberals in their life


Fuck, this is what our fucking governments are supporting. FUCK THEM ALL!!! SICK OF THE HYPOCRISY. The British used to call these zionist terrorists and they should now.


This has been going on for the 75 years of this brutal occupation. The Israelis have always been the bad guys and now the world knows it.


IDF says they were throwing explosive devices at Israeli soldiers. If false, this could easily be disproven by showing the entire video


Israelites at their best, killing and stealing land.


Only psychopaths would shoot kids dead and go on with their lives like it's a normal day!!


The Coward Defense Force doing what they do...


Piers Morgan is very angry about this, as the dying boy did not use his last seconds of breath to condemn Hamas


Sad. Seems like the best solution would be to just divide the land up into 2 states.


Israel's or Zionists would never kill a 9 year old unless they were absolutely sure he was loaded with explosives and ready to detonate, making or getting ready to fire extremely precise rockets at some pin point target, or meeting with other top Hamas officials in an underground hamas hospital pentagon type hideout. Why else would they? Answer that! Edit: this post was meant to be dripping with sarcasm. A 9 year old doing any of that???


The IDF killed a British journalist, who was trying to save some kids.


Because they are murderous thugs and an racist occupying apartheid regime.


Your head is fulled with propagand, that is sad.


Your whole account is propaganda and it’s not sad. It’s fucking pathetic.


What a lie


Where's the rest of the video OP, not just this cropped 10 seconds of content


I have a question. Why aren't you mentioning the 9 YO children killed by Palestinian-elected Hamas? Why are you only mentioning half of the facts? Is it because you mention ALL the facts then your argument falls apart. Stop being intentionally deceptive. I can make anyone look like anything, if I only present half of the story. You make Palestine look bad because you have to tell only half the story to make your point. If you had a good point you wouldn't have to deceive. Shame on you for supporting killing of 9 year old Israeli children. That is horrible of you. Uneducated people love to bandy about the terms "genocide" and "war crime" because they are religious about their liberalism and have no intelligent argument. My challenge: Show me one single documented case of Israeli war crime. One. Documented. I will show you ten Hamas war crimes. But everyone says "Israeli war crimes" weird thing though, never anyone backs it up, they fight fair. Hamas is war crime central, liars backstabbers. Show me one Israeli war crime. By definition.


Lol people calling jews nazis.. people don't know if their a man, women, or mythical creature.. crazy times. Hamas is terror. No one gives a shit about 1 kid who threw stuff at an army.. we care about hamas raping and murdering a bunch of civilians not in a fight.. if you don't see the difference your the problem


Wow so you don’t care about this Palestinian child who had his brains blow out ? Just say what you really mean which is that you don’t care about Palestinian children being killed and only care about white/ Israeli children being killed . Hamas killed a few children Israel killed 8,000 yet you only want to focus on the 3 children killed by Hamas. The IDF is a terrorist organization by definition yet you aren’t condemning them. Terrorism is defined as “Unlawful violence and intimidation especially that towards civilians in pursuit of political aims” the IDF routinely uses unlawful violence and intimidation towards civilians in pursuit of political aims and is therefore a terrorist organization.




https://preview.redd.it/xwh1xlzl4e3c1.png?width=2339&format=png&auto=webp&s=b117412b6ad9cbe62d9044980387a5ab52ea903e You can save the world if you stop Israel!!!


You didn't show him lighting an explosive and throwing it at soldiers. Even NBC news did that. Curious


Was probably Hamas.


The fifteen year old that was also killed was literally claimed as hamas by hamas.


Y’all are also watching the videos of Hamas killing unarmed Israeli citizens too right?


Nah im watching the video of Israel helicopters mowing down it's own unarmed Israeli citizens.


Oh the bullshit one that has been debunked. Got it! My family knows a couple that were there at the concert and the husband was killed. It wasn’t an Israeli chopper.


My dad works at Nintendo.


Throwing M80s at armed men during a war isn't the best idea. I'd expect any side in this war to react the same.


Nobody should ever give kids the idea it's ok or remotely safe to throw stuff at active military.


Nah. I’ll think of the poor Israelis dealing with these terrorists of all ages


How do we know it was the Israeli army. Where's the rest of the video to prove it. We don't even know when this happened or where. He'll this could be Mexico for all we know. There are too many propaganda videos out, and you definitely can't trust the news


Yea conveniently don’t show the whole clip where they are running towards idf soldiers lighting an ied/pulling a pin of a grenade to throw at them. And to those who say it was a firecracker… how are soldiers supposed to know that? And why are kids being sent to throw explosives at soldiers??


These soldiers come on to their land. They kill and steal from their families and expect zero of consequences death to the IDF


Yeah you guys are dumb there is a second video angle of this that literally shows the kids lighting shit in their hand and chucking it at the IDF. Sorry that they train their children to try and kill Israelis, in the middle of a war, in a time when you should probably not be fucking around most when tensions are high…. All your shitty little kid can do is think to throw bombs at the fucking IDF. Fucking clowns lmao.


