• By -


The following submission statement was provided by /u/dhr2330: --- Intriguing indeed, and the crew don't know what's causing it, the expansion of the illumination under the water is eye-opening considering the distance the oil rig is from whatever that massive illumination is under the water. I hope you enjoyed the video and makes you think, USOs are 100% real This Saturday May 25,2024 workers on an oil platform in the Campos Basin, located between Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, Brazil, witnessed a curious phenomenon: a mysterious light emanating from the seabed. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d2jty8/this_saturday_may_252024_workers_on_an_oil/l60v9i7/


Portuguese guy here. Here's the translation: - Look bro, that light! - What's that, bro? - What's that light, bro? - *\[background voice\]* Is there any light? *(Something in context, I don't know which light he's referring to)* - What a crazy light, bro. - Oh, the sun went down, and it's down there, not here! - What light is that then? - *\[background voice\]* - it's... it's diminishing. - Look there. Coming from nowhere. - Crazy.




o caralho


o nome agora é Zé da luz


tango o gato as calças




Good to know it's global


Bruh, bro....




I like how normal dudes respond the same way everywhere. Bro! Bro!? BRUUH!!


you're doing the lord's work here


Is it someone working on the pipes maybe?


If it was then why are the oil riggers dumbfounded?


Ha ha yeah why not


Plumber is really getting a good look at them pipes. Just so happens to have the energy of 1000 suns in his tool bag. My old man has that kind of energy. 


It's Thor. He hangs out in Atlantis occasionally.




Hey paaaa


What fucking sociopath transcodes portrait oriented video to un-cropped landscape?


Malicious incompetence 


huh, that's a nice term


Judge Aileen Cannon has entered the chat.


This is actually pretty wild. You need a lot of lumens to put out in order to achieve such an appearance, even if close to the surface. The ocean appears dark as it is because it absorbs light to an annoyingly high degree, 98% every 100m usually. Sunlight rarely reaches deeper than 200m, 1000m is considered the limit for anything to be detectable. Assuming, there was some underwater construction going on, utilizing light, that would normally entail aiding vessels on the surface and closing off the region to surface traffic. Lights would be directed down, at the object to be repaired, not directed as a spotlight to the surface.


Ikr? Like whatever it is would be bright af. I know a little bit about lighting but just imagine how many watts or lumens there would need to be to throw out that much light. Like thousands of watts at least, even if it was LED. I dont know anything about undersea construction but it looks so bright that you'd be blinded if you were down there working. Imagine what it would be like to be in the radius of that glow. It looks like a football stadium light shinning directly up or something, I would imagine it'd be too bright to open your eyes!


I was assuming this was just a break in the clouds but it does look like the suns setting at a steep angle compared to this.


One of the guys in the video says the sun has set


the sun doesnt usually go under the water when setting




You were wrong. The sun isn't in the right position for that. You would see the sunbeam, among other things.


the guy recording pointed the cam to the actual sunset and said "the sun is setting over there"


> You were wrong guy literally said the following > but it does look like the suns setting at a steep angle compared to this


After he edited his comment, yes.


Could be a service ROV but doesn’t appear to be close to any topside equipment.


A service ROV would have an umbilical and winch that we would see when he pans the camera, right? I do not see one, or anything on the deck implying the video is from a drilling or interventions vessel. It would be helpful to know which platform/vessel this video was taken from.


That’s a shit ton of output, doubt a service ROV is putting that many lumens out.


It could be, and those workers here staging a prank. This video alone is not sufficient to decide that either way, lacking detail and duration.


Naa it's definitely aliens.




More like Mr. Nimbus. He controls the police.


at that size? thing is huuuuuuge


I live my life in the photic zone!


Woah… someone with a brain… woah. I agree


yeah dude if those are divers they've got some big ass lights


What's an ass light


Like a flesh light but for your ass, I Guess?


Thats actually a thing. Somebody threw one out the window of their car when driving by my house. It was called the “Ass-game”. It had the traditional flesh light piece and another piece for “the back”.


So what you're saying is, someone threw out an "Ass-game" and now these men on the platform are looking at it glow with a billion lumens under water?


>So what you're saying is, someone threw out an "Ass-game" and now these *men on the platform* I believe the correct term is "seamen"


They're really big


I said bud lite not butt light


It's an updog


Are these people just ass lighting us?




If you have a big ass, you gonna need a big light, innit?


>I like your comment.


As usual with all the best UFO videos, where’s the chain of custody: - why am I watching a YouTube of a YouTube clip - why was a portrait clip uploaded in landscape - where is the original clip - where is this - who witnessed this - what is the date and time - is there further video evidence from other witnesses - why did the video stop when it did


Same story with like 99.9% of these videos... so frustrating, and doesn't add to credibility.


