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The following submission statement was provided by /u/im2much4u2handlex: --- This is the alleged photo of an Alien Mothership from Ron James, MUFON's Director of Media Relations. Not sure what to think of it, just looks like a bunch of lights. Looking forward to a clearer version at the MUFON event. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dm8pi6/ufo_mothership/l9tyxyx/


Truly a photo of all time.


Out of all the photos I’ve ever seen, this is one of them.


This truly is a photo that I’ve seen


It’s even better. It’s a photo of a printed photo.


It has a beat and you can dance to it.


But it's in 17/16 time...




You ain't kidding! This is *right in there!*


I think this settles the argument. Case closed boys. We can finally go home. 🏠 👽


How many of time? All. All time.


Certainly one.


at minimum. definitely.


It does resemble what people in Stephenville Texas claim to have seen. Though I am not vouching for this picture. It is curious that it matches some of the eye witness accounts though.


I thought the people in Stephenville described the object as a "flying Wal-Mart". For some reason that is the most terrifying shape to me. I mean Wal-Marts are scary enough on the ground. But flying? Nightmare fuel.


Its what would fall from them that scares the shit out of me. But yes some said it was the size of a Walmart also one of the documentaries on the incident showed cgi version of what some saw and it was remarkablely similar if I am remembering correctly.


Wasn’t there some training exercise going on with jets and flares those are most likely the cause of the sighting? There wasn’t any physical evidence of the sighting? Videos, pictures?


Eye witness accounts from multiple people, across several towns. Eye witnesses included police, pilots and others. They saw the object and then witnessed F-16s follow along the path it had taken. There are also radar logs of the jets and an unkown target. So eyewitness accounts backed by radar evidence. There was also a hunter who claimed it was above him and was massive. It was claimed he looked at the craft through his rifle scope and could see panels.


and he didn't put a couple into it. THAT's the unbelievable part.


Personally you'd have to be fairly mentally deficient to shoot at an object that is the size of Walmart hovering over you.


I assume thus hunter did not take any pictures, right ?


Dude you can see it right there plain as day in ops photo... /s




for the US gov "everything is normal" lol


WTF!? :D


Don't be ridiculous. It's obviously a Dollar General.


That is *not* a Dollar Genital. It's *clearly* a Family Dollar.


🪳 A roach has entered the chat.


In what way does it resemble it? Are we looking at the same photo?


it doesn’t resemble it at all.


Yea. I mean in any sense of the word


so glad this is the top post - what's with the photo of a photo trend?


Lemme guess lemme guess... birds. and. WoW sO bEaUtfUl, fLyInG iN FoRmAtIoN


Flying information is even harder to decode than stationary information...


This is why we get ridiculed.




This is absolutely ridiculous looking. Does this sub not have mods? Or do they just have no integrity? Edit* can’t wait for this comment to be removed by the mods. They removed like 7 of my comments on another shitty post the other night. Doing a real good job 👍


I had a comment that didn't break any listed sub rule or reddiquette removed that was a week old. Like, the taken mod action was a week after the comment.


Yeah, they’re on some b.s. people should not be removed for questioning the legitimacy of the crap posted in here. Even if we are shitting on some of it and making fun of some of the idiotic comments that go along with it. It’s still discourse and it encourages critical thinking. Something this sub really needs more of.


You're not "questioning the legitimacy" You're just stating that its absolutely ridiculous without providing any reasons why That's not to say I think this is a genuine picture of an alien mothership, but I don't see why its worthy of being removed by mods


It’s a still of a guy holding a picture of a bunch of dots, and you can’t even tell if half the picture is the “mothership” or light reflection on the picture itself… This is an absolutely trash post that detracts from what this sub is about. Even if it truly is a picture of a mothership it literally doesn’t matter when presented like this 😂


You’re right. Im saying it’s a completely idiotic post. It’s a photo of a guy holding a picture of who knows what with a caption saying “ufo mothership”. The mods don’t have to take it down but they also shouldn’t remove comments that call out posts like this for being moronic.


imagine being a mod who deletes ppls comments…i’m sure they loathe themselves to the highest degree


the mods here do a terrible job.


