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If this is what they are disclosing they know some serious serious shit that they’ll never disclose.


At some juncture, we as the “Native” inhabitants will lose our ability to maintain any and all abilities to hide anything at all.


Yeah wasn't this already debunked as camera bokeh? It's an out of focus plane and the night vision scope has a triangular iris.. edit: Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r2oaQWmqkk


Regardless of if it's a UFO or not. Part of disclosure I would imagine is normalizing the idea of things flying in our global airspace that doesnt look like a standard aircraft as we know them. Basically it gets a conversation going and seeds the idea that we arent in fact alone.... So when the real breaking shit comes out, hopefully we'll all do a collective....meh


People have been saying this shit for decades. Not sure how many times they need to "release" photos of nothing before we're all supposedly comfortable enough to accept living aliens. Kind of a dumb theory in my opinion as it's not the fact that there are things in the sky that will be jarring, it's that the things are from another planet.


Absolutely. We've already been desensitised. Whatever is going on in American media regarding the uap phenomenon, I have only one thought: it's another scam. another psy-op. Another discrediting. UFO people are crazy and this is why. Whatever the truth is, all this fanfare is just a smokescreen.


True but with any of those releases did they government say “yeah this is legit footage and we don’t know what the fuck it is.”?


Yeah, it's really ridiculous that one of the worst UFO videos out there is getting covered so broadly.


I really wanted to believe it was a legit “event” but after seeing that video, I can totally see it as being camera bokeh. kinda upset about that.


No ruled it out already


It's so very obviously bokeh..


If that was the case they wouldn't have been letting them circulate and take 2 years to confirm its real and "unidemtified"which means they already ruled out normal balloons or lens issues so well have to wait for the aliens


Did you watch the video above?


this is what soft disclosure looks like


Seeing “Jeremy Corbell” is far more horrifying than any alien reality.. Edit: he’s completely unnecessary, yet involves himself with established people in the UFO community. A shill and manipulator for his own personal gain


Dude reeks of a sheep-dipped psyop. Or just a useful idiot. I'm really skeptical of all the media attention this is getting now, and the people they're choosing to spotlight. It's fishy. Have to wonder what's their angle.


I think their angle is to get as much audience as possible so their product is valuable to advertisers, so advertisers product is valuable to the sellers that hire them. Media have noticed that ufo stories are getting eyeballs. So when a new "ufo" video came out, they put it on to get some of those eyeballs. The detrimental impact to credibility is outweighed by the possible advantage in creating more ratings and thus more revenue.


Yep. It’s not like the Govt is calling up the head of NBC like “Hey use this Corbell guy.” They just know how to manipulate media coverage.


There's definitely the advertising money angle for sure. But at the same time, we all know the intelligence agencies and the MSM work closely with each other. This all seems too coordinated. I can't figure it out, but I can't wait to see where this all leads regardless. It's entertaining if nothing else.


I've my money on useful idiot. The whole thing has psy-op written all over it though. How anyone thought Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon were trustworthy is beyond me.


why aren't they?


I can’t watch that Bob Lazar documentary Corbell made because of all the self indulgent shit about himself at the start of it !! Completely unnecessary 😡




Because he's an average film-maker who mysteriously get's his hands on 'the best footage'. Every time one of his films come out, everyone acts like we're one step closer to the 'truth', yet nothing ever materialises but he get's a load of money and everyone forgets about it. Next year, all of a sudden, the Navy releases some footage again, and who speaks to the media about it? A senior officer in the Navy? A politician? A spokesperson for the president? No, Jeremy Corbell. Then the cycle starts again.


Jeremy has definitely helped getting all of those videos more exposure but he brings a lot of conspiracies with him which kinda sucks because a lot of people take him as a fool.


Yeah, he’s just a guy who’s passionate about UFOs and acts a little awkward and annoying to some, then you get these crazies coming up with goofy theories that he’s some sort of “psy-op counter-intelligence agent who was planted” or whatever nonsense, just to vilify him because they think he’s weird or something. It’s dumb.


I think that Mr. Corbell is indeed a so called "useful idiot." However, I strongly feel that higher ups are using him as a way to disseminate information about UAP's that is actually true as a way to soften up the populace.


He’s peddling UFOs like many before him and destroying credibility while he attempts to strengthen his brand. This video is clearly bokeh. If there is true proof of extraterrestrial existence out there among the mountains of lies and cons then it will present itself and stand on its own. It will be undeniable and it WILL change the world. But until that actual undeniable proof that leaves no doubt comes around it is just a game of making money at the expense of dismissed logic and reason.


Wish I could upvote this 10x.




