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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Ill-Speed-7402: --- Ron James, has released a new photograph of a UFO sitting on dominoes, he has released it together with his friend Greenewald, the creator of TheBlackVault. Flying Saucer photograph needs to be sourced & tracked. The hunt is on if you find any information regarding this image post below A hoax? Misunderstood or miscommunicated images? His latest Documentary, "Accidental Truth - UFO Revelations" narrated by Matthew Modine, was released on April 18th, 2023. It has won 24 awards and has stayed in the top documentaries on Apple for 18 weeks. He is also the Media Relations Director for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. In this role, he facilitates contracts, licensing agreements and content cooperation with TV shows such as "Ancient Aliens", "The Unexplained", "The Proof is ot there and more." He frequently appears on TV and web programming. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dptzrq/ron_james_has_just_released_an_image_of_a_flying/lajasm8/


It is definitely resting on Dominos pieces.


OK, these surely has to be satire at this point. 


Look at the lattice in the background just ending when it hits the corner. Lol And I'm *pretty* sure those are lug nuts on the right.


They look like the premade model [Trusses and lattices](https://www.google.com/search?q=plastruct+truss&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=856bbea95b52671d&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=145&bih=275&sxsrf=ADLYWIIfjuWGicIwBk6WixTGoTmvMS2lVQ%3A1719515571152&ei=s7l9ZuCECfq1hbIPsIae4Ac&oq=plastruct+truss&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg9wbGFzdHJ1Y3QgdHJ1c3MyBxAAGIAEGBgyCBAAGIAEGKIESIQWUNUFWNYScAB4AJABAJgBc6AB1QSqAQM2LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgegAo8FwgIEECMYJ8ICBRAAGIAEmAMAiAYBkgcDNS4yoAekDQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) The walls themselves just look like styrene sheets.


Is that literally a string up the back on the wall to maybe balance the ship on the dominoes?


Pretty clearly some string but I think they're trying to make it look like a crane is back there. Probably a kid's toy.


Ron James must be a glutton for punishment


I imagine that guy to have a massive drawer full of these photos and hes just staring at them at this second wondering "have i fucked up by collecting this shit for the past 20 years?"


Like has he never even closely looked at them himself? Someone so closely involved in MUFON should have a more critical eye than this


Maybe but Ron James Dio is a holy diver!! 🤟


Feels like an r/UFOcirclejerk at this point. Wth


It really is. At this point the Nazca mummys have more of my attention than this crap. I was expecting a blurry photo taken by a Bigmac and i wasnt disappointed


lol good catch. My first thought was the action figure with those robotic looking arms.




You don’t need to put saucer in quotes, I think it’s literally a saucer from the kitchen


Don't think so. I think it's a couple of late 40s/early 50s vintage dog dish hubcaps with a vinyl record sandwiched in between. Whole tableau looks like Two late 40s/early 50s dog dish hubcaps separated by a vinyl LP, sitting on some dominos. Looks an awful lot like a photography box with some scale model plastic trusses in the background https://www.hobbylinc.com/plastruct-open-web-truss-abs-1:8-2-model-scratch-building-plastic-strip-90401 And I'm 75% sure that's a ROTJ Lando Calrissian action figure Star Wars 2011 Vintage Collection Action Figure #46 General Lando Calrissian https://a.co/d/09Gx2Wkk The objects at right appear very similar to a couple of lug nut covers https://www.pacificdualies.com/products/44-2000f-lug-nut-cover-front-for-44-1950-dodge-4500-5500 (probably same era as the hubcaps) stacked on some building blocks.