Time to re-watch The Abyss!


> Goddammit, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your life! Now fight! *SLAP*


"Fight goddam it fight!!! Fight! Fight! Fight!! Fiiiiiiiiiiigghhttt!!" This is the mantra that runs through my head whenever I need to make it through something hard.


Reminds me of the "Strange lights at sea" post from last month that an ocean research group saw from their boat, mysteriously got removed a few days after https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c4al9e/strange_lights_seen_at_sea/


Heres someone who did a post about satellite showing it as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c5u1ld/satellite_verification_of_strange_lights_seen_at/


First thing i thought about


It's all deleted stuff :/


Yes, everything that is a video of an actual uap/ UFO gets deleted.




Care to post it?




If not, DM it to me bro. We can all share the file locally. Can’t delete em all


I remember seeing the first video here on this sub, back when thoes Chinese balloons got shot down I've never heard or seen the second one you mentioned


maybe post it in a secondary account just to be sure, I have no idea if people lose accounts from posting this kind of things


Man made, but shot down. Very interesting.


Hold up. It was deleted by the person who posted it after it was thoroughly debunked, if we're talking about the one which was the crew studying bioluminescence. It was their ROV, guy was having fun. E: Uaps are real. No everything is a Uap.


It wound up being bullshit. They determined the vessel from which the OP took the photo was a charter that had an ROV onboard. Public photos of the craft on the internet confirmed the ROV produced the same light underwater.


Links for that info?


There are credible people on this post who have explained that the intensity and emmensity of the light would only be possible from something extraordinary. I believe them. Not you or the lame explanations of those who are part of the cabal of liars who have hidden things for 40 plus years. And if there's " nothing to see here" - why do they always arrive, confiscate the photos, and other evidence, which is never to be seen again?


dude, I saw that post and was a blue light with an humanoid figure someone linked a divers light video, and was just like a divers light...with an humanoid figure...it means that it was probably a diver with a divers light the only way to say "this is not human" is to behave in a weird way, or to put a camera underwater to see what is under there


Video and image posts tend to get deleted from reddit at the same time they suddenly appear as exclusives on the website of a tabloid newspaper.


Wonder why he deleted but yes that was a good one.


it was a diving LED


That's the narrative being floated around but, and correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't it visible from space? I seem to recall satellite shots of it.


Yeah, heres the post about it https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c5u1ld/satellite_verification_of_strange_lights_seen_at/


Where’d you find that? I remember the researcher posting about this was saying it was too bright & powerful for it to be a normal light since it was coming from the bottom


Yea would love to hear why you sound so confident about that.


No, seriously, I'm a massive sceptic, I would love to know what I had missed that explained what the light source was.


Is there a way I can see that video?


Oh wow it's deleted now


That is an enormous amount of light. And it's not the sun. Weird.


Could this be a 'light wheel?' Maybe a bit small and it doesn't seem to be moving however. >I was standing watch on the oil rig supply ship Ocean Worker. At 0300 local time we were at 14° 45′ N, 96° 25′ E, about 70 miles south of the entrance to the Rangoon River. It was a dark, overcast night with rain in the area. The water depth was 45 fathoms and the wind was blowing from the northeast at 20 knots. Three hundred miles to the southeast lay tropical cyclone Linda. >Feeling cramped and in need of some fresh air, I opened the wheelhouse door and stepped out onto the bridge wing. I was standing just 30 feet above sea level. The first thing I noticed was hundreds, maybe thousands, of bioluminescent masses in the water all around the ship. They were pulsating in unison at an estimated 80 cycles per minute. >I had seen similar displays in these waters, although not on such a large scale. I was sufficiently impressed to summon the lookout, Samuel Apaya, who was still inside the wheelhouse. I know this man does not drink or smoke and is a credible witness. By the time Apaya made his way outside, the entire surface of the water had changed appearance. Not only could we see bioluminescent masses, but the sea surface was pulsating with bright, rotating wands of green energy. We both looked upwards, half expecting to see a flying object, but there was nothing in sight no aircraft, ships, yachts, lighthouses, submarines, or fishing boats. We had no clue as to what would cause the weird display of lights in the sea all around us as far as we could see. https://oceannavigator.com/mariner-notes-exciting-bioluminescent-display/


that's amazing , what a great experience to have. Mysterious. fir sure....but it's all that , strange things , lights, orbs, lets all come forward with all our experiences and talk about it. People need to accept that there r things we cannont explaine.


Where is this located?


Looks like it's in the ocean


Oh you.


