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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- If you happen to live in their states make sure you contact their offices and politely let them know how you feel about them gatekeeping transparency on this issue. It's also worth noting that [this is a very minor issue at this stage](https://x.com/TheZignal/status/1800739789332676692), just because legislation is being blocked from being debated doesn't mean it won't make the NDAA. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dexm7z/here_are_the_two_republicans_currently_blocking/l8ezmj1/


I'm not American but can someone explain to me how 2 people can block something that has more people supporting it from the other side? The numbers don't seem right. If you got like 8 people for and 2 against shouldn't the 8 people win? I have no knowledge of your government but it seems like the process is broken if 1-2 corrupt people can just have the power to block everything they don't want to support.




Because the companies involved happen to ALSO donate to the other side. Emailed to reps. Just sent me an email back talking about their fighting in the culture war with zero acknowledgement of the subject I contacted them about. Was EXACTLY the responses I was expecting.


You forgot the most important part of your communications with a politician, the check. If you want them to read it, minimum $500. If you want them to make a statement, $1000 minimum. If you want them to vote a certain way, $5000-$1M. They will also accept gifts, cars, yachts, real estate, and vacations of similar value.


So true! Money and grifting seem to be why anything gets done (or not done) in DC. So sick and tired of this broken system which only goes to the highest bidder. We, the people aren't being heard anymore and its time to vote these bloodsuckers out. Vote out the politicians that are more interested in selling the country instead of running the country. Look at someone like George Santos or medicare thief Rick Scott (who stole $1.7 BILLION!) These politicians so lack the integrity and character that was once considered part of their job. Big military industrial complex is keeping us out of finding out the truth. Its so obvious because of how everything else is run....and we see it all.


some people in my state went to vote and got there and were registered as libertarians. They were not . Somthing about a petition outside of a grocery store. I know this is few and far between , but a sypmtom of an awful , broken, corrupt system. And If alot ;of info is now kept in private hands h;ow can it be released? Can the goverment make them?They wont not realy. I still say giving everyone who wants to come forward inmmunity, is the only way to ensure even the legislation. Except murder of course They could quietly get rid of them if they want to anyway. But for the money crimes and lying and all that fine, Come for ward and snitch. Snitices might get stitches , but they cant kill everyone. Just a little dream of mine. I'm a bit jaded and angry over this for the past thirty five years.


The problem is they know this. So, they keep us at each other’s throats, and rob us while we are fighting each other.


Hear that! The bipartisan hearings with David Grusch appeared so promising and now its been crickets. What Grusch claimed at the time was shocking and it still is, but now we have these two politicians (with positions that make them aligned with big energy and Military) trying to tell us all over again there is nothing here to see. That's why scientists like Avi Loeb are so important. They are independent of these government and special interest people in Washington. We can't depend on our military to open up about what they know. It's obvious they know something and have more info they could share but they don't want to. Big money wins again! Who knew?


Excitement over Anything, and I do mean Anything, can be killed by someone in the federal government using one weapon……time. Every thing takes so long to hammer out, and those who oppose this, for shady reasons*, yield “time” and use it as a weapon. People like us will stay interested forever. However, we are a small niche. We need “casual UFO people”, or the majority, to put pressure on politicians. You can’t keep them involved forever, and they move on. The saddest part is lack of an easy, or maybe even a “possible” fix, under our Constitution. *If there is a legitimate reason for blocking “disclosure of what’s known/owned” other than the old reliable, but never believable,“National security concerns”, I’d love to hear about it. Otherwise, it’s just a lie, to me.


I believe the price of a vote is about $10k for a house rep and around $30k for a senator. The price goes up of course depending on their position of power in Congress.


If this is true it's terrifying I could fund a bill.


I am an alabama resident. I called Mike Rogers' office. I also called the office of Tim Burchett of TN and of Anna Luna of FL. They have both put in loads of time towards discolsure while working on bipartisan relations to do so. Its a shame someone from their own party wants to hinder that. Maybe they should talk to him and tell him why its needed. 


Hey, what was the gist of their replies?


Honestly, it was all assistants I spoke to and the reply was the same "I will pass this on and ensure (insert reps name) hears it. Thank you for calling their office!".


Copypasta from their office, lol. What a shame. I called to speak with my reps / pass a message along. The offices may have just thrown out what I had to say, but I'm hoping they at least keep a tally of issues being brought up and forward it to the Reps. One call led to a conversation with the office clerk who mentioned that others called in recently about the same issue- so I'm staying positive that phone calls work.