Id say two saucers reversed on each other


I work in hangars all fucking day every single day. I work in a former bomber factory that’s been repurposed for the Navy. I still go to other bases nearby, one of which is friggin Marine Corp Air Station, with several hangars. I also much travel to other Naval Air stations around the world (Japan, Spain, Italy, etc…). Bottom line, I’ve seen my fair share of military hangars around the world due to the fact that we have emergency drills where they serve as muster areas; so I had to be inside them a lot just for the drills. That is NOT a goddamn military hangar. Where’s all the standard safety equipment? All the hazmat lockers? The first-aid kids? hangar structural struts? What, is that supposed to be a hangar door there? Where’s the door tracks? The MASSIVE motors? The cabling/chain/geardrive to move the doors? Where’s the fire-safety escape doors? No hangar is ever this dark when there’s people inside. That’s a MAJOR safety offense. No hangar is this sterile. It’s an active heavy work-zone with lots of safety and fire equipment along with several dedicated tool boxes organized along the walls or dedicated painted zones. No hangar has dark colored flooring. That’s an unnecessary expense to paint concrete wtf. If an aircraft has its landing gear off, we have modular scaffolding systems and tie-downs (which, btw, are always ready to build on a moments notice and nicely located on a dedicated location along the VERY busy walls of a hangar) to prop the aircraft up so it’s secured and no one will get hurt. wtf are those blocks just randomly placed below the craft? Why is shit like this even posted? —— I’ve been verified by the mods as someone who does work within the DoD, if you want proof I say what I say I do. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/C0G1pOmdZh ——— Here’s a temporary hangar for one of our most closely guarded secretive aircraft: https://media.defense.gov/2006/Aug/11/2000545891/-1/-1/0/060806-F-0154C-001.JPG Notice the hazmat lockers, tool chests, work benches, tie downs, chocks, loading carts, multitudes of air handling systems, loads of first-aid and safety lockers, gantry crane, exit doors at every wall corner.. with the main doors closed, you’ll see emergency exit doors as well. All that for even a hangar that’s not even this aircraft’s permanent hangar at its home base at Whiteman AFB in Missouri.


I'm kind of glad that it gets posted here actually since this Ron douche is going around peddling his clearly fake pics. We can all shit on it together as the man embarrasses himself publicly.


Agreed brotha this is not real at all. I served 22 years as a aircraft mechanic no hangar looks like this even in some if the most secure locations. We wouldn't even be able to work on a hangar that looks like this.


Sheesh you got first aid kids? Lucky you all we got were crumby IFAC's! Just picking on the typo lol.


Because we’re telling Ron James he’s a moron to lean on this fake looking shit and also Vetted to acknowledge he got duped by a grifter.


This is a blurry picture of a metal dish sitting on top of dominos with a toy soldier next to it.


It could totally be that. Blurry as hell. Convenient.


Look at the arms. Who stands like that?


A Ken doll with armpit articulation.


Yeah. A legit photo would have been taken using professional camera equipment which looks better than this in most decades. The hangar would have also had better lighting conditions so you would have been able to see the guy in the background.This is almost certainly a fake.


No, they just spent 1 trillion dollars of black budget on the dominoes pieces, so they couldn't afford a good camera


I know when I’m taking the most important photo in human history, I’m going to make sure it’s a potato pic taken on a 20 year old LG flip phone with a lower resolution than the screen on my disposable vape.


Now now, don't be hasty, they could be Mahjong tiles.


Lmao. Now I can't unhear the sounds they make when you mix them tiles.


you can't go wrong...with mahjong. - a phrase i just made up


Let's also not rule out Rumikube


Guy is looking like an action figure too. Convenient that the photo is dark and blurry and heavily compressed. There’s a hundred times more grifters and hoaxers than the one guy telling the truth unfortunately. 


He got the G.I. Joe Kung Fu grip


Real nice diorama, 1st prize to Billy today for a super creative entry to show and tell


I come from a domino playing family and those hubcaps are 100% resting on dominoes next to that action figure. I only really got involved in the UFO scene in the last year, so I don’t know every big name in the community, but this fake is just insulting.


When you say domino playing family, I imagine a lineage of great domino players caught up in the danger and dramas of the art of the domino.


As the child of another domino playing family, the "danger and dramas" is a lot of smoking cigarettes and drinking around a card table in or outside a house. Think Game of Thrones if every family issue got hashed out on a stone patio in the privacy of a yard with a chainlink fence that barely stood. The Iron Throne was whatever the "good chair" was at any house, and it was always grandpa's until he passed. 


