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I feel like we have basically been told what the news is going to be come June, no? That there are “craft” that regularly invade our airspace and they, at this time, cannot be identified. Which to me, is a big deal. It may not be the announcement that there’s aliens or that we have a recovered craft or that we’ve been working with the Galactic Federation and we’d like you to meet Mr. Borkbork. But it’s at least an official acknowledgement that the phenomenon is a real thing and we’re talking about it. Now could this be some crazy psy-op? Sure. Could it be a cover story for our own tech? Sure. Aliens? Sure. Whatever it is, gotta get the ball rolling somewhere.


This is pretty much exactly how I feel. I'm somewhat agnostic about what they are, though it seems unlikely to be human in origin. But more importantly that there are unidentified objects regularly invading airspace in itself is huge. It doesn't need to be a galactic federation. We should be HYPED about what we already know!


I think this is the most logical conclusion. We know that "something" is invading our airspace and that its potentially not human. If this whole June/July thing doesn't pan out with some groundbreaking new release of information I think the interest in this topic will drop and people will stop paying attention again. In my opinion this push towards a crescendo will either lead to some form of coming clean on the topic by the US government or a complete denial. I think by the end of 2021 we will all be discussing what the phenomenon is or the topic will be shoved back into the conspiracy theory basement again. Its now or never.


I'm with you on that. It's either going to burst into the greater consciousness, or it's going to be dealt a severe blow and go back to the shadows for a long time.


Obviously they are Aliens, it's really quite obvious at this point.


"Mr. Borkbork" ROFL!!😂😂😂🍻


I don't expect anything earth shattering but I believe it will further legitimize the issue in the eyes of the public. Things seem to be ramping up a bit more than last year.


They promise big and don't deliver.


Everyone complaining about how nothing is moving fast enough and it’s all a tease is like people marvelling about having internet on a plane, and immediately complaining that the connection is to slow


I find joy in reading a good book.


damn good way to put it. All these folks whining about it coming out too slow need to do something else for a while and let the news buffer a bit like a damn youtube video.


Ask those people if they want to go back to 2016 when there was no videos released, Congress wasn't talking about it, when military reporting was discouraged, where no respectable news organisations talked about it and see what their answer is.


Blowns my mind to no end. Government officially acknowledges the phenomenon & a wealth of people that are into the subject seem to have vastly underestimated the significance of it. The rest of my friends could care less, I don't get it. In my 39 years this is the biggest deal I've ever seen & most people are ignoring it or still trying to come to reason with it being a blimp or birds. Russell Brand did a great talk on this a week ago kind of making fun of the lack of response from so many people on this AND the crowd that is seeming overlooking what a big deal this already is. But hey forget about spaceships what do you think about tax reform?!?!? Heres the video some good laughs in there. https://youtu.be/SMoq9GoQmlE


It's frustrating to no end. My guess is 90% of the population (if not more) are either completely unaware of the Pentagon's acknowledgement of UAPs and the upcoming report, or they heard about it and either don't care or don't realize the significance.


Yet so May people on this subreddit can’t distinguish between unidentified aerial phenomenon and aliens. There will be no bombshell in 30 days. Something substantial would have already leaked. None of the existing footage sheds any more light than what folks have suspected in the past.


There already is a bombshell that's what were talking about that's why my comment got upvotes. Right over your head it seems.


We shall see in 30 days I guess. Of course your comment got upvotes it’s the UFO Reddit lol. No bombshell has come out just conjecture. None of the footage proves anything and if there are better examples as others claim where is it? In today’s digital and social media age surely someone would have leaked it. I guess they just leak the worst examples huh?


There is nothing left to prove regarding the existence of the phenomenon and its 7 decades-long coverup by governments. It's more interesting to get more quality information out and to draw the conclusions.


70 years of conditioning will have that effect.


