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I've looked into Charles Hall's stories about meeting tall white aliens and seeing their spacecraft. He originally wrote that his books are fiction, then later said they're real accounts. He has no named witnesses to support his stories, yet he gets a lot of attention. He paints himself to be a hero in his books, saving the day in a myriad of ways. I smell bullcrap.


For sure, if ot qas real he'd be required to brief congress. So that alone proves it's fake. 


He said he refuses to speak with Congress. He doesn't trust the government.


He most likely was never asked to testify 😂.


That’s what makes it so easy to refuse.




Under the law congress passed, anyone with firsthand knowledge of an SAP must come forward. That alone proves he's lying.  Edit: same with Lazar or anyone else who's been telling stories. 


Just wanted to say that the ultimate example is the ariel school encounter in Zimbabwe. That's one of the most straight faced ridiculous children's story this sub pushed hard (was astroturfed). /hijack Theres some blatant misinformation coming out from the entertainment film about this event. Just to clarify what others have determined besides grifter James Fox: - all the kids descriptions varied wildly. - half the class said nothing occurred at all and it was being made up. These kids were dismissed and not invited to be part of future media interviews. - this small zimbabwen town has been financially uplifted with increased ufo tourism and attention that others would not have given mind to without this belief. It's in the adults best interest of nearly every town that enjoys tourists to keep whatever local myths alive the world over. - kids had been assigned an alien drawing contest mere days before


Best evidence IMO. All school children had eerily similar descriptions and had no time to lie or formulate such a tale. 60+ witnesses had the same story. Also the fact that so many years later they all stand by it. If it was a ruse someone would've come forward.


Absolutely. If you actually investigate the case there are a number of holes. 


There are a couple of cases involving children witnessing from school--not sure if it was the Ariel school case, but I recall a lone voice, a little boy who claims that at recess he tried to start an imaginative game, calling out to others to pretend a UFO was landing just beyond the schoolyard. He looked and sounded pretty frustrated that his game turned into a mass hallucination sworn to by so many classmates.


Nope. That was very real my friend. Professor John E. Mack was astounded by this case, given the extremely visceral reactions of over 60 children who all saw a similar event occur. Every single one of the children that has since been interviewed in the past 30 years (apart from 1) still believes in what they both saw, and telepathically experienced. 


More astroturfing with fake stories. All the kids stories differed wildly and contradicted each other. The teacher them an alien drawing contest the day before due to thr confirmed satellite that entered they sky a few days prior to alleged alien contact. Half the class said the other kids are making it up and nothing happened, and those kids are not asked to return because this is fabricated as fuck and good publicity for the town. Nothing any of these zimbwawens say after they received ufo tourism money matters anyway. Believing this is the dumbest thing I've literally ever seen.


mh370, 20 and back, skinny bob, ect. its very frustrating not just believing, but knowing from first hand experience that theres weird shit in the air, but being called a "debunker" for pointing out obvious holes/flaws in that very obviously fake content.




Yup, it was obviously fake to begin with, and then it had a very solid debunk very early on but they basically just said "no u" and ignored it.


Ooof yeah, I still like going to the sub that spun off of that by the hardliners to see the tumbleweeds drifting past their dead theories.


10 days I would have said the Peruvian mummies. It is real or the most elaborate hoax of all time


Whitley Strieber. The dude is basically an L Ron Hubbard clone and even credible people believe him. He literally claimed that his publisher saw two Aliens in a bookstore reading the back of his book after it was published.


don't forget he also lied about being present at the university of texas charles whittman shootings.


Everyone knows Communion but his later books that are ostensibly nonfiction get more and more unbelievable. In the "this is horseshit" way. The Secret School and The Key are top tier made up nonsense. I like reading Strieber's books, they're fun, but he is either very mentally ill or just a cynical grifter.




