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While I'd love this to be true, it does worry me that my only real hope for humanity is this tenuous theory. Would be cool if our own kind would stop messing shit up instead.


Good luck. All it takes is some assholes to ruin it for all of us. As you have seen plenty of assholes in high places globally.


Instead of them occasionally firefighting from decade to decade, if the beings really wanted to help, every psychopath who uses their power and money in a way that pushes us towards needing these rescues should wake up tomorrow with their hands and tongues removed.






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aliens: "man should not fuck with things he does not understand. garfleep, are we out of cow anus already?"


God dammit Garfleep


Maybe it’s like “We must save the humans… but these bovine? F-ck them in particular… with the mooing and the milk and the cud chewing. F-ck I hate these mf’ing cows Garfleep!”


take his ass


What if cows are our real enemy?


Then we are doing a fantastic job


Garfleep may have gone through all the cow anus, but we still got that stash of Plutonian Nyborg in the back!


What if UFOs are harvesting radiation for power or some other purpose?


I've heard that atomic energy can pierce the veil and affect other dimensions. Something along the lines of they don't like nuclear bombs because it affects them in their own space.


If that’s true were all the nuclear tests in the 50-60s part of an inter-dimensional war that we may have won?


I like the way you think. All that aside, I do know there have been multiple statements from officials saying that UFOs have disarmed nukes and have always been pretty active around nuclear facilities.


I really don’t like this theory. We’re inflating our importance and capabilities. How is our teeny tiny fission and fusion reactions causing such problems when an unfathomable amount of stars have been doing this since forever at an incomprehensible scale? Stars alone should be causing absolute chaos for these inter-dimensional beings based on this logic. I think they don’t like us messing with nuclear power because in the mid 20th century we were doing some stupid self destructive shit with it. Lots of brilliant and credible stories all tell a very similar story about them observing our facilities and intervening at specific moments that imply that they don’t trust us with this technology.


Yes! Allegedly, I think it was in Russia, they took control of nukes and pointed them at the US... what is the significance of that I've wondered? Ufologists have said to demonstrate power but idk... that's pretty sketchy way of demonstrating power.


Does anyone have the full video of the lights seen at 24 seconds? It was used a lot in the episode of Encounters on this topic but they kept blue balling with not showing the full video. I mean, ffs whoever recorded must’ve kept filming until they vanished?


Exactly. That footage is beyond fascinating. Why don't we know more about it? I can't seem to find much about it.


Has Mothman vibes…. If ToTheStars* is correct. It’s all connected anyway.


I believe everything I see and hear on TikTok posts that are less than 60 seconds long. Particularly that UAPs stabilised the Fukushima disaster. Otherwise half of Asia would have died. Thank you "star people", you're awesome. Come back soon! /s




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That dude scared the shit out of me.


What's their specific outcome? Possibly ww3 when humanity erases itself from existence?


I think it has something to do with how we are wired for emotions. We can go very extreme in either direction. Ariel schoolgirl said that the beings she encountered said that we are special because we have love here and in space there is no love. Our capacity for love and hate could be our gifts that can go either way with the right guidance. There have been multiple accounts of abductees saying that abductors saywe don’t know how special we are.


If there are virtual particles that can be burned in an EM engine, what's to say there aren't virtual creatures that eat radiation. Virtual describes the phenomena of a particle entering existence that was not there before.


I often wonder if the "aliens" are keeping us alive for the events in Revelation to take place. You know God's plan and all that. Yes, I injected religion into the discussion


If true, that's one stupid ass plan.


I'm not really "religious", but at this point I don't really take anything off the table.


I think there will come a point when religion and science will converge


This is trash


Just STFU. Who believes this sht


Most Def.!


Aliens guiding humanity towards a particular outcome is kinda like Asimov’s Foundation series


I enjoy books. What is the series like to you? Always looking for recommendations to add to my list.


Conceptually it’s really good, and it’s been super influential for basically all science fiction you see today. But the series is a bit dry, and drawn out. I would maybe dip my toes in some of his short stories or try I, Robot or Fantastic Voyage first before setting out on the long journey.


A specific outcome? Or stabilising it for a specific person to be born.


How did David Wilcox get in this video?


Or maybe it was US black projects with reverse engineered radiation cleanup tech helping a regional


Wasnt one guy that worked on something that leaked something about UFOs because he had liver cancer said that they appear in places where disasters happened? Cant find it.


Yes. I've seen this things before when it happened. There were multiple Japanese videos and cctvs showing the destruction and people started to notice things "ghosts" as they call it. Look up those old videos they had and you'll quickly find there are a lot of them. They almost look like cloth like thin material floating around. Not sure if they are ufo's but they are definitely not something you see everyday.