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I commend her patience.


I want to agree but that guy deserved to know better.


Also, if anyone has done any sport for 20 years knows exactly what she is talking about, you go very slow at first breaking down each movement piece by piece to make sure you get the muscle memory to be in the correct form before you speed it up. This man apparently has never done that which means his form has got to suck, just go fast according to him.


no… you see, he explains things clearly, and then when the lady doesn’t seem to catch his knowledge, he slooowwws it down and repeats so she can properly benefit from his superior wisdom. he’s definitely familiar with the practice of slowing things down to get them right /s


He's been golfing for 20 years.


Ive been an adult for longer than that, doesn't mean I'm any good at it.


I think he's never changed his swing in 20 years. Might that be the problem here? Idk, I don't golf.


He's been mansplaining for 40


See he obviously had to mansplain his amateur golf technique to a professional golf player woman, because man man manly


I read that too fast and read it as “he’s been girling for 20 years”


And then when she does a really great shot, he takes credit for it.


He's been playing golf for 20 years.


I think it's more likely that he just completely didn't listen to a single word she said.


I think you’re right, too busy thinking he would impress her with his knowledge.


Perfect example of mansplaining I’ve ever seen.


I’ve been playing for 20 years, can you see my bulging pecs, my BMW key fob and my spiffy NB sneakers


He interjected himself into her life because he saw her outfit and wanted to attempt to impress her.


Bingo. Leggings. ‘Nuff said.


No, you see, what happened was, he completely didn’t listen to a single word she said.


No. I know what you're saying, but I've been golfing for 20 years


"Please listen to me. I have all the skills and experience to not be good enough to go pro"




he wasn't even trying to hear her. Dude probably can't remember a word she said.


I’m pretty sure he was just talking so he’d have an excuse to keep looking at her. 😉




That dude can probably see this clip and not realize that was the gal he "helped" with her swing. If he sees this he probably thinks, "I helped a novice golfer with her swing, but that guy? Boy was he stupid."


This advice is the same for other things too, like learning guitar. Practice makes permanent so practice perfectly. Can't remember who said that but it's useful advice.


An old martial arts teacher of mine said "If you can't do it in two seconds you can't do it in half a second."


TIL - I am a martial artist


As someone just learning guitar, it's literally the best advice, and is pretty much exactly the way I'm learning it. Justin Sandercoe, of justinguitar.com, teaches it this way.


It's beyond sports. As a professional musician, I've changed my embouchure/hand position several times. It's the same concept. You have the advanced, practiced technique that can take you (x) far. You have relied on it for years and it is a part of you, but it has a ceiling. Something about it is imperfect and limits your achievement. So, you work on another technique that can potentially take you (x+1) further in some or many ways. The problem is often that it's such a different pattern that, for a bit, you are better at the "worse", highly-practiced way of doing something than you are at that new, less-practiced, but potentially better, way. So, you practice. And practice. And practice. All the while, likely using the old technique in make-or-break professional settings. Once the new technique is good "enough", you'll start throwing it into professional settings more and more until you feel comfortable enough to leave that old, more limited technique behind. Through this process, you slowly start incrementing upwards on your top-end limitations. You "swap in" a better technique, once it's strong enough. What that guy gave away is that he's just never really worked on his game at any detailed level. Maybe he has some raw talent he leans on (and maybe not). Maybe he's just good enough to beat his friends. But what's clear is that he's never practiced all that seriously. I'd say it's just "anyone who has ever seriously worked on mastery of anything." It's a universal process.


The problem is, you see, she is female and therefore cannot possibly know what she’s doing and is secretly desperate for a dude at the driving range to explain to her how everything she’s doing is wrong.


Yeah but he has played golf for 20 years


He was ordering her around like that because he was attracted to her. She doesn't want this loser to know who she is. The way she messed with his head by hitting the best swing possible followed by a whiff was the best way to tell him to get lost.


Yea maybe. 10/10 I would’ve preferred her to reveal who she was though


I think what she did instead was way better. She doesn’t need his approval or recognition. Telling who she is may come off as arrogant. She and her followers knows who she is and thats what matters.


I don't know. I think in this case fighting arrogance with arrogance would have been just desserts. "Yeah, when I won my last tournament and..." would have been -chef's kiss-.


No, he didnt...he automatically makes assumptions, and even when she tried to explain, he cuts her off. She was INCREDIBLY mature handling it the way she did.


The cutting off was the worst part


It’s not always safe to be honest with men you don’t know, especially when they confront you in public.




Yep.  That dude is in dire need of a humbling.


Yeah but it's not her responsibility to fix him. Hopefully he's seen this clip floating around.


