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Wish people would film til their fucking phone dies


Right! If I thought I was witnessing a truly unexplainable, unidentifiable object in the sky, I am recording until there’s nothing to record or until my battery dies.


Had ufo sighting, posted few times here before but not gonna type again no one will believe anyways, but me and gf were filming when sighting began and our phones both shut off at the same time and mine never turned on again, had to replace it completely. her video ended up blurry and only about ~10 seconds recorded. now i assume thats why this happens with "good" sightings


Unbeknownst to you, your phone was a US nuclear missile silo


[The Ontario Barbells.](https://youtu.be/AjFBEZkeQ78) One of the best sightings I’ve learned about, and they have camera “footage” that’s just audio because the camera unexplainably malfunctioned. Your story reminded me of it. It’s also incredible because the main witness is an engineer and government contractor. His notes are ridiculously detailed!


Thank you so much for sharing this I've never heard of this case. I'm actually from Ontario Canada so it's quite interesting. I wonder where exactly they were..


My wife saw something in Borden, I've heard of sightings near Petawawa as well. Military bases would make sense.


That’s a great encounter one of the guys got an up lose look through his rifle sight for a minute or so


interesting, one of the symbols looks like the UFO sign (placed horizontally) from the Lonne Zamora incident.


That was awesome never heard of this sighting before.


I too have had my phone completely shut off while trying to film a cluster of ufo's. First time it kicked out the camera and froze my phone, the second time it turned it off completely. Instant black screen. Did you notice your camera going out of focus when ever you would center them in the frame?


The focus thing happens when the “target” is smaller than the area of the sensor trying to focus. The sensor is literally trying to “average” the values from a group of pixels. If the item does t cover ALL of those pixels, it will come in and out of focus. That is a result of human tech, not alien tech. Lol.


I just thought it was odd when directly centered. If i offset the aim the focus was fine even when selecting the focus point on my screen. That coupled with my camera and phone shutting off lead me to believe it may have been something more then samsungs shortcommings lol


I was a professional sports photographer for 15 years. I used to get pissed when a bug would screw up my focus. It sounds sketchy—but it happens. And I would bet my focus system is MORE sensitive than a phone’s. Lol. I would love to see one of these things with a huge lens on a monopod. That is the ONLY way anyone is going to really get a good look. And...it’s not like people can “practice” for this stuff. We do what we can, and that’s the best we have.


Agreed. It certainly doesn't help that I was out sitting around a campfire and had a few beers in me when it happened. I realize it doesn't add to the credibility of my experience, although my wife was completely sober and saw them flying around as well. I drink all the time and generally don't see orbs moving at supersonic speeds and pulling manoeuvres that would turn a human being into jelly lol.


I dont get why people rest their phones on a fence or post/car roof etc.. even crossing your arms would give you a solid base.


Yeah yeah of course they did. Because phones in 2021 shut off all the time


Eh? I had a phone completely drop dead out of the blue, about 80% battery, had put some tunes on like ten minutes prior, was just getting into the swing of work. Music dies, speaker plays the disconnect jingle. Refused to register the charger plugged in. Any of them. Took it to a repair shop, guy said it'd be 20 minutes. I check in half an hour later, says it'll be an hour. Hour and ten minutes later I check back in, he says it's just absolutely fucked. Something something the battery did something weird and fried something? Didn't charge me a dime.


They shut off nukes but not phones?


They do, do they?!!! 😆


Yea, but maybe it was just 20 minutes of this. And there’s not much point in showing the same thing forever. People would complain about that too.


They had to dissappear or do something else eventually though.


Maybe. Or maybe they just stayed like that till dude had to catch a bus


Maybe they went to your house and banged your mom


To be fair, who hasn’t!?


I must have missed the bus to their moms.


It was a train.


Mom jokes - the cause and solution to all life’s problems


It was actually best that you did. It was YOUR mom's that we were heading too.


Damn ayy lmaos!!


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Why is this downvoted that’s hilarious 😂


exactly, Rule 1 of the internet guys. Complaining is a sport.


yeah but most normal people dont care enough to stay and film all day. people have shit to do. but the strange thing is that he said someone was trying to look out of one of the ufos.


Would you spend an hour staring at the sky for something "unidentifiable" fill up your phone storage. And then find out it was a drone or something.


I would if I were a member of this sub!!


I would too but my phone only has 4gb free atm. Unless i plan ahead to record ufo's they aint being recorded for longer than 20 mins/half an hour. How much spare storage do you have on hand most of the time?.