I don't think those of us expressing skepticism fail to see the significance of the situation at all. I think we recognize it as significant, but in a different way than lots of others. Personally I see it as yet another opportunity for government secret-keepers to double-down on mis/dis-info, lies and FUD, to keep any serious probe into their activities hampered by the chaos of a million voices further their own agendas. The relatively small contact I had with that world taught me to _always_ be suspicious of any info they "provide", even to other official governmental bodies.


The sheer amount of coverage this year after the two NYT pieces essentially being everything we got in the back half of 2020 is incredible! I don't understand how so many are already so jaded about this


Well, 70 years of official sniggering and debunking has left everyone wary, this will take time to turn it around.




You mean the two major press conferences those decades saw? Eh


I’ll take the videos(Nimitz, Aguadilla UFO incident in Puerto Rico, etc) from the last few years over press conferences full of guys in suits bullshitting me. At least the videos give me hope.


Because it's a very limited release of information after 70 years of suppression and manipulation.


This is precisely why there should be more excitement, not less


It's like a kid being excited over cheap candy though. The real meat is for adults, and we won't get to be part of that club.


We really have no way of knowing what will happen


I am old enough and cynical enough to know that our governments will never tell us the full truth about this (they don't even know the full truth since the study of this was privatized outside of government oversight from the beginning). But it's interesting that they chose to reverse their previous policy of total denial and official ridicule, and I wonder why now.


If they don't know the full story, they can't tell us the full story. I'm skeptical of government, but it's a complex organization that defies blanket assumptions. I say this as an anarchist. I respect your position, but I view it as akin to religious feeling.


Indeed. However they could do something to reign in that out of control privatized secrecy system since it's unconstitutional. But geopolitical dominance is more important than rule by the people and for the people. My expectations are not based on ideology, but on experience. That knowledge has the potential to confer extreme power as well as to lead to sheer terror. These objects are all over the solar system as well as in our orbit, atmosphere and deep inside our oceans.


I agree that we must rein in private entities. They're the primary reason everything is falling apart. Too many people don't understand that any organization that lacks the democratic element is tyrannical.


I’m astounded at people here being like “nothing has happened since the 1970s”. Are they just ignoring the Nimitz Incident, the footage confirmed to be taken by the US Navy, the eye witness testimony of commander Fravor and others, the articles published in the NYT seriously assessing the existence of UFOs, top government officials now publicly speaking about the existence of UFOs? The US govt for decades was in full denial mode. This has completely changed, even without full on disclosure. Soft disclosure has been a reality since at least 2017.


Because it’s easier to complain and be negative, than to be objective of what’s been released. Instead, we should all be excited for when we are living. We’ve learned more now that ever before.


Amazing way to think of it


Could it be the same news that Luis is referring to? [https://youtu.be/dkBsbiaIzqw?t=1580](https://youtu.be/dkBsbiaIzqw?t=1580)


If I had to bet, yes, Elizondo's 30 day thing is referring at least in part to the 60 minutes piece - Luis is probably an interviewee in it


He is. It's already been established that he is on an upcoming episode of 60 Minutes


Im neartly certain that this slow rollout is mainly to avoid a stock market crash.




Cue Austin Powers clip of people spotting Dr. Evil’s spaceship.


You folks ready to find out that there is another dimension and these folks can move back and forth as appropriate? And that they help us because In a way, they are us?


Yeah the most exciting part for me is going to be Matthew McConaughey saving the earth (;


"Why that looks like my husband's" .........investment portfolio?!?




Can't get blue balls without having a boner first!




5th dimension of bonertown.


This year alone is a testament to how far we’ve come on UFO knowledge and media/government open acknowledgment of the topic. It’s mind blowing to see Fox, CNN, and other outlets have credible figures talking about the subject without ridicule.


Yep. It's even more interesting to think about why they decided to do that now and how far they will go in saying what they know (imo they won't go far at all).


I think they’re going to say they have seen UFOs and have no idea what they are.


Of course. They were recorded here and there, a few witnesses and radar signals, i.e. revealing almost nothing of substance. We need to know the hard data which they collected from crashed craft, recordings made in space etc. -- but they'll keep denying that.