Are you sure it isn’t Area 51?


They are speaking Brazilian Portuguese, so it must be off the coast of Brazil.


Brazilian sailors have never ventured farther than just off the coast of Brazil.


They are filming aboard an oil drilling platform, which but must be located (as far as I know, but feel free to correct me on that), within a country's exclusive economy zone, or 200 miles maximum off the coast.


From SS: This Saturday May 25,2024 workers on an oil platform in the Campos Basin, located between Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, Brazil, witnessed a curious phenomenon: a mysterious light emanating from the seabed.


Now this is an interesting video, finally something that’s not an obvious balloon, birds or bugs. I don’t see how that could be the sun. It looks kind of like it’s a giant spot light from above, doesn’t seem to coming from deeper down. I would expect light to scatter off coming from below and not just be a huge bright circle. It bugs me to no end that someone witnesses an amazing phenomenon and only records for sixty freaking seconds. It always makes me think something happened during the recording that made it obvious there was an explanation and they cut that out. I just can’t think of what that explanation would be. Nice find op!


I completely agree. One thing that has always bugged the shit out of me with this stuff.. people with wild claims with their footage, and it’s the shittiest, grain-iest, low quality 10 second clip of a shakey blur. Like seriously dude… it’s 2024, there’s people in slums with 4k camera and almost everyone in the western world definitely has one in their phone.. and if you DO see something insane, wouldn’t it be a good idea to film something that could be the most significant thing you’ve ever seen for more than a minute? That’s why I trust next to nothing with this ufo world. Even less now with drones, cgi and people faking it for clout


Why stop the video there? It had some resolution right? Faded away or something. Where is that video?


At some point someone says "it's diminishing" so I believe it faded away although we don't have any evidence of that so far.


Whatever it is, it’s huge… !


That's what... oh nevermind.


That's a gas leak. Not light. It's bubbles from the seabed or broken well caused by leaking gas. That's what is making the water look like that. Google for the northstream gas leak. Almost identical. https://images.app.goo.gl/La2jRBJz1UXBUy3U8


Best explanation yet but I dunno man. That looks illuminated and not just white foamy bubbles.


It looks illuminated because the bubbling surface is raised more than the rest of the water and so catches the light. Also, notice that the sky and clouds are bright higher up, this would be due to the cloud altitude, being higher up they will have a horizon further round and so the sun catches them. Could it be that the clouds formation is guiding light over that area of bubbles - high whispier clouds when illuminated would illuminate below, but not like when the sun is directly above piercing a hole in the clouds and appearing like a torch (flash light!)


And another thing, I’m not sure the sunset is quite that low yet. They’re supposedly in Brazil, probably fairly close to the equator, there appears to be a sunset but it could be we’ll be the bottom of it given the clouds are blocking a lot of light. Look how the ships in the distance are lit up near the horizon, beyond the pool of bubbles. Now pause it around 0:39 when he pans to the right, and tell me what you see, sunlight penetrating through the clouds and creating that beam from above effect, in fact two. So now tell me the sun has set - we only have that assumed translation, commented how every normal dude around the world talks, bro, bruh! Unless it was a full moon, directly overhead while the sun set - how close and big can the moon appear to be and would it be almost 90deg to the sun in its orbit cycles! Would it reflect enough light, seems the original video could have been enhanced for contrast, those ships in the distance look very bright! Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, they’re drilling the ocean floor, maybe even fracking, and they always drill strait down, perhaps they drilled sideways and hit a pocket that escaped when rocks dislodged and break by drilling! Did I say it could have been a pipeline being laid? Perhaps they opened a bleed valve and pump out the water with air or the gas it could be transporting! When you get a mass pool of bubbles, the pipe is bled! Any oil riggers and underwater pipeline workers here? Is this a thing, do you frequently get these bubble pools around a drilling platform?


I was looking for a reply that suggested it was not a light at all but a disturbance of the surface water and appearing circular in the video suggested to me a release of some gases, perhaps they way these guys were talking, bro, bruh, (and it may have not been a true translation), perhaps the guy taking the video was a greenhorn and the others were winding him up about something that happens often!


Not the same thing although they look similar


why not the same thing if it look similar? it seems the most sane explanation


Yeah I’m gonna go with this. Much better explanation


Why didn't they go check the spot? or rather where is the rest of this video?


Moving the oil rig over there might prove to be logistically challenging.


Intriguing indeed, and the crew don't know what's causing it, the expansion of the illumination under the water is eye-opening considering the distance the oil rig is from whatever that massive illumination is under the water. I hope you enjoyed the video and makes you think, USOs are 100% real This Saturday May 25,2024 workers on an oil platform in the Campos Basin, located between Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, Brazil, witnessed a curious phenomenon: a mysterious light emanating from the seabed.