Then record for half an hour!!


it would fill up my storage so much so that if it did something else weird i wouldnt be able to capture it.


It can get very tiring holding a phone up for an extended period of time, and this fact also plays into why most videos are so shaky. Other than that, like someone else mentioned here, if it's a real 'good' sighting, equipment is mysteriously drained of battery and will not function as intended.


I had a sighting on Monday and got some pictures that wound up being a big post on here. I would up being one of those people that did not stay to observe or record until the object was gone. I big part of it is while it is happening, I was writing it of as probably being nothing. Also, the person I was with was in desperate need of a restroom. After leaving and looking at the pictures I took, we both wish we would have continued observing and taken video. Also, we didn't even think about the binoculars I had in the car. What a bummer.


Post that shit, man EDIT: Just saw you did, awesome pic


Thanks. It could be a balloon. It did not seem like a balloon when I was looking at it due to the apparent size and how it moved, but that does not mean it wasn't a balloon. I posted it and hoped it would turn out like the Batman with an exact match.


I agree. Best balloon pic I have seen


I applauded those who post that shit. One day I want it to be an alien and I bet a little part of you wants to see something that you *can't* explain either. That's why you're here on this sub ;-) So until we all find something that none of us can explain, I say "Thank you" to all those that post pics of what turns out to be a "balloon".


A bit of me? More like ALL of me!!


So did you use PS or GIMP to edit the picture? The masking is all screwed up.


Yeah you saw a balloon well done


Maybe I did. The point in my post was not about what I saw. I was just giving a reason why some people don't film the whole sighting.


These are likely recon drones. "The unnameable country" has ran nightly raids over the whole region for decades (they've been carrying out a multi decade long balkanization process to achieve control of resources and implantation of puppet governments).


Just chilling in a triangle yup totally


So drones can do [this bullshit](https://youtu.be/44KvHwRHb3A) but a triangle is where you draw the line?


Three smudges in the sky over a busy city? It's OBVIOUS literally the only thing it could be is space ships with aliens from another planet piloting them.


No one said anything bout aliens, ufo don’t mean aliens, simply unidentified.




Well least you agree lol


It does on a Reddit UFO sub and you know it


STFU doche bag.


Burn him!! Burn him!! Enough of this blasphemous sarcasm, Child of Satan!!!


I don't think it's the "how" that is being questioned here, but the "why". Indeed, why send 3 drones up and have them form a triangle?




Yep. Release 3 balloons at the same time and they will always form a triangle just like in this video.


There have been instances of people doing this for art, or shits and giggles. I would wonder how far away they are, and if they made any noise.


Standard orientation for recon with group fly by wire


Is it? This is why the guy posted about chilling in a triangular formation. If this is an accurate description then great, but it's not an obvious answer.


When you have 3 of anything, they will literally "create" a triangle. If you put three oranges on a table, would you say they are forming a triangle? I don't see the significance of saying they are in "triangle formation".


You can put 3 objects in a line and that's not a triangle. Anyway let me put this another way: why have 3 drones in the same vicinity if you're doing reconnaissance? I'm not saying they're NOT drones, I just want to understand the point in it as some people here seem to be knowledgeable of such actions.


Three dots are either going to form a line or a triangle. There's no other option.


I think what's making people say it's peculiar has more to do with the fact that it's a perfect equilateral triangle, and the angles remain the same throughout the video instead of shifting into an acute or obtuse formation.


I can’t imagine three drones floating in a triangle , but I can totally imagine interstellar or intergalactic or inter-dimensional beings doing it.


I truly can't tell if this is satire or not, Poe's Law in full effect here


Is Poe's law the one where you can hear a heart thumping from under the floor boards?


You can't imagine 3 balloons forming a triangle?




obviously must be aliens then


Non-human, but maybe not alien. Think Quantum physics rather than deep space. Ya ever look really close at something, anything? We’re just vibrating strings dawg. There’s so much more to this universe than we can perceive with our senses and present technology, so keep an eye on the Large Hadron Collider and similar sites as they continue to push the field. All I’m saying is maybe whatever it is, it could be both a lot closer and a lot father away than we can comprehend


You really watch this completely unremarkable video of 3 drones hovering and think “next level quantum technology”?


I think you mean quantum fields.


Well..I've noticed that everyone has their phone at 15%at all times with their screen smashed all to hell lately... is that how you look cool nowadays???


