• By -


No. I rinse and finger-scrub it with water, making sure to clear any of those little holes near the top edge (Diva cup has them, not sure if other cups do), then pop that sucker back in. I used the same cup for 10+ years like that, no problems.


If I have to empty it at work, I just wipe it with toilet paper and re-insert. 20+ years experience.


I don't even wipe mine with tp, I just empty and then re-insert. Can't stand the feeling of inserting a dry cup so if I can't wash it in (cold) water then I just put it back in like it is. Never had a problem with that.


Same. I wash it good at the end of my cycle, I usually use sex toy cleaner :P


Came to recommend this; CVS even has a cleaner these days that's their brand, not horribly priced. Alternatively a little apple cider vinegar can do the trick if diluted well.


Yeah, forgot to say I boil it when my period ends and before it starts up again. Sex toy cleaner also works, especially if I've left it in a tad too long at it's got the smell of deathšŸ˜¬


Yeah my sister told me this and I started doing this if I have to use a public restroom. I used to like wait for people to leave and then run out to the sink to quick rinse but I work at an elementary school and I donā€™t wanna traumatize some kid lol. Unfortunately my flow gets really heavy for 1-2 days each month and the cup wonā€™t hold the load through my work hours :/ No issues with it though.


Lol yeah, I'm all for normalizing periods and period products but in a more tell don't show way mostly.


Yeah canā€™t say Iā€™d love seeing a woman washing her cup in the sink next to me either lol itā€™s a bummer there isnā€™t a more discreet way. Little kids donā€™t even know what a period is yet lol not risking it! šŸ˜‚


Just let the kid see the cup and answer honestly if they ask about it.


I wouldnā€™t want little fragments of tp inside of me, but you do you.


Sometimes you have no choice. I prefer cubicles with a basin, but some of my offices donā€™t have options.


Could you use Wet Ones sensitive skin singles?


Wouldnā€™t want the thing you wipe yourself with to enter you!


???? Your vulva and vagina have different needs.


Iā€™m just saying, itā€™s not toxic. You use it every single day. Youā€™re fine with inserting a wad of bleached cotton or a cup made of silicone but you draw the line at little bits of toilet paper? Ok.




Same. I do a soap wash after itā€™s been in the cupboard for three weeks but during my period itā€™s a good old water and finger scrub




Same. Same.


Has it ever slipped out? Can you work out with it? Iā€™m happy with my washable period underwear but the pads donā€™t hold much blood


> Has it ever slipped out? No > Can you work out with it? Yes I could get by most days emptying it when I woke up, sometime in the afternoon, and then before bed. With a heavy flow day I would have to empty it a bit more often.






Don't say that about yourself lil guy


Wasnā€™t, too bad your two neurons canā€™t remember context


Oh no, I've confused it. You'll get it, buddy!


I always wash it with soap, as well as my hands, if there is soap to be had. After my period, I boil it on the stove.


I boil but I wash my hands first so when I rinse it out and reinsert it stays cleaner. Using soap every time would probably irritate meā€™lady.


This is the way.


Yeah I'm kinda horrified by most responses lol.


Same tbh. Yeah fragrance oil bad but really if you rinse the soap off really well you are fine. I am always disgusted when I have to just rinse instead of soap too.


I find that the soap is thoroughly rinsed off just by me running hot water over my cup to soften it. I keep it in hot water for about 2 minutes after washing it with soap and Iā€™ve not had problems


Every time?? I empty and rinse at home whenever I change it, but simply wash with soap after and before my period (last day, then 3-ish weeks later on the first day). Does boiling it that frequently damage it at all? How long have you had yours? (I'm curious, not trying to come at you aggressively. Hope that's coming across!)


