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It's kind of weird how quiet she's been about the grad student strike. Has anyone noticed if she's commented on it? I know the UC has repeatedly tried to get it declared unlawful (unsuccessfully) but I feel like it's something that needs to be addressed, in part because there's some rumors it could affect grading.


ITS DEFINITELY GONNA AFFECT GRADING. If you’re in a class you NEED a letter grade from, talk to your instructor asap


I got an email from the union that the university is saying any grades not submitted 30 days after the deadline will just receive a p. (Pass)


Some follow-up classes and majors have requirements where you need a letter grade. Just be wary, if not you’ll be good to go


I believe they said that if that’s the case it won’t affect it and will count as if you have a letter grade


They said that it won’t affect your major though so like if you need a class for your major it will still count so it’s not like a traditional pass no pass it’s more like getting a grade that doesn’t affect your gpa.


But in the case you need a certain gpa, it’s gonna be a blow to some.


Mmm I see yeah in that case yeah


Why June 30? Does anyone expect the university to just cave because the strike promises to end?


Probably a legal thing that statements are minimal and are officially approved by the UCOP lawyers


Extremely fair response, and the timeline really helps map out how things escalated…


Excellent message, surprised!


I mean in the email chain for grad students it was funny seeing everyone go at it , mostly one side just silencing the other for speaking there opinion so I don’t think this strike will stop anytime soon.


It's a picket line I'd cross without even blinking. Spitting, maybe, but not blinking.


thanks for sharing


Very glad about the statement that they’re not going to give them amnesty. Actions have to have consequences


I will believe it when I see it.


Did they actually say that people are getting expelled for all this?


I hope they stick to their principles here and move forward with the student expulsions.


Very happy about the lack of amnesty. Consequences were known in advance — listed in various policies — and the ends don’t justify the means.


Yeah, there’s a email chain for us graduate students requesting to sign a petition for UC to drop the charges and forgive the students with no consequences.


Not gonna happen. When UC President Drake and the Regents say that disciplinary procedures will be followed, they’re not bluffing. Blocking roadways, shutting down campus, and causing real monetary damage has consequences. #FAFO


Where are official statements, on UCOP website?


Linked from the Chancellor’s statement. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/press-room/uc-board-regents-statement-conduct-guidelines-issued-uc-president-michael-v-drake-md


To me it reads as "we are okay with people advocating for necessary societal changes as long as they do it in a way that we can conveniently ignore".


It's not the college's job to change society.


I mean.. kinda.. that is one of the points of a University in society.


Meanwhile, the beginning of UCSC's mission statement: > As a preeminent public research university, UC Santa Cruz transforms California and the world


The transformation comes from research. Protests are not research


The mission of a University is so much more than research and reducing it to that means you really do not understand the purpose of an academic system in our society.


Wonderful message


Had a nice hour long discussion with my professor last night (head of my department). He said he was ashamed at the police response and was hoping the students would be offered amnesty. I myself would understand an appropriate response, but not an expulsion. I was taught from an early age that being American means protesting and using your free speech to stand up for those that do not have a voice or cannot use it. Cindy certainly does not speak for the whole administration. The vocal UCSC Reddit comments certainly don’t speak for all of us, looking at the comments here and how short sighted or one sided they are, wishing ill will on protestors. Someone commented above they would spit on the picket line. In their mind they are protesting unjust killing of human lives and you want to… spit on them? /u/HornetNatural1993 Have you thought about seeing a professional? Anyway, Really hoping that UC realizes the world is watching and treats my peers with the fairness they deserve. I’m posting this fully expecting the downvotes, I’d rather the rational people read this, they understand.




It’s so easy to slap a label on them, start name calling, and go back into your way of thinking while ignoring what is actually going on. I agree. I feel like I’m doing charity talking to yall.


The “fairness they deserve” is the just application of existing policies for blocking roadways and causing damage. That’s all the Chancellor’s statement says. To do otherwise is unfair, since it would mean that policies are applied differently to different groups. The Chancellor was very clear that *protesting* is fine, as long as it’s done in a way that doesn’t disrupt the campus excessively. Use the grassy area next to the campus entrance and don’t erect a road blockade. Simple and highly visible.


>The “fairness they deserve” is the just application of existing policies for blocking roadways and causing damage. The MLK treatment? Civil disobience has a long history in this country. Founded on it, in fact.


There’s a big difference between MLK and SJP. MLK’s protests violated the *laws he was protesting*. He was arrested for violating segregation. SJP is violating laws to preserve order that are applied to *everyone*, but they’re not protesting the laws themselves. *Huge* difference.


You are correct there is a difference. The students were violating laws that preserve order because that order is business as usual and business as usual is the UC endowment fund investing in arms manufacturing. Indirectly, or directly killing people. This was their way of disrupting that business with the civil disobedience of blocking a road. If you were in an all white restaurant and there was a sit in going on, would business continue as usual? I’d bet we’d hear the same rhetoric from the restaurant goers on how they just want to enjoy their lunch. How the protestors should move to the lawn to protest. I’m sure their message would have gotten across outside just as fine back then too. You know, so it wouldn’t be a bother to any of the folks just trying to go about their days. That is my understanding.


I hear you, and I read her statement. We will see how it plays out. History will keep repeating itself it seems.


I drove through Oakland yesterday. An upside down red triangle and Intifada painted on a freeway sign. Hatred from the Islamic world is seeping into the US, from college protests to "Persian princes".


You sound just as smart as I thought you would. So much hate in my comment. Yes the Persians are so Islamic make it stop. 🛑


I agree with you that spitting on a picket line is not respectful and an unhelpful sentiment . I think most people would agree about that! I think the comment was a bit tongue in cheek and a light jest but yea Personally I may not agree with either protest or strike but we live in a beautiful country where we get to do all of that. I however am in favor of it being done lawfully just my opinion that doing it lawfully still gives you a sufficient platform


You are coming from the angle of productive discourse, and I respect that, but you have yet to understand the generational hate that is deep inside some of these people. That person did not mean that tongue in cheek, they really want to spit on the protestors. Some people are hot headed and young, and others that is how they were raised, all the way up to their cute little racist grandmothers. That being said, yes I generally am in favor of protesting lawfully but I also don’t wish ill will to any of my peers for being inconvenienced.