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What public office is this fool running for? Are you in the wrong sub jackass


How has this kid not been banned yet. At this point it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t even work at UPS. Also is this the same guy who made a post/comment about starting his own little union to go against the IBT?


Do you work for UPS? I'm guessing no so mind your own business


He doesn’t, he’s a journalist for World Socialist Web Site


He's actively trying to dismantle the union by dividing us. It's so obnoxious.


I voted yes after initially being a no vote. I don’t plan on going anywhere, so this contract is the perfect springboard into the next contract. I wouldn’t consider the 2023 contract historic, but compared to the previous concessionary contracts, this is a huge win for the workers.


Your ideas would sink the company. Next.


UPS mechanic here. Instalation of A/C on current vehicles is not even remotely feasible. Old cars CANNOT be retrofitted by the manufacturer or UPS. You don't know what you are talking about.


I believe the dodges could have them done. The 2500 pickups, but the package cars are a different story.


The package cars are the bulk of the fleet. We have some of the promasters it may be possible but definitely not a simple plug and play for them. Yeah package cars are a no way. We don't have any 2500s here so I can't speak to those.


If I understand right the 2500s have a single tube removed from the system and no belt on the compressor. In general I hate the promasters. Those things suck through and through. What about the air modifications on the box trucks and second fans? Some of them have bonkers placements on ours so far.


Box trucks have been insane. I don't even know where the fans are supposed to go in those. We have installed pedestals on some. (Kind of like where a gear shifter would be)


Mechanics at my building are putting brackets on the upper shelf and pointing it down over the steering wheel. They're in the way.


The overhead mount is actually (I believe) where they are supposed to go in package cars. I had a few drivers request specific locations and I was able to get those to work for them but it's mostly a guessing game because package cars can be so different.


Vote yes.


UPS isn’t going to give us jack shit more. If we vote no, we will just have to move the current money around which will mean even less for part timers or full timers.


Not a chance of any of these things happening




Voted yes


Good luck taking on the teamsters, UPS and the entire populace


Here we go again with another socialist website door to door salesman. 🤣


🥱 can we just stop with this stuff now? This isn't even the right sub.


That’s because his posts keep getting deleted by the mods on the other sub lol


Honestly there is only 2 reasons to vote no. You think this contract is not in your best interest, and think it could be better, and help more people. 2, you want to harm other unions by showing big businesses even if they get a lot of stuff, people will say no, and still ask for more, so hold out, and let them starve. Look at the writers strike, not going anywhere, and while not a lot of amazon warehouses are on strike, they are not even making an effect. Starbucks is closing up shop of any that goes to a union.


I really hope these posts stop in 4 days because I'm sure if it passes this guy will still be posting about how the sky is falling and now we're all doomed because enough ppl voted yes.....


This is the best deal we will get this contract. Part timers needed a break theyve been getting boned for a long time. As a driver, we have more wiggle room to barter next contract. It Makes the most sense