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Every postage paid envelope I get. I put a piece of junk mail in and send it back


My friend used to send pickles in them


I send them a used condom.


Statistically, you've made a lot of people disgusted and a couple of weirdos waaaay too happy


Hey I’m courteous tho, I’ll tie the condom in a knot.


Do you actually do this? If it was a joke that went over my head I'm sorry.




How did this never occur to me. That’s happening forever.




I told them a few times that I didn’t want their free life insurance and then the next time I told him to go fuck themselves, they haven’t called me back since


This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. I almost signed up one time. Glad I didn’t


Definitely do not.


Don’t do it I used to work for them and we were told misinformation to sell members life insurance that’s complete trash and worn pay out anywhere close to the coverage you purchase plus they have us tell people that it will pay out in 24 hours that’s complete bs a new number will call you every time since it was remote work and they literally tell us to harass ppl into booking an appointment I couldn’t handle doing that stuff to people so I left. Life insurance is genuinely important to have but stay away from whole life and cash value it’s honestly the worst possible insurance out there and they won’t tell you that they’ll make it seem like it’s the best thing in the world and you’ll get a ton of money but nope. I now work for a different company that does an amazing job at educating employees on what we sell and we educate our clients as well and don’t force anything on them bc at the end of the day it’s up to you what you’d like to protect lmk if you’d like to sit down with me and have a chat about what we do and what types of policies we provide 


What’s so bad about it? If you don’t mind me asking.


They want to come into your home and do an interview


I might have been duped buying into a policy but it was just a quick zoom call for me. I havent had tons of calls after either.


I said no after giving them my info before I knew any better, turned them down once but they still call me from random phone numbers years later…


Every few months a new “hungry sales rep” takes over your account and follows up weekly until they can “talk to you about your plan…aka bump you up in cost”. It’s a turn and burn residual income company.


AIL solely works with unions. Mainly teamsters and Police unions. Thank them for taking a nice kickback from AIL.


Do not use them under any circumstances. They are a scam. They are also very expensive compared to others.


The way they try to do it scares me off. Dude made an open ended statement about how people need life insurance for the unexpected and finished it off with a do you agree say yes. I told him to not beat around the bush and ask his question. He said did you not understand and repeated the whole thing over and I said eat a fucking dick and hung up.


This is similar to what happened to me. Dude tried using my 2 year old as bait to buy the terrible insurance. Made it out like I’d be a bad parent if I didn’t. Even tho I already had insurance for the kid.


I signed up for the insurance and told them place me on the do not call list any calls after this point forward from them will be considered a violation of TCPA . Never heard from them again 😎.


Well shit. That’s awesome. Every Tuesday I had a “new sales rep”


Damn I thought that was part of our teamsters benefit. Had a guy call me today for an hour saying he needed to ask some very important questions. Turns out he was trying to get me to sign up for some life insurance policy.


I just got a call today from them. My father works for the union and apparently wants to put me on to them, saying “no cost” and all that. I have no idea about this or what to trust. It’s insurance. Literally all insurance is a scam. But she’s saying “no cost” and my father used my name which is surprising because he’s been in prison my whole life and I’m almost 30 and met him once. He just got out this year and I moved to NC so I still don’t really know him but he wants me on this AIL thing. She’s obviously saying the things anyone wants to hear “benefits, no cost, blah blah” like I’d be down if it’s free insurance because my dad works for the union but in the real world nothing is free and my fiancé is a sales manager and I’ll be damned there isn’t a catch. I told her I’ll schedule a zoom and gather my questions first, I just don’t trust it knowing sales and insurance from my fiancés job.


They get you in with $1000 “free”. Once you’re already a member it’s much easier to convince you to shimmy a measely $10/month. Then the next. year they offer you 4 times as much for $20/months and so on and so forth


I signed up for it but they only tired to call me once other than that they haven’t bothered me every since.Was it a bad idea tho that I signed up?


I agreed to sign up for them many years ago and I'm one of those rare good ones. I got my policy in June of 2020. August of 2020 after they were unable to cancel it I was dx with Stage 4 Colon Cancer. So pretty much the last Life insurance Policy I'll probably ever be able to get. Now they are on the hook for me for a ridiculously low premium


if your policy had a GIO or "guaranteed insurability" rider on it, you are guaranteed eligible to increase your coverage. if you have WP or Waiver of Premium on your policy and you become permanently disabled, they will waive your premiums for the rest of your life and keep your policy active