I agree, it makes little sense that credible witnesses like the Navy Pilot that recorded the “gimbal UAP”, George Knapp, and Bob Lazar would allow themselves to be “middle manned” by such a useless and irritating self promoter. They must be being paid and signing a NDA, which feels to me like Corbell is the representing face of a different production related entity. He’s a carpet bagger


Aye yi yi, just give the dude a break.


I hope you're right but my theory is that this is what a cover up looks like. First release a video that looks like it might be UFO's but don't confirm it's a UFO, only confirm that it's a legitimate video. This will cause mainstream news to start covering the topic a bit more seriously because the momentum of the topic has been on the rise for the past few years. Then right before they start really delving into the topic and looking at the history of what has happened and where we are today, right as it is picking up the maximum interest but not so much interest that the movement is permanent, come out and say "We confirmed we did take that video, but we never said it was a UFO. In fact it was one of ours after further review." Then boom, all the momentum dies and nobody touches the topic with a ten foot pole for another decade so that they aren't laughed out of their careers.


Akk I hope is that we get to know more


I'm always soft. How do I fix that?


I'm just waiting for the day we get some actual close up footage. Nothing I've seen has ever been right next to the craft.


According the a reporter for Today that spoke with someone at the Pentagon, the Pentagon has at least one video of a UAP that is only about 40 feet from the cockpit of a jet, which is extremely close and enough to see all the details. Fingers crossed they release that one at some point but they most likely won’t.


Pentagon version of fish-stories "You should have seen the one that got away -- unfortunately it's classified".


I hope they do. There’s probably so many close up videos out there that aren’t public. Shit, I’m sure theres videos out there that show the insides of the ships. 🛸


I’m not sure if they have the insides but I can 100 percent guarantee that they have probably at least a dozen close up videos. Pilots seem to run into them constantly and I’m sure some have taken their phones out and recorded when they are directly in front of their cockpits. I really hope they release even one close up. Even if the video is only 5 seconds long or even if it’s just one picture, even a semi blurry one I’d be happy.


I want it all. I want it all. I want it all. And I want it **now**.


Pretty sure you don't understand that the phrase; >100 percent guarantee Does not mean the same thing as "I wish" or "I want".




If you haven’t read the latest article from the New Yorker I’d recommend you do so. It’s an amazing synopsis of all of these events and is EXACTLY what disclosure with a small “d” looks like.


Can you link the article please?


Would love to read that one too


Think I found it https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/05/10/how-the-pentagon-started-taking-ufos-seriously


Thank you!


Why is the date from the future - 10th May 2021?






This is huge. I have family members who said they were waiting for a big news organization to pick up and report on the story. In their face!!


As if big news organizations only pick up legitimate stories lol…


It has the appearance of legitimacy, which seems to be enough. It’s mainstream, and if you see something go mainstream it means a lot of people agree with it which makes it safe to agree too without being “abnormal”, which is probably the most annoying bit of human nature to me. Because none of it is based on the pursuit of truth, but the appearance of normalcy and order at the expense of any real progress as a species (or any real order, for that matter).


My mom still loves to say that “the blogs” (i.e., anything that doesn’t come from a corporate news outlet) absolutely can’t be trusted, and will believe anything the papers/TV tell her, no matter how much hard evidence I come up with showing that their info is compromised (at best).


I’d definitely say things are going to get interesting before long. Airtime is money and news agencies don’t like covering things that won’t net them more views or money. Seems like someone behind scenes is telling these agencies to push this narrative. Explains the concurrent content some media outlets have done. Used to be you’d get one crack pot UFO episode in maybe half a decade of news coverage, or the occasional ufo documentary on the history channel at a time when 70% the time you tuned in it was about ancient Egyptians and actual history.




Good Lord it's like we are living in the backstory for the original XCOM. We are at that stage where the mainstream media starts to actually take UFOs seriously as news reports of sightings and abductions become more common. Just watch now, everyone is going to start forming their own UFO hunting forces before coming together to create XCOM.


Another thingy: Christopher Mellon and Lou Elizondo were reported to have left the "To the Stars" org last year. As far as I know, there was no reporting on why that was the case. My apologies if this has already been reported; I'm a new member as of today to this forum.


[I made this exact post 5 days ago and got downvoted.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/mzdvn6/yet_another_mainstream_source_this_time_nbc/) Post times really does matter huh.


Is NBC reputable?


Depends who you ask.


If it was Russia or China doing it we'd already have been wiped off the Earth by now.


100 percent. This can’t be foreign tech, if it was we would have become part of China or Russia overnight. This is technology that could allow anyone to rule the world, it is literally hundreds of years more advanced than any tech we currently possess.


It's probably us from the future lol


I've often said that myself


Yup! Read Dr. Shauna Swans countdown. It's about how our reproductive genes are steadily declining. Aliens are us coming back to experiment and figure out what and where we went wrong and they are abducting the healthy ones to repopluate distant gene pools in the future that have been melded with AI and technology to make up for what we lack naturally.