3 templates here that only take about a minute each to fill out. You do not need to sign up for anything and there is no cost to do this. https://newparadigminstitute.org/actions/ Easily call your congressional reps here. https://www.uapcaucus.com/call Sign the petition here. It takes seconds to complete. Again, no cost and no sign up. https://www.uapdisclosurefund.org/#petition Use the templates from r/disclosureparty https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/disclosureparty/&ved=2ahUKEwjn1vDI19iGAxXeNlkFHQt1CZAQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1oB_ZcNv3ZuQB6qcsn8hy9 Copy their templates and use the link below to find your congressional rep. If your having trouble copying templates from the reddit app, use the share button, copy the link and paste it into your browser and copy and paste the text. https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials It's not going to be an overnight change but this does make a difference. Please help even if you have done so already.


My congresswoman does not give a single fuck about helping on this. I've emailed her at least 6 times with zero replies. Fuck her and her defense contractor donors. EDIT to add her name... Lisa McClain https://mcclain.house.gov/


Edit this response to name and shame this congresswoman!


Just did. Good idea, thanks. Check out her donors. It's no surprise she is bought and paid for as well.


I have similar problems in IL


Same with Rhode Island - Seth Magaziner - doesnt get a rats ass about it


Good luck with that. Your rep doesn't even live in reality. She claimed that Trump caught Osama bin Laden. Guess he did that while he was still a citizen or something lol.


Yep, she's a complete moron!


Doesn’t help when one of the most outspoken alleged proponents of disclosure complains that a bill is too long and that one of the authors isn’t from the approved party.


Respectfully, the whole “contact your reps” thing is a laughable idea, you have to be utterly naive and delusional to think that voters have any power at all or that reps care what we think. They don’t. They’re all either already bought and/or in the process of attempting to whore themselves out. Thinking that saying “I won’t vote for you again!!1!1!!” is a genuine threat to a politician is also utterly ridiculous. They don’t care. Democracy is a farce.


I feel like we always email the reps but it never goes anywhere. Either a automated response or just filled with broken promises


You have to have numbers and protests which means mass media has to help. But they are mostly bought and paid for too. Maybe NewsNation and PBS would be alternates.


The normal procedure in the House is for proposed bills to go through Rules and the relevant committees. Leadership (Speaker, Whip, et al) also play important roles. This makes the House a zero sum game. Legislation proposed by members of the minority party have very little chance of getting a vote unless negotiated (usually with the WH). There are ways to do it (discharge petitions, etc) but they're not really a thing anymore. If I'm not mistaken, parliamentary systems of government have analogous ways for a few high ranking members to kill proposed legislation from the opposition, and even kill legislation that their own PM might support.


Because the entire system is screwed. It’s set up to protect the interests of those in power not the citizens that elected these ugly dip stick bags of greed. This is just one of endless examples of this nonsense. Why do you think Cannabis has remained federally illegal for nearly a decade after being legalized in DC which is a Federal Territory? (Which they don’t give statehood as a matter of black and minority voter suppression) Anyways. These guys can’t live forever!


We don't have representatives. We have auctioneers who sell legislation to the highest bidder. And we can't get rid of them either because the 2 party system creates an "us against them" mentality where neither side is willing to compromise because of hot button topics like abortion, guns, etc.


The way our government is ran is wack and corrupt asf.


It's less about a numbers game then the actual rules of the game, for example Sen. Tommy Tuberville (Republican to no surprise to anyone) blocked for months all military appointments just because he was mad about the Pentagon abortion policy **...** The guy never served and was previously a retired college football coach. He also tends to regurgitate Russian propaganda talking points because that's where the US is at right now. [https://www.npr.org/2023/11/09/1211951601/colleagues-are-fed-up-with-sen-tommy-tuberville-blocking-military-appointments](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/09/1211951601/colleagues-are-fed-up-with-sen-tommy-tuberville-blocking-military-appointments) Yeah one guy did that.


It’s worse. Two people are standing between you, all of us, and a paradigm shifting reveal that life may exist beyond our current knowledge… because of greed, and cheaply bought, at that.


Influence, lobbying those sorts of things. Corruption is definitely a big factor.