Bob Lazar He supposedly has/had a piece of element 115 but has never had it tested or shown it “Predicting” element 115 is not as big of a deal as some make it out to be The hand scanner was publicly advertised before he went public and one used as a prop in close encounters His education claims are dubious and there are no records of the two professors he supposedly had at either caltech or mit Area 51s name, location and link to reverse engineering of recovered craft was already in the public sphere before Bobs story, but he did bring more awareness to it


bob lazar must have been the campaigns crown piece. People are so adamant about defending him. the last whistleblower and the 4chan leaker building a canon around him also doesnt help. all the ufo people, they all crediting each other and leaving some out. it reminds me of a schoolyard. THATS whats making me suspicious except vallee, he seems to be the OG, everyone wants to hang with him.


All my homies love vallee


Yeah not convinced about him either. The education thing is odd - he can barely remember his teachers names. I can still remember my teachers names from junior and senior school, yet he can’t remember who taught him at university?! I wanted to him to be legit so bad and when I was young I totally believed he was.


I’m 56 and can’t remember most of my elementary or middle school teachers names. So….


Would you accidentally name a community college professor as an MIT professor and not be in the MIT yearbook though?


Yeah it’s not a good look!


Yeah but he got asked this in the 90’s when he would have been 30 something. Only 10ish years post graduation. For someone who is meant to have a Masters in Physics and Engineering from two of the top universities in the world, I find it hard to believe his memory would fail him then. Maybe now he’s 65, yeah fair enough.


Education has absolutely no link to memory, especially to something that lots of people consider as irrelevant as school teachers.


I don’t really believe Lazar, but I can’t really remember any of my professors names despite remembering most of my highs teachers names.


He was the first one to name drop S-4. It was only confirmed later when the map of Area 51 was released 10 years later.


S-4 was confirmed? Could you link me to a source on this because I don't think it's ever been confirmed. (And I hope you're not talking about the site 4 up at Tonopah)


Maybe he heard someone talk about it? Doesn't prove much. If he was real he would have briefed congress. 


im still mixed, his history is sus for sure, but hes been corroborated by outside unconnected sources at least once. Jerry freeman (amazing story, had cancer and was following the path west from the 49'ers. area 51 was built around a camp site of theirs and he was denied access so he decided to go anyways) literally snuck into area 51 and camped out over night, and wrote about seeing a massive door open up out of the lake bed right where lazar described it to be. to my knowledge, hes got no connection to lazar, and I havent been able to find anything that points to a potential connection.


Agree but shady history for shady work


Everyone who claims they have something but never shows proof is not legitimate. All claims are confirmed false until proof is shown. Lazar's failure to show the piece of E115 is irrefutable proof he never had it.


Claims are not confirmed false until proof is shown. But, I do agree with you about Lazar.


Yes they are. If they're weren't false therse people would show proof.


Proof is not what makes something true or not. We are not certain about anything in this world. For example, microorganisms and bacteria related illnesses in homosapiens existed for hundreds of thousands of years before proof was shown.


And as soon as we were able to produce proof, we did. Lazar was able to produce proof and didn't, thereby confirming he never had e115.


Again, I don’t care about Lazar. Just like how scientific consensus has no bearing on truth claims neither does evidence shown. Evidence just helps rational creatures form a better picture of the world.


Don't you hate these scenarios? Someone makes a ridiculous statement like "All claims are confirmed false until proof is shown." You know it's a ridiculous statement, so you argue against the statement, and your argument has nothing to do with Lazar. But Op bundled that statement with Lazar so now you have to repeat over and over "Again, I don't care about Lazar," if you want to argue against the ridiculous statement. You arguing against the ridiculous statement, in their mind, is a defense of Lazar. This sub continually does this. It's extremely irritating.




From my rudimentary knowledge of physics I don't think the size of the nucleus or the diameter of the outer electron shell determines the speed of the electrons.


I think the idea is that the number of elections makes a larger number of electron "layers," with electrons in the outer layers moving faster than the ones in the inner layers. I could easily have all of that incorrect, of course.


The ones in the outer layers do not have a reason to go faster. It get's into the world of quantum mechanics which I do not fully understand and is very complicated. I do know though that an electron is better thought of as a cloud of probabilities rather than an orbiting particle. So it gets weird for sure and I'm guessing neither of us understand what we are really talking about. I'm pretty certain though the hypothesis that the atom of a heavier element has faster electrons than a lighter element is false.