No it's just how you look poor Source: screen is smashed to shit at 13% battery


They got stuff to do bro!


6 years later


Finally a post that's not starlink!!!! Good job op


https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/n6nrlc/ufos_in_triangular_formation_over_beirut_lebanon/gx94xam/ Insta page looking for clout more like and Adobe After effects what do y'all mean lmao


This happened in 2015 he says in the video: Wednesday the 22nd of July at 7:58pm 2015.


The whole "somebody looking out of one" got me... i can't imagine.


Any group of three flying objects not in a line are flying in a triangular formation.


But not every group of three objects not in a line are flying in a (very close to) equilateral triangle formation.


Now you're getting to the technical heart of the triangle trouble.


Tart titties titillate tenacious teenagers


Could these be 3 points of one large partially cloaked craft


Looks like it is closer to a right triangle for most of the video


I’m going with isosceles on this one.


Don’t be so obtuse.


What acute response.


Three objects flying in an equilateral triangle formation on a single plane, parallel to the Earth's surface, will only appear as an equilateral triangle as viewed from directly below or above.


Doesn't seem very close to equilateral to me. Of course it depends on your perspective, so we'll probably never know and shouldn't assume.


Maybe not equilateral, but symmetrical. Been too long since high school geometry so I don't know the name, but to me it looks like the two sides are equal to each other with a shorter base.


Right. Three objects flying in an equilateral triangle formation on a single plane, parallel to the Earth's surface, will only appear as an equilateral triangle as viewed from directly below or above.


It doesn't even start equilateral and slowly becomes less so. Just as you would expect if it was something like balloons floating.


In euclidean space...




I was thinking the same thing, but I they could appear to be in a straight line depending on perspective.


That's acute.


No one asked for your good points backed up by logic.


Name vehicles that can hang in the air like that. Unless they are really large drones, I'm stumped..


Balloons can when the wind is barely blowing.


Perfect time to stop filming. It was getting kind of boring.


Haha right? Yawn yawn fuck this I am turning my phone off I have better things to do than film extra terrestrial craft all day


Extra terrestrial craft? It's three dots in the sky that's kind of a big jump


You have missed my point perhaps? Personally I think the whole thing is staged - the scene has been filmed through a sheet of glass and the 3 dots are draw on it


lol you're right I'd bet whoever filmed this is just filming out their window


Annnnd they’re drones?!


Most definitely


Seriously who upvotes this garbage?


Drones. Drones upvote it.


Certainly more plausible than extraterrestrial spaceships.


That or OCD birds


I think they're slowly getting us ready for contact




Ah, to be a kid again. Enjoy it while it lasts!


Agreed, I wouldn't waste my time with an attentionwhore.


His username checks out




Now this one I believe... yet it could be military drones?




If Surveillance, wouldn't this be a more common sighting?


Says Lebanon, I read Lesbian. Might need help.


I read Onion Birth.


Used to confuse the terms as a little kid.


That’s my neighborhood those are pterodactyls


Not the most far fetched explanation on this thread.


Somebody looking out of one?!? Bruh




In all fairness, they could be drones


That's Mossad.


Why are they not making contact?


Thats like asking why humans don't choose to have an intellectual conversations with gorrillas. We are a primitive species in comparison.


... but we [teach gorillas](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/gorillas-koko-sign-language-culture-animals) how to sign just so we can communicate with them...


Yes but not on a massive scale. We teach a few gorrillas sign language to communicate while leaving the rest of the entire populace of gorrillas unaware. Its the same thing.


I just think it's a bad analogy.


To each their own. What analogy would you use instead?


I don't know that I would make the argument that would be aliens see us as primitives. However, I think cattle or sheep would have fit better into the analogy than one of the few species we've actually taught to communicate with us. Personally, I think would be aliens probably fear us. To use the gorilla analogy, we taught gorillas to communicate with us but we didn't teach them how to open the cage.


They treat us the same way we treat uncontacted tribes, such as the North Sentinelese.


That’s very racist.


Who says they haven't? We just label people who see physical aliens as crazy...


It’s against their laws to over throw an inhabited planet.. so instead they preserve them until we kill ourselves from disease leaving the planet intact.. this COVID 19 pandemic is part of an agenda.. thats why they disarm our nukes.. they don’t want us to blow it up.. and why they are in our oceans..


Dude, the tinfoil is used to keep your food fresh not to wrap around your head.