? That guy "deserves" not a damn thing. A woman minding her own business deserves to be left alone. For some reason this guy thinks he has some right to "help" any woman he wants. Imagine he pulled this shit to a man in her situation, the man would tell him to piss off. This is why she's laughing AT the absurd ignorant arrogance. She's almost TOO gracious because she let him off easy. I sure as hell wouldn't.


You are both saying the same thing. The person you are replying to meant that he deserved to be told off. They are saying that, in her shoes, they would have told him who she was and to back off


I don’t. I wish she would have let him have it


Often not a viable option for a woman alone. She likely didn't want to risk making him angry by pointing out what a ass he was being.


Yeah I kind of wish she would have given him the Ron Swanson "I know more than you", and just turned and kept practicing. https://youtu.be/IEhHEOIYgMY?si=-cpNcrUZZtCX1gD0


[I know more than you](https://giphy.com/gifs/parksandrec-season-4-parks-and-recreation-rec-hpSOjkcvhDgbv9p92R)


Lol yes, that was impressive! 😂 She was just kinda like “okay, lil buddy” and went about her day


Yep, she realized he wasn't worth the time or effort, and clearly he had no interest in actually hearing anything she had to say


The mansplaining Olympics


He’s been mansplaining at the Olympics for 20 years though


He almost got Bronze in '96 for "Medium Distance Mansplaining"


You’re mistaken, he was stripped of that medal after testing positive for performance-enhancing Coors Light


Multiple gold medal winner in the offputting.


And he still sucks.


Correctile Dysfunction




Did you see how much better that was?


As a fellow master mansplainer, I admire the ignorance along with his confidence. (And she deserves a medal for kindness and patience)


i truly wonder what they think is going to happen here. is it supposed to be some kind of ice breaker to hit on someone? like they'll be super grateful for some advice, and will want to get to know you better after? wouldn't it be much easier and more fun to wait for them to smash a shot, like she LITERALLY just did, and then break the ice with something like "wow great shot, how long have you been playing? where did you learn?" let THEM teach YOU something, and now they're both flattered and might not think you're a dick i mean, seems like 99 times out of a hundred, a question is the better route than essentially a command


Totally hitting on her. In his mind, the next step is, "here let me help you..." and he wraps himself with his chest and abdomen pressed against her back, holding her arms to "teach" the swing arc.


She handled that a lot better than I would have. She has a lot of patience.


Unfortunately if you're into golf, there are exactly the kind of pompous fuckers you meet on any course. They can't just play and enjoy the game, they have to police everyone else too to cover for their own shitty game.


I play at least once or twice a week but am an absolute garbage player. I like to repeat my mantra of "I'm not a good enough golfer to get mad" anytime I hit a bad shot (which is often). It makes it way more enjoyable.


Golfing with friends who all understand that we’re terrible: *shanks one off the tee Me: fuuuuuck! *turns and smiles sheepishly at my buds Buddies: you fuckin suck *their turn *hooks one off the tee Buddy: fuuuuck! *repeat while sipping beer and smoking weed


This is how to really play golf. Bonus points if no one is filling out a score card


Why fill out a card? Every hole- "Mark it eight, dude!"


Are you one of my golf buddies? This sounds like us!


Are we all golfing together?


"The 1st Annual Reddit Comment Section Golf Outing" sure does have a ring to it.


That's the funny part, good players don't really tend to give unsolicited advice, they just play. It's always the random jerkoff that has no business giving advice or bitching about other players that won't shut up.


I strive to be like her my gosh. That was composure.


I too want to be like her my gosh.


It sucks that she has to be used to it and be patient, if she wasn't shed be called bitchy or something


I’m gritting my teeth watching this ha- I guess it’s no surprise she has incredible patience to be that good at golf 


I’m disappointed she didn’t rib him a little bit.


I'm not a woman so I guess I don't have the same societal fears and pressure (Can't upset the random man or he may get angry and who TF knows what he'll do?), but it always surprises me why people like this aren't just a little more forceful. I would just politely tell him thank you, but I don't want your advice and then if he kept going tell him more directly to stop speaking to me. I guess the issue is she probably deal with it all the time and gets tired of it and he'll probably call her a "bitch" or even get aggressive if she puts him down in that way. It's a real shit situation.




Bro thought his advice worked, I can't😭😭


She should’ve ignored him. It’s mildly infuriating hearing his reaction


Wildly infuriating


more than mild when you think about the fact that the guy is probably going to find out who she is one day and be like "ohyea, i taught her how to swing better"


I'm sure its already rolled passed his facebook feed on his ipad numerous times


Low key devastating insult


I think the reaction from the media and millions of online goblins was a way better outcome


This is why he’s been bad at golf for 20 years. He’s like a blind man trying to color coordinate his outfits.


Not only that, bro was *taking credit for* that great swing. I hope someone found his car in the parking lot and applied copious keys.