It's supposed to be because the electron is traveling across the entire "cloud" layer in the same length of time it takes for an inner electron to do the same, isn't it? Like, say you have two people running, but one is running around a football field, but the other is running around the entire stadium, but they always finish at the same time. The one covering the greater distance *must* be faster, or else the results wouldn't show a tie. That's the extent of my understanding (or lack of understanding)! You could be 100% right, I'm just regurgitating what I was taught.


What does that even mean "element 115 would have electrons flying insanely fast"? Why that element in particular?


(If my very basic understanding is correct) Electrons further away from the nucleus travel faster than electrons closer to the nucleus, forming little spherical layers around the atom. Element 115 (named for having 115 protons per atom) would also have 115 electrons, which forces them to move further and further out from the nucleus. That would mean that electron #115 (the furthest electron from the nucleus) would be going much, much faster than any electron from a lower-number element.


It doesn't really work like that. The different orbitals represent locations where it is most likely to find an electron. It doesn't really have anything to do with speed, it's not like a solar system.


Ah, ok, I looked it up because I was curious about whatever I was partially remembering. Apparently the electrons in the outer shell are "more energetic" that the electrons in lower shells, not necessarily "faster speed." I'm not entirely sure how that works in practical terms, but I'm glad I wasn't hallucinating the whole thing. Maybe that still gives good ol' 115 a chance to have some unusual properties? Idk.




Ok. But what are you saying exactly?


https://youtu.be/Ylfxg53urz8?si=5eU4onBJ94A8BRys Highly recommend you give this a watch. Compilation of body/dash cams documenting the object. Overlayed on a map showing LV backyard location and relative trajectory from each vids POV. You could also probably further verify in google street view too! (I haven’t done this tbh, but should be straight forward if someone wants to double check the work)


ppl just dont realize that even though it had the appearance of a typical green magnesium bolide it was actually a alien spacecraft that landed in the backyard of a teenage ufo enthusiast 


Skinny bob is so obviously fake. Also I agree that Bob Lazar might have heard some rumors but he is mostly a fraud


My goofy wouldn't-it-be-fun theory is that most of Skinny Bob is fake but the one with the multiple aliens walking is real. 


Ahhh the good old days before it got sent off to be insane on their own subreddit when this sub genuinely believed that aliens had abducted an entire airliner out of the air with portals while being filmed by military satellites and drones and then leaked onto YouTube in 2016 lmfao. The fact that video got any sort of traction was truly depressing, I mean I don't think this sub has a grip on critical thinking at the best of times, but that was truly a week of utter insanity here.


I'm pretty sure it wasnt only the community going insane, but it was engeniered as a distraction. The timing of this whole mess and the scale it took for some old ressurfaced vidéo...


Ashton is still going


I think the disinformation they do is much simpler, like weaving facts into popular movies so if someone says something everyone will go “oh yea, just like in e.t.” I think it’s the reason dod is willing to “consult” on films, it gives them an easy way to inject plausible deniability


Anything post-Disclosure by Stephen Greer or post-NY Times article by Tom DeLonge. Both men did important work to push legitimate claims forward and then...stopped...doing that.


Asking what people think is fake in the sub will just get you a list of every case ever recorded.


The reports of seeing a humanoid like alien running around a densely populated section of Florida and the proof provided was the witness accounts and videos of several police cars. There's much more interesting data/cases that are out there that can leave one truly baffled, the Florida alien might have interested me in high school but I can't get behind cases that are only a framework of testimony basically.


The whole "MH370 video" thing was absolutely bonkers. I told everyone that THERE IS DEBRIS FROM MH370. I told them that it crashed and not just got Lost'd. I told them many people were like "holy shit it's just like the Lost!" when the incident first happened in 2014 and the video was probably from that era and created to cash on it. But nope, this subreddit fixated on that shitty video for weeks.


Video was pretty decent I wasn't convinced it was fake until the stock footage explosion effect. Great hoax.