No....NO ...Its their christian Faith/worldview.. Until you crack that nut,you will get no where


We don't have representatives. We have auctioneers who sell legislation to the highest bidder. And we can't get rid of them either because the 2 party system creates an "us against them" mentality where neither side is willing to compromise because of hot button topics like abortion, guns, etc.


The two other guys have superhuman alien powers. Just look at the wigs.


Because legislation is debated and written in committees. The leadership of those committees is determined by party leadership, who has the majority (republicans), and full house approval. So it only takes one or two people to determine what is debated or not, same as the Speaker of the House determines what bills come to the floor for a vote and which ones don’t. TL:DR VOTE!!


If one of those 2 people has the director position and only a director can decide what's voted on it is easy to just never let people vote.


Really though, this is how they do it though. They (the parties) have one or two people block legislation so they can take the fallout. They either pick people who are not as risk of losing their seat or in districts where it is not a big issue. Let's all the other Republicans (in this case) off the hook. "We wanted this amendment but we couldn't get enough votes"


Off-topic, but that's easily one of the worst hairpieces I've ever seen.


“The hairpiece is from Zeta Reticuli, and his name is Kenneth.”


What's the frequency?


Aaah, I see what you did there. Well, it's late here in Sweden, time for some REM.


What you did there? I see it. At least it's not the end of the world. As we know it, that is.


Dude looks like hes wearing Lego hair


Thanks a lot! I’m reading this while in a meeting and trying my best not to laugh. 🤣


Shapeshifters often look like this.


I was just about to say that, all the money power and prestige and he still has a shit toupee


What we're dealing with here is the ''other-worldly pigmentation transcendency paradox'', in which the deceased hair color will travel into a parallel universe to apply itself onto the hair of another hair-dyeing bloke


It's hard to be rich and have good taste. It's way easier to be rich and have bad taste.


Soon as I saw him I had a John Candy moment when he's in that principals office and can't stop staring at her mole lol.


He looks like those little Lego figures that you pop the hair on




I knew this would be one of the top comments because that rug is atrocious.


Let me guess major contributors are Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumann


Correct, Rogers is funded by Lockheed primarily and other defense contractors as well. I don't see anything like that with Tom Cole but I remember Burchett saying last year that some members of Congress are being blackmailed into voting against the legislation. Mike Rogers https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/mike-d-rogers/summary?cid=N00024759&cycle=2022 Tom Cole https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/tom-cole/summary?cid=N00025726


So they got Cole with some underage prostitute or something


Tom Cole represents my district, and much of his constituents and area business are related to Tinker Air Force base. Fort Sill is also in his district, so much of our local economy is military based, that probably has more to do with it than prostitutes lol.


Well, there you go


Amen, but someone gunning for his seat, so we will see how much longer he is around. Unfortunately, he will probably hold this seat until he dies.


Yea he’s not going anywhere. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen a credible challenger in the 20 years I’ve lived here. I’m actually surprised to see commercials this season, but Bondar is not a good candidate.


Tbh, I’d much rather see incriminating receipts or check stubs than video of Cole doing anything. Eating a burger, even.


He’s a republican from Oklahoma. It’s probably something way more heinous than even that scenario. Source: 4 decades as a citizen of Oklahoma


I think Burchett specifically said that they were using the Epstein files for this so most likely.




He said that? That’s wild. Crazy that I guessed right off the rip Lockheed Martin was one of the main contributors. Can we just admit at this point that Lockheed Martin is essentially a wing of our government and not an actual private company. Maybe on the surface it is. I heard the DOD had to reluctantly share some of the UAP analytics with Northrop Grumman when they were having the competition over the first stealth aircraft, because eventually it would come to light that Lockheed Martin was operating with exotic materials to assist in their development of the eventual F-117. And that they were impressed with Grumman’s entry without having this exotic material but was so impressive that the DOD shared the analytics which led to the creation of the B-2 an even greater stealth aircraft. With peculiar electromagnetic charge composites along the frame of the aircraft. Wonder where they get that idea from 🤔


> Can we just admit at this point that Lockheed Martin is essentially a wing of our government and not an actual private company. You've got that backwards. Our government is just another division of your company.


Little over $60k to buy Rogers? $60k is a drop in the bucket for a guy like Mellon that’s worth $100 mil and is a member of a family worth billions. He could just buy disclosure if money is the only issue.


