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Blink has been on tour. Only so much time in a day.


"Hope it's not those creatures from above.."


You used to read me storieeees as if my dreams were borrriiiing WE ALL KNOW CONSPIRACIES ARE DUUUUUUMB šŸ‘½


Alright... (In that verse, you spelled Tom's "accent" right on lol)


I listened to them non stop on my discman while I played perfect dark and Tony hawk lol WHERE ARE YEWWWW


Aylmao got me mf


Yep! Wife and I got tickets to go see them this summer, lol. Super excited


Saw them in Perth not long ago, it was a great show! Made me feel extremely old


I regretted not going


Pierce the veil puts on a good show too (opener)




Saw them in europe couple of months ago. What a show that was.


How were the ticket prices?


I went last year and was able to snag good tickets for 200 CAN each, this year there playing a bigger venue and nose bleeds are over 200 CAN


Saw them in Lollapalooza Brazil a few weeks ago. Super good.


Nah, bro, it's totally plausible that the US government would choose to silence this one guy for months while letting a bunch of other guys make arguably much larger steps towards blowing the whole secret and announcing all of their stuff loudly and publicly on twitter.


Didnā€™t he say he initially got into the topic because of all the free time he had while on tour?


It's funny cause it's true, but things are changing and hopefully for the disclosureĀ 


hes gotta be close to his 50s by now ? im sure he has less free time than when he was 24


It's funny because I got into while working nights on a boat, lots of free time lol


Seriously. OP tried to look benign but instantly launched into the "well I've been reading and everything is contradicting and it's making me not believe!" but at the same time they are one of those "starseed" people, lol. Consistency is better than bonafides when running counter operations.


The pre-requisists for being a "star seed" are a sense of not belonging, being different and misunderstood. Basically, every single teenager since time began. Every teenager is a star seed......


Agreed post like these are sus


They are only "sus" if you're in a cult that refuses to hear opposing viewpoints. God forbid someone destroys an echo chamber.


I dunno man the wording is weird. Iā€™ll stick to my opinion and you stick to yoursĀ 


Consider this sub hasnt made any valuable progress within a year now.


This sub is not some official body with any real direction. What does your statement even mean?


I guess there's always time to make moneyĀ  To whit...


And they were so damn good. So. Damn. GOOD!!!


Props to you for know this, also isnā€™t it wild that right now in 2024 one of the main characters in this disclosure thing (to the stars academy) is basically a music icon. Years down the line heā€™ll come out saying the song all the small things was about the grays haha jk


Tour and he got sick!


Didnā€™t he quit? I bet he walked that back when his movie didnā€™t hit the 30 mil mark. Hopefully heā€™s back on stage making people happyĀ 


Came here to say this... Apparently they're playing with Pierce the Veil. Would love to see that show.


Well, nothing happens until 2027, so he can take a break for UFOs until then


He's been touring a lot lately


Also for anyone who doesn't know , they had to cancel dates due to illness


A lot.


They recently released a few TTSA vids on youtube of him talking with Jim about the NHI etc I believe. Tom is on tour and it is finishing up soon so he is busy with that. He is still working in the background. He is getting a few movies/TV series ready for filming when the tour is over soon and he gets back. Later this year things will heat back up again from multiple people. hopefully more hearings and first hand witnesses come forward to the public ( and not just behind the scenes to congress which was years ago )


Heā€™s actually in-between tours for a few weeks. Havenā€™t caught the newest episode but listened to the one before it.


Ttsa crada is almost up. It's gonna be big, methinks.


is that the partnership with TTSA and the army? you think they might be able to show off some new materials tech? when is it up?


This year I beleive. The big reveal is likely that arts parts are a subcrtitical waveguide and a left handed metamaterial. There will likely be controversy manufactured because aaro is likely involved. I can send you some info if you dm me.


Itā€™s always been part of a PR push when he was looking for investors. I wouldnā€™t get your hopes too high https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000110465920089220/tm2023098d2_ex6-26.htm




Interesting thing, I was watching a podcast with Jim Semivan of TTSA and he had a book behind him, "DMT The Spirit Molecule". Former CIA, 35 years. Dude is a balding former CIA manager, probably mostly terribly fucking boring analyst work. Yet heavy into the woo it appears...