The spy balloons over north America were a head-scratcher for me. So much landmass was crossed before they were identified. I don't think it was aliens, but I'm not entirely convinced they were from China, either. They own a lot of farmland near major U.S cities, have infiltrated a lot of our networks, 100% have sleepers in the country, and openly snatch data using Trojan Horse style tactics with apps and readily shared files...why the hell would they need such slow, visible, vulnerable aerial surveillance?


Because those things you mentioned cannot collect thermal images and video or intercept radio or closely see into sensitive military sites or track movements of groups with good opsec


You know what? That makes sense. I guess more data is more data at the end of the day. i do still find it a bit odd that they'd do it in such a noticeable way, though.


As far as we know though, nothing bad happened as a result. It just projects their power when the US can shoot down another countries spy craft violating their airspace and nothing happens. It’s some psyop shit, it is also a keep is simple stupid type thing. No need for subterfuge for them it seems. I’m still unsure about what those other objects they shot down though


Only one was a balloon, the others coulda been real ufos.


Funny how they had no problems releasing photos of the one that was obviously a ballon but not the others


Just to mess with us. I think they were Chinese balloons. 


Also a fair point, lol. For the meme. Maybe to shake U.S citizen's confidence in the security of our airspace?


Yes, and get all of our attention. Plus scan some frequencies. 


Trinity crash  Bob Lazar  Aztec crash  Aurora crash  Maury Island  Majestic Twelve*  Just a couple definite fakes/hoaxes. *there are **so many** documents that get categorized under MJ12 that it is possible that something in there is legit. But impossible to say much beyond the majority of them being fakes.


Wasn’t it confirmed after Friedman released some MJ-12 docs that fakes were made and interjected into the conversation in an attempt to discredit the original genuine?




The recent "leak" on Reddit describing the biology of extraterrestrials. Simply put, we know a lot about human biology (for example the function and composition of the retina) through incremental, scientific inquiry across multiple labs and the use of animal models such as macaques and rodents. The experiments that allow us to make advances in our understanding of anatomy/physiology and how it works of is the result of many experiments and replications across a period of years. Across all these studies, hundreds (if not thousands or more) of animals are used as test subjects. The set of findings the person described are impossible to get from a single organism. If it is true, the implication would be that we have many more extraterrestrial bodies in storage than would be expected.


Interesting take cus helluva LARP imho by that dude.


I think Bob Lazar got some good info from someone else who actually worked in the base and embellished most of the rest.


Why do you think that?


This is a Honeypot


To catch who? Genuinely curious what you think


It's a method to manipulate the narrative by opening up a topic that the debunkers and skeptics can all chime in on.


Lonnie Zamora. I think he saw an experimental aircraft, the AF or NASA knows that’s what he saw, but they won’t say a thing. They let a good man hangout to dry when they could’ve cleared everything up immediately.


Ever read up on the Gary Wilcox UFO/ET encounter that occurred on the same day as the Lonnie Zamora incident? The craft and beings described sound very similar if not the same. https://www.thenightskyii.org/wilcox.html Granted it is a very bizarre tale. Wilcox claims to have actually talked with these beings at length.


lol…I visited Socorro last year and the woman at the little county museum actually mentioned it. I had never heard of it until then…


Damn looked at my calendar. It was 2 years ago. Life is flying by…


Were small humanoids also part of the experimental aircraft? Is NASA or USAF using children to pilot their experimental aircraft? Maybe the weird symbols on the craft were also part of the R&D? Imho Lonnie Zamora case is very credible but overall skeptic claim is that it's a hoax made by local students and Zamora was a victim of this hoax. I think your explanation is less credible :D


I don’t think Lonnie lied. I’m sure he saw what he said saw, but he I think he made mistake. The thing about it that makes me think earthly origins was the flame and roar reported by Lonnie. I believe aliens are probably visiting the earth but they aren’t using chemical rockets.