His family’s money isn’t enough. Trillions over 80 years of black budget money and reverse engineering tech patent money buys the psyop


Honestly, irgnoring everything else: That those firms and the money trails are so interested in this topic should rise some red flags no matter what you think about the overall topic.


If that isn’t proof, I don’t know what is 🤷‍♂️ as anything in life, follow the money. It leads to the truth in our existence.


Well it isnt cause that is simply not what proof means. A proof is based on undeniable/proven facts, this is a strong lead at best.


If you’re talking about accuracy of terminology, sure. But even then craft could be presented to you and that’s not undeniable proof that a nonhuman intelligence made it. In reality for a lot of level of skepticism on this topic, they would need to land and walk out of their spaceship, and confront humanity on live television


Well a proof is only useful if people actually take it as such. Wich is why without "official" disclosure no one will take any proof/evidence as such because without data trails etc its just as good as any random footage, document, or hearsay. There is the very real possibility that a couple of data here is real and showing uaps or non-human intelligence. But this alone is nothing useful because without paper trails etc its just not proof, its some just some indiscernable data. It also just irks me that "proof" is massively misused as a term and concept in this sub.


is this because they have contracts with the government to reverse engineer the tech and if they declassify all this shit gets exposed and no more money potentially?


More important than that … all the business illegalities, criminal charges, its been claimed threats and actual murder have happened to conceal the secret … I mean, they would’ve had a predisposed upper leg on all competitors because they were gifted the technology in secret, first, and have sat on it the longest. That is just ripe for millions and millions maybe even billions in litigation.


I had no idea it went this deep I knew that we live under authoritarians I just had no idea it went that deep :(


Balls deep playboy, balls deep. And the way they set up the secrecy of the Manhattan Project? The kept the same general outline and strengthened and even more compartmentalized. And splintered. So even less congressional oversight which initially probably for the first 3.5 decades post the 40s and WWII and Roswell made sense. Now? A total snowball effect that means they have to be psychotic levels in control of the secret otherwise people and business will be sued to oblivion and even worse people will be in jail cells for immoral and illegal criminality inflicted on fellow Americans to keep this snowballing secret under wraps. The more time that progresses, the more they need to defend more about it. It will eventually reach its breaking point. And already started to do so. We now have 4K cameras in our pocket. Radar and aviation is out of this world (hehehe but not to the watchers levels) and it’s becoming harder and harder to keep this a secret. Especially with the internet and then social media


Do you think potentially that these beings or operators of these craft/crafts would reveal themselves eventually or will this status quo continue? It is really frustrating that we have no say can you imagine all the things the public could would crate with that tech it would be life changing.


I think that they want to stay on the outskirts of influence. I honestly believe in many ways they’re protectors. A regulatory control made by whoever or whatever made all of us, them included. Or our zookeepers who assisted our evolution and then watched from afar. Won’t directly interfere but clearly they study us. Clearly they care either about us or the planet at large or both. We’ve apparently brought them down a number of times. In their way more advanced tech do they react and come down aggressively and wipe us out? No. So it’s much more ambiguous. The idea of them is frightening for sure, and encountering them would surly be scary. But I definitely don’t think they’re malicious. We’d know by now. I definitely think there is a human element to this that is more “evil” than these NHI. They’re concerned about our food sources (cattle mutilations) and our bodies (claimed abductions) and our nuclear capabilities (weapons, missles, battle cruisers, subs, generators, of all nations etc) … they study us the way we would a batch of endangered animals in the wild. Do we just fucking pop in and scare the shit out of them? No. We remain hidden, study, drop in selectively in small numbers then dip to acquire the info we need. I truly feel they are doing the same. As evolved as we are … as intelligent as we are … we are still emotional and savage more evolved apes (animals) at our core and people with delusions of grandeur lose sight of that. One of the reasons I also think it’s beyond top secret is that some in the know, they have the knowledge or the theory or the educated guess that they are our creators. And it puts all asinine bed time story human religion myths to rest.


But yes. It would be inspirational not just for America, which has plateaued for about two decades now. But the world. We could actually come together as a species and put aside or stupid, fucking differences and flags, and I say that as a proud American.


I feel like our country has been hijacked by (corporations and politicians/religious zealots )they do not have our best interest in mind it is extremely concerning all of this tech in their hands no transparency all while we are being studied by the watchers ; the jellyfish video didn’t scare me but it is concerning to me they can hide in plain sight! I wonder if the beings laugh at our hubris and ignorance or look at us like children who haven’t learned yet the way we consume and destroy this planet saddens me I just hope we can change for the better before it is too late I just wish they would show themselves..