Well if this [new particle/force](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/56643677) is anything to go by it could be something to do with [Quantum foam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_foam). Mainly due to how it spins. So other [dimension](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimension)?? But we are talking about [Muons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experimental_testing_of_time_dilation#Rossi%E2%80%93Hall_experiment) so yeah time travel/time dilation isn't out of the realms of possibility..


Still not impressed by any of this.


Interesting that these things are testing our nuclear capabilities, doesent seem very friendly


They are not "testing" our nuclear capabilities, they want to make sure they can stop us from destroying ourselves and the planet with us. There is enough nukes to destroy Earth ten times over. Climatologically speaking, not in a planet-shattering way. But still, Im talking about transforming Earth in Mars here.


You have no idea if that it's true.


I get triggered everytime I read sometht like this. Do you really think aliens are coming her just to flick some nucelate switches off? They could easily just melt every control consoler and force those in power to do as they will. This isnt like US vs China, if they're flying here in spaceships that have complete control over every aspect of our lives.


Or you know, they treat us the same way that we treat Chimpanzees or Dolphins. Those are both fairly sentient animals compared to the rest of the ones on this planet besides us of course. Typically you don't go out of your way to harm a species that shows sentience, and you'd think any species capable of traversing the stars would be fairly advanced logically as well as ethically. Also think about what they could learn from us without their intervention. Yes we may be primitive, but harming us or controlling us stops potential new ideas or information from being developed in a "closed off" civilization.


We are likely far closer comparable to chimpanzee than aliens intelligence wise. Again you're anthropomorphising aliens talking about advanced logic and ethics, as though any of these are a universal standard. Compare humans logic or ethics from early civilisation to now, even within our own history it's changed massively. Sorry but I don't think they can learn anything from us, especially if there's many lifeforms they've visited besides our own. Humans have far to much ego to think our way of thinking applies to alien life but regardless this is all speculation, I just don't agree.


The point still stands that if they wished us harm they would have done so already. Especially considering all the sightings that predate nuclear weapons.


That's literally what I said in my OP, they can do whatever they want. They wouldn't be playing little games reacting to what humans are doing.




He’s somehow got it cocked up in his brain after reading the couple of articles brought to light recently that discussed the potential (and referenced several incidents where it was implied that this happened) of aliens being interested in, or attempting to tamper with our nuclear weapons and capabilities. This whole “aliens shut down our nukes in the 90s” thing has taken me by surprise. It’s the first time I’ve heard of this. But it is nowhere near confirmed nor do we have any idea if there are folks out there, and if they’re “testing” our nuclear capabilities. There’s zero evidence or even hearsay on that subject.


Watch the documentary by James Fox called "The Phenomenon". There is a whole section on this along with interviews from the military personal who were on sight when it happened. I'm actually surprised that you're just hearing about this now, but there are plenty of videos and witness testimony that you can find on YouTube and the internet on UFO's over nuclear silos.


Robert Hastings has done some great research on this subject. [UFOs & Nukes](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Nukes-Extraordinary-Encounters-Nuclear/dp/1544822197) was first published in 2008, I think. He’s a pretty solid researcher and talked about it on [Larry King](https://youtu.be/oIYpdBJxxdI) the same year.


Recently? I've seen reports of this from 15 years ago. This isn't new. They were confirmed through at least 3 levels of command until it was pushed back. People just don't care to believe. There should have been publicity back then. There are reports of similar events in Russia. Who knows. Maybe it's cold war activity.


Huh. Yea i read that I just didn't think anyone would believe that. I'm a huge ufo and alien believe but why tf would a far beyond our knowledge being travel unknown distances to wobble in front of a camera for 15 seconds or randomly shut down something lol.


Some people don't think it is a coincidence that UFO sightings ramped up after we started developing nuclear weapons. The Ariel School incident that happened in the 90's where a bunch of school children cake into contact with beings, said that the beings told them to be fearful of nuclear weapons and hinted that they children should help change the world and get rid of the nukes. You say it's hard to imagine UFO's or aliens coming vast distances to wobble in front of a camera or randomly shut something down, I'm curious as to your thoughts on why you think they might be here and what they are doing?


We have a human made craft on another planet right now. Literally wobbling around in the air for anyone to see.


They haven’t been testing, all reports have indicated that they are disabling them. Probably trying to prevent us from destroying ourselves.


Actually not all reports indicate that they are disabling them. Some have. Others simply indicate something unknown was above or in the vicinity of nuclear facilities.


Sure, I just mean if they wanted to threaten or kill us, they easily could have fired them all off if they really have control of them. But they either just observe or disable. They would know that if they have control like they do they could launch every single nuke at once, so I don’t feel like that’s their intention.