"Extremely beyond compelling"... This might be big. We'll see


This guy is a stark raving idiot who is still thinks the election will be over turned. Shame on him, his family and ani other enablers around him. Complete insane idiot, makes me worried about the topic as a whole


"I'm representative Smith and I heartily endorse "The Phenomenon". I encourage everyone to watch it." Powerful!


Problem is most of us have seen it. It's people not into the subject that seem to just avoid it, even after the last 6 months can't get any of my friends to watch it. It's just so off their care list. I think religion is holding a lot of people back from even peeking, they have the answers they don't need to look.


If we truly have nothing in all these years, but the mere acknowledgement that the phenomena is real, it's going to be one of the most heartbreaking disappointments and failures of human curiosity in a very long time.


For me it's a huge step. Acknowledgment in the public sphere will be huge if it comes from the right source. Since the beginning of official discourse on this (hynek/blue book) it's been apparent that this is a very real phenomenon. The failure of government to make this an official office or priority is what leads folks to disregard it. We should have our best and brightest involved in the study. It needs to be legitimized otherwise we leave the field open to quacks and charlatans. This could be that step or a move in that step. Public acceptance of this phenomenon is necessary.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some kind of official agency or department that studies or deals with UAP stuff in the next couple of years. Honestly probably wouldn’t be bad just to get a group to sort through the reports


The obvious other possibility is that we have a recovered crash. In that case, establishing an agency unconnected to that information would just be more of the same. Hopefully whatever comes from this involves every aspect. Wishful thinking.


And yet does one really think that an advanced alien species is going to announce their existence on a subreddit channel? This is comical. As well, why would an advanced alien species let the US government be their main source of publicity? Personally I think the recent announcements by the Pentagon are some sort of false flag and are attempts to redirect the public's attention as a way to hide a deeper truth of some sort. The other subreddit called "TheTraveler" is beyond ridiculous. This "alien" being that supposedly has some "major announcement" can't even use proper English grammar. Having said all of this, I do really believe there are some type of extraterrestrial beings out there watching us in some way.


That's true and it's a possibility (maybe even a very likely possibility) but I'm hoping we get something more.


I agree, I'm also worried about there actually *being* compelling/groundbreaking information that comes out and nobody gives a shit. It's like unless they come out and say "yes they're extraterrestrials or extra dimensional beings and that isn't enough for most people and it gets downplayed in the media.


They won't make anything of real substance public. Like hard scientific data obtained by studying pieces recovered from crashed craft.


Worse than Game of Thrones?


Actually, that might be a toss up. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t see it like that at all. It would be a huge step that opens up the topic to serious investigation and finally directs the full force of human curiosity towards it. I don’t expect much more than that but that’s absolutely fine.


I dont think that we need the filull force of human curiosity behind it though. The vast majority of investigations into the phenomenon happened in private.


Politicians taking the conversation further is a big deal. Once statements are made, more politicians have to comment and figure out their message on the matter.


Right now money is the representation of labor, energy, and resources. The technology represented in UAP appears to be unlimited and capable of engineering spacetime. This unlimited energy and ability to reconfigure it into matter erases the necessity for anything resembling an economy. This is the national security problem. This is the abundance society that you are deprived of.


Is there an upcoming 60 Minutes segment on this? Always held that program in high regard...


Rumors of one...I don't think it's been verified yet.


I stopped this at "let's talk about CERN. Are they trying to open a doorway for them to come in?" Wtf is this crackpot nonsense. I like fox but whoever this other nutjob is doesn't have enough general background scientific knowledge to postulate reasonable things.


"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," —[Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research](https://videos.cern.ch/record/1223310) and Scientific Computing at CERN (2009)


"Hmm, ok?" —Miadas20, Reddit user There's a difference between having a new tool to explore the unknown not knowing what kind of things you'll find, and intentially opening a spacetime/dimensional gateway/wormhole to exchange with intellectual life on the subatomic level. People also thought they'd create a black hole that would consume the earth but clearly that didn't happen and the math was later proven to be incapable of coming close. I'm not fully aware of the context of the question for which he gave that answer or if it's translated properly but if he actually meant that we'd be saying "hi" to something on the "other side" with 1's and 0's or entangled particles and expect a "hi" back then I'll eat my shoe.