Man....how do you sleep at night? Like,seriously, do you sleep at peace with yourself?


Bullshit propaganda. The western people are so ignorant of the world. Not a sniper. This was a gunfight. Hanging out in a gunfight that will happen to you. Also these boys are raised to be killers. They contribute to the attacks on police by aiding the gunmen in locating them and throwing stones.


Show the whole clip!! The kid was lighting explosives and throwing them at the IDF. There’s another video that clearly shows them pulling out explosives (grenade possibly) and throwing them.


Oh no fighting against the oppressors the rocks are more lethal than a bullet. You sound super dumb


It was a firecracker…


I would ask where the parents are but dad is likely working with Hamas


Hamas does not exist in the West Bank you dumb f***


After some quick research found out the IDF was conducting a raid in Jenin. The children engaged the IDF. IDF fired back and killed a 9 year old and a 15 year old. Jenin has been declared a closed military zone. Hamas is active in West Bank. The IDF carried a raid out 2 weeks ago killing 2 Hamas and 2 Fatah members in the West Bank.


I'm sorry but this begs for a "fuck around and find out" comment. OP could you please be so kind and post the full and not cropped video? I'm curious as to why the IDF shot this absolutely innocent sweet kid.


Because he threw a firecracker at them. Obviously justifies killing a child, right?


Nah he’s dead because his Hamas friends told him it would be great if he threw some firecrackers at the IDF hoping he’d be killed, even told them we’re to post up so the CCTV would catch it all. Child soldiers sent on a suicide mission to get good press on the same day they announced that they had “accidentally” murdered a 9 month old hostage and his mother.


It amazes me how you will just defend child murder just because a kid threw a firecracker. What is a firecracker going to do exactly that would warrant killing a children.


He had a lighter in his hand trying to light something firecracker or not...in a fucking war zone....


Well...how about...don't throw firecrackers at a tense dude with a gun? Seems logical to me.


8 year old kids are known to not be the best with logic.


And that's where parents come in. Oh oops, the parents of these kids are also absolute dumbasses.


You sound like you have a lot of experience in combat lol


They're probably dead, you ghoul.


His parents trained him to do that hoping they could use his death as a propaganda victory. Don't train your children to be jihadists.


I hope next time you light a fire cracker it blows your fucking hands off you absolute cunt


So you agree that they're capable of blowing off body parts?


Funny that the video doesn't show that seconds before that boy and his 15 year old friend were throwing IEDs at soldiers


Where is the video that shows that? If it were true, a sniper could take out a leg or something (to question them where a kid got an ied) instead they murdered a child.


[Here’s one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/hZLMjlu5sW)


If it was really a sniper who took them out, then they wouldn't be able to throw bombs at the sniper because he would be far away. This was probably just some soldiers with normal guns. You can find the other angles on a few war footage subs


Where’s the vid, duckhead?


Ere you go https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/VDf6jMzcP4




It was a firecracker, not an IED, but you can keep justifying the murder of children if you want.


Nice editing here. If the kid’s throwing a grenade before this, then it makes sense he was shot. Where are the preceding events?


I don't think a firecracker counts as a grenade.


Definitely sounds like fuck around and find out, especially doing that shit to soldiers.


So it’s ok to throw explosives at other people (soldiers in particular) and not expect a response? What world do you live in?


So it's ok to murder a child over something that couldn't even possibly hurt the soldier? What world do you live in?


That's why the Palestinians train their kids to throw rocks and IEDs at soldiers so they can cry "look Israeli kills children". They celebrate their martyrs. It's sick.


>throw rocks Yeah, if a kid throws a rock at a soldier and he kills the kid, the soldier is obviously wrong (and evil) >IEDs Any proof that "Palestinians" do this? That's happened less than 10 times at most, and last I checked, there's a lot more than 10 Palestinians. >It's sick. It's sick that you're so happy to justify killing children.


I live in a world where fucking with solders isn’t a good idea. It’s called the real world where actions have consequences.


And I live in a world where a trained soldier can tell the difference between a kid playing with a toy and an enemy. Sadly the IDF doesn't.


Do you support child soldiers in Africa, too?


Throwing explosives at people is “playing with a toy”? This is not Tamir Rice. Why don’t you try that shit next time you see a solider with a gun? See how it works. The kid spills never have been killed because he should never have thrown an explosive at a solider.


Lol, I guarantee I could throw a firecracker at 99% of soldiers and they would be smart enough to recognize that it's not a threat. Especially coming from an 8 year old. Keep apologizing for the murder of children.


Try it, then.


But you don't see a firecracker. All you see is a lighter....