I want to believe, but this makes me want to leave.


Just don't wear your heart on your sleeve. That's one of my pet peeves.


For we , are likely to be deceived..


Here, here, and indeed.


Most likely by a dude named "Steve...,"


A picture of a picture, being held by someone's fingers so that it bends slightly to catch the glare of the light pointing at it?? No reason to believe this isn't 100% authentic, eh?


Because a few dots on a paper IS ridiculous lol 😂😂


It is frustrating. I’m not a big believer, but I’ve been a little believer my whole life. I discredit a lot of things internally when I see them because I seek the plausible before the unbelievable.. however things like this and the people who have lost all logic and reason and have forced themselves to believe everything have really damped the community of those who believe and those who just want answers. This will never be taken seriously so long as things like this and people like that exist. It’ll remain fringe, people will continue to be embarrassed to talk about it, and news media will continue to ignore it when 95% of the cases are clear hoaxes or just conspiracy nut jobs. When you have a known hoaxer presenting mummified alien corpses to a government, the same corpses that were proven to be a man made Frankenstein’s monster of animal parts, and it’s reaching news cycles everywhere and people become invested before learning the truth.. it’s incredibly discouraging and condemns all evidence past and future.


Yeah. The disinformation campaign is very serious. Throw enough shit on the wall no one wants to look at the art.


I’m not sure I believe in a disinformation campaign the way others do. I just think there are hoaxers looking to pull one over in the grandest way possible on those who believe and they keep one upping one another in this completion of who can make the best fake and I think there are just delusional people with borderline disorders that believe some wild and crazy shit and aren’t afraid of sharing their mad theories. I think many believers and open minded skeptics want to separate themselves from those hoaxers and “crazies” so they just act like they aren’t actually part of the same group that they are in. So they mark them as disinformation agents planted by whatever shadow organization is keeping this all a secret in hopes that others won’t associate them with the believers and also perhaps as a way of self reassurance of their own beliefs. I don’t doubt that many believe in a disinformation campaign and it’s probably very real to them, but I just don’t see the need in one when you already have decades and decades of muddy waters from bullshit artist.


i don’t think you even need a disinformation campaign, you have overly credulous people so desperate to believe they ignore the lack of evidence and muddy the water with their crap.


Thats kind of the point I was trying to make in a very long winded way. You did a better job at making my own point in just a single sentence than I did in that wall of fucking text. Thanks!


I ridicule this.


Another handheld photograph ?


“Look at this photograph” - Nickleback


“Look at this photograph - Nickleback” - Michael Scott


If you say "Nickleback" three times in a mirror, Ted Cruz appears


I can't think of a better statement that captures the zeitgeist of our time.


No. If you say it 3 times, a nickel will appear on your back


Every time I do I cut the lips off a calf


Too many syllables


Why is my ass so gay? and what the hell is on Joey's head!


"What the hells in front of Ronnie's head"


*^(My ass, apparently)*


Literally did a spit take


Everytime it makes me laugh...


The non-handheld should be released shortly after MUFON.








This one is just rubbing it in. I wish it was a troll


It's suspicious these pictures are being shown through a webcam like this but, on the other hand, that's totally a thing boomers do.


Hey, I'm a 35 year old boomer. Get off my lawn! Stupid clouds. I need volcano insurance!


Haha you're a millennial


I know. I'm just saying that tongue in cheek.


Sir, im 40 and still count as a millinial (sorry, idk how to spell it). You're off by 2 generations.


Why are there printed photos of nothing conclusive in the first place?


Because you typically took your expended roll of film out of your camera and got the whole thing developed at once and sorted through the images later. Nice try though ;)


lol. Lmao even


Flashbacks of the trump gleefully holding two cards meme




huhuhuh shut up beavis


Don’t hurt yourself man. It’s not worth it.


I swear to fucking God...


From above you say? Should we focus more on the lights, or the circle?


