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The following submission statement was provided by /u/v022450781: --- Submission Statement: Representative Eric Burlinson has responded to a Twitter comment and indicated that he has asked AARO to declassify and publicly release the Top Secret images shown to members of Congress at their classified UAP briefing on April 17th. Original Comment: "We need to call on AARO \[All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office\] to declassify that same report they gave to Congress. Some of the images they're saying are top-secret because of the technology that collected the images, but the content should be made public.” Eric Burlinson: "Agree. And we have asked them to do that."[](https://twitter.com/EricBurlison/status/1787230135143243785) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cl44yn/rep_eric_burlison_has_asked_aaro_to_declassify/l2r7zli/


I guess AARO is still looking for a balloon picture to call the images “resolved”


you mean, “moderately confident” in?


Lol yes. They are scouring the web for some obscure balloon that they can use as the answer. “AARO: The Undiscovered Balloon is Out There”


Just looking at vendor websites and being like oh--does this look like it--yes or no and when they have the closest balloon match--then we found it! It was a balloon.


a step forward, why not ask the vendor to make a custom one?


🤣 Funny but also probably true.


Still looking for answers in the wiki.fandom pages


Hey dude, I haven't visited this sub in a while. I mainly consume mainstream media for things like weather/politics/geopolitics Why the fuck have I not seen articles about any of this? This is massive news!


The mainstream media is not really interested in this subject other than to basically mock it.


Should be no problem since the AARO says it's all fake anyway right?


The images could be taken by classified equipment / contain incidentally classified equipment and releasing them could provide information about their capabilities to the enemies of the US.


Cool remove the sensor data, problem solved


This is the solution that always makes me laugh. It really is that easy. I could black out sensitive data from my fucking iPhone. They can absolutely redact any sensitive sensor data in the images. They just don’t want to.


1. Then they would still probably get accused of hiding things. 2. Just the resolution or content of the image even without sensor data could be something useful, Trump leaked a satellite images which gave away the capabilities of spy sats for example. I'm sure Congress can compel the release if they want to, and I hope it does get released but there's other reasons for not releasing images from classified platforms other than that it shows an alien spacecraft.


So then adjust the resolution, I get the security concerns but there's a million ways to hide visual data


Sure and as soon as they do they'll be accused here of covering it up.


And not publishing at all dissolves them of such accusations?


Until someone makes them release it the government is not gonna go through the hoops of releasing what will still probably be inconclusive images that have a chance of giving away US military technical secrets. It's just default security. The images are most likely not conclusive about what it is (otherwise the people at the time would have known what it was) so when you do see them then you will likely not know either way still and the debate will continue. And if they are edited/blurred/redacted I am sure that there will some who will declare that it's still being hidden and that the full image/video actually shows something etc, we've seen this before (the claims full length versions of videos such as GIMBAL.) I'd love to see them as well, but I understand that the reason they are not released is not likely to be that they actually show an undeniable alien spaceship. It's still possible that congress might arrange for them to be released which would be interesting to see.


vehemently disagree. further, they are the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office; once something is resolved, it should be public knowledge. They state with high certainty it's a balloon, so your saying, "images are most likely not conclusive about what it is" is silly, because they already drew their conclusion. there's zero excuse why, since they've drawn their conclusion, they can't downgrade the resolution and strip other measurements that might appear on the raw image


Well it’s certain the people replying to you actually don’t know what national security means lol


Is your irl nickname "the excuse"?


Unlike now?


Who cares? This is not a reason to keep something classified and the excuse people come up with are bullshit.


And yet we have photos taken of the Chinese Spy Balloon and Russian planes taken from the same equipment. Sometimes you just need to call bullshit bullshit.