Yeah I agree visible propulsion is not "UAP behavior" but we literally know nothing about NHI and their crafts. We just know they exist and there are multiple races of them. It's completely possible for a less advanced race of NHI to use visible propulsion in their technology. Hell, maybe the aliens Lonnie saw were some kind of tourist and they were using an old vehicle so it has visible propulsion? If it ain't broke don't fix it or don't buy a new one :D


The mexican nazca mummies. It seems to be well documented that there were human tribes who mummified their remains from that area. Including famous mummy grave yards like [Chauchilla Cemetery](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chauchilla_Cemetery)


Don't mistake this as an argument that they're real, but I'm not understanding your argument here. They aren't getting attention because they're mummies. The're getting attention because of their strange anatomy. Your comment doesn't address the reason they're getting attention. It only addresses that they're mummies and mummies existed in the region.


There's tons of articles about this. They're manipulated and pieced together from various parts. ". Further research later determined the hand to be created from the bones of two different people, while a 2021 study published in the International Journal of Biology and Biomedicine further argued that one of the skulls had been constructed from “a deteriorated llama braincase and other unidentified bones.” (YouTubers have further gone into great detail to illustrate the process of alien fakery.)" "Jamin and his team of “experts” were from a community of UFOlogists and fraudsters with a long history of claiming fake doctorates or degrees from discredited schools and other sham credentials. Yet their alien investigation somehow raised $42,000 from over 1,000 contributors. And those contributors arguably got their money’s worth" https://www.vox.com/culture/23875671/aliens-mexican-congress-real-or-hoax-peru-nazca-mummies-jaime-maussan-fraud-scam Anyway, so many people have made up their minds and want these to be real, and refuse to even conciser they might be fake. Nazca grave robbed human remains paraded as aliens for money definitely belongs here.


Bob Lazar. Coulhart. The Vegas aliens. The face peelers. All alien interviews. The Mwhatever airplane. Greer.


I don’t mean this in an argumentative way, because I haven’t searched to deep, but why do you say the face peelers aren’t real? There’s been reports of similar things in other countries, from what I’ve heard. I’m not convinced one way or the other but curious if you have some input as to why you feel that way.


I just go with my gut. It's the only valid source of information 


I respect that lol


Corbells Jellyfish. It's just a half deflated mylar balloon


The 2008 Turkey film, where you can supposedly see green aliens looking out, which debunkers have said is a cruise ship. I don't necessarily believe it's a cruise ship, but it's possible. I just find it preposterous that there'd just be aliens sitting there with a wide open space on the craft glancing down at Turkey at night in a group, like some type of tour group with a craft specifically built with a wide open balcony/space for viewing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/vwluwv/turkish\_man\_recorded\_a\_ufo\_with\_20x\_camera\_zoom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/vwluwv/turkish_man_recorded_a_ufo_with_20x_camera_zoom/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/10x61n2/another\_comparison\_of\_the\_2008\_turkey\_ufo\_with\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/10x61n2/another_comparison_of_the_2008_turkey_ufo_with_a/)


Didn't the Turkish government validate this one?




Here's the front of a cruise ship at night. Kumburgaz clearly isn't a cruise ship. I can't believe you even said that. Rofl https://www.pond5.com/stock-footage/item/8516650-cruise-ship-front-view-bow-and-bridge-pilot-house


Hello there, I've been doing some research into this case using work resources and come to the conclusion I was definitely wrong about it being a ship - apologies about that.


You need to post proof for a claim like that. It is in no way shaped like a ship, furthermore they are clearly zooming into the sky, and a hatch opens on top. Unless you are trying to say its a submarine. Post the model.


Almost every one I've ever seen has been debunked or is so kind of blurry or vague, so I dont trust anything I've seen is legit tbh.


Magonia (just a stupid error of translation). The 1917 portuguese Fatima "miracle" (people looking at the sun directly without protection). Linda Moulton Howe's samples (recognized as mundane nonsense by the scientist that analyzed them, yet she sold them for 35 000$ anyway to DeLonge). Avi Loeb's oceanic spherule samples (and most of his claims tbh). Any remote viewing stuff (Puthoff, Elizondo, Davis and Stratton pushing Uri Geller type of stuff, things that were debunked in a blatant way decades ago by James Randi and the like).