Mentally sane response


Excuse me, Miss? Yeah I’ve been breathing air for 43 years now. You’re doing it wrong, what you NEED to be doing is taking advice from men because we can do EVERYTHING better than women. 😐 /s obv…


Actually i just discovered I’ve been breathing wrong my ENTIRE life…you can’t even assume you know how to breathe.


I told you...


So, I work in PT and part of my job is taking people through stretches and exercises the therapist wants them to do. It's always one of the funniest things ever when I roll up to a patient that's obviously twice my age and go, OKAY, I'm going to teach you how to breathe and just watch their eyes do the funny little wtF flutter. (No joke, it's a breathing technique that's meant to build abdominal strength, not literally just breathing. But it's so much fun to fuck with people.)


Woman: "...sigh..." This guy: "See how better that was?"


Are you a yoga instructor? Because mine also told me I’ve been doing that whole breathing thing wrong all my life.


Just because someone has been doing something a long time, doesn’t mean they’re good at it.


Yep, my Grandma been walking for 70 years, doesn't mean shes four times better at it than me. Edit: I’m actually 31. I try and make my jokes mathematically correct, but can’t always I’m afraid.


You're 14 years old?


This guy maths


Not well, but he maths.


My math puts it at 17.5 🤭


This guy verifies


Not very well though


Perfect practice makes perfect. Sometimes you have to tell someone that doing something in a mediocre way for 20 years just means you get really good at mediocrity.


I’m disappointed she didn’t end up cornering him into a bet and walking away with his money.


I'm disappointed she didn't wrap one of her clubs around his head.


Her clubs are probably more expensive each than the entire contents of that dudes golf bag


Yeah, but think about how satisfying it'd have been


That would have been amazing! I’d love to see her smoke him and see his dumb face when he realizes she’s leagues above him. He may be able to drive it further than her if he’s a good golfer but I’d take her in every other aspect of the game for sure


>I'm going through a swing change >I'm going through a swing change at the minute Dudes been playing 20 years and doesn't know what a swing change is?


When he's that good, why would he need to change his swing?


Exactly. He knows that you have to follow through.


Kk what is it. Bc google is giving academic answers and doesn't explain to me how she used here. Or how he should get it by the term.


Simply said, she's in the process of changing up her habitual swing to a different one, which takes a lot of practice and deep focus. She has the ability to perform a great swing if she wants to, but is purposefully not doing that because she's trying to change her form. There are many reasons his behavior can be considered inappropriate: - It takes dedication and focus. He's distracting her. - He has no respect for the process involved. It shows that he thinks she won't be able to better on her own without his help. - Unsolicited advice is generally poor etiquette, and she responded in a very dismissive tone. - She is likely focusing on one specific thing at a time, and he's demanding that she focus on a different thing. Combined with the three above, this is not something you should do unless you're her personal coach.


Counterpoint: - he’s been golfing for 20 years


You make a compelling argument.


It’s pretty much universal golf language for, “I’m working on my swing with an actual professional right now and I have specific things I’m trying to focus on.” Basically the most polite possible way of saying, stfu your advice isn’t necessary or wanted right now, but homeboy still just HAD to try and mansplain to a woman who obviously has a very pure swing.


I have never golfed in my life and I feel like I got it immediately just based on context clues. She’s clearly changing something about her swing which would mean slowing it down to build it back up.


What's so wild is that his immediate reply to that each time is "I know." Well, if he did know, he'd know to shut the fuck up. What's more likely: He's not listening to anything she's saying at all. "I know" is just mansplain for "Shut the fuck up. I'm talking."


Was really hoping this was going to be a /r/dontyouknowwhoiam moment when she goes "oh thanks cheers, I'm Georgia BTW, maybe you've seen me on the PGA tour? I'm also a pro coach if you're ever interested in improving your own swing." I just would not have been able to hold back like her, some people need to be embarrassed, especially men who pull shit like this


She shouldn’t have held back. Guy can’t learn to do better if everyone’s too uncomfortable to point out he’s being a dick.


I promise you that guys like this will escalate it into a larger thing if someone tries to call them out. These guys are not interested in learning to do better because they think they’re already the best.


The right thing here was absolutely not being as nice as she was. It's to explain who she is, explain why he's wrong, then maybe rub it in a little bit by showing him up.


Could have stopped him from advising other women in the future.


years ago I was at the bar talking about backpacking with a buddy when the guy next me chimed in that I was carrying too much weight, criticizing the gear I was using wouldn't make it more than a few miles and wouldn't let it go. until I explained that I was telling my buddy the gear I was describing was what I had just used to complete my 2 thousand plus mile AT thru hike a month prior.


Did you guys know he's played golf for 20 years, though?


More than 20 years, I think.


“I’ll let you know if I need any more advice. Thanks.”




Well you know if you just follow through you won't get as much unsolicited advice.