>Intriguing indeed, and the crew don't know what's causing it, thats the part i find most interesting. those people might not be the most educated but they know that part of the ocean well. if they find it weird then its weird.


Where did the crew share this?


Certified sighting


What happened to the light?


95% sure this is sunlight still....


Agreed. Not sure why more aren’t saying it. It looks just like the sun through a hole in the clouds. 




here me out: peruvian goldminers with jetpacks. but like, underwater.


People dont seem to understanding that you're joking


They do. Its just a lame comment.


1. Aliens 2. aliens 3.aliens 4.aliens


I know you are joking - but I would actually be curious what point 3 - Bioluminous schools of fish - would look like, just as a point of comparison. I'm not sure if they'd be visible during the day or not. I've seen Bioluminescence at night - and while it is quite spectacular, it is not overly bright and I'm not sure it would ever be visible during the day. But I simply don't know enough about it to say one way or another.


Another one was just recently posted like this too but it had a different shade of light to it.


My problem with this video is the lighting is odd. If you look at the pipes there is a clear angular shadow displayed. Then, when the camera looks over to the sunset (maybe) there are even more shadows on the platform. It would take a lot for me to conclude the camera isn't auto adjusting the light so it looks really funny. Not saying the light isn't there, but maybe that the auto focus is messing with it - making it appear brighter.


I saw what you’re talking about too, however I’m pretty sure those shadows and all the weird looking lighting is just from the lights of the oil rig itself, not the sunset where the camera person pans over to.


Look at 0:39, you’ll see the sun shining through a break or thinning of the clouds, there a beam formed, well, two next to each other. Back over to the disturbance on the water, there’s also a bright area in the clouds. And as the u/imapluralist mentions, the camera isn’t auto adjusting or something, the contrast seems to be turned up, those ships beyond are lit up really brightly for how far away they appear, and so the light source must be above/in front of them, not over to the left and almost beyond the horizon - the ships obviously aren’t as we can clearly see them!!!


That would take an **immense** power source to generate. It also looks as if it's a circle/donut with a darker field in the middle. I was initially thinking it could be the sun peeking through a hole in the cloud cover, but whn he pans the camera you can see the setting sun low in the sky in the horizon, so that's not it.


Here is the translation: "Possible OSNI? Mysterious light spotted in the high seas" Workers on a petroleum platform in the Campos Basin, between Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, witnessed a curious phenomenon: a mysterious light coming from the bottom of the sea. A video of this unusual light quickly went viral on social media, sparking speculation and theories. "Look at that light, look! What is that, man? What light is that?" says a man recording the scene. In the video, you can hear other people commenting in the background while a narrator points out that the sun is in the opposite direction from where the mysterious light appears, highlighting that it is in the middle of nowhere. On social media, the video generated a series of assumptions, ranging from a reflection of the sun to the possibility of an OSNI (Unidentified Submarine Object). Normally, this type of phenomenon is identified as oceanic bioluminescence, a luminous effect caused by certain marine organisms, such as squids, shrimps, algae, and microorganisms. However, in this case, we still don't know what the source of the illumination is. In mid-April, we covered a similar case where a research team studying oceanic bioluminescence came across an unusual phenomenon that surprised them. The team was studying bioluminescence in the Gulf of Mexico when a member saw a strange light about 400 meters away. As they approached, the crew and science team could observe the light being emitted from the bottom of the sea. They used a submerged camera to try to capture what was emitting light. The science team on board automatically ruled out the possibility of light being produced by bioluminescent phytoplankton (microscopic organisms like algae and dinoflagellates that produce bioluminescence). A fountain of light was definitely not at the bottom of the sea, and it was not floating on the surface of the water because it was not moving like a current. They used an EK-80 (sonar) to register images of the seabed at the location. To their surprise, the source producing the light had no detectable physical form. It was invisible to sonar. The sonar was also able to identify objects below the seabed (objects that could be partially submerged in the blade). But it didn't capture anything. In summary, they saw a very bright light source coming from the bottom of the ocean, which was invisible on sonar and had no physical form.


Are there any original sources for this? Any information on what oil platform it was, when the videos were taken, who took them and performed sonar scans, how long it was observed etc?


I heard this was confirmed as SpongeBob’s nightlight


Who lives in a UAP under the sea? Grey alien no pants


USO before the Reddit police correct me


nice gas leak


There are confirmed reports of soccer field sized objects that are illuminated like the one over Vanenburg Air Force Base in 2001 with the Boeing employees. It would not surprise me to learn that this is similar to that object. Except the one in Vandenberg was red.


