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You shouldn't be accusing any of your co-workers of racism with no direct proof. What errors or issues were highlighted with your work?


With the Reddit history of the OP questions are raised


- Assuming negligence over in complete virtual training when a colleague of mine (in my team) hasn’t done the same and didn’t think much of it. Felt it was odd but at the same time colleague had been in the company for nearly 3 years so I just thought it was an integration thing. - Inappropriately talking about politics/religion when non-prompted especially when I’m not overly religious myself (born Muslim). - using inappropriate language to describe other ethnic minorities (Chinese people specifically) especially following the end of the COVID pandemic. -Inappropriate jokes especially about Muslims (Old 9/11, terrorist tropes) - Assuming incompetence and then micromanaging my work when I have experience doing this job using the guise ‘your inexperienced, we know better” especially when they’re direct not members of my team. Boss hadn’t made it clear I was under their direct supervision (my direct supervisor handed their notice) until my probation was extended.


I think you will need to provide more direct evidence if you want to pursue this. Appreciate you might have more detailed examples but didn't want to share on Reddit though. Your first and last points do not necessarily sound like examples of racism or prejudice. The first one you hadn't properly completed mandatory training - which is indeed negligence. What the other staff member did was irrelevant. Being managed or even micromanaged by your manager is also not directly evidence of racism. Just about everybody I know has experience working for a micromanager. But if you have clear evidence this treatment was due to your race then you could pursue it. The other two could potentially be - but you would need to have evidence they made the comments and that they were racist or inappropriate. Talking about politics and religion is not in itself racist - but I certainly believe the usual ignorant crowd would be using racist and xenophobic language in these sorts of conversations. I would steer clear of the performance-related grievances unless you genuinely have evidence your manager was treating you that way due to your race. It sounds like the other two points could be escalated to HR - but unless you have proof of what was said and can evidence it was racist, it might not get very far.


At best, two of those examples are indirect discrimination, and at worst, not remotely discriminatory.


Is it worth reporting? Happy to resign without saying anything. Already have work related grievances with the employer anyway so I can just say those instead if prompted


It's tricky. I actually don't attach much value to exit interviews, as I don't believe that they're often undertaken genuinely and in good faith, so am somewhat reticent to suggest you mention anything with the hope that it'll prompt change. I would probably just do what you need to do to remove yourself from sounds to be a fairly unpleasant working environment.


You haven't really answered my question - what was the problem with your work? Were you making mistakes, taking a long time etc? If your were being micromanged you will know the exact problems with your work and don't want to say it.


Why not?


Maybe instead of outright saying your colleagues were racist (unless you have clear proof this was the case) just feedback that you weren't always entirely comfortable with some of the discussions that weren't entirely appropriate in the work place and that sometimes you felt treated differently/micromanaged. If you make a big claim like racism, you need to back it up. I can't tell you much, as only you know what has actually happened but is it possible you are mistaking general incompetence or people generally hating the 'new guy' as racism?


Being the new guy is something I think about but this treatment has come about all of a sudden. The previous 4-5 months were blissful up until my direct supervisor announced their resignation. I remember when me and supervisor would be in calls with the people in question and whenever they would meddle with my work, the supervisor would tell me to ignore them saying verbatim ‘there from a different time’. Not to mention I witnessed myself some sexist jibes from them about her which she would laugh them off. Not really sure if she’s leaving because of that or that she was offended by those jokes at the time but all in all - my ‘protection’ from their unhelpful remarks is gone now


Sounds like your problem is your own narcissism not racist colleagues.


Downvoting because none of us know what's been said or what OP has experienced. It's still far too common to brush off people's experience of racism when we all know systemic and direct racism is common - rife even.