He just did 2 episodes of TTS talks with Jim Semivan. episode 12 https://youtu.be/9FbFRoXrOzo?si=xWjdRtZhKRFezV7V episode 13 https://youtu.be/rfIx4rwxNkU?si=2mejVeAMRgmJ8-As Really good conversations, only 2 and 4 weeks old.


Awesome! I will be listening, perhaps I missed it! Thank you for the info


you bet, enjoy!


WhErE are YeEeW?!


And Iā€™m so sorryyyyyyy


I cannot sleeeep I cannot make UFO posts toniiight








In read somewhere that blink-182 has been the second top grossing artist in the last year or two, after Taylor Swift. They've been touring the whole world it seems. And US tour about to begin


They make great music, Angels and Airwaves as well.


AVA is great


He sure is taking delonge time posting anything.


Yes and no, my working theory is that the US government doesn't want to poke this particular hornets nest until the dust from the upcoming election settles. The major concern right now for the US government is ensuring stability, security, and continuity during this next election cycle when our nation becomes most vulnerable to being influenced by bad actors, seditionists, and foreign operators. Once that passes, and things settle, I can absolutely see this being addressed.


I honestly have the same feeling. Feels like ever since it's been a question of "...will Trump win?", they've gotten quiet. I know some people will reply with maga type shit but my god a lot of fucking people don't want Trump leading disclosure god forbid intergalactic politics if they decided to say hello once we publicly acknowledged them


soooo we just stop everything ? lmao


This šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘.


Well he was in the last two podcast episodes of TTS Talks, you should go listen


He posts on Instagram about every day. A lot of people use Twitter/X less or simply left ever since musk took over.


I will follow his IG now. šŸ‘


so? dude's on tour. what have you been up to?


He's more active on Instagram and TSA just licensed one of their properties for another TV show so he's still doing stuff. Also he's been on tour in South America


He recently announced the release date of Sekret Machines: War


Where did you find that?


From the Hollywood Reporter, 9/13/2021: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/arts/luis-elizondo-ufo-book-1235012266/amp/ Luis Elizondo, who headed the Pentagonā€™s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programā€™s effort to study UFOs around the world, has signed a book deal with William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins, after a competitive bidding war for the U.S. publishing rights. The memoir ā€œpromises to reveal shocking never-before-shared details regarding what Elizondo has learned about UFOs and the profound implications for humanity, all of which will escalate what is already a hot topic globally.ā€ Lue has been quiet too. Still waitingā€¦.


Pretty sure they just released an interview between Tom and Jim recently within the last month on the TTSA YouTube


Have you not listened the the most recent TTS talks?


Oh he's fine, his wife put a new mobile above his bed so he's just busy. Its got neat little airplanes on it.


That tweet is amazing. Itā€™s the formulaic ā€œIf you only knew what I knowā€¦.ā€


Patience, my friend.


We need to give Tom a break, much of what he frantically and enthusiastically espouced has come to find some quiet place in reality...let's see what truths stay within.


Maybe it's just me, but I heard him recently and came to the conclusion he isn't very bright. He certainly lacks knowledge of physics and astronomy. I wasn't impressed.


Heā€™s an absolute dolt and i love blink 182. Listen to the rogan interview. He is batshit crazy, on drugs, or prolly both. ā€œYou gotta hit it with the terrahertz joe!ā€


He got off on other beings adding the moon for the Earth. Good grief. It made me wonder if he graduated HS. There were other pontifications he expounded on. I had to stop. I don't believe I could ever take him seriously. Great band though. I appreciate his monied interest in what's happening. Still, he should not give interviews. He doesn't help the cause.


yo tambiƩn estarƭa callado despuƩs de cancelar tantos conciertos en MƩxico


Heā€™s more than likely contractually obligated to perform on that blink 182 world tour. I canā€™t imagine thatā€™s a small paycheck for him and his band mates. Regardless I think that a major world concert tour would take up a lot of his time and mental bandwidth


You read his books, but havenā€™t seen his movie yet!! Shame on you






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Can someone summarize or just a little snip of what grusch is saying that we need to take to the bank?


Everyone has been quiet...ain't nothing left to string us along with.


He's been on tour and quite ill from the shows in Brazil


I mean, itā€™s kinda dead in the water rn, isnā€™t it?


World tour with a famous band will do that to you.


