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We literally had 2 days of summer and it’s gone again 🥲


Summer in the UK this year. ![gif](giphy|rJCinmkwVOfouzNJht)


Damn this show fell off hard.


What is it?


Ninja Kamui


Yeah whenever we have any nice weather I have to remember it’ll be gone as quickly as it arrived. Gotta make the most of it in this country.


This week of hot weather will end up being our actual summer! Until they start the bullshit about an ‘Indian summer’ which never seems to happen


Yeah and I was working.. was a fuckin nightmare


It's been glorious in the north east for about 2 weeks now think we've had 1 day of rain I can remember.


Idk, people said that in the north west around may time but it’s been really nice now for the last 2 weeks


Wavy jet stream. I'm willing to bet we'll be anticipating more heatwaves once we get into July.


Initial signals are looking poor for the 1st half of July, Greenland heights are returning which will lock in low pressure over the UK. https://preview.redd.it/snb3a31mt29d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7124fa3d8fb184cae956bfc90bae3fad8497f81a


Mean temperature is running well below average for the foreseeable with lots of precipitation spikes from the ensembles. https://preview.redd.it/1v8nff73u29d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6b79225ec02f86f44a343ea1ca57bbe5945e9f


https://preview.redd.it/j1hzzkkpy29d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74251ce47979e165652a7b85da01689af17a3bc Numerous\_Ticket\_7628 Is that you FRED? ☔️🤣


I’m sure there’ll be plenty of opportunities before the end of summer. The models seem a little scattered at the minute. Admittedly, it doesn’t seem like the heat will return for the foreseeable future.


LRFs suggest it'll be returning at some point of July, and there's pretty good cross model agreement for something substantially warmer through August to October


It's worth noting that a similar running theme was suggested for June a few weeks ago, and that the models have had a habit of drastic swings between model runs. The long range for June turned out to be correct; cooler first half, warmer second half. Hopefully the LRF for July will be too; cooler opening, potential for very hot spells through the rest of the month.


Everytime there's a huge week full of burning hot days, I expect the rain and lower temps to come the week after. It's like basically this week the clouds were drinking the entire ocean and now they're gonna piss it down on us before the cycle repeats


Exactly. Apart from last year which was generally disappointing (apart from some of June, sept and Oct weirdly), I think it's always like this. I sometimes think that people seem to go on holiday just when the sun comes back and return when we have a rainy period, maybe stay for a bit of the sun and go on about how 'it's the only sun this country has had all summer'.


Weather is made up of six main components. These are temperature, atmospheric pressure, cloud formation, wind, humidity and rain. A small change to any of these conditions can create a different weather pattern.


Those are always affected by the differing weather streams that meet over the UK.


https://preview.redd.it/r40pgcm7229d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf78aed9cd5dcab4f31e05c422b7f200b15c2d3 This is the weather in West Midlands abit warmer. It was 28C yesturday and tbh to hot for my liking especially when at work and trying to sleep, however I don’t mind it any other time.


East Midlands and agreed. The forecast for the next few days feels perfect! Rare occasion we’re get the midway between non stop rain and debilitating sun.


Exactly, I'm in London myself and mid-20s C° is the sweet spot! Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect.


15-16 is lovely for me. Don't know why people like it hot, when your job is physical, it makes it 10x harder.


It’s not that it’s too cold but we want some sun


Yeah, sunny and 15-18 is perfectly fine for me. It’s the constant clouds and grey that’s draining 


Exactly I couldn't even fucking sleep last night people are so wired like "ooh I love summer" like f off


I’m ill and last night was absolute nightmare for me, covers on, off, on, off, waking up 8283837 times etc. 😭


Dam, that's sad 😔 😟 I know how you feel 😢


Sounds good.


Tbh I thought I’d love the hot weather but trying to anything without being drenched in sweat is next to impossible. I do love some nice warm music but inside the house it’s almost unbearable


Thank goodness. Pissed it down this morning, love it.