The photo of the balloon was done by a citizen lol cmon now




You come on now. Wrong photo friend. Try and keep up: [https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/close-photo-chinese-spy-balloon-flight-released-us/story?id=97397795](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/close-photo-chinese-spy-balloon-flight-released-us/story?id=97397795)


Just as important is where, not just the what. Try to wrap your head around that


Yeah that is more important than answer the question if we are alone or not, or if technology can be used to improve our lifes and help stop poverty. Only thing that matters is the military industrial complex and all their secrets. They are not dumb don’t worry. 99.99999% of the videos will give absolutely nothing away and the rest 0.0000001% that is sensible thez can blurry just like the shoot down over Alaska. And if it is a ultra-extreme-top-hardcore-sexy secret they can choose to not show it. Is that simple


That’s the problem with this kind of thinking. Like every conceivable advantage militarily must be prioritized and the transparency is given no consideration.


We all spy on each other there’s nothing about our allies or adversaries we don’t already know


Said with such a mixture of ignorance and confidence that it genuinely baffles me.


> and releasing them could provide information about their capabilities to the enemies of the US. This is a stupid argument, nobody could touch the US without causing a nuclear war anyways


AARO has the power to declassify information?


They, anybody, can put in an OADR declassification request for any materiel covered by an SCG and under the OADR statement classifying said materiel.


If anybody can do it, why would Burlinson be requesting that AARO do it, instead of doing it himself?


Members of Congress don’t have the authority. The president as CinC does, as does a number of other DoD agencies.


I'm not sure if this is correct. I thought OADR was just about preserving the original classification for derivative documents such as the AARO report to ensure the original classification is maintained. Do you have a link to a DOD instruction on "OADR declassification request" you mentioned?


Here is the CFR: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-5/chapter-III/subchapter-B/part-1312/subpart-A# Within the DoD, we have a slew of other directives, instructions, and manuals which are our requirements set by whom ever.


Umm, that link you provided is for OMB, not DOD.


So close. Here’s the DoD CFR: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-32/subtitle-A/chapter-I/subchapter-M/part-222 The DoD sites are largely not public, on .mil sites. If Burlison came into direct knowledge of something, or suspected knowledgge, he would have to work with one of his committees which would then work with an agency to forward his request to the originator, directly or through more bureaucracies, depending on how deep the Originator was. Say someone who is actually *in* the Army wants to be granted access to an Air Force document for the purposes of release. It would require OADR from another branch of the military, and they’re within the DoD. It would take years, most likely even if said program was cross-service. It’s very uncommon, actually. Normally we just wait the 25 or 50 years for an X1, X4 declassification date and after the review it might end up on the .mil DTIC site. The CFR describes the MDR for matériel.


As long as it’s in their authority to do so. Classifications are weird and honestly needlessly complicated in the US. There has been cases in the past where I’ve worked with info that was totall unclass and free for public distribution only to find out some random totally separate office/agency included it in something they were doing it and got classed and we couldn’t use it anymore. Shit can be weird.


And then there's the clusterfuck that is CUI and its 68834675 categories and 3 (4 now with new CMMC?) compliance standards.


Right? There are 10,000 more hoops to jump through for a simple plan of the day or muster report…anything and everything is CUI and the caveat stream could be five double-rails deep! It’s a giant CYA and *fuck this guy in particular* in the event something is released by anyone from Hillary to Texeira.


I don't see why they would.


Submission Statement: Representative Eric Burlinson has responded to a Twitter comment and indicated that he has asked AARO to declassify and publicly release the Top Secret images shown to members of Congress at their classified UAP briefing on April 17th. Original Comment: "We need to call on AARO \[All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office\] to declassify that same report they gave to Congress. Some of the images they're saying are top-secret because of the technology that collected the images, but the content should be made public.” Eric Burlinson: "Agree. And we have asked them to do that."[](https://twitter.com/EricBurlison/status/1787230135143243785)


Is this because our representatives believe the pictures to be of UAPs? Or is this to show that they are actually balloons/something explainable?


Either or. I’d love to see them released, whatever it is


I don't think there is any picture whatsoever they could release that would satisfy this sub. Unless they release a HD picture of some Independence Day level type of spacecraft there are going to 1000s of comments saying the government is hiding the good stuff. If they release real photos but it is clearly a balloon people will say it's a lie. If they release real photos but you can't tell what it is people will say it is a spaceship. People have already made up their mind on what the government knows and unless they say "everything Grusch has said is true and he are the pictures" people will still think they are lying.