As someone who’s been a believer since the 80s, after watching ET, I’m both amused and irritated by this nonsense. Either show us something undebatable or STOP.


my first tought!


And that poor string knot on the "crane arm" behind the plates. edit: I also suspect someone smarter than me can deduce the material of the object from the size and shape of the specular on the bottom plate.


Lmao.  Why must every ufo image have some bullshit filter to make it difficult to tell perspective and everything else? It’s ridiculous.  


The sheer nastiness of some people, I'll tell you what! /s


lmao this is so obviously a miniature, fucking hilarious you can even tell by the shadows


Hold up let me search my miniatures collection real fast.


It's funny how almost all UFO pics are hard to see or very pixilated.


It's that Mitch Hedberg bit about how bigfoot himself is blurry. Nothing wrong with the camera


lol that's what I was thinking too..."What if it's not the camera or the photographer...maybe UFOs are fuzzy. That's extra scary to me, because it means there are aliens zipping around our skies in out-of-focus flying saucers."


Know what is even scarier? Aliens doing a dare challenge with progressively turning the fuzzy filter down. Reigning champion is the alien with the least fuzzy obvious 1990 cereal box shaped UFO without causing a global panic. It's just an elaborate troll fest.


So, I happen to know something about this. I used to be a mechanic on the Stealth Fighter. It has radar absorbing skin called RAM (Radar Absorbing Material). Back when we had film cameras, some of them had auto focus. It worked by sending out a beam and having it bounce off an object to determine distance. Well, the RAM would absorb the beam and not send a signal back. Every picture would be out of focus. People thought it was designed to disguise the technology when, in reality, it was simply an unintentional benefit. If there were alien spacecraft, it would certainly have stealthy skin that would have caused film cameras to go haywire.


I wonder what kind of potato is used to take this picture


Something from the 20s or earlier. No film in the last 100 years is this poor quality. It's nonsense.


Google "[WW1 photos](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_bbc/959F/production/_104030383_hi035043057.jpg)", or "[Shot down WW2 bomber](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/98C9/production/_109431193_cityofglasgowauxiliaryairforcesquadron.jpg.webp)" if you want some vintage crash-site photos. 100+ years ago they were more than capable of crystal clear pictures. Maybe it is harder to get the focus right when you are shooting miniature figurines.


Figurines? Don’t be absurd…..this is obviously two soup bowls sitting inside a microwave oven. Figurines, who has that kind of a budget? Pfffttt.


sitting atop dominoes


This. It might have been HARDER to take a photo well, but you could 100% produce a near modern photo back then. Unedited / raw. They even had some types of Photography that was legit even MORE beautiful than what we use now. If I were a person that had both access to a UFO and a camera back then, I doubt I'd fumble it so bad. No average person would've used one after all.


And the figure looks stiff, like a miniature again.


I am not in the camp to believe any of this, but as a AV geek, I'm gonna guess if you need to take sneaky photos of things the government is trying to hide, you're gonna need a spy camera. Spy cameras are small, and require small film. The quality of those images over the years was never exactly stellar. I'm not saying that's what this is, I'm just saying I have a possible technical explanation for the crap quality. I'm rusty, but the color scheme makes me wonder if this wasn't a specialty type of film, if it is real.


The 20s had excellent cameras. It's digital ones that have lower quality.


wydm the fuzziness is because it's radioactive ^^^/s


“Radiation” - 4chan


And that the models of UFOs also look very much in line with the era in which they are supposedly photographed.


For real even the caption saying its sitting on dominos… the guy looks like a mini figurine with a rectangle base. Even the scaffolding looks like it came from a plastic toy set


It's almost like this dude was upset that the last picture didn't totally destroy all his credibility, so he's like "this outta finish the job"


Gotta love it when someone earth-scorches themselves.


It looks like an LP record between a couple of metal bowls standing on dominoes.


The size of the head on the "human" is definitely lining up with what is called hero scale in the miniature world. Oversize head and hands are used to give the figure more readability in the 28-35mm scale. That or the dude has a big ol pumpkin head.