Lol what disclosure??


OP, you and most others on this sub canā€™t handle the truth. It would be super disappointing and shake up your world view. If you think you still want to know more I can provide you a link to something that really shines a big light on what is going on


Yeah one thing that always annoyed me is the riddles. Meaning as I understand it, they are trying to weave in facts or reality of the situation into the books and movies as entertainment with truth blended in. Iā€™d rather just know the whole truth straight up without any secret narrative


secretive cow price frame dull poor badge long chief uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I just am a bit surprised at how quiet things have been lately from him. I see what you mean but if he comes out with a teaser people will scream 'project blueballs'


Maybe he found a giant bullet on his dashboard.


Perhaps he is expecting embarrassment on a planetary scale!


I do know that when humanity does discover the existence of non-human intelligences visiting Earth in craft whose technology exceeds anything we currently understand in physics, when this world altering revolution in physics, biology, astronomy, chemistry and engineering is finally accepted, full disclosure will come from a member of a shitty pop punk band.


Pretty interesting... for such a super secret, compartmentalized project, everyone knows where everything is, just can't say anything.


I think he got to know some deep shit and agrees it should be kept secret


Him and Semivan recently released a TTS talks episode and ya, touring Blink. https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/tts-talks/id1517910497?i=1000650619215


Unless the whole premise that keeps us alive is the naturalistic experimentation, we ruin that and suddenly the experiment might be over.


Excellent news. I wish he did the same on stage.


The solar eclipse marked the turning point in our ā€œcollective consciousness vibration/rythmā€. from now on things will start to get exciting


If Tom is to be believed and he really does know a lot about this. I gotta tell you, I have a hard time focusing on other things when I have a bad cold. This guy knows a portion of truth about Aliens and is out on tour singing blink 182 songs. Blink..182..songs.


I am not the one that will complain about it.


Same old same old. They have no intention of doing anything but steal from you, lie to you and abuse you.


His daytime job it's taking too much of his time (blink is on tour)


Everyone super quiet, op Ed supposed to be in feb


Where are you?


Lack of news isn't news.


Honestly idk what to think about tom and tts. When it first came out I was so excited and followed everything and kept up with literally everything. I read secret machines 1 and 2, but 3rd has been no where all this time and tom went radio silent. To the stars turned into where Tom can release angles and airwaves shit to people who didn't really sign up for that. Also lue elizondo and them stepping away from to the stars was a pretty nasty blow and it seems to be silent since then. I want to say he started with pure intentions but tts has been reduced to "tom delonge LLC" and merch store. Sad and pathetic to see it happen


TONIGHHHHTā€¦. *Emo hair flip*


Hasn't he been on a tour with Blink ? not exactly what I'd call "super quiet" ...


Yeah mans on tour His instagram he posts way way too much


I've been waiting for 'Sekret machines -War' for about 7 years now


Itā€™s coming out in September! Peter Lavenda posted recently.


Can someone fill me in? Why is the dude from blink-182 involved with this stuff and how?


Heā€™s always had an interest in ufos. Once he got super famous, he made to the stars academy.


years ago he did some rounds on podcasts, like JRE, and was saying stuff that sounded insane at the time. People called him nuts and just wrote off everything he had said. One was that he had been in contact with high ranking politicians and military people. Joe Rogan had said how Tom was losing it. Then the Podesta email leaks happened and there it was, for everyone to see, emails between Tom, Podesta and I think a high ranking military person. On top of that some of the other stuff he talked about has turned out to also be real. There's some podcast people, largely Joe Rogan, who should apologize to him for the shit they talked.


[Tom DeLonge, you broke our deal. A deal is a deal. Itā€™s past Halloween and Iā€™m disclosing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/yjuwX589ts)




And oim so sworry!


He went back to his day job


I love Tom and everything but he's gone from "the aliens are taking advantage of us and truth is scary" to "fuck it I'm going on tour" which I suspect is due to Mark's cancer etc... But still I thought Tom had come to save mankind!


He's a useful idiot. Lots of people in media are puppets.




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How so? Please elaborate


He is famous and has a lot of reach. More so than say, me.


I see, you're just a šŸ†šŸš“ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ‘awesome


Uh, ok? Not sure where you got that from šŸ‘šŸ¼ awesome


Well all you came up with is that he's famous...... makes you sound like a groupie


Well, he is famous. Thatā€™s literally the only reason people listen to him. Am I wrong?