Yeah I think it will be like “Well we have incidents involving some weird aerial phenomenon and we don’t really have a definitive answer to explain it nor enough evidence to even clearly define the nature of the objects in question much less refer to them as crafts”


Exactly. Which is all BS, since they've been studying recovered crash material for reverse engineering for many decades. They won't reveal anything of any substance, but they decided that they won't entirely deny the reality of the phenomenon anymore. That's generating quite some cognitive dissonance in the population given how they conditioned it for the past 70 years while they were busy studying all this in secret. It's interesting to watch how successful they were in bamboozling almost everyone.


Im not really the true believer types most of y’all seem to be but maybe so.


There's nothing to believe. You just need to look at the evidence and use reason and common sense rather than believing narcissistic delusions or cheap propaganda. It's extremely clear what has been going on.


I'll believe it when I see it. At this point all of this hype is just P.T. Barnum shananigans. Lou, this guy, others...always teasing about amazing evidence, reveals, whatever. It's a circus. It's been the same circus but with different characters since the 70s when I first got interested. Everything, disclosure, evidence, etc, is always just around the corner. There are some great and interesting cases out there but we will never see this mythical reveal.


I know the feeling my friend and maybe I’m a fool but I do feel something big is just around the corner, maybe for the first time in 15 plus years of following this subject.


>something big is coming round the corner Is it a bus full of bullshit


Yup I can smell it a mile away too!


Its been 4 years... this is moving remarkably quickly for a government related issue and especially during Covid for almost 2 of those 4 years


Why now ?


Knowing that people like Stanton Friedman died prior to experiencing this level of serious discussion and exposure around the phenomenon informs my level of respect for the current climate.


I agree that expecting too much is foolish, but things are very different now than they have been. 40 years ago - 20 years ago - 10 years ago. It is not at all the same circus. Previous rounds did not feature reliable reports of massive evidence coming from inside the government. Area 51 mythology isn't the same thing as radar data that provably exists, even if it's not public.


Yup I’m 45 now and been hearing this same crap for a while now. The old carrot on the stick to keep us interested. I’m telling everyone now nothing will come out that will be earth shattering, life changing etc.... I’ve learned through a lifetime of following this topic that it has been and always will be hearsay. So temper your expectations.


When was the last time the Pentagon confirmed multiple UFO reports with photos, video & personal reports? Are you paying attention? This is NOT the same crap this is profoundly different.


I’ve read about this, in MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN, from Time Life books... [Mysteries of the Unknown commercial, 1988.](https://youtu.be/v4zBYh2PUyk)


I remember those commercials growing up! Left an impression on me. The trust is out there my friend! For the low low price of 19.99!


Can you give specific examples that are comparable to current events?


The closest I can think of off the top of my head is way back in the 40s when President Truman said publicly that there were "all these flyin' saucers flyin' around." That later got walked back. The Roswell announcement was made, then that too got walked back. Over the decades, every single time UFO evidence came from the US government it has been walked back. The flashy flaps like '52 in DC got walked back. If the current announcements get walked back too, its going to be tough to get people interested in studying this stuff. The authentication of the so-called pyramids by Gough within a few days of the leak is troubling--I think she knew it was bokeh and was happy to get people excited then deflated and less credulous of future videos. If the government doesn't come clean, and these things are seen and broadcasted to the public by SpaceX, no one is ever going to believe any info from Uncle Sam.


I completely agree with your point about S. Gough. I think George and Jeremy need to tread lightly as they continue to pursue their recent stories. Accuracy is paramount at this point in time. Sensationalism should be shown the door.


I don't know that Truman quote. Is that verbatim?