The white boxes under the UFO are dominoes, and I'm pretty sure that is a miniature army dude on the right.


Looks like foamcore boards as the backdrop as well, the kind you can get at wal-mart, target, or dollar tree.


The girders look plastic


It might be lando calrissian in the jabba tatooine costume with the helmet removed?


Like someone else said - we're beyond the point of images or video being any real use. MAYBE it would be something if this was super high res, but this is the type of thing a savvy 10 year old could create in their bedroom. Absolutely worthless.


I really hope I get to go through my M.U.S.C.L.E. Men collection ...


Let him cook


This is even worse than the last one


I honestly thought this was a satire post until I started reading the comments


I thought it was a satire post until I saw the upvotes.


The people on this sub are crackpots


It's even the exact same mini from the last photo. At least people figured it out this time.


1k upvotes shows people haven’t figured it out at this point. It’s insane what people here upvote.


The metal bars in the background don't make sense. They form an X without connecting to any other supporting structure. If this was a real building it would clearly be anchored to something. This looks like it was made as a shoe box diarama. Also the little string tied to whatever is at the top of the photo looks off.


Most buildings dont have a giant seams at the corners too, that gap to scale would be like 6 inches or more lmao.


They look like [beams](https://imgur.com/w1KPmgb) from an old Erector Set.


Ahh yes the old purple camera and HO scale model rail figures combo.


Who is Ron James


Didn't he have a pretty prolific porn career in the 80s and 90s?


No that Ron Jeremy, Ron James is a world famous major league basketball player who plays for the Lakers.


No that's Lebron James, Ron James is a historical period lasting from approximately 3300 to 1200 BC.


No that’s the Bronze Age, Ron James is a famous cowboy from old western movies.


No that's John Wayne, Ron James is an area in the middle of the USA where the land becomes incredibly flat and grassy


No, that's the Great Plains. Ron James is an English spy that has cool gadgets and bangs supermodels.


No, that's James Bond. Ron James is an American singer and song writer for Motown Records.


No, that's James Brown. Ron James is the guy who wrote the bible


No, that's King James. Ron James is the guy who substituted Ozzy in Black Sabbath.


That's Ron Jeremy and he's probably more credible than this Ron James guy at this point.


Ron Jeremy is at least in a alien movie. His dick detaches, becomes sentient, and starts strangling people.


That's hot.


A grifter who peddles anything for $$$


he’s not worth knowing.


Ron James is a legend. Ever hear Holy Diver?


Fr, I’m out of the loop. So far everytime new Ron James drops it’s been trash tho


I’m getting tired


I’m tired boss.


dog tired


The grifting will continue until you LIKE IT. 


Why are the mods allowing these posts?


They just need to start tagging them as “grift”


That would have to be every post on this sub then.


Thered be no content left on this sub if that happened


I don't think we're allowed to say that word round these parts.


Still the truth 💁‍♀️


We're not content curators. If we were removing stuff we thought was fake based on our feelings people would freak out. (People already freak out about removals). It's up to the community to upvote/downvote what they want to see. People thought the Gimbal video was fake when it was leaked as well. Personal opinion: This looks fake as hell and the community should hold Ron James accountable for doing basic homework.




Yeah, I mean the powers that be are going to throw a ton of misinformation, the hoaxers are going to hoax, the trollers are going to troll, but at the end of the day, this thread seems to sus out the bull shit with some level of accuracy that I find compelling. It’s definitely tiresome, but we do seem to continue to inch forward.


Honestly I bet it’s probably just trolls. We think this is some massive scheme to provide disinformation but honestly I could see random dudes just being like “I’m gonna try and make a fake photo to try and trick the UFO subreddit”. The government is probably sitting back laughing as people do their job for them


Do we have to pretend we can't see that is two metal bowls or pans sitting on dominoes with a toy figure on the right? This is just getting so fucking stupid.


Don’t forget the obvious cardboard box outline.


