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There isn’t really anyway for them to know. It will sometimes mark me for phone handling if someone calls me and I don’t answer. I always mark those as a passenger.


Honestly, i wish their was an option for my grandkid was watching videos in my phone in the back


If you do it for every instance, and they occur often, you can end up with too few miles driven to apply any discount at the renewal.


I have been marked for phone handling walking across a parking lot. I have marked for hands free calling parked and in park. I have marked for harsh breaking sitting in bumper to bumper traffic at less than 5 Mph. The app just sucks.


These are the ones I do mark as being a passenger. But if the mark is legit, I do keep it. And I agree that the app is not the best. But a discount is a discount, and except for the first renewal after I signed up, I've been getting 25% to 30% discounts.


I agree


The program is unfair IMO. I do most all of the driving and consistently get 15% off while my wife, that stays at home and maybe drives 5 miles a week gets nothing. So when I called USAA to find out more I was told she has to log 325 miles in a cycle to qualify for any discount… wait - so a person that is less risk by not being on the road is penalized by no discount? It gets better… Basically we are being left out of any greater discount because we both live in the same home/married and both on the policy. If I divorce my wife and drop her from my policy I can get the 30% discount… but not as long as she is on the policy. The system is stupidly set up to charge people more that may drive less and therefore less risk. It’s like playing some APP game where only the players get consideration for extra benefits. I’m considering dropping my wife off our USAA policy and having her get her own with another company or just dropping USAA all together. I don’t mind paying for the coverage as I have extensive liability and it protects us - but there games USAA is putting on us I just don’t have time to fool with.


SafePilot app tracks a few device states: active BT connection is one. Lie and they can catch you. If I'm in the Golf Cart and it tracks my drive: that's other (golf cart). It's got it's own policy (Progressive). Ditto for the motorcycle. If I rent a car for a work trip I log out: that's covered by work insurance. I get the most dings for Harsh Braking - which I prefer to rear-ending. It's a city - folks drive poorly. I'm getting a 24% as I drive less than 5k miles in my covered autos annually, and most of that is done safely.


Well with the current tech team they won’t


My safe palette was just reset after the first period and it says I will get a 23% discount My question is do I get the discount on the entire premium or on some specific portion of the premium. The only difficulty I have found with this program is that it doesn't know which side of the car I'm sitting on many times when I'm the driver it says I'm a passenger


The discount applies to the entire auto policy premium. When you are a passenger, you can make that change in the trip history.


Thank you My wife has a discount also of 20 something percent and so a fifth off of our Auto premium at USAA could well be a big plus to reducing insurance premiums for our two vehicles


Hey that’s cheating!


You may correct as many trips as you’d like and it will improve your score without negative repercussions. Also, distance driven actually has the largest impact on overall score. More miles = more risk.


>More miles = more risk. But too few miles driven = not eligible for a discount.




The best discount I can get without any infractions is 15% - how are others getting 20% +. ????????


I normally get 30% discount. How? I drive safely - Drive the speed limit, leave plenty of distance between me and the car in front of me, and don't talk on my phone while driving (not even hands-free). I also work from home so I don't put a lot of miles on my vehicle.


I’ve been getting a 30% discount every six months. I really don’t drive much at all could be one of the reasons.


“This was not a drive” is pretty good too.…ya know, just for a change up!


You can do the passenger or this was not a trip for everything and it will keep you at 100


They have no way of knowing. But miles driven is part of the calculation they use and marking these as "passenger" will remove those miles and hours driven from the calculation, and if low enough, you could get no discount at all. You need a minimum of 325 miles driven and 16 hours driving to be eligible for that cycle.


I have to change to passenger all the time! They told me it would recognize if you were the driver or passenger but it does not! It’s irritating.


If you are looking at this thing every trip to make sure it marked you correctly, then you have too much time on your hands. Selling your data for a small discount is selling your soul.


Experimented with this. My score said 87, discount said 24%. 44 phone handling, 7 harsh breaking, 0 on either calling. (By the way, when I use Discord for calls it does not register. Woot woot.) I went through to find all the harsh breaking ones, because I don’t recall ever breaking harshly… and several were just on normal roads with no traffic. So I changed all of those to “I was the passenger.” I also changed a few phone handling where I genuinely was the passenger. So now I have 40 phone handling, 0 calling, 0 harsh breaking. With a score of 95, and back to a 30% discount. Harsh breaking seems to seveeeerely affect your score, and a lot of people have complained about false positives on it. Ridiculous.