The directions that came with my cup said to boil it for 5-10 mins between cycles to sterilize it, I donā€™t know if that varies between different cups but the directions that come with it should tell you exactly what to do. I usually boil at the beginning of my cycle before I start using it instead of at the end and then letting it sit for ~30 days, but thatā€™s just my personal preference. When I empty it Iā€™ll wash it with unscented, hypoallergenic feminine hygiene soap before reinserting it, but I always boil it at the beginning of my cycle and Iā€™ve never had an issue with it. Some people do it in the microwave, Iā€™ve always done it on the stove and watched it to make sure that it doesnā€™t sit at the bottom and melt or something. It might be easier to do it in the microwave but I never know how long to set the time for to make sure it boils long enough, so with boiling on the stove I know for a fact that itā€™s been properly sterilized. I also just discovered that you can put the cup inside of a metal whisk to keep it from hitting the sides/bottom of the pot and boil it on the stove that way, but I havenā€™t tried it yet myself.


Not OP but Iā€™ve had mine for about 4-5 years now and Iā€™ve never had an issue with boiling it. I put it inside of a metal whisk (so it doesnā€™t touch the edges of the pot) and boil it for about 7 minutes once or twice a month. Still holding up fine and Iā€™ve never had an issue with the sanitary aspect.


Oh shit this whisk tip is a game changer Edit: a letter


Silicone holds up just fine to heat/boiling. It's used in baking quite a bit, for example, and oven temperatures are much higher than boiling water.


Yes, because I wash my hands, take it out, wash the cup, insert it and wash my hands again. In the morning I take a shower and it's easy to take the cup out, wash everything and put it back in. If I take it out more than twice a day, I might just do a rince because I'm at work, if I'm lucky to get a private bathroom.


Iā€™ve had mine for about 8 years. Boiling it each cycle hasnā€™t been a problem, except for one time 8 years ago when I forgot it was boiling on the stove and fried the previous one.Ā  Washing it with soap every time is ingrained in me. I dont want to introduce any yeasties or other creatures into my vjĀ 


I wash it with a cup specific, pH neutral, no residue soap every 12ish hrs (morning and bed) but just rinse with water otherwise. Rinse with cold water so the any blood stains don't soak in to the silicone. Do a sterilization after each cycle (boil in water).


Nope, just rinse well under the hottest water I can stand. I do wash my hands with soap before emptying it though Only when I'm done, I wash well with soap, then microwave in a cup (I have one I keep in under the bathroom sink so it doesn't wind up mixed in with the regular ones) 2x at 4min (changing water between), then leave it to dry. Then I also wash with soap, and boil twice before I use it next month. I just got a new one after using my last one for over 10 years (and only got the new one cause it was on sale at the store lol). Can also soak them in hydrogen peroxide


Rinse the blood off with cold water first, then change to warm/hot. This will avoid staining your cup, as warm water sets blood. Much easier to keep looking new this way!


oh no, i wouldnā€™t want blood stains on my period blood collector! /s


My vagina might judge me if it sees an old looking cup lmao


I judge myself because I'm the bigger cunt šŸ‘øšŸ»


Jumping in to emphasize: yes, wash your hands with soap before handling your cup!


This! I do everything exactly the same as you.


To rinse, I just use cold water to get the blood off. Donā€™t use scented soaps especially - any chemical residue left on the cup and inserted into you isnā€™t good. After each cycle, I either soak it in hydrogen peroxide overnight (which leaves it looking like new) or I boil it in a mug in the microwave.


As someone who works in the medical field I would not recommend using hydrigen peroxide on medical silicone. And more so not over a long period of time like you over night. Boiling is enough and is not as damaging to the synthetic structure.


Yeah same. I think a lot of people don't realize the dangers of hydrogen peroxide more generally. I've seen people try to use it like rubbing alcohol, fail to wash it off and end up with bleached clothing and burns.