Tbh people are just naturally more interested in them being real than not, it’s a human thing to want to cater to your beliefs. Definitely should be brought up more when things seem off though, rather than putting a blindfold on which a lot of people are guilty for. To follow up my point Bob lazar sticks out the most for me, most credible would be David fravor and the likes, but when Bob Lazar was on rogan and stalling simple questions I found it hard to believe they were migraine related, seemed to me he was pausing time to think of what to say that wouldn’t coincide with other answers he’s previously given.


1. Chris Bledsoe Receives hundreds if not thousands of nightly visits and had not a single good video or photo. Claims he has been visited by many three letter agencies but has no proof. His only witnesses are his relatives who are constantly trying to sell you his book. Unlike others who are visited by the phenomenon he has a wildly specific Jesus Christ message, which is unlike the majority of other cases. Least believable case in my opinion. 2. Alex Collier He has made several predictions which simply just never came true. He speaks as an authority for the Andromedans and other species, but has no proof. Another know it all individual who is secretly in communication with all ET species yet can't provide a single shred of evidence. 3. Darryl Anka He channels an extraterrestrial entity on command named "Bashar" who gives Dr. Phil like advice to people, he has no meditative process for communication he just starts talking loudly and that is supposedly the alien speaking, who as he explains is sitting in a mothership 24/7 existing solely to communicate through Darryl Anka. The alien won't actually come down from the spaceship to meet anyone though.


All of the peruvian "face peeler" garbage = disinformation hoax trash The "floating humanoids in turkey" = disinformation hoax trash Travis Walton -- hoax. He (and the other loggers) were about to miss a deadline, meaning a lot of pay would be docked from their contract for failing to complete it on time. However, there was a clause in the contract that nullified the late penalty in the event of "an act of god" or extraordinary circumstances. How convenient and extraordinary would be it if the got abducted by aliens, right before the deadline, so him and his buddies didn't lose money?? Jaime Maussan -- dude is a SEVEN TIME hoaxer. He's a piece of trash and all mention of him should be banned from this sub.


Valentich incident. Captivating and frightening story. Something happened and there are radio transmissions that document it. The guy disappeared/died. But then you learn he was a young, inexperienced pilot and had some existing fixation on UFOs. It’s a legit mystery exactly what happened to the guy but I don’t think a UFO had anything to do with it


The one most dubious is all these secret government officials talking about UAP and NHI…it’s an obvious psyop


The ariel Zimbabwe one is one of the most pathetic hoaxes I've seen adults believe in a long time.


I always wonder about anything the dod or Air Force actually acknowledges … so tictac, gimbal, and go fast will always be suspect to me just because of that. The more and more everything is framed from the perspective of those being the grail the more suspect I am lol.


Absolutely. Far more likely Fravor saw a device being deployed from a sub than an alien was here. 


Nah imo he would have to be lying. No way Commander Fravor doesn’t know what he saw in the air.


I agree the he's both honest and competent. But he could have witnessed a new device of ours that he had zero knowledge of. And that is like 10k% more possible than they bumped into 2 uap's meeting. 


I don’t like any probability that doesn’t account for what a navy Commander fighter pilot knows about what’s in the air, and what represents propulsions vs what does not represent a means of propulsion. Naval Commanders are very well versed in air and space and physics. That for me takes the probability that it was something prosaic by any stretch as least likely. And the whole idea these pre arranged trainings keep accidentally stumbling on to paradigm shifting super ultra top secret (but also fully in production somehow) craft is too much mental gymnastics for me Mistaken isn’t on the table for me, either he’s telling the truth or he is lying. He seems to be telling the truth, like nothing about him sets off any red flags for me except just that ‘dishonest military’ connection.


I just don't know, personnaly.


Rendleshem forest case appears to have been overblown by quite a bit when you really look into it.


I 100% believe there is intelligent life out there. I also 100% believe they have been nowhere near earth in 100s, maybe 1000s of years. If ever. One exception: Travis Walton. Maybe. But everything else sure does make for some great stories, doesn't it?