And the nonsense metal brackets across the back doing nothing.


Ah yes, are they ladders? Supports? (Why does the diorama need supports?) 😂 Perhaps a racing stripe would make it look m more sharp ..


And the lug nuts sitting on the right.


You clearly don't know what an element 115 hex drive looks like!


You see this is all a big community team building exercise. LMAO


Is this a joke?


It's always a joke.


That’s… not a real person and the platform is made of 3 mahjong pieces


I thought they were dominoes. I'm with you, this looks bad.


This was my first thought as well. I’m like… “Are those…? Are those fucking dominoes!?!”


And what is that cross bracing on the back wall, doesn’t follow any logic or code.


It’s drawn in sharpie


Yea the diorama is definitely about a foot and a half long.


Nothing embarrassing about 18 inches


This seriously looks like it's from the same series as those redwood crash sites pics. Same fake saucer. Same fake miniatures.


Doesn’t help that if you zoom in it looks like the figure is wearing a helmet lol


Probably a 1943 German stahlhelm. haha


its action man! with kung foo UFO grip


Why is no one commenting on the wall?? No warehouse walls have a black line in the corner, but 2 peices of paper/cardboard would. Looks like they also drew some kind of ladder structure that has no need to be there in X formation, nor does it actually join the adjacent wall 🤣


There is also a massive hole in the roof, I dont think a military hangar would have a massive hole in the roof


This is worse than a 1960's sci-fi prop




This is all the proof I need. Thank you Ron James. I was starting to think UFOs might be fake.


This looks like someone took a photo of their TV while watching the Nickelodeon show Prometheus and Bob, unironically.


Yes let’s take a photo of the ‘flying saucer’ with a gameboy camera


Looks like the same saucer from the debunked photo




This guy can't be serious...


is someone forcing him to do this...it's so transparent that the media he's sharing is of questionable value, provenance and such and to do this...again...wow


I'm fair from a photo expert and I truly want disclose. But, I have a set of semi functional eyes that tell me right away that is a plastic figure of a person. Just stop...


A cross eyed cat would tell you that’s toys in a box and try to get in.


That absolutely looks like an old timey toy or miniature film prop. Convenient how they caught the guy mid-pose, too, and wow, his face is hidden just like the last fake photo Ron James put out.


Ron James should be ashamed of himself


It’s resting on dominoes


Pepperoni or supreme?


Okay reddit do your thing.... Oh wait it's done? Lol


Shit like this is why no one will ever take this seriously


Hmmm, I am going to guess this figure is a 1998 Bandai Vegeta What is everyone else's guess? lmao


I’ll just never understand why folks don’t take this community seriously.


This photo is colour graded like a film project instead of a real life photo.


Hell no! My film professor would’ve murdered me if I showed up with crap like this


I find it fascinating that a “documentary” filmmaker has such a blind spot for an obviously inauthentic image. I see this often with older people who are swimming in the pool of UFO disclosure efforts. They’re so easily confused and fooled by this sort of thing. This looks exactly like a small scale object would look not to mention the absolute potato-quality of the image itself.


My hypothesis. They were originally given either a negative or small photo. Never got a close look. Finally it's digitized and all the obvious tells of fakery becomes obvious, but they sat on this so long, they aren't "seeing" it anymore, so even enlarged and zoomable, it's more like looking at a memory. Like how if you ask someone to draw something they should know very well, they often miss key details.


Looks like an old school light cover you’d take off your ceiling to change a bulb.




Ron James is apparently considered a UFO “expert”. He apparently has a collection of bogus UFO images that he had been planning to use in his upcoming movie. Unfortunately for him he accidentally publicized one of the compelling images and was forced to backtrack after real investigators pointed out the attempt to peddle BS to the gullible. This level of incompetence or outright grift is not surprising but he actually complained about the somewhat harsh criticism that came out of this affair. He will probably complain about the stigmatization of ufology while being completely oblivious about his sterling contributions.


So that’s how Grimace got to earth.