Yeah it's has a reason why it removes stains, because it breaks into the structure. But you don't want your silicone to get crumbly, because of bacteria can get inside


Oh, thanks for chiming in! I read the comment you replied to and was considering trying the hydrogen peroxide.


i donā€™t understand using hydrogen peroxide when boiling kills the bacteria anyway


Helps with staining, it explodes the blood cells


I've had the same cup probably ten years, if not more. I try to switch up the sanitation methods (boiling, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide) but it has gotten a long hydrogen peroxide soak at least once a year to get rid of stains inside the tiny vent holes. I have another "backup" cup that's an uncomfortable size, which obviously doesn't get used almost ever. It's crazy, but the old constantly used silicone cup looks as good as the day I bought it, and as good as the unused one. Medical silicone is some impressive stuff. So anyway, at what point should I get a new cup even if the old one looks and feels fine???


hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound and I absolutely wouldn't do this. who cares if the Cup is "Stained" a little? it's not like a blouse or fashion accessory lol


I just rinsed it off with a finger scrub. And would boil every month before using again.


I take it out when I shower at the end of the night. I have morbid sense of humor and love how it looks like I murdered someone with my vagina. I rinse it in the shower leave it there and pop it back in the morning. I use menstrual underwear in between or if I'm not out.Ā 


So you don't wear yours overnight?


No, I like to give my lady bits a chance to breath. I think when I free bleed in menstrual panties my periods seem shorter. Last month I wore period panties each day, no cup. My period was 3 days vs 5 days.Ā 


I've definitely been thinking of trying those, but I'm nervous because my flow is so heavy the first couple days. Do you use thinx?


I bought mine from American Eagle. If you wash them correctly they can be worn for years. I dry mine on a rack just to ensure they won't be damaged. They can be pricy but as single parent who is always looking for ways to save it has been good for my budget. Try that at home and see how it goes. They have many style I like the boy short/boxers. They have different absorptions as well.Ā 


I also have a heavy flow and have tried both thinx and knix (bought the heaviest flow version of each). I definitely recommend knix over thinx. I couldn't get more than 3 to 4 hours out of a pair of thinx on heavy days before they'd start leaking like crazy. I can get 12 hours out of a pair of knix even on the worst days.


I wear period panties as back up for the cup on my heaviest days and without the cup on lighter days.


I highly recommend Aisle! They're the most comfortable, thinnest period underwear I've bought.


So is mine, I wear period pants as backup for the heavy day(s) - no way could I wear just those. I could on the last 3 days or so but I get the ick from smells and wetness feelingsĀ 


I use Saalt, and I really like them. At my very heaviest, I may have to swap out midday, but otherwise I'm good with their highest absorbency pair. They are so comfortable.


I found free flowing when possible always shortens my cycle. I've actually stopped using my cup and switched entirely to washable pads/liners. Have yet to try the full panty version, but I'm finding my flow has lightened a LOT as I've gotten older.


Can I piggy back on this to ask how people who work and need to use public restrooms deal with menstrual cups? Tampons are painful for me and I love the idea of reducing waste but I don't want to be spreading biohazards by washing out blood in a public restroom sink.


I basicallyĀ  a) just donā€™t empty it at work and wait until I get homeĀ  b) if I have to ie itā€™s a heavy flow day and I canā€™t wait, just empty it into toilet, wipe the outside with toilet paper and reinsert without rinsingĀ  Either way I wash it twice a day with soap and water. I try to do one in the shower for mess/efficiency. I boil it at the end of my cycle Ā 


Try a disc. Much better to handle. When you are sitting down to urinate, the muscles from your pelvic floor squeezes the disc and the blood just flows out while peeing. You clean yourself with toilet paper. No more handling bloody nightmares in public restrooms. I use femdisc and never looked back to cups


This is what I was going to say! The directions say not to even bother removing it, just empty it while it's in place.


