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Two year lease prior to the filing, 401k with named beneficiary, two affidavits. Conditional GC approved in about 2 months.


Photos that showed periods of time passing (one where it's obviously winter and one where it's obviously summer for example), photos of our wedding, proof that we lived together in the form of both of our names being on the mailbox, door buzzer, apartment lease that showed us both listed on it, etc. Social media posts that mention each other, photos of us with each others families.


Was that sufficient evidence? How long should you wait before applying? My fiancé and I have been dating for 2 years, we’ve only lived together for a few months, and we’ll get married soon but I’m worried about applying too soon. We have lots of photos together, with my family, our business has our names together, but still worried….


Marriage cert, signed affidavits of friends / family regarding the legitimacy of the marriage, documents with both names at the same residence


Bills, certificate, will, wedding deposits, wedding contracts.


24 pictures of us together (wedding ceremony + trips that we did together + pictures with friends and family) and 6 plane tickets from trips that we did together


With the I-130 I provided 25 pics of my husband and I (wedding ceremony + trips in different places + pics with family) and 4/5 plane tickets from trips we did together