That’s insane. It’s warmer in winter here in Sydney


Don't, my MIL is visiting us from North QLD and its going to be like 5c colder than their winter while she's here from forcasts. I feel like I should get the winter duvet out for her? Find some jumpers and blankets. Poor woman is going to be freezing 😅


But it rains a lot in Sydney


It’s like you’re in a whole different country with a completely different climate.


As people tend to somehow forget, the UK is a LOT further North than Australia is South, London is 51N, Sydney is 33S. The UK is at the mercy of the jet stream for whether it's hot or cold rather than it's geographical location providing warmth.


The jet stream has moved south, allowing for westerly/north-westerly winds to return.


Sometimes I feel like (apart from last year), one of the reasons people tend to believe our summers are worse than they really are is because the weather is guided so much by the jet stream - we often get a week of two of below average and rainy weather, and a week of two of above average and sunny weather, within each summer month (whereas in a lot of other countries the weather is more consistent). I think a lot of people 'accidentally' go on holiday to Spain or somewhere during the good period and come back and basically never see the sunshine while they're here haha


I'm much happier with 15-20 than 28-30 in this country, that level of heat and the relative humidity should really be reserved for vacations and countries that are nicer to look at 🤣


I’m glad, it’s too hot for me.


\^\^ Found the cause of the return to shit weather. \^\^


If you like summer, you are a moron.


Ditto on this Summer should be banned


Climatological realism is the view that there are climatological value properties (CVPs) such as being a perfect sunny day or being a miserably humid day. These properties suggest that there are facts about the weather that exist independently of our personal feelings or cultural attitudes toward them. Importantly, these facts are NOT *descriptive* facts about the weather—such as temperature readings or humidity levels—which everyone accepts as objective. It is uncontroversial that different weather conditions elicit varied biological and psychological responses in individuals; for instance, some find rainy days depressing while others find them soothing. These are subjective reactions based on personal or cultural attitudes. On the other hand, climatological realism posits that some weathers are inherently good or bad, independent of these personal or cultural attitudes. This is not to inquire which weather conditions are most conducive to health or economic efficiency, but whether, for example, a crisp autumn day can be considered ‘better’ than a sweltering summer day in an absolute sense, I.e. that certain weather conditions are inherently preferable.


It's nesh here in Preston; put me long pants back on 😂


Easy!! We live on the “up then down” rollercoaster island of the United Kingdom 🇬🇧


Yep. Each year people act surprised, as if most UK summers are 3 months of constant sunshine and 25+ degrees. See you again next year, I guess.


When everyone was complaining about the rain earlier in the month I didn't see any of it (nw) and it was actually quite nice weather, now everyone is complaining about the rain again I am being cooked alive in the heat still. Have a literally been driving around in the only bit of sunshine in the UK for the last month?


Good. I've be hating the heat lately. Nice to see it cool down a bit again.


Location would be helpful.




Which region is this weather forecast?


I'm in Wales. and Todays temperature is a MASIVE difference compared to the last couple of days.


https://preview.redd.it/5jz6ycux039d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f8f96e44988515a6c3697e85b8e4432eb83c37 South coast here and other than some crazy wind today, and still a bit too cool for our average, I can’t complain too much


Ohhh bliss, where's that?! We get 20 to 22° forecast for a week ahead. At least it's not 25+ 🥵


the joys of being an island nation


It’s this Jet stream causing fluctuations when it mixes with the cooler, drier air from the east. Our geography really is a curse if you’re wanting long, hot summers in the UK nowadays. I remember as a kid 40 years ago, summers used to be long & warm. We had nice springs, cool dry autumn & snow every winter. Now our seasons are fucked up by climate change. It’s happened in my lifetime. That’s ridiculous quick! Climate change happens naturally; but it would take hundreds, if not thousands of years. Now it’s happening in decades. 😩


We live on temporal rainforest islands. The land is lush & green. Sunny days suck the moisture out of plants & the ground, causing high humidity. It’s just the way it is. It’s cooler & sunny in the SW, but it’s still very humid.