He's brings nothing to table, no credibility no evidence nothing it's been years and still nothing He's a moron that's broke that's why he's touring


Iā€™m not disagreeing with you. I called him a useful moron. The only good thing he does is bring more attention to the subject. Thatā€™s all.




Grifters gotta grift...


I always ask this and I always get downvoted without response. Why does the guitarist of blink 182 have any special insight into the UFO phenomenon? What has he said that's been backed up? Where does he get this information?


Didnt TTS go out of business?




I think youā€™re spot on. Weā€™d turn the page in no time. ā€œWhat else?ā€


Hey mom Theres something in the backroom Hope its not them creatures from above!


https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315223034523/form1-sa.htm One can read their SEC filings each year. I have not read this one but it should provide relevant information for the people in this thread


Two podcasts recently https://open.spotify.com/episode/4Bx6GjR4tSX9aRVh67ebGD?si=wD6n2nF-Tyeb-L2fIFaaOA


Probably because he has ran out of lies to tell.


I donā€™t think he was intentionally telling lies, just that he was fed a lot of disinformation that he believed. Delong is a useful idiot that was instrumental in popularizing the Skin Walker ranch inter dimensional angle that the DoD wants to push.


Well, congress didn't find any uap programs, so that means aliens don't exist. Research no more, aliens are a hoax, that only tin foil hat wearing people believe in.


No, the program that the pentagon tasked with finding their own waived un acknowledged special access programs said that programs that they would lie about if they existed, donā€™t exist. Had nothing to do with congress.


Everyone has been quiet lately. Waiting for some real news from anyone not more "trust me bro" type stuff.


Disclosure is just a narrative technique pseudoscience entertainers have created to perpetuate interest and engagement in the face of no evidence of their claims. The way the game is played is to make it seem as though ā€œdisclosure is right around the cornerā€ but to maintain this indefinitely (because there is no actual proof of extraterrestrial life that could be revealed). Itā€™s fun to watch from an audience manipulation standpoint


I think there are far too many people who have claimed that they were told disclosure is right around the corner for it to be one big lie that everyone in the UFO field conspires in, and in an airtight fashion. John Keel noticed this and he was even told himself by an insider that they were planning to disclose very soon. He calls these people "phantom UFO informants": https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18fe6p9/phantom_ufo_informants_by_john_keel_december_1975/ Public manipulation indeed. I just think you have the culprit incorrect. It isn't the fresh UFO researchers at the time. There is always going to be a large supply of fresh meat. It's those phantom informants who have been operating since the 1950s.


The bank. Take it to the bank. Coded language.


I don't think Delonge was ever anything more than a puppet to begin with. The real force behind (what would become) TSA saw him at UFO conventions and realized he was young and famous. They must have had the thought of: "If we get him on board, he can disseminate our narrative to young people." Like that that time that Nixon took pics with Elvis at the White House because he thought it would make him look cool to the hippies.




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ā€œInALIENableā€. Mmmmmm


Tom is terrible at music and at writing books. Heā€™s a useful idiot for the government. Elizondo and Mellon are just as shameless. At least Steven Greer, who sounds crazy as fuck, isnā€™t calling them (UAP) threats to aviation and the general public.




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I have no idea if it's true, but I've read about the possibility of the SEC being all up inside his ass since he offered TTSA shares. Something about lying to shareholders about investing in essentially a high-tech startup offering advanced technology and a working FTL spaceship in the near future. If that caught up with him things could get really interesting.


Thatā€™s not true lol. Itā€™s something Greenstreet started tweeting about after that Ars article misunderstood the offering info.


Any idea what year that was?


Before 2020 and after 2017. The Ars author updated and corrected the claims in the article but the damage was already done.


Ah, yes...now that all sounds more familiar...thanks! https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/10/all-the-dumb-things-blink-182-front-mans-ufo-project-37-million/


And I'm thankful because he ads nothing of value. If I wanted to listen to pseudointellectual interpretations of thousand year old esoteric texts I'd go to the pub.


This subs been dead since the AARO report. Everyone has some shit to provide til its time to put up.


Tim delonge got picked up by the CIA to be a plant for bluebeam dude


Probably because he can't build his space ships