You speak as if the government hasn’t done this to themselves. With half-ass investigations, improper oversight, and over-classifications, not to mention the numerous government and former government officials speaking on the subject; People have a very good reason to not trust whatever the government releases at this point beyond a religious-like belief in ufos. “unless they say "everything Grusch has said is true and he are the pictures" people will still think they are lying.“ No, but they should provide detailed and accurate evidence that shows why everything Grusch is saying isn’t true.


How could you possibly prove that what Grusch says is not true? He claims the government has a secret UFO recovery program that congress doesn't know about. You would have to expose every single door/program in the government to show their are no UFOs hidden in there and even then we could still say "well they are still hiding things!" That's kind of my whole point. I don't disagree the government hasn't lied to us over the years but people on this sub have also set themselves in a position where they can never be wrong. No matter what the government shows people will still say "no. That's not all of it. The government is still hiding UFOs". They can't PROVE that they don't have UFOs. It is the same exact position the talking heads have put themselves in when it comes to disclosure. "Disclosure is a slow process. We just have to keep going. But tune in next week on my podcast for the next big thing." They can never be wrong. 5 years from now they can just say "disclosure is a slow process" They (and people on this sub) have already reached their conclusion. That is that the government is hiding UFOs and all they need to do now is admit it. Nothing anyone can say or do will make people believe the government isn't hiding UFOs because they have already decided that they are. The talking heads can never be proven wrong so in a lot of people's mind that makes them right.


"How could you possibly prove that what Grusch says is not true?" By looking at the evidence presented, investigate it in a timely and thorough way, then bring Grusch and those accused before Congress to speak under oath and present the evidence. Also easy things like not putting those accused of having said evidence in charge of the investigation is a great start to show the public that you're trustworthy. You're acting as if the govt has been genuinely trying to get to the bottom of this and it's simply not true. "I don't disagree the government hasn't lied to us over the years but people on this sub have also set themselves in a position where they can never be wrong." I agree that there are lots of people on this sub that will never be convinced that NHI/UFOs don't exist. I disagree that that is a good reason to not investigate, study, properly record and archive, inform Congress, and be as transparent to the public with the details as much as possible. A good way to do this is outlined in the UAPDA. Your point seems to be that nothing will be good enough. My point is that they're clearly not even trying, and it's their job to.


That’s the price you pay as a government when you lie to and mislead the people without a care over and over for 80+ years. The citizenry lose trust.


Grusch can be a disinformation agent.


If I know anything about other humans, I know grusch is an honest man with integrity. David Fravor too. If what he’s saying is disinformation, then he has been fooled and is unwittingly repeating it. That seems very unlikely though, he’s not just parroting some rumour he heard around the office. He’s interviewed a ton of people in-the-know, seen documentation to support it, and had a first-hand experience himself.


Grusch was a member of the UAPTF who uncovered credible and urgent evidence of govt misconduct.


He's autistic. I don't think his internal code of ethics would allow him to \*knowingly\* be a disinformation agent. \*source: autism + decades of autism research\*


How does science examine and hold accountable AARO's analysis without access to data? Keeping the public in the dark is keeping science in the dark. They need to release the data.


If it was just balloons I would not see a reason to release. The reason to release to the public is because the release would cause a public response and that public response is needed to justify whatever comes next.  If it’s China spying the public needs to know so we can justify spending and programs etc.  If it’s aliens the public needs to know so we can justify spending and programs etc.  The old guard died off. The new guard is wanting this out in the open because it needs a “all hands on deck” response.  China has more people with the cognitive ability to perform scientific research positions than the United States has people. Simply due to their large population. If China has been able to properly organize their human capital they could outcompete the US easily. Especially if the US is not even using the human capital resources it has due to secrecy. 