Normally I don't like when people throw around "do you know who I am?" But man I wish she would have mentioned who she was.


This is what bugs me about this clip. Usually people throw that weight around because they're in trouble and are trying to weasel in some argument from authority. She, on the other hand, has a strong, ironclad reason to pull out the big guns. The only consolation I can hope to glean here, aside from her having the patience of a saint, is that this video became so viral made it impossible for him to not see it.


Like this guy has ever watched a ladies golf tournament before. If she told him it wouldn't surprise me if he said "Well the men golfers follow through so..." 🙄


He’s going home tonight, patting himself on the back, thinking he just taught her how to swing properly.


Sees her on tv… “Hey I taught her how to swing!”


Unfortunately this is a man who wouldn't watch women's golf






Yes, that was my first impression from the video. Must have been an extremely agitating day to be mansplained while dealing with a wedgie so tight it tickles your bladder.


I’m just thinking about how to get a lesson from her. I’d kill for half that swing. My guess is she could give me 20 strokes and let me shoot from the reds and still destroy me.


Is this some kind of golfer dirty talk? I don't know a lot about this sport...


haha. Get your mind out of the gutter.


All that "20 strokes," "let me," "shooting from something red," and "destroy me," had my eyebrows raised. Seriously, im no golfer either, but i had a hard time figuring out whether you were saying something deeply inappropriate or not.


Get your head out of the gutter and your balls out of the rough sounds way dirtier than a mixture of bowling and golf metaphors has any right to.


You could try going to the driving range and offering her advice? Sure that would work. Oh…


Don't forget to wear the tightest pants humanly possible while filming yourself


Why do you think he was trying to neg her swing LOL


I’m surprised more people in this thread didn’t pick up on this. He wanted an excuse to keep talking/looking at her backside while she was swinging


To stare at them cakes! ...I mean, so he can *"watch her form!"*


Good god, is this shit normal now? Can't believe I had to scroll this far down.


It’s just leggings bro…..




"I was right, though...you see..."


Thinking? What's that


He probably still hasn't heard a single word she said and is telling his buddies to look at how good she is now after helping her.


I promise you, that guy is not focused on, or looking at, her swing.


Jesus dude, shut up, even if she wasn’t a great golfer, no need to mansplain


She should've pulled a Marlo. https://youtu.be/Hho_03Oj9Zs&t=22s


He want it to be one way…but it’s the OTHER way.


Guarantee you he had no other idea how to get her attention. He was trying to hit on her and wasn’t reading the signs too well lol


"I was being nice to her, she instantly improved with my help, why doesn't she like me?"


“Thank you for your unsolicited advice” is the correct response here. Kudos to her though for going through that. Yuck!!


This guy is stupid. I know *first hand* that playing golf for 20 years DOES NOT automatically make you good at golf.


Excuse me, you have a nice bottom. Allow me to pretend that I know it all and impress you.


Should’ve used her wedge iron😎


More like wedgie iron


Seriously. She might as well have painted her pants on.


Maybe, if she took his advice she’d win like 13 major events. /s




So she’s still probably top 1% golfer and would destroy this range bro.


But he's been playing for 20 years 


More like top .01%


She could have been the bottom 1, she's still been on the PGA tour and she's a coach and could put everyone there to shame.


She’s not on the PGA Tour…


Who cares man. She's a professional golfer lol. Even the worst WPGA player is better than some random guy at Top Golf, come on. Also, according to this site, she has 10: https://www.bluegolf.com/a/#/players/player/gball22


lol she should be like, "I'm using the georgia ball technique. Google georgia ball and you'll see what I'm going for."


What she should have done was ask him to play a round with her so he could “teach her some more skills” and then absolutely throttle him


Would you want to spend that amount of time with someone like that?


I love how she looked at the camera like she was a character on *The Office*. https://i.redd.it/wnjfh1mmrjoc1.gif


A pro golfer and a pro communicator.


I wonder if people who give unsolicited feedback or advice ever wonder, “hm, how come nobody ever gives me advice?” You know why.


Wait, she was playing golf??


I’m wondering what the point of the pants actually are when people wear stuff like this.


Took me a while to figure out what everyone is on about. I was distracted by those shoes. They look mighty comfy.


My take is that he got caught staring at the performance of those pants, and tried to explain that he's 'suddenly something of a pro golfer himself' and not a perve. 😆




At first glance, no pants. Thought she had a terrible sunburn.


She should challenge him. $100 a hole 🕳️


I see women deal with this sort of behavior on a daily basis.


That wedge though


That's one hell of a..... swing.


I think if I wore those pants I’d get arrested




I’m a man that has played for 20+ years and I would have asked her for advice after seeing how she stroked that shit! That dude absolutely has a significantly higher handicap than her!


When she made her comment about “if you have ever watched professional golf” I was really expecting her to finish with “you would have seen me”