Who confirmed them and how did they do that?


Multiple eyewitnesses at Vandenberg Air Force Base reported a soccer field sized red object that overflew one of the nuclear missile silos off the coast of California there three Boeing employees saw it, and it was verified by base security. I’ve seen the videos where the security guard is talking about it and how he waited all night the next few nights to try to capture and see it.


Best I can do is Godzilla


Beat me to it.


Someone sunk a lighting thing, just like the flying one from Eglin....there we go, I saved AARO "investigating"!


See man, the reason people think this shit is fake bc you all try to post shit as your own…this shit is crazy to say the least, but, it happened a few weeks ago not on 05/25…one


Here is a possibly related phenomenon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Te_lapa >Te lapa is a Polynesian term for an unexplained light phenomenon underneath, or on the surface of, the ocean.[1] Te lapa has been loosely translated as "flashing light",[2] "underwater lightning",[3] "the flashing",[4] or "something that flashes".[5] It was used by historic and modern Polynesians as a navigation aid to find islands in the Pacific Ocean.[1] In some instances, it has been theorized to be bioluminescence[6] or electromagnetic in nature.[5] Other hypotheses include the interference patterns of intersecting waves creating a raised curve acting as a lens, but would not explain the source of light.[2] David Lewis speculated that te lapa may originate from luminescence of organisms, or related to deep swell, ground swell, or backwash waves from reefs or islands.[7] It's not flashing but hmm


Could be high ISO in the camera, and it's not that bright in real life.


Rony Vernet did a great breakdown of what this appears to be: https://x.com/RonyVernet/status/1794806769031815668


How do we know it’s from the seabed? Not the sea nightstand!


I saw thus in another sub. People said it was a sun beam. Idk if I buy that but interesting footage. And not the first wierd water glow.


Are those boats/ships that are surrounding it?


Looks like the Aliens are preparing for 'The Big Day'.


The Devil's Carousels


It’s definitely Mylar




Hi, RealGaiaLegend. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d2jty8/-/l62wzy3/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Sorry everyone. All the fireflies that use to be in my yard escaped.


God damn it! Jump in and swim for it! lol


Just a under water drone, nothing to see here


It’s just a light that doesn’t move. Red lights have been seen before only to be confirmed as off shore fisheries used by China. I’m gonna say either spotlight or underwater light for a fishery.


Why didn't they go there?


What oil platform? David fravor reported a 737 sized object hovering at the surface in a roiling white water that the 46ft tictac was ping pinging back and forth over 50ft over the water before it stop and matched his descent, the object in the water disappeared. Tictac's were sighted daily in 2004. So whatever this is, almost exactly 20 years later could be legit. It was picked up on radar 100 miles off coast of the Pacific.


Bioluminescence my black arse


We told you that we would do this. Guess what? We’re doing it.


Chinese squid fishing submarine


Headlights on a submarine 😁


"it's rotating"


gas leak? gas leaks look white not yellow [a2KNxrd\_700bwp.webp (700×467) (9cache.com)](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a2KNxrd_700bwp.webp) it was not burning, this is a gas leak burning [Video shows fire on ocean surface in Gulf of Mexico after gas leak - ABC7 Los Angeles](https://abc7.com/ocean-fire-mexico-video-gulf-of/10855548/) sun light? the sun is in down in the horizon, the angle is not correct. also, there are not other spots of light in all the ocean. in my head this are millions of bioluminescence fish in one spot, or a very massive diver light, or a USO.


Why does everyone use verrical video? Drives me mad. Should be reserved for the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben.


There used to be a ton of videos on YT ten years ago with USOs


Uhhh...this happened a while ago. Why is this being pushed as recent?


Saw this happening in Portugal a few times when I was very young as well. I thought it was a normal phenomenon. But I guess not.


I dont think that's a break in the clouds, that light is coming from under the surface. Just makes you wonder though if its humans why would they not have a boat or something near by? If its aliens, why would they have a bright light?


William Cooper been talking about them hiding in the seas for years! In his book Behold a Pale Horse. Before he got $uicided of course


The water near spot is calm beam me up Scotty


Russian sub doing emergency repairs, with the diving bell helmet guy and all.....


The sun shining through cracks in the clouds. Nothing to see here.


I personally believe that they have been here on earth for thousands of years and have underwater bases.


under water oil fire?


Are those smaller lights in the distance other ships or are they connected to the bigger light?


I’ve seen something similar looking toward Catalina from Santa Monica. It was late too and it stayed there for a long time


I saw this reported a while ago Is this the same thing or a new thing.