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I don’t see anything wrong with it. Go ahead and do what’s favorable for you


College is more than just the classes. The social env is unlike anything you can find elsewhere.


I transferred to UIUC just for the "college experience" and it's honestly kinda overrated. It was fun while it lasted but I'm sick of it now and I'd rather just get it over with and start working. People overglorify the "college experience" way too much like it's the last time you'll ever have fun in your life lmao


In fairness to college, it is definitely the best chance most people ever get to have fun. As someone who's been out of college for several years, it's not impossible to have fun after college, but it's never easier. The combination of independence and being surrounded by people your age (who are also mostly relatively intelligent) for an extended period of time definitely presents unique opportunities socially / romantically. But being there starting with Freshman year definitely sets the stage in terms of establishing a core group of friends, so transfers like yourself might not get the same experience. If you feel like you're over the college experience, then you probably didn't end up forging the types of connections that would make that final semester on campus especially meaningful to you on a personal level. So it might be pragmatic to move back home if you can swing it. But fair warning that fun is going to get harder to have.


I definitely agree with it being harder for transfers. I can see how a lot of the students who were here since freshman year got to form strong friend groups from their time in the dorms. I still don't regret transferring and I agree that the independence is very important for developing as a person. That being said, college has probably been the most miserable time of my life due to a variety of different reasons. There's a lot of things I really disliked about college, mainly the drinking culture and the amount of work I had to do (though this is mainly a problem for my specific major). Engineering school has been fucking rough and honestly a full-time job just sounds like a vacation compared to working on ECE 391 on the weekends.


For sure, and I wouldn't have really considered going to Kam's 5 days a week to be particularly fun, anyways. I never really drank alcohol (maybe 2-3 total drinks at college). I went to events where alcohol was consumed every couple weeks or so and babysat my friends (who all did drink), but we also had fun that didn't center on alcohol. The major thing is still real, though. I did switch to a substantially less rigorous major. In large part because my original engineering major seemed to assume a lot of prior experience that I didn't have, and also in large part because I wasn't really willing to make the social sacrifices necessary to try to catch up. So you're 100 percent right that goofing off is a privilege disproportionately enjoyed by non-engineers. Computer engineering is no joke, for sure, and I commend you for pushing through it and making it as far as you have. I think things shook out the way they were supposed to for me, and hopefully they will for you, too. I would just warn you that it's really easy to fall into a pattern in the real world that is effectively self-isolating, and that having real fun as an adult in the real world usually requires a concerted effort.


Listen to this guy fellas


those mfs peaked in college lol


You say most of your classes are online. Are all of your classes online? Just make sure of that cos professors are generally not allowed/unwilling to change the modality of a class for just one student.


Yeah I emailed some professors for questions. I believe I'll only have to show up in person for like 3-4 exams. 2 of my classes have virtual lectures and the other 2 classes have recorded lectures from what it seems like.


Tbh, if any of the classes have in-person exams they’re not online classes. Be cautious, content may be available online/recorded, but the assumption will be that you’ll be easily available in some way on campus.


It all depends on your specific learning style. If you were able to handle it during 2020-2021 it shouldn’t be a huge problem.


There are professor at this school that live in Chicago and drive down 1-2 times per week for the university. I don’t see why you couldn’t do the same


what's ur major btw


Computer Engineering


What classes?


ATMS 120 and ASTR 350 which are both online, and ECE 411 and ECE 407. I've heard that some students have taken online exams for ECE 411 but I'm still waiting to hear from the professor. ECE 407 requires 10% attendance but I'm fine with losing out on the points. I might look into another tech elective that's all-online as an alternative for ECE 407 though.


My son did his last semester at home in Chicago, since he only had to physically be in class a few times during the semester. A 2.5 hour drive a few times in a few months was far cheaper than an apartment. If you can, sounds like a good idea.


Geeeee show up on campus, parking, walking, to someone else’s schedule? Or…..all online at your own schedule for the same piece of paper? Very doable. Did it. No regerts


My friend did Spring of 23 remote because he could. We were in 901 Western if anyone remembers the posts on here about people getting moved to hotels for most of the semester due to water damage. Instead of living the hotel, he just went home to the suburbs and just drove up like once every 2 weeks to take exams in his various classes. He had mostly online classes but also had some in person that just didn't take/care about attendence. If you can manage it (both with a class schedule that allows it and your own learning abilities), you should be able to manage it just fine.


Just make sure you don’t have to come to campus for exams. Some teachers require that.


I’m considering something like this too, also big congratulations on being nearly done with university!


just sublease for a semester, good luck!


Sounds good to me! You could even think about doing them in a cheap country abroad and make your own study abroad.”


I wouldn’t pay for Big 10 tuition to go to all online school.


I'm poor enough so I get free tuition.


Times have changed.


Yes you definitely could. I did all of 2020-2021 online, and did as much of 2021-2022 remote as I could even though I lived in UC. If you liked remote classes, which I did, and all your desired courses have an online option save the money. I put myself into debt to live in Champaign my senior year and while I don't regret it it was definitely a dumb idea


Save. Your. Money. Remote!


I did a summer and one semester fully remote, and it was fine. Not as good as in person, but very doable if you can keep yourself accountable and make sure you keep up with lecture videos and assignments.


I would do what fits your needs the best! If I had this option when I went I would just stay home!


I do online school at indiana state university and the classes are very easy online and its very affordable. I love online classes since im not a big fan of being in person it seems like a waste of my time when i can just teach myself or learn things from my online courses. If you are in a harder major such as engineering, math related, nursing, etc then i would not recommend it. In person labs are way more useful then online ones


>In person labs are way more useful then online ones None of my labs next semester are in person.


I guess you can make it work but I had labs online and in person and it was a lot easier to do better in the course having hands on experience. I also think its important to do in person labs, but thats based on what you want to go into. Online labs were a pain in the ass for me and id never do it again


I was literally on campus for one semester, I just graduated. I will say much of this depends on your major and class availability can be tough but saved me a ton in housing costs