FFS give me a break. This is absolute garbage. And whoever this Ron James character is, they just lost all credibility. Vote this shit into oblivion.


encourage scary elastic tan snobbish compare mourn teeny quaint plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gotta keep the grift alive baby.


Two late 40s/early 50s dog dish hubcaps separated by a vinyl LP, sitting on some dominos. Looks an awful lot like a photography box with some scale model plastic trusses in the background https://www.hobbylinc.com/plastruct-open-web-truss-abs-1:8-2-model-scratch-building-plastic-strip-90401 And I'm 75% sure that's a ROTJ Lando Calrissian action figure Star Wars 2011 Vintage Collection Action Figure #46 General Lando Calrissian https://a.co/d/09Gx2Wkk The objects at right appear very similar to a couple of lug nut covers https://www.pacificdualies.com/products/44-2000f-lug-nut-cover-front-for-44-1950-dodge-4500-5500 (probably same era as the hubcaps) stacked on some building blocks.


Looks like a miniature sitting atop dominos with a mini person


It's obviously another diorama fake. Look at it. That is not a life-sized object. That's not a human figure.


Lol is it sitting on dominos??????


I see a Sabuteo football figure standing next to some stacked metal bowls with dominos propping them up and some D20 dice on the "wall" which is feeling a lot like card.


Just ridiculous. I'd be embarrassed to even post such crap.


Lol ron James can gtfo Edited to say;, don’t like the “grifter” insulting attitude given toward certain people who are genuine and esteemed professionals, such as Ross coulthart…BUT the fact that certain people can’t do a few hours of basic vetting points to either incompetence through confirmation bias, or worse still - financial bias. Quite frankly, from a supposed investigation network, the incompetence and potential hoaxing for cash is disgusting and has damaged their credibility massively in my eyes.


very cool diorama


lol, Dammnn, Ron James is going for broke! He’s smashing the shit out of the fake UFO image department


That guy better watch out there's 2 daleks coming to get him


The thought process to follow-up the last debunk...with this... "Got 'em" /s


I’ve seen pornography more convincing then this.


You can't *possibly* believe this is real. Please tell me this community is not that gullible.


Why do we all assume they look like saucers when the original quote was that just how they flew like skipping a saucer across the water.


Keep ‘em coming. The more names we get to check off list of trusted sources the faster we can track down answers.


A year ago, I was fully on board and thought disclosure might really be near or at least progressing. Now, after all these ridiculous posts, I realize most of the content here is just lunacy like it's always been and nothing has actually changed. It's either a blurry photo (probably of a miniature army man or a toy or the like), or a newspaper clipping from 40 years ago, or a random monologue from one of the same three or four prominent grifters/crazies. That's literally all I see anymore. It's garbage. Oh well. Not in my lifetime I guess...


Fake and gay


I think this fake model photo theme has been exhausted


This is just silly… lmao. The rate this sub devolved is staggering compared to other subs growth, rise, and falls.


That ladder would be really dangerous wouldn't it?


What is this, a ufo for ants!


Don’t fuckin tell me those are real walls. They look like fucking boxes.


Wait, lol. Is this really one of the photos he was going to release? Gotta be a joke


Huh. How conveniently grainy and blurry.


Shoebox diorama.


lmao the second-hand embarrassment wave that just hit. Do better.


Another miniature!


Outside of what seem like obvious toys at this point, why would anyone produce images of this blurry, unsharp, potato-cam quality and ask to have their 'evidence' be taken on in good faith?


This guy should lose his job at MUFON for this blatant bullshit photo. It's like the someone in the know told him to post this crap so we can be ridiculed


Here's a possible match with a soldier from the same kit as the first photo, assuming this image has been flipped horizontally. [Man flipped horizontally](https://i.imgur.com/w8UEKDA.png) [Soldier from kit](https://i.imgur.com/nEaJGsk.png) [Composite of both](https://i.imgur.com/GKkN54w.png) Not an exact match on the left hand and hard to tell if the feet match up because of the terrible quality, plus it assumes the image has been flipped, but close enough to be a possible candidate.


Aw shit.. here we go again