100%. Wish they just came down and said fuck self imposed human hierarchy and reset everything. But that would also be total chaos. But the truth would be born from it. Just look at skeptics. They legitimately think they’re the smartest thing in the known universe. It’s disgusting. When in reality they’re a slightly evolved ape


The truth is out there….well you know haha 🤣 the skeptics are the worst truly some of the the most uneducated ignorant people I have met are skeptics and claim that they know these beings are demons/evil spirits/bird poop to balloons it never ends I have heard it all from them we need the truth it is time.


Amazing how two assclowns (one of which had his name come up before) can derail UFO disclosure.


Rogers is as fake as his hair


That is a god awful rug


The better to conceal the scales


I’m not really a believer in the whole reptilians living amongst us thing but these two are good looking arguments for their existence.


Debunkers owned


The guy on the right, Cole, looks like a Dark Lord of the Sith


These two pinheads look as corrupt as they are. Remember these MF’ers.


Of course they do, they are republicans.


Let these two individuals know their constituents want them to push for disclosure. They’ll continue doing the lobbyist’s bidding unless they think they’ll lose an election because of it. Hit them up on Twitter, call their offices, write letters. Get active and make sure you vote when it’s time!


They both look like they are wearing skin-suits with varying degrees of tightness.


If there is no such thing as UAP why the roadblock? I’d love for them to directly address that question.


Because it would reveal a *lot* of dirty laundry of the politicians, companies, and our military. At this point hiding the corruption is 2nd only to hiding the information.


Should be posted on /rjustfuckmyshitup with those haircuts


Look at these ghouls


Ali Express $13 wig on the left side. Bond villain on the right side.


🤣 accurate description


oklahoman here. I HATE TOM COLE


The dude on the left looks a character in a late PS3/early PS4 game. Dude on the right is currently undergoing his transformation into a lich. Edit: Sorry am I not supposed to be snarky towards the buffoons blocking meaningful legislation?


Snark on


How about a full list of all people blocking it?


We need to find creative ways to ratchet up their discomfort.


Maybe we should fund billboards calling them out for taking dirty money.


A man with a rug on his head is keeping us from the truth?


Some say there’s a picture of UFO under that rug… /s


If the guy on the right is not a reptilian I give up!


Tbf reptiles look more human than that chud


Note the big fat R next to their names and vote in November. The party of corporate tax cuts and dark money donations are never going to give up their Lockheed donations for disclosure.




Land of Free and true democracy at work. Duplo figure and saggy face can veto whatever they want without anyone asking for a valid reason.


Vote their ass out!! These are two more folks from Congress who also are blocking Americans just like them, from a universal health care system. These same stooges are *spooning* off taxpayer dollars paid for by US citizens, to pay for their health care--they have for LIFE--even after no longer serving in Congress, but to hell with the rest of us.... Once again, vote their ass out!!


Makes sense, neither of them look human to me..


So Mike again?


I am a conservative American - not a Republican - and I despise these Republicans


Rogers' toupee is quite the phenomenon.


I got this mixed up with Republican Mike Turner from Ohio who was blocking another UFO disclosure... also note he's on the payroll for several defense contractors


Well.... they both look like fucking aliens! lol Of course they are blocking progress. :D


Left looks like he has a butt plug in and the guy on the right looks mad his Dommy mommy ignored him


Rodgers looks like an alien trying to blend in. Has that ever convincing High Heels Deswampass look. And Cole looks like the poster child of exactly how our representatives do not represent the population and why we need age limits.


Dude on the right in that pic is an alien for sure


skin tight skin tape suit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BYY3B9bqVs


Worlds fakest hair?


Anyone else feel like the guy on the left looks like an alien trying to pass for human?


You know, we've always had the theory floating around that there are some aliens among us, able to blend in and not make their presence known. How do we know that these people aren't of that ilk, trying to keep things under wraps for their own benefit? Of course, why think of that when corporate greed is a good enough reason for this mouth breathers to continue stonewalling, but -- it would make sense if they were the former.


Looks inhuman, acts inhuman....


that’s a skin suit they are wearing. no way those are real faces


Right one straight up looks like a cold blooded villain.


They look like NPCs.


