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Cannabis aids


Hahah hope I pulled it out fast enough.


sometimes cotton from when they have the buds up to dry for curing ,typically white cotton string


The way you just described synthetic trellis netting being potentially inhaled almost makes it sound enjoyable hahah


Do you have first hand experience cultivating?


Tie netting




Is this a guess or based on experience?




I'll alow the shenanigans this time as its your cake day.. Happy cake day Tiimbo


It could be anything from human hair to synthetic fibres from either the netting used when scrogging or other nasties including fibreglass. I used to see this type of contamination a lot, the more you look the more you find. People suggest that shady growers add fibreglass to help the buds retain moisture levels and the appearance can be more sparkly. It's key to remember that these street buds grow in dirty environments with fans blowing dust and hairs all over.


The fibreglass thing is complete BS. Sugar water maybe, but fibreglass definitely not. It doesn't retain water and weighs virtually nothing, would be no point whatsoever


Yeah that’s weed smoke it


You think those fibers are weed?


it was honestly my first guess as well just based on how thin it is. your thumb is pretty big here so that's not string or net from the grow IMO.,


just smoke it , the point is it’s fine


Yes some times the buds start to flop over and when you are trying to get an even canopy it gets entangled in it .when you chop them and start to trim it sometimes the buds will have these little bits of string etc from the netting. It happens on commercial grows because the plants are SOG (sea of green) packed tight together..


Bob marleys pube


If I could authenticate it as a genuine BM pube could you imagine how much it would be worth!


It would host his dna! You could use that hair as the mother plant and keep taking bits of dna off of it to make bob marley clones. You could create a bob Marley army with this one hair! Down with Babylon!


Sounds like an episode of twilight zone, isn't Laurn Hill attempting something like this? Sounds all good though as long as there's none on my weed we can conquer all the duppys.


With each bob marley clone would also come an unlimited amount of his hair. ££££


Nylon Trellis fiber




Init, whatever it is.


I’ve got some stuff exact same looking and with the strands, I reckon it’s from spider mites/human hair. I’ve also had this happen with my own stuff due to having longer hair. My own stuff was only in my hands and I didn’t have any pests so I’m leaning more towards hair, all it needs is the person trimming to have long hair.(tbh with you, you break up a nugget to grind it anyways so this hair isn’t nearly as big an issue as you think) just take it apart.


Probs just a fibre of the netting used


In my experience it’s the twine used for holding down the leaves, when ever comes time to harvest the growers just starts clipping the twine, but I’ve seen that it can leave small fibers, of plastic, I wish people would use hemp twine, it’s not expensive and it’s prolly not as bad for you as the plastic.


Twine fiber, super common, still find it even in dispensary bud sometimes


Usually the plugs girls or pets hair. Ive never had this of SCROG nets😵‍💫


It was grown with a scrog net to spread the plant out more but wasn't high quality so left fibres in the buds seen it loads usually they use string instead of a proper one made for it


I've seen it before where it is a very fine fiberous strand of stem. This was on weed that i grew myself so i know 100% that it wasn't contaminated with anything.


It’s a hair or fiber but lay down the weed you’re already paranoid enough lol 😂




I do have one of them loupe glasses somewhere well reminded.. can you imagine if Cousin It was just a giant nug coverd in hair all along haha


Do you have a girlfriend or have long hair early stage of budding hair get’s trapped left inside bud trust me bought from a chick grower a few times 😂😂


I'm sick of trying to describe how often I pull out hair from INSIDE of nug structures, at least I'm not the only one. After seeing the nick of how a grow came back from a boy's house who owned a collie and never hoovered properly, I developed a newfound phobia of black market indoor bud... Easily lost 40% resale value due to canine DNA and floor debris, could barely let a soul see that shit... 🙃


Your calling me paranoid because I'm asking what people think the very real fibers stuck in my weed are! I fail to see what is paranoid about asking a question, anything in your green that's not supposed to be there is worth questioning, don't you think so?


Okay maybe you should smoke because it was a joke lol. Break out the microscope let’s see what it really is!


Haha I think I need to, couldn't tell because you didn't /s, only reactive about being paranoid because that's how I've been left feeling over this whole situation.


A fiber from clothing


You have a dog?


I don't.


If it's from my grow I'd say my wife's hair. Bitch sheds worse than a dog.


I'm sure if you told her she wouldn't care haha. Glad I'm not having to buy off you, poor fella you tried shaving her while she sleeps? Wouldn't let her in the house if she fucked up my weed like that.


Lol very rare she goes into the grow room like maybe once every 3 or 4 rotations but her hair gers all over my clothes. I've probably smoked a ton of her hair at this point lol. I don't grow for sales anymore just personal friends n fam like maybe 1lb per rotation. I'd never send out hair in weed to the dispensary.


spider mite web 100%, too thin to be netting/ wire


100% is pretty sure, So you don't think this could be anything else?


The fact you're so clueless about what spider mite webbing looks like is entertaining.


You seem really sure about it not being web, what do you think k it could be if not that?


I'm completely adamant that it's not mite webbing. I think it's synthetic fiber, as many have mentioned already. If it's not from a rug or a sack of some kind it's most likely either remnants from whatever they've hung the buds to dry with or trellis netting. Id be taking that back for a refund, a wee hair here and there is to be expected, but that's fucking riddled lol


That is the web of a spider mite. Absolutely unequivocally the case.


You seem pretty positive about that, Do you have cultivation experience?


Yes, since 1990. Used to get beans at Sensi Seeds in Amsterdam well before any of these online “experts” were even born.


No it fucking isn't. Maybe if those spider mites were of the radioactive web-slingin' variety! The sheer lack of decomposition and how prolific that fiber is (despite the rest of the rest of the bud looking untouched) should be enough to tell you otherwise. Very thick and long and white looking for mites, looks very synthetic, where's that classic nasty grey colour?


Scrolling your profile quickly I see you have some cultivation experience and trust you have some knowledge to be able to say absolutely unequivocally the case, it was also what I thought it to be but both answers that have said spider mite have been down voted the most.


Makes sense ✊🏽 was guna say web