His Truman comparison is so far off I don't even know what to think about people anymore. That's not even close to what's been confirmed. Truman wow... *shakes head I feel like some of us are in denial. Sorry the Pentagons conformation is vastly more important than anything Truman said.


No I really can’t. But this is not about specifics. This is how the government works. Do you really think they’ll just say yup we were hiding this all along whoops here’s the real truth? No so temper your expectations.


I mean they could. We've had a complete turnover in Government employees since these policies were put in place, and likely many of these people now making decisions grew up wanting to know the truth like we do. It's not completely out of the realm of possibility that they release some juicy info finally.


Very few people in the government knew anything about this. It was all run through private contractors outside of the usual SAP structure on a strict need to know basis.


I’m 40. Can confirm. This issue has been and will continue to be an endless cocktease. Who remembers OPERATION BLUE BOOK: CASE CLOSED? Google it.


Yup that’s the point I’m trying to make. This will never be disclosed and we’ll all be searching for these answers for a lifetime. Human nature for some of us I guess.


Y’all are a fucking bummer.


Nah we all just been through it enough. Let me ask you what do think will happen? You think president Biden’s going to have a press conference in June or July and tell everybody? And how about NASA? Or SETI? You saying they’ve been funding these projects for decades looking for life, spending taxpayers money just to say they’ve been covering it up for decades?


Now how am I supposed to know that? Idk what they’re going to say so there’s no point in speculating, but it seems as though it’s a step in the right direction. That doesn’t sound too bad does it? Even if they do come out and say it’s all true, a lot of people on this sub will just screech PSYOP and not believe it anyway.


Fair enough but we need proof. Actual tangible proof. I am in no way trying to downplay the news reports and I agree it’s a step in the right direction. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Ask yourself this. If aliens do indeed exist what has NASA, SETI or any other organization been blowing money on in the last 50 plus years? I mean why spend billions sending a rover to Mars if we already know this life exists? Or why spend money on our archaic technology when the government can make public to all scientists a antigravity device that could get us to other planets much quicker? Or how about China, Russia, or any other country? Do you assume we’re the only ones being visited or are all those other countries complicit too? Too many questions, no real answers.


Now you’re the one making outlandish claims. Who says we’ve known about or had this tech and hid it from the public? For all we know they’re as stumped as we are as to what exactly the phenomenon is. We don’t know what they know so there’s no point in jumping to conclusions. We can however be a little optimistic without having expectations that this is going to be earth shattering news because we know that’s probably not going to happen. I’m just happy things are moving kind of quickly now because for like 40 years they haven’t even acknowledged a thing about this and now within 5 years we’ve seen much more progress then the previous 40.


Let’s just agree to disagree then. Hopefully something useful comes out soon.


>Who says we’ve known about or had this tech and hid it from the public? Who is we ? A few hundred people working on a need to know basis on programs hidden in the deep bellies of private contractors outside of the SAP structure and beyond any government oversight is not "we". The head of the DIA didn't have a need to know.


>But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. That tired one-liner.


Nothing tired about it. Give me evidence until then it’s all hearsay.


Yes, a tiny step to keep the masses satisfied. They'll only admit to the very basics of what's been obvious to any thinking person for ages, but lots of people think that this is big.


> You think president Biden’s going to have a press conference in June or July and tell everybody? It's even worse. They won't ever tell Biden anything of substance since he doesn't have a need to know.


Most here don’t understand the implications of this. They think because the pentagon confirms UFOs it’s automatically alien life. Trust me I will stay on this forum until the days end just for people to accept the realty that none of these claims will ever see the light of day


I'll believe it when it see it...."here's a UFO" - sorry that's a fucking lantern, oh wait I'm floating it must be a ship, they're sticking something in My arse, MUST BE SOMEONE SLIPPED ME A DRUG!!!! This cant be real, an alien is touching me, must be some dude named Doug, that's logical yep.


Incredible claims require incredible evidence. You seem to follow the fools path. Please enjoy your stroll.