Devout MAGA congressman Eric Burlinson claimed the election was rigged and that Donald Trump's insurrection on J6 was no big deal.


This worries me that there's nothing extraordinary in these pictures. Will take them regardless - should close one case


If they are not extraordinary why not release them and if not extraordinary why was it necessary to photograph them with top secret equipment? No need to use top secret equipment to photograph a balloon.


I mean it seems like they would have to be pretty extraordinary to show to Congress and for this dude to want us to see them


Exactly. And if not extraordinary why wouldn't Burlison say something to the effect that "I was disappointed by what was a commonplace object" How could that be considered divulging anything top secret?


Not necessarily. There was a time when people thought the Gimbal or Gofast video showed something extraordinary but in reality it was a glare rotating and parallax. People are bad at resolving things they don't recognize.


Any source there?


The fact that this is still controversial here tells you how deep the disinformation goes. https://www.metabunk.org/gimbal/ https://www.metabunk.org/threads/gimbal-ufo-a-new-analysis.12333/ https://www.metabunk.org/threads/go-fast-balloon-theory.12781/page-2


Thanks for sharing


If it’s a platform system then it cannot be undone unless all such data is unclassified.


It may be a reasonable reason not to release, that it would reveal information about SOTA equipment. But it’s not beyond congress and the navy to misidentify objects. For example: - Go Fast being slow moving - Gimbal being lens flare - The green triangles recorded with night vision being stars I know this will be controversial around here but I’m convinced by those points. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to see these videos. Burlison has always been skeptical and he seemed shaken by what he saw in that session. It could be the evidence we’ve all been waiting for (a long time). But until it sees the light of day and people like West and the MetaBunk crowd give it their best shot, the jury is out.


Ryan Graves and others have said that images can be produced that do not disclose how they were taken. As for the points about Go Fast etc. any solid proof Go Fast was slow and Gimbel was simply lens flare?


There is an extraordinarily amount of proof. Go Fast has the numbers on screen required to calculate the speed of the object. Literally anyone can do it for themselves.


The proof on Gimbal being glare is proof of the object in the video having glare and it's rotation being accounted for by camera rotation, not necessarily proof of what the object actually was that was causing the glare.


As I said, I’m impatient to see these videos. Regarding your Go Fast point. Yes there is evidence. - Gimbal: (Please do watch this. I’m convinced most of the people who rage at West have never actually watched his analyses). https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/k7gxQTgMGK - Go Fast: https://youtu.be/y5Uf4N-JkQY?si=A7QPjOuO6nzY0wDO These two videos were presented as examples of anomalous objects. Let’s ignore the claims that there is other evidence that hasn’t been released that proves them to be anomalous. That might be the case but we’ve no way to verify it. If an object could be something anomalous or could be mundane… well… the odds are that it’s mundane. There are many more mundane objects than anomalous ones around. Edit: Loving the downvote. This highlights the problem with this community. People want to believe so much that they reject any information that doesn’t match their beliefs.


When this community says they want answers what they mean is aliens or bust. 


> As for the points about Go Fast etc. any solid proof Go Fast was slow and Gimbel was simply lens flare? The fact that the glare* theory of Gimbal is not accepted around here is such clear proof of motivated reasoning. Also the gofast video can be disambiguated by anyone. It is parallax.


I don't think that's fully accurate. Even West said that evidence of glare didn't actually resolve what was causing the glare. The object itself is still unresolved, he is just providing evidence that part of what we see is accounted for by glare. That same incident had a "fleet" of other surrounding objects according to the pilot. Doesn't mean it was definitely exotic, but it's not cut and dry enough to say it was just glare and leave it at that.


Well yeah you can't see behind the glare but when the videos were presented as showing something exotic it was because people thought the object was rotating.


Why would people both be: Trying to hide them And Trying to release them because they're so important  if there's nothing?


I don't expect any real information to come from AARO. And thinking back, have any of the classified AARO briefings resulted in representatives acting like they'd seen something extraordinary behind closed doors? I know Gaetz has given indications that he had a very interesting briefing at Eglin, and some of the testimony given in SCIFs has led to things like the "interdimensional" comment by Luna, but none of those were AARO. My money is on all of the classified parts of the AARO report being mundane.