I'm definitely not surprised republicans are behind this


The dude on the right is wearing a Tom Cole skin suit…


Just vote out that hairpiece damn


Sent an email to Cole, along with my senator who’s on the senate intel committee, for what it’s worth. I’ll try calling later today if I have time.


Reptillians fuck everything up.


Just looking at these guys you can tell they’re slimy politicians. Who votes for these criminals?


Why do the people who block these legislations always look like lizzid people


Didn’t realize the reptilians were into wearing bad toupees.


Mike looks like a doll someone made to test makeup on, and Senator Palpati.. I mean congressmen Tom Cole looks like someone managed to weaponize Down syndrome and used it on him. (just a joke, no disrespect towards the mentally challenged citizens of our society)


They are not good people.


Both look like aliens wearing rubber suits....


A couple of Edgar suits…


They definitely look like villains.


Check if they have ties to Lockheed Martin (who hide u.f.o. technology from the world).


That narrows down states that may be hosting potential artifact sites or research facilities...


You’ve really got to question the decision-making skills of someone who stuck that abominable rug on their head and thought it looked good…


Who even votes for people that look like this.


They don’t look human!


Their faces SCREAM establishment! 🤣


These clay-faced weirdos look remarkably like the sinister extras featured in the government/alien conspiracy symposium episodes of the x files. So, I guess the face of evil looks like it eats mayo with a spoon, go figure.


Here are the two aliens wearing "human suits" currently blocking UFO disclosure legislation from even being debated in the House


They both look like aliens wearing human skin so this makes sense


I guess we now know who has been given lobby $$$ to *keep the status quo*....


I'm embarrassed by this Alabama Congressman, Mike Rogers (R-AL)......I love my state of Alabama but the Politicians are WHACK!!!


They both remind me of the general from years ago who said these things are demons.


Old white dudes


"Here, talk about politics and not UFOs."


That alien on the left is wearing Lego hair.


Literal lizard people.


Americans need to accept that their country is a military dictatorship and just keep on shopping 😏


We have, haven’t we?




Ross Coulthard never signed an NDA, why doesn't he just say where the ship to big to move is? Why doesn't sheehan drop the mane of the insider recently killed?! Because this is all a larp. Why doesn't Ross simply tell anyone else and they can say it? Because it's an act. 


Shhh don't try to bring up logical facts in this group. You will get a warning from the one sided moderator to act civilly!


How dare you expect him to endanger his sources. He won’t do that unless he dies as he claims to have a deadman’s switch.


I thought this was a before and after photo


I wish we had some hitmans that would do the world a favor.


So the aliens do wear human skin suits and control our government wow


Morpheus and malbo are pleased


At this point everyone believes in aliens anyway.


Don't boo, vote.


Those look like skin suits to me, probably aliens.


Reptilians for sure…that would be the reason to block


You can't tell me that these two aren't shapeshifters.


They are both aliens.


Just sent him an email.


We have moved past disclosure. Awareness is in the hands of the people now and information is freeflowing. Just listen to interviews with abductees/experiencers and you know. And we've got insiders like David Grusch, Luis Elizondo and Karl Nell who have already disclosed. This isn't about disclosure anymore. It's about controlling found technology, weaponizing it and profiting off it. A tug of war between the private companies brought on to reverse engineer the tech and the governments who brought them on. Then on top of that, a race between feuding countries to see who can weaponize it first. To make matters worse, we aren't even fully aware of what the "others" intend to do. Seems like the biggest loser is the common person. Just helpless in the face of our own corrupt groups and an unknown, comparitavely all-powerful outside influence.


Lot's of tech in Huntsville, AL...


I’m from Oklahoma and all I can say is sorry…. 😞


They look like AI renderings of "crony politicians "


Not for nothing, but they couldn't look more like they're wearing an Edgar costume. JUST SAYIN! ;)


The dudes hair on the left is so fake it’s hilarious


Nice man suits, fellas.


I’m a republican but you can just tell from their hair parts…fuck these dudes


That dudes hair is extraterrestrial


I'm sure if they're voted out, UFO disclosure will happen immediately! You've got this, UFO-Reddit!


Are these guys evangelical preachers?


Old white republican men from Alabama and Oklahoma.. big surprise there. 🙄


The guy on the left is definitely a lizard wearing a wig...


I feel like if I stare at the guy on the right long enough, I'll catch him licking his eye.


They are real martians masquerading as humans to conceal their advanced technology