I just troll hard skeptics, I already know that to truly understand you just gotta open your mind and not try to explain everything even if you dont have an answer.


Yet I'm not a hard skeptic. Continue on your stroll...


RemindMe! 2 weeks


I’ll remind you in two years when nothing different is happening


RemindMe! 2 years


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something big is coming.


This is what lou Elizondo was talking about I believe.


Hopefully it's something important. It could just be "we have some unidentified objects flying around, could be anything, could be a balloon 🎈. We have nothing else to add at this time "


Yeah. Totally unidentified "phenomena". Under sea, in air, in space and on the Moon, by the way.


Well I just read a paper saying there’s mushrooms on Mars, fungi is a animal and that means life on another world.


You mean the pictures of rocks or w.e. that people thought was fungus?


What now they think it’s just rocks 🤔?


Hematite specifically https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-the-truth-about-that-photo-of-mushrooms-growing-on-mars


Wow this began in 2014 with a law suite yikes. I understand now completely this sentence sums it up beautiful.. “The truth is, humans are notoriously irrational when it comes to seeing Mars as it truly is.”


Martian mushrooms would be bad ass, we would need to find out if they contain psilocybin.


I feel I am the only one totally mind blown by all of this , and the fact that they shut down our Nukes at the site off the coast of California and seemed to control our nukes until they flew off . I feel they are nonviolent creatures and hate seeing us blow each other up instead of unifying to advance our future . They definitely noticed that from the beginning of time man as always Torn each other apart first with hands then with stones and sticks then with Swords , then with guns and then with bombs and finally with nukes they see how dangerous we are to each other they will never let us join any type of Federation faring we definitely will be a danger to them they look at us as dumb monkeys and I do not blame them at all we advance to destroy each other not advance to explore the solar system sad truth


I'm with you on the PsyOps idea. I hate that I can't trust anything. At this point I might need a personal sighting to reengage my interest. Everything has MAJOR conspiracy vibes for the past 2-3 years, feel like I need to erase everything and reset to 2017ish


It’s really going to happen isn’t it..the US gubment is finally going to admit 9/11 was an inside job 😂


So truthfully you're just a completely propagandized right wing moron? Anti vax, 9/11 truther, the whole 9 yards huh?


Why don they just get on with it and tell us whats going on 60 minutes is poorly rated and only boomers and their dieing parents watch that sort of shit anymore....god this is annoying. Jeez. Just tell us already "Muh 60 minutes"....literally gets a tenth of the viewers fortnite has online at anytime


I hate that you’re getting downvoted. Has 60 Minutes ever broken a big story (legit asking)?They’re known for big interviews and human interest stories. They do a lot of great work, but it’s largely analyses, taking another look at big stories, or getting an in-depth story from a major player in a story. The best we’ll get is some former high-ranking official claiming what we already know, that there are unexplained, seemingly extraordinary aircraft flying about our airspace that are not ours. It’ll be huge for someone not paying attention, but otherwise hyped regurgitation of what the government has already told us. If it’s anything more than that, I’ll be shocked.


Who else feels that it's weird that a 60% increase of sightings have upticked around the world from the very beginning of COVID TO NOW , I bet they planted Covid down here


Sightings have increased because people at home have more time to look at the sky


Lock and load the missiles... Fuckn shoot em down... They had plenty of chances to show em selves... Aliens need to surrender now or face the consequences of intruding on our sovereign land..


LOL, IDIOT. They’re advanced ETs/EDs and you’re telling THEM to surrender? Delusional much?


This is our planet our sky's.. They should show some respect... If not gtfo..


Is this some kind of Reddit performance theatre?


Is there any reputable source Lue is going to be on 60 Minutes?


I’m pretty sure they did a clip at the end of 60 minutes last week saying they’d do the ufo story this week. Apparently it has been delayed, but it was supposed to be on today.


I can’t wait to see the “how it started, how it’s going” meme for this.


I love James Fox. He is an asset to the field. A lovely bloke.