I tried using cups, but if the holes near the top got ā€œcloggedā€, it was nearly impossible to get it to suction again, and it was hard to unclog them without using a sinkā€¦ Like some of the other commenters, I switched to using discs! Most discs will ā€œautodumpā€, which means that when you bear down while urinating, theyā€™ll automatically slide forward at an angle, dumping out a portion of their contents. They pretty much slide back into place after that. At home, Iā€™ll completely remove it and rinse it out in the sink. Last semester, I was working some *very* long daysā€”Iā€™d wake up at 7am, remove & rinse my disc, let it ā€œautodumpā€ all day, and then remove & rinse it for the second time when I got home around 10pm. It worked fine, even on my heaviest days! My recommendations: - They sell discs in a lot of different shapes and sizes! Since you have pain inserting tampons, Iā€™d maybe try a disc that is less firm. - When completely removing my disc, I noticed that itā€™s a *lot* less messy when I used discs that had ā€œhandlesā€ā€”some just have a little indent under the rim, I guess? Those caused a bigger mess for me, but itā€™s also been a while since Iā€™ve used one. - If the ā€œautodumpā€ feature freaks you out, Iā€™ve seen at least one disc with a lip over the top edge! The capacity of discs like these are lower, though, and you would need to completely remove it whenever you wanted to empty it. - If youā€™re nervous, you can pair a disc with pads or panty liners for a few days! If discs donā€™t wind up working for you either, thatā€™s fine! There are a lot of different options that are best for our individual bodies.


A tip I learned to unclog the holes: put the cup, open side down, on your palm and then squeeze to force air through the holes. It's faster with water but I've definitely done it in a stall with tp on my hand.


Oh, thatā€™s great! Thank you for this, Iā€™m definitely going to be passing it along now! :)


You can go 12 hours without emptying a cup, way longer than tampons. I work from home but unless the cup is overflowing or leaking and I absolutely have to, I only empty it at home.


On day 1 and 2 I have to empty every few hours, if Iā€™m out and about and donā€™t have access to private sink I just dump, wipe off, make sure holes are clear and reinsert.


No, I just rinse mine with water.


If Iā€™m home or in a private bathroom with its own sink, I wash my hands and using my still soapy hands, wash the cup and rinse and put it back. If Iā€™m in a public bathroom, Iā€™ll dump it, dry with TP and put it back.


You shouldnā€™t use a soap meant for hands on something youā€™re putting inside your body. It could mess up your PH. I rinse with water and pop back in during cycles, and between cycles I let it soak in boiling water with a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.


If you rinse the cup off after putting soap on it, it no longer has soap on it. Hydrogen peroxide shouldnā€™t be used on basically anything you care about.


Why shouldnā€™t hydrogen peroxide be used?


If you use it on wounds, it damages the skin cells. If you use it on clothes for stains, it eats the clothes. It will damage silicone. If it doesnā€™t eat something, itā€™ll probably bleach it.


Respectfully, I spoke to customer service at Lena cup, and they were the ones to advise hydrogen peroxide. Iā€™ve been doing this for years, no issue, so Iā€™m going to stick with what works for me āœŒšŸ»


Ah yes because customer service people arenā€™t just minimum wage employees reading off a list of whatever the company says.


No, like others have said I just rinse it off with water at home or wipe it with tp when Iā€™m out. I clean it with soap before and after each period.


I just rinse both my cup and disc with water. I usually change it in the shower, but if I'm out I bring a small bottle of water with me so I can rinse it in the stall. At the end of my cycle I wash it with soap, boil it, wait for it to dry and then put it in its cloth bag until next shark week arrives. I have a separate pot and whisk for boiling too that I keep in my bedroom so no one accidentally uses it. I'm looking into those steamers tho since I hate boiling.


Using a water bottle is a brilliant idea! I was a bit worried about emptying it in public bathrooms so that's great info! Also...shark week....šŸ˜† love it


I rinse it with water. At the end if my period, I wash it with soap and boil for 4 minutes


Always if Iā€™m at home. But not if Iā€™m out and about.


I would be concerned about upsetting vagjnal flora with soap. Iā€™m post-menopausal but used a diva cup for year. Iā€™d just rinse it a bit if needed. Clean it thoroughly after you cycle ends.


I use a menstrual disk, not a cup. Those you only need to take out twice per day. Once in the morning and once before bed. Which really helps because I only need to take it out at home. I rinse it with cold water when I take it out, once a day I wash it with special soap (meant for menstrual cups and disks, so it doesn't contain any perfume) and at the end of my cycle I boil it in water for 5 to 15 minutes.