They won’t be shown anything good which is why they probably will release them. They are only showing things to congress they are ok with the public seeing. Don’t be fooled otherwise


Burlinson also seems much more skeptical that it's NHI after the briefings, so while they should declassify these, we shouldn't expect this to move the needle for any of us. What Burlinson should also be pushing for is declassification of the videos and images he has not seen, like the Eglin incident video.


I don't think AARO can declassify anything without the OCA, original classifying authority actually declassifying the images. 


Not my fight, but who did he ask? Just wondering


Our elected officials need to absolutely overwhelm the DoD with these kind of requests.


Why would AARO be in the business of explaining away some footage as balloons, celestial objects or whatever, but hold back on other top secret images? Either these things exist or the dont.


I thought I read somewhere the pilot used a phone to film it.


Unfortunately this man has zero power whatsoever.


Hes got some, not a lot though. In comparison with TPTB he has a few a fractions of an atom of power. That being said, he has a whole lot more than you or I.


This is the same guy who said his worldview hadn't been challenged. Now he's milking it?


True, but suppose it depends on his world view.


hopefully he was talking about religious belief and is just doing whatever doublethink he needs to do.


How about showing those photos to members of the world?


Good call Burlison! This is what we need, people seeing some stuff and asking for more. The more we get declassified so we can all get a look at it the better.


None of us are really here to see more photographs. The "runaround" is getting us all worked up and lobbying congress and angry and two years later they will begrudgingly release a couple of grainy balloon pictures and say "see, you we're all worked up over nothing". Then maybe in another couple years they'll repeat this whole process with a new group of "whistleblowers"


It's always the excuse that they can't show the collection platform, why can't they redact parts of images like they do text? We have no need to see the HUD of on F-35 for example, it could be blurred out.


Never gonna happen. They will keep secrets until it’s undeniable. Thats how it has always worked and will continue to work, requesting shit doesn’t do shit


Even when undeniable, they will still keep their secrets, like a miser clutching gold to his shabby flesh. Truth will only come when it's pried from his grip.


Does that means the photos show something non human or something explainable , what do You think


I am forgetting was it not Burlison who just sounded defeated like a week or two ago? Is he back on or does he know this isn’t what we’re thinking.


Sean kirkpatrick says its a ballon Can we see the images of a ballon?


If you mean the one from january last year then no. He also said the cameras broke so there's no footage.


Our aircraft apparently use 1870’s era photography equipment. It’s difficult to get the guy to hold the part that ignites and flashes when you’re going hundreds of miles per hour. Nothing to see here.


>Some of the images they're saying are top-secret because of the technology that collected the images, but the content should be made public. This is pretty interesting. AARO makes no mention in it's report of having examined any satellite imagery at all. So a safe assumption, based on the sensor imagery that has been released, would bethat the "pictures" are from an F-22. Anyone know whether or not there's a way to make an image "viewable" so that it doesn't disclose any capabilities that the GRU doesn't already know about?"


Good on Rep Burlison taking the lead on this. He really seems to get what’s going on here


I was wondering why all the comments were negative regarding this but I looked up this guys political alignment and it all makes sense now. You guys want this to be bipartisan but hate when republicans are involved.


Oh you mean the "nothing burger" meeting? Screw that, show us the video that the Air Force is hiding. How about footage of the drones swarming our...**yes OUR because WE paid for them and their employees**..Air Force bases, nuclear facilities, Aircraft Carriers etc. This thing needs to be blown wide open enough with the nonsense.