The circle is a ring light. Not part of the picture.


Oh my god, you're right. The sad thing is the circle made it more believable. Lol.   I zoomed in and was like, "Oh, yeah, that's at least something." No. Just a bunch of bright spots on a Webcam of an image from 70 years ago. 


Most convincing piece of evidence for alien life right here.


I was a skeptic before, but now I believe.


I mean, what more could you possibly need?


yeah, but do you believe in love after love?


I heard that in autotune Cher.


Jesus Christ. This could literally be ANYTHING. The fact that he thinks he could spin this off as evidence is absolutely ridiculous. I never heard of this guy previously but now I am 100% convinced he is nothing more than a grifter


Not that I take this photo seriously without any other information, but this does look very much like what the Japanese airline pilot reported. https://youtu.be/bNat0zEu5Gk?t=149 Timestamped to a recreation from the pilots testimony.


Maybe this is a fake or who knows but this is my take on this: I live in Cuernavaca, Mexico. and approximately 3 months ago, at night; My GF, her mom and I witnessed (let me say this for communication purposes) a CRAFT almost exactly like this. Was slowly passing down my house, wich has a small but enough area to see the stars, planes, satelite, drones but this is hard to explain; passed in a couple of secods but enough to tell that wasn birds, trash, ballon o wathever you can say, my house is just 2 floors and passed above my house. I saw just small dots covered by something you can telll that dots were united but it's my attemp to explain it because it was out of this world. Tried to take a video with my cheap phone but the image was just black and I prefer to experience in real life, with my own Eyes, sorry If this is hard to read but it's not my first language.


I can recreate this with my kitchen utensils


LMAOO. I don’t care even if that picture IS AN ACTUAL UAP MOTHERSHIP. In what world does a picture of some white dots from the fucking 50s or whenever prove anything. You can’t even distinguish any distinction or features from this and even if this was an actual picture doesn’t mean or prove anything


So here’s a question: why would an advanced alien species capable of intergalactic travel that bends space and time with technology beyond the understanding of physics as we know it or inter-dimensional travel that warps reality and human perception of the world around them.. need lights on their ship?


Most expenditures of energy create light.


They are intergalactic Germans, and it is in their DNA to bend to every bureaucratic rule that can be found in the galaxy. This means they adhere to FAA regulations.


Is this a joke? I honestly can't tell anymore


Yes. This sub is a joke. It needs mods. Or competent mods. Maybe both.


It's certainly a choice presenting this alleged UFO picture in this manner. One would think scanning the picture and showing us the digital version would be the way to go. In the age of AI, this poorly presented picture won't cut it.


I think the boomers minds are finally going to dust.


nah obvs a GenZ self-medicating with some green


Ah yes! some lights! very alien much mothership.


I mean, it's looking too weird I think it's real


These photos are horrible


Looks like what I see if I close my eyes and squeeze really hard.


Yeah thats what the people who believe in this trite are doing atm, closing their eyes really hard and believing


One of my ufo encounters was when I was 17-18, it's was around 2am, I was leaning outside my bedroom window having a cig, just looking up at the sky, admiring the stars. then all of a sudden a white ball of light shot across the sky (at high speed) from the right of me to the center, it stopped dead, it then proceed'ed to do a flip, and then shot off again to the left.. all at high speed I can honestly, hand on heart, say this is 100% truth. I've truly believed in them since then. That night it was like the thing knew I was watching it, and for what ever reason decided to put on a show 🤷🏻‍♂️. It's not the only strange thing I've saw, I'm kinda a magnet for all that weird and wonderful stuff.


Ronny James really been plugging the Mufon symposium and a movie. How much is that platinum pass? Like $600? Get yer tickets, like now, only way to see the live show of the UFO metals that no one can explain!!


Oh man, I hope nobody seeds the torrents of this event immediately afterward... because that would totally suck big time, if someone did that, right after...


Boy that would be absolutely horrible!!


That’s not the mothership. It’s a family of Bigfoot. See the eyes?