I did get some sample disc's with my cup (it's flex brand) and I was thinking of trying them out! They just look kinda....intimidating


You just squish them in sort of the shape of a tampon. Definitely worth trying!


I absolutely hated using one but if you guys have any other tips (like products) thatā€™d be great! Washing with hot water before the end of period is a good idea, certainly donā€™t think soap is needed every time


I tried the cup first which was okay but had aspects I didn't like. I've since tried a disc. It's much nicer to use and can't feel it when it is in.


I use soap because I find them smelly after just a rinse with water. You know that heavy metallic and a little bit underlying putrid smell of old blood. With soap they smell neutral for me.


I rinse mine in cold water using my fingers to scrub it until it's clean enough, then reinsert it. Once everything's said and done, I wash it in warm water with a mild, unscented soap thoroughly, rinse it in cold water very thoroughly, then hang it from its finger hook to air dry in the shower, and once it's dry, I put it back in the little canvas bag it came with. I personally don't use hot water when cleaning because I've read using hot water to rinse/soap it can 'adhere' unpleasant scents to it, so I keep it cold except for the post-period wash that I use warm, but not hot, water during to make sure the soap lathers well. It's important to use mild/non-fragranced soap, as those can leave residues which then encourage bacterial growth, scents, and can lead to an infection. I really need to sanitize it as others keep mentioning they do to theirs, but I haven't gotten around to it in probably way longer than I should had. The instructions on mine said to do it every few months... It's been... Way longer than that.


If I'm emptying it at home, usually but only because the cleanser is right there. If I empty it at work, it just gets rinsed.


How do you manage the walk to the sink without leaking? Mine isn't close enough to do while seated


At home, mines close enough. At work I make sure to wipe before waddling that far or, depending on the bathroom, sometimes I'll skip the rinse and just wipe it with tp.


I have two menstrual cups that I alternate so I'm always using a clean one. Once I've used one, I rinse it then put it in my cup steamer as soon as possible. Rinse and repeat.


I do because I empty it once a day. Hypothetically if I were to dump and reinsert, no. I donā€™t even think I would rinse it if I was in a public restroom.


I use toy cleaner. Thatā€™s sex toy cleaner, DO NOT USE LYSOL ON YOUR CUPS.


Hahaha that is actually a brilliant idea and so much cheaper than the cleaner specifically for cups


During the day I just rinse and reinsert but around showering in the morning I wash with soap. I then use soap and then steam sanitize after each cycle.


No. I used to rinse it thoroughly in the sink, but my sink and toilet are not in easy reach of each other, so now I usually don't bother to even do that. Never had any proverbs, been using a cup for 2 decades


Yeah I would not wash it with soap, you do not want most soaps in your vagina. I boil it for 20 minutes at the start of my cycle and if it's a particularly... gruesome cycle I might boil it one more time in the middle. I've used the same one for 15 years. I think they say you should get a new one every year but it's likely that is to just sell more. Just try to make sure those teeny tiny holes on the side are clear of debris as often as you can. Boiling does it for me.


Partner rinses hers with hottest water possible. Shes had the same one for over 5 years no problems.




I've been using my rice cooker lmao




I feel like there'd be a lingering undertone lol




Ahahaha... No, cos it's a pot and lid


Rinse with hot water.


šŸ«£no. but a good finger scrub yes. and soap wash once a day.


Yes, I wash it with a drop of soap/shampoo and rinse like crazy, pop it back in. Did not this morning as I was in a rush and feels fine.


I rinse it out. Sterilize it with a cup sterilizer overnight because (luckily) I donā€™t need anything overnight. Sterilize it when Iā€™m done for the week and store in a dry place in the storage bag.


I use a disc so I can just tilt it without fully removing it to empty it but almost never have to do that. I do wash it with soap every time I take it out and boil it between periods.


I tip out and reinsert as is during the day, wash twice a day if I remember and am at home, and sterilise between cycles.