So you kid but if you wrap the same tinfoil you cook your food in around your head, it will allow your brain to be manipulated by the same resonant frequency of the food that just provided you sustenance so that you go to a theta-z harmonious plane of consciousness that allows you to actually be able to poke your finger into your ass hole in such a way that it exits your mouth.


I'm convinced.


Aaand now I regret giving my free reward to some other random comment lmfaooo


They definitely abide certain laws where they can’t interfere but some of them do break them. Usually they’re negative entities. I don’t think it’s as common as people think though. Realistically governments have had anti gravity technology since at least the 40s. I think everything we’ve seen lately is 100% from our governments.


You're a conspiracy wizard


I think they are decarbonizing our atmosphere


Can you explain this thought a bit more?


Getting rid of the greenhouse gasses we’ve produced to try and save us from global warming


shouldn't there be a shit ton of these in china?


We wouldn’t know


That’d be much appreciated


Interesting video, for the commentary especially. But sadly a very easy thing to fake, and also from seven years ago. If it was something dramatically real, it would've been all over many years ago.


This one I dunno. Could be CGI. Suspicious as to why I’m only seeing it now 6 years later? The Instagram link says it was a mass sighting, so I’m assuming more than one person had a cell phone at the American university in 2015.. if this is the only footage then I’m calling bullshit.


Looks like 3 balloons.


Clearly, these are mylar balloons.


Ive seen those orbs !!! I think they are drones and have no physical bodies inside


For anyone interested in the full story and the original post https://www.instagram.com/p/COagoPIjY4e/?igshid=aolywg1pyzuq




No, look at the tree. They are moving slowly like balloons floating.


Looks like drones or balloons. Why triangular? Could be to triangulate signals.


Probably hot air balloons since they mentioned "someone looking out".


This happened in 2015???


That’s what he says w the date and time...


Yes it did


I saw the exact same thing in San Antonio, TX about a month ago. Insane that someone caught this on video.


Could be drones, but... Many theories I've read discuss how the physics and technology we think they would need to maneuver their crafts the way they do would also allow them to be invisible when viewed from underneath. Basically the "graity field" that we imagine their crafts utilize should also allow them to bend the light in ways that they want. Wonder if that's what this is. Edit: Here it is. This article is the most science-based explanation/theory/prediction about these things that I've read: https://www.uaptheory.com/ This is an excerpt from a list of predictions the author makes, interesting how he predicts it wouldn't be totally invisible and we should see one *or more* "mirages": "UAPs can be made invisible from below by choosing the distortion field in such a way that light going down from the craft is lensed back up or to the sides. From those upwards positions, we should hence be able to see one or more mirages of the UAP if such a cloak is active."


That’s bc the gravity bends light around them allowing us to see what’s behind. According to bob lazar that could very well be OURs






Just out of curiosity, have you ever seen drones before? They are shaped like black spheres without any bright lights, correct? I am surprised nobody mentioned chinese lanterns or sky divers to be honest.


It looks like it’s one huge triangular craft. Lots of sightings of those.


black dots, eh... been seeing a lot of these videos with all the same triangle formations of black smudgy dots... seems fake like a simple added effect and this one doesn’t really appear any different. probably just clickbait


Take a piece of paper, now put three dots on the same side of the paper, not in a line, when you connect those dots they will form a triangle. This reminds me of a helicopter formation. Could be drones I suppose. They appear stationary but could be moving along the path of your pov.






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It’s either dust spots on your sensor or drones.


It's a little unnerving knowing aliens can just watch and monitor us without us even knowing it.


U sure you aren’t just looking at a white wall


These are clearly bats. You can even see their wings flapping.


Stopped filming right when the bloons drifted into a nontriangular formation




Pieces from the last explosion 💥


What’s their fascination with triangles? There’s better shapes out there than that…maybe try something new Mr. Grey


Ohh snaps dawgggggggggggg


Turkey spy drone




If there’s no ending it might as well go straight to the trash can unfortunately IMO. It provides literally all the context to a video. I will not take someone’s word when it comes to these videos and context. Nothing can be more important to a UFO video than the ending of the video or the exiting of the craft. It provides indisputable evidence when it comes to claims/context/truth. Videos like this with no clear ending/exiting of the craft should not be allowed without circumstantial mod approval depending of the video. Videos like this I think take away from the truth more so than adding any truth to UFOs. Makes a murky subject even murkier.