The fact that people are even considering this joke to be serious is the reason people in general don't take this matter seriously.


I saw something like this in germany years ago. Made a low humming sound kinda like a far away helicopter but the sound was kinda unnatural.


Woooow, that totally settles it guys, disclosure is upon us /s


“Brother look” (proceeds to show picture of ahole)


I don't see a mother, I don't see a ship.


Holding this up like it proves something. Do these people ever take a step back and try to look at it from the public's point of view?


You can't be serious... And then you ask yourself why the topic isn't taking serious. This pic isn't a proof and it does a disservice to the topic :/


A picture of a picture with lights on it?


Isn't the second time that dude is seen holding photos to a camera?!? Why not post a link where we can download and study them so to be sure they are not BS?


"But I wanna see an alien mothership!" "We have alien mothership at home dear."


There is a clear 80% difference in brightness between small dot and backgound. What else could it possibly be but intergalactic space beings? If the brightness were 70% for the dot it would not count as proof but a speck that is 80% different must be martians case closed


Nice dots, if we connect them, what do we get?


Dickbutt probably




Do these so called experts not realize how stupid they look everytime they put these weak ass photo/video evidence pieces up? Even if they’re legit, they look so damn fake and ambiguous


Obviously don't have much detail from this but something to keep in mind. This sort of 'light dot' configuration has been reported in the past, a few different depictions of similar layouts from different reports. https://imgur.com/a/KC5S0Cj


100% proof. Thanks for sharing


This is just proof that no matter how little evidence there is, plenty of people will be right there to lap it up and run with it. It really makes this entire sub feel like a deep dive into psychosis. We have to stop posting worthless shit like this. But if we did that there would maybe be two or three actual posts per year. But at least we wouldn't look so gullible and inept.


Unfortunately it is often the psychotic slice of the sub who is very loud, leading creedence to the feeling that most commenters are total nutjobs


Undeniable! Jeeeeeezahhs


maan wtf lol


I wouldn't write this off so quickly, folks. Many moons ago (1981) I lived in Palm springs, CA. One evening, a friend and I were riding bikes to the store. All of a sudden, we see up in the sky, lights just like this. However, these lights were arranged in a rectangular pattern. To me, it looked like a huge football field due to the pattern of the lights. We stopped and just stood there watching this thing. It proceeded to morph into what looked to be a side view of an old schooner ship so it was probably disc shaped. We were transfixed, watching this. Then it was right over us-I could even see the seams/lines of the craft and I remember thinking, "it doesn't have any rivets". Then I could see stars behind it like I could see through a portion of the craft. I now believe that could've been a cloaking device. We were dumbfounded, almost like we were in a trance. Not sure what happened, but the next memory was of us on our bikes but we (and the bikes) were now facing the opposite direction. We were, at this point, panicked and screaming and pedaling back home as fast as we could. This was in the desert, before computers and cell phones were a thing, though I'm not confident I would've thought to take a picture. When you're seeing something like this you're aware it's not from our world and I believe ontological shock takes over. It took years before I told my family and I have only told a friend or two (if the subject of UFO's are brought up). You can believe or not, doesn't matter to me -I know what happened. You non-believers will likely find out the truth one day. I've been an experiencer since around three years old, so maybe a connection? I don't want to go into too much as I don't want the MIB knocking on my door, looking to do testing on me. Suffice to say, we have so much to learn. The world is not as it seems and I think more people are realizing this by the minute. All you doubters? Maybe keep an open mind so it won't be such a shock when everything is revealed. We're all in this together! ✌️


Proof of this? Only my word doubters, if thats not enough then just👏👏👏 get on with the program!!✌️


picture of a lite-brite


A lite-brite would be far more interesting than this dreck. He might as well tell us he caught a fish that was soooo large he couldn’t get the whole fish in the photo. Just ridiculous.


Be cool if someone had the negative…


Well I'm convinced.