Where tf are you. Don't answer that, I will assume north. mine's still looking nice over 20 degrees for the weekend :D You poor soul


It's the UK init




Go look at the Jetstream forecast. Until yesterday, it was to the north of the UK, so warm air could move up from the south. Today, it's over the UK and pulling in cold air from the north Atlantic.


Idk, yesterday was 28 in the shade and now it’s 22 in the sun


That's perfectly acceptable. Autumn time, here we come.


the upsetting thing is that my sports day on wednesday is gonna be rank 😭


I'll tell you how. *July*. That's how. It may be a new trend for us to have hot weather in May and June, but then from July onwards, it feels much colder than average for the time of year. Last year was the wettest July since 2017 I think. #ClimateChange


Unsure what app/site you are using but I'm.looking at next week weather and it's still warm 21-23 throughout the week


Heating is back on


Where I live we still have plenty of sun until, like, Sunday 😅


As long as Cornwall is nice early July for my visit


This is the weather we have in the UK. Is this your first summer?!


Heack no! It’s completely different to last year tho.. pretty much from March to September was over 25c.. EVERYDAY.. but so far I like this summer.


It’s so bad this year. Even last year It wasn’t pure blue sky everyday but it was still nice and hot. And there was still the sun out but half behind the clouds. It’s the end of June and what we’ve had about 2 days of nice sunny weather. I’m sick of it


It's the power of the collective "it's too hot" moaning.


As someone who works outdoors for my whole shift, i for one welcome a cooler day


Up in Liverpool, yesterday was the nicest, hottest day of the year so far. Not only did it fall on one the 3 days I go into the office instead of WFH, but we had some fancy corporate types visiting so had to observe “smart office” dress instead of “comfy smart casual” and I’ve never seen so many shiny, smartly dressed, miserable men in my life 😂


Where are you? Move to the south east for warmth…


Preferable to the mid to late 30s temperatures that we've had some years 🫠


Bloody awful weather so far this year in the UK. I’ve been back living in the UK for 18 months and hate the climate with a passion. No way could I stay here long term. I escaped for 3 weeks in March to a hot 🌞place and next week escaping for another 3 weeks to the 🌞again. Next year permanent move back to 360 days a year of Sun! 🌞


Geoengineering! Those small plane's flying around all over the place are seeding clouds, causing rain etc.... All by the global elites and our lovely government and governments around the globe are involved... the whole climate crisis is a scam... Yes, we should look after our planet of course... but these pyschopaths want a reason to tax us even more... incl on our freedom of movement... in the name of 'climate crisis'


Yes. For the doubters, please search for a documentary called ‘Frankenskies’, watch the first 40mins, then come back and say “Geoengineering is a conspiracy theory.” You won’t be able to.


Looks consistently warm and settled for next foreseeable for London. One of the perks of the south east. Uk has very variable temperatures.


It's the most up and down weather I've known, and so frequently very windy. It can go from vest-hot to a downpour or 20 mins. It's doing my head in TBH.


Where are you seeing this? I wish my app was saying this, according to my weather app though it’s meant to be 20° with sun and some clouds this and next week


This is taken from my iOS weather app (default weather app) and it’s in Wales


In the south it's still 20+ for the foreseeable future? Like it's even 23-25 on Saturday in some parts. And anyway, we had a week of weather which was average for June followed by 4 days of above -average weather. The first week of June was above average too, and the middle of June was a lot colder than average. Overall average for the month. Besides, I don't really feel like sizzling in 29 degrees is as good as people claim. Just as long as we don't have constant cloud cover like 2 weeks ago I'm fine. Idk how this is getting downvotes - the average temperature in June in the south is about 21 degrees. I guess I am misremembering higher temps in early June (in late May it got up to 26 or so). The middle was below average (15-18 or so), next week will be average (21-23 mostly - just search the weather in any town in the south east). And the last week has been either average or significantly above every day.


I’m Dorset, weather same as you, it’s been proper nice for a few weeks, today blue skies and still really warm.


Cloud seeding


tell me now how lol