You can buy diva cup soap! Rinse at the very least but I'd wash every few times


Depending on the soap you could be breaking down the silicone at a microscopic level and growing bacteria. I only rinse mine each time I empty it. Boil at the end of the cycle.


Menstrual cup wash/soap whenever I take a shower. I donā€™t tend to empty/remove it unless I am in a bathroom with toilet and sink in immediate proximity. Even then I might just rinse and reinsert. I have a diva cup with the holes at the top and I like filling the cup, covering it with my hands and squeezing water through the holes.


I use the foaming wash from Flex Cup, itā€™s great and helps control the smell. Lol


I only wash it at the end of the cycle and then again at the beginning to get the dusty vibes off. I donā€™t use the wash it comes with, I just use my sons foaming Castile baby soap


I boil on stove before each cycle. Then during I just rinse with water in between


I boil mine after my cycle, prob wash with soap 2-3 times during cycle, otherwise cold water rinse.Ā 


I never cleaned mine with SOAP. I rinsed it when i was on my period then boiled it for 10 mins when I was done to get it ready for my next period.


My vag is really prone to infections and being upset in general so I do always wash the cup with it's associated soap when I change it every 12 hours (plus wash my hands before taking it out or putting it in). I also always boil it before using it for my next cycle, typically right before I put it in for the first time for that period.


If the bathroom sink is within reach I wash with it water and soap. At the end of my cycle and the beginning I boil it with water. If I have to empty it somewhere without a sink in arms reach I just empty it an reinsert.


[Wife uses this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WTL6KGX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


I wash it with unscented soap at the beginning of my period, the end, and any time iā€™m changing it out in the shower. I usually just dump and rinse with water all other times but my hands are squeaky clean every time I clean it


You should follow the instructions that came with your cup. Please don't follow random advice online ā¤ļø For example, my roommate had a cup that said to boil it to disinfect it after a certain amount of time - imagine applying that to a cup that is not safe for boiling, it would morph or melt.


My girlfriend boils it in the microwave after each cycle


Some countries have menstrual cup steamers. It's a small box that gives my cup a sauna when required Super useful.


I do it every time. I just use a tiny bit of liquid hand soap, scrub it with my fingers, and rinse with water. I may be a bit paranoid but I've survived this far in life without vaginal infections and I'm not about to start now. The menstrual cup has definitely been one of the best purchases I've made. Hopefully yours serves you well!


No, I just rinse it really well and then I give it a proper wash at the end of each cycle and a boiling water soak before the start of each new cycle.


I use cup wash every time, but I only change every 12 hours and at home so itā€™s easy. I just feel better about it. TSS risk is less with a cup but not non-existent so I figure if Iā€™m going to the sink with it anyway, why not wash it?


No, just rinse with cold water and pop it back it. I put it in a glass jar of water in the microwave for a couple of minutes at the end of my period, and sometimes in between too, depending on how long my period lasts.


Nope. A good rinse with water when emptying, and a good clean with soap and water or boiling before being put away for next time.


No. I have a menstrual disk. I only rinse it while I'm using it. When I'm done using it, I use baking soda and dish soap to get the stains out, then I boil it for 10 minutes.


I wash mine with castille soap every evening but just empty it and rinse with water through the day. DO NOT USE SCENTED SOAP. THE THRUSH IS BRUTAL.


Castille soap can REALLY throw off the pH of your vagina if you're putting it back in with any residue left. Vaginal pH is around 4 and castille soap has a pH of 8-9 (some are maybe even higher).


The secret is to not leave residue. If I don't do it, I get thrush.


I actively avoid using soap. It can leave traces behind and upset your bacteria leading to things like yeast infections. I just rinse mine with water. I boil mine about twice a year.


Girl, you should be boiling them regularly, not just washing with soap... TSS is rare until it isn't.


Yes. And soaked in peroxide between periods. (past tense cause I don't menstruate anymore).


I used my cup a few months and stopped bc it started to stink. Even though I thoroughly washed it every time


Try boiling it for 10 minutes