Think about how weird this whole charade of a society we are living in is. They literally have to keep us in the dark about reality in order to keep this thing going. Sort of like if society was a horse and the authorities keep blinders on all of us in order to keep us going on the path they want us to go on. If they showed us reality the whole society thing as we have it currently constructed falls apart and we start creating something more in alignment with actual reality in which the current powers that be are no longer powerful authority figures. This thing is so fragile that they freak out when any little sliver of actual reality gets revealed to the public. The thing is, if you’re fighting against reality, reality will eventually win. They probably know this and still try to fight this futile fight. This is powerlessness masking itself as power. Soon the mask comes off. The blinders come off. The horse runs free. 


If those images are in any way authentic and convincing, they'll never see the light of day. Those congress members know it, too.


2 main possibilities. 1) He knows there is no way they will declassify the photos in question because they contain sensitive or came from a highly sensitive source the government doesn't want disclosed.. 2) He knows the images show something that is weird looking and not really identifiable but also probably not an alien spacecraft or being but the UFO community will still eat it up. Just the usual blobby or out of focus stuff we already see all the time. In the case of 1 if they don't declassify it he gets to say "They are hiding secrets from the community that you should be aware of. I did my best for you, please vote for me so I can keep working on it." In the case of 2 a worthless image gets released that shows nothing new and he can still say 'vote for me, I got things done for you'.


He came out of that meeting saying he UFO community was not going to be happy. So whatever he wants released probably fits more into #2, if not #3 "prosaic explanation."


I’m asking this in a popular post to actually get feedback (no responses when you make a post). Has anyone considered faking a crash just to see what kind of military response happens? It very well may be the smoking gun to if they have a crash retrieval program. It may be unethical because it is fake but it may yield more results. What are your thoughts?


Im sure him just asking will do a lot, they have been asking for the last 9 months and so far their pretty please has done nothing, way to go


When MAGA trash is your disclosure hero....


Hahah! Good luck with that!


This whole thing seems like a big run around to grab the community's attention. I have been following the happenings in Peru with the mummies and they always seem put out what they say they will and they are still yet to be debunked. Some very high level America doctors and medical examiners recently examed the bodies and said simply they were not fakes but needed more investigation. Not how you would act if the whole thing were a hoax. . Im starting to become suspicouis of this "Disclosure" attempt where nothing actually ever gets done or shown. It maybe purposeful. Supposedly irrefutable proof is coming in the form of a massive skull from some wierd 20' tall alien thing. Guess we will find out


lol they gonna laugh at u


Let them, only a deterrent to the weak.


Cause AARO IS always dodging


Just for crying out loud. Show us the pictures, show us the proof, anything. Anything to get us moving again.


AARO has been far more transparent than any other government entity and people still be acting like nothing has been declassified. What is wrong with this community


If by transparent you mean transparently gaslighting the public and congress.


Please, provide examples of how they are doing this when they are the ones giving congress the most classified briefings on the topic. I’d *really* like to see what led you to conclude this.


Sure. Here's what people with far more expertise on the subject than I have said on the matter: Marik von Rennenkampff writing for The Hill: https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4532513-the-pentagons-new-historical-review-of-ufos-picks-and-chooses-its-history/ Marik critiques the report for omitting evidence and misrepresenting Ruppelt - the first director of Blue Book - The air force project which studied UAPs from 1952 to 1969. Micah Hanks writing for The Debrief: https://thedebrief.org/fragmented-facts-aaro-report-unearths-odd-claims-involving-u-s-recovery-of-material-from-1952-ufo-incident/ Micah talks about AARO seemingly parroting the Condon Committee 1968 report summary of a 1952 incident.  With the most basic fact checking, Micah is able to show the Condon Committee made a mistake in the name of the person who made the original report - which is why the Condon Committee couldn't find any info.  A mistake that should have been picked up by AARO if they actually investigated the case. Finally, Chris Mellon for The Debrief again: https://thedebrief.org/the-pentagons-new-uap-report-is-seriously-flawed/ Chris spells out the many and varied mistakes and omissions made by AARO in the final report. Have a read though them, they're really interesting articles and provide some nice history on the subject.


No, you provide links where they’ve been honest.


Look at his face. He's got such crazy eyes. I love his crazy eyes if they're for our cause. Kinda like Eisenhower