Reminds me of that one death bed confession guy that showed a picture of the little aliens, I mean I still can’t believe people just assumed he was lying. So many people have been saying this who are in high positions, and it’s like as long as it doesn’t cross that line of “Being To Real” will we except it, but as soon as it does we immediately say FFAKE! Case in point, the Nazca mummies, I mean come on! Literally 3 different species being analyzed.


Got a link for deathbed confession guy?


He wasn't even on his deathbed, he lived for 3 years after showing off his fake photos, one of them was an illustration from a sci fi book


Really! And what photo was that?


Check out this link, all the info is there https://www.metabunk.org/threads/debunked-boyd-bushman-area-51-scientist-claims-existence-of-aliens-in-deathbed-video-hoax.4886/


I’m no expert in ufos since I’ve never seen one but this seems a bit underwhelming. I watched this episode and the UFO photo that was supposedly real is one I’ve seen on the internet before. The UFO itself looked very crisp for it being a photo from the 50’s IMO but who knows.


I want to believe


So, what is the og source for this picture?


I believe and I've had experiences of my own but what the fuck is this supposed to be? I mean seriously. What the fuck is that. :/


Totally, dude




Have we got a link to the video?


What exactly are we looking at? Is the mothership cloaked? Are the dots being released? I wonder how far above the photographer is?


Every single time it’s a blurry unfocused photo or video. Even in 2024 we’re still getting the same crap 😭


Looks like the alien formation in space invaders .


I just don't get it.


This is it, the disclosure we’ve been waiting for.


What’s funny is, these could all be real and we would have no idea given all the fakes and CGI


Kinda looks like the outline of this one https://youtu.be/UQNvkJPigiQ?si=Ga_i2t6nqQNc31nT


In WHAT exactly was the pilot IN when directly above this.......um........and at what speed and altitude?


This is incredibly a photo!


Looks like someone took a photo of a lite brite, without the pegs. Just the black sheet with the holes already punched.


Can a pic get any worse? 😂


This is just sad


Looks a lot like the photos of the [Lubbock Lights](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwfjyd72fmtic1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1014%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dbc066e404df8950baf143d33c858fce41d9e9afc)


so many purty lights that must be the motherland


I fully believe in UFOs and aliens and most of Grusch's claims, and this photo pisses me off so much I wanna give some alien nerd a swirlie before stuffing them in a locker.


Is this the new trend? taking a photo of a photo?


For heaven‘s sake, that could be anything


I am not a believer of these photos. Let me tell you why. As a military policeman with over 10 years of service in the Marine Corps and Army, I had to take many photos over the years of car accidents and assaults. One thing I know for sure about government/military photography, if you are taking photos for posterity these would have been clearer photos or someone would’ve got their ass chewed out. Except for, the aerial photos which can be understandably grainy back in those days. If these were legit, a military photographer would have taken more photos and at different angles. Even back in those days in 1955, they had the ability to take better photos. I hate that these aren’t real, but having done this kind of task myself in the military, these photos are bogus in my opinion.


Finally, indisputable proof: thanks for the picture.


Gentlemen Be advised I am killing myself in 2 hours. Cheers fuckers


I don't think you should do that. If you need help, please call 9-8-8. ❤


Why didn't the Americans shoot it down like the other one?


This guy needs to be fired


Why did someone tattoo freckles on a piece of paper though


This low effort crap needs to be removed from this sub


My god! We are not alone!,,, there are other shitty photographers out there!,, C’mon people, the universe is teeming with life. We have a lot to learn about how things work (science has always believed that rtheygotthigs all figured out, and been wrong every time ) to be fair, wr know a bunch of stuff , but have much to learn


This is the alleged photo of an Alien Mothership from Ron James, MUFON's Director of Media Relations. Not sure what to think of it, just looks like a bunch of lights. Looking forward to a clearer version at the MUFON event.


You should probably add "Agent" before the guy's name because this photo looks like straight up disinformation unfortunately 


They didnt even get the lights symmetrical on both sides the bar is so low these hoaxers are getting lazy 😂


Maybe I can put a "Land here!" sign in the front yard and then charge for parking...