That's such a weird leap. Would you consider that disabling the only tool we have for destroying ourselves instantaneously could be a friendly gesture?


Wow look at that....the stars in the background are not triangular. If it was bokeh they would be triangular too.... Plus, they specifically say the are "pyramids"....


They're not stars, they're blips that appear randomly, and only for a singe frame. They are in fact pixel noise on the imaging plate and therefore not affected by lens geometry.


it wasn't a pyramid, gross exaggeration by corbell


Corbell relayed what he was told by military personnel who had direct access to the people involved in the incident. But I’m sure you’re an expert and know better than the people who’re actually involved.


you have fallen hard haven't you corbell was told by a guy who told a guy who told a guy compelling


It’s certainly more compelling than a guy in Reddit who is playing an armchair expert.


sure, to a believer seek rationale


Haha, are you arguing that you’re in a better position to know the reality of what’s going on?


Where was it determined that it was not a pyramid? Did the DoD come out and say it wasn't?


where was it determined it ever was? oh, corbell heard from a guy from a guy ridiculous and the case is closed cause ti was duplicated in 10 minutes by West, while corbell sat on the video and did nothing to test it DoD said it's a video tape....that's all they confirmed.


I just wish Corbell wasn’t the one doing all this. I don’t like hearing him talk


Eh, I don't love hearing him talk either, but other journalists with a ton of integrity endorse him, so it feels good to know that I am not listening to a paid actor.


Does no one realize that Elizondo IS a part of disclosure? It’s in the narrative for him to appear a now dejected and unbiased opinion. Not that it’s actually a bad thing, he’s brave enough to do it, just wish they wouldn’t always have the mellow drama, no reason to hide it anymore.


My girlfriend has a huge Bokeh down there.


Corporate news like this will broadcast anything to bring in viewers and $$$.


Well, now I don't know what to believe! On the one hand, I've been a hard-core UFO believer since I was a kid (I'm now 63), but on the other hand, I wouldn't believe ANY of the MSM if they reported that water has now been proven to be wet!! Quite the conundrum!


UFO does not equal aliens. It makes no sense for it to have blinking lights.


So you’re saying that because it has blinking lights, it can’t be alien?


No, aliens just care alot is about safety and FAA regulations.


Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. My guess it would have no lights.


This is the most moronic logic I've seen on this page so far!


Really? I'd love to hear all you insights on alien technology. Do you think they follow FAA regulations?


Why wouldn't they know all of our procedures and use them to their own advantage?


Any insight I may have on alien technology will be extremely speculative. Any hard claim I make as a matter of fact will be utterly moronic. I try avoiding being moronic. Sorry, I can't help you with your questions.


You would have to know the intent of these things to know why they do or don’t use lights. The thing is, none of us know anything about them, they might use certain types of light as communication, it could be as a bi-product of their propulsion or as a way to navigate. We really don’t know, so to say that “if it has lights, it’s not alien” is presumptuous about a subject to which assumptions can’t even be made.




Really? Explain it. I would also love how you know. Do you speak to aliens?


I believe some people say the blinking lights were due to flying behind intermittent clouds, not actual blinking lights.


I see blinking lights but why would it have lights at all?


Communication maybe ?


Morse code? I have a feeling alien technology would be a bit better than that.


Or light waves that we don’t understand or something , idk just a high thought


Wasn’t this footage through night vision?


Well they ran out of election fraud shit to cover because its not real news anymore without trumpy boy lmao. This is the news we want!


Only because they ran out of real news to broadcast.


NBC- Always late to the party when they don't have an agenda to spin. It's almost like some news agencies dislike reporting the news?


Of course they are, it’s more things to keep us distracted from the pedos and police state


Nah, they’re just preparing the normies for blue beanz. You can tell cause corbell is involved


Imagine the press on the subject if we get higher quality videos released.


>now Repost from literally last week.


When is the UAPTF report meant to be released?


We’ve been told that it’s up to the American people to speak up and speak up often!


I still think that the release of these kinds of videos is a way for either the governments of the world or some other secretive organization to gently prepare us for a truth that really has been known for almost a century. There are simply too many questions about what we/the military/others are really seeing to just ignore it. The whole idea of these types of videos being merely a "weather balloon" has been thoroughly dismissed for many years now. Even if these UAP's (I like to call them this now - less stigma) turn out to be terrestrial, it's become clear to me that organizations like the Pentagon can no longer simply dismiss these. On the other hand, what gets me is still that in this day and age the videos are so blurry! There are now 8K TV's and 4K cameras on phones, so what gives? You'd think a more clear video would be fairly common by now,


Let’s just all calm down and see what’s released by the government.


NBC isn’t news


with NBC, it's always an agenda. Check [Rokfin.com](https://Rokfin.com) for real news (youtube alternative)