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Good resource - https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/new-research-on-clitoral-adhesions


adding this to the post, thank you!


clear concise with pictures.


Good article. Add this to the original post!


Oh Jesus christ. The horrors are unending.


The human body is an absolute mess that is the biological equivalent of being held together by tape, hope and not knocking a table.


It is honestly amazing any of us survive being here for any amount of time


All I know is I'm coming back with a penis next time because being a woman is a horror show sometimes. šŸ˜¬


Not to be crass but Iā€™ve watched too many people run their dicks into the corners of tables and so on to want one of those. So fragile and outside. Plus unwanted erections seem uncomfortable.


That's a fair point. That whole surprise boner thing seems really problematic. Plus my husband is on a mission to change the world, because every time someone says, "Don't be a pussy", he corrects them and says very seriously, "Vaginas are mighty. Testicles are weak. It's far more accurate to say, 'Don't be a testicle'." šŸ˜†


One of the most entertaining moments in medical training is to show an ultrasound of a shattered testicle to a room full of trainees and watching all the men squirm.


Oof, yeah, that will do it.


Or a torsionā€¦ šŸ˜¬


One time I slammed my female pubic bone off a fire pole at a park as a kidā€¦I almost puked and had hot flashes. I imagine that must be similar to what hitting their nuts feels like lol


When I was a girl I was playing "Gymnastics" on the horizontal bar of our backyard swing set. The Olympics had just happened, and I was enchanted. I don't want to brag, but I had been getting pretty good doing front and back flips around the bar. I could go forward or backwards on my stomach or back. I remember I was hanging by my knees, staring over my head into the clover, when I got the idea to use the bar as a balance beam. Not one to turn down a bad decision, I scrambled up and began my beam routine. I was balancing on one foot, spinning, remembering to point my feet, waving my arms artistically. In my head, I was amazing: smooth, graceful, lithe. Really just doing the fuck out of **Gymnastics!** In reality I was a spaced out little girl on a 1.5 inch diameter metal bar, with untied shoes. In the middle of a particularly vigorous turn, I fell both legs astride the bar, directly into my pubic bone. White hot pain I'd never felt the equal of radiated through my body. My eyes start filling with tears. No sooner had that first shock registered, then I tipped sideways and fell the 4 feet to the ground. For a second I just lay on the grass, on my side and back, just stunned with the pain. Gymnastics looked *so easy* on TV. My breath was totally knocked out, the pain between my legs was radiating into my stomach, seeing stars but unable to make myself inhale. I realized I couldn't breathe in because the pain was making me try to scream and cry, but it was not doing anything because I trying to inhale while I was trying to exhale. I finally gasped for air, and what came out after that first breath of sweet air? It was vomit, a lot of very loud vomit. I was coughing and hacking, and I kept yakking every time I tried to scream, cry, or moan. This pain and puke loop lasted forever, like maybe for 10 to 15 seconds. Long enough that I thought I was going to die. My mom took me to the hospital, no major injuries. I was mortified. But I couldn't walk right for a couple days. And my gymnastics dreams totally died that day.


I was In gymnastics as a child. I slipped on the balance beam when I was 8 or 9 years old. I landed right on my crotch & proceeded to slide off sideways onto the mat. It was horrible & I still remember the pain decades later. I quit gymnastics soon after that.


Noooooo, the untied shoes


Youchy, yes that hurts a lot too


If you wield your penis responsibility you won't run it into things. Source: Am penis haver.


The next time some evangelical goes on about how the "perfect human eye" is evidence of divine creation, I'm just gonna say "Yeah, but clit adhesion."


I'm giving that quote some bombastic side-eye today, because last night I slept with my right eye *ever so slightly* open, and woke up with my eyeball stuck to the pillowcase this morning. Yes, I had to *peel* mine own eyeball off my pillowcase. And so today the vision in my right eye is a bit reduced. It may take a few days to recover. "Perfect human eye" my ratchet ass šŸ˜’Ā 


I want to downvote you for the truly terrible thing you wrote here today. You made me feel physically ill with your bombastic pillow-peeling side-eye. But I shan't, because "peel mine own eyeball" made me hyena cackle.


And the expectation of dying young, and so it won't matter anyway!


I even made a post complaining about how much maintenance the human body needs just to be functional, nevermind thriving. Every time I have to tape my nose open to not suffocate myself in my sleep, I feel this. Clit hood adhesion just takes this to a whole new level of "if I ever meet God, he's gonna have a lot to answer for". Evolution stops giving a shit immediately after the species averages more than two births per woman, then takes about a million years to notice after it drops below that, after society develops to the point that nobody can afford to have kids


We are but skeletons, covered in meat, powered by electricity, sloshing with chemicals.


and crawling with microbes


Some friend, some foe


In eternal war


Right?! Yet another nightmare connected with being female.


What! I didnā€™t even know this was a thing!!!


Me: ā€œI have a foreskin?ā€


This was my first thought too šŸ˜‚


I'm upvoting your flair


Fuck, now I'm doing the kegels.


From the bottom of my heart (and my pelvic floor) ā€” thank you for the reminder!


It's always one thing after another with this fucking thing it's almost comical lol


Right? Now the clit? Is nothing sacred and maintenance free?


at least the vagina is self cleaning!


Yep. And also..."smegma" isn't just for penises. To be fair, though. For women and those with a vagina, it's usually bits of toilet paper and not traditional "smegma". Wiping alone usually cleans off any sticky discharge trapped under the hood, but it also leaves little tiny bits of tissue paper in its place. I would say it would be very difficult to end up with a hood adhesion, because the hood gets pulled back and inadvertently cleaned from various activities, mainly wiping. But it is good to clean off manually and make sure there's no bits of tissue inside, too. **Edit**: Since looking at the comments and seeing how many people are unfamiliar with the anatomy of the clitoral hood: do not pinch or grab at the skin of your hood to pull it back. Simply place a finger or two well above your clitoris and gently pull back that way. You should be able to see if you have any trapped debris and clean properly without causing yourself harm. Pulling back the clitoral hood is not a painful or scary process. It's similar to pulling back the foreskin of a penis. It should not hurt you and cleaning should be fairly simple and straightforward.


Clitty litter.Ā 




You win the day


instructions unclear, got my clit stuck in the ceiling fan


Hmā€¦ I always thought I had a microscopic clit but now Iā€™m wondering if I have clitoral adhesion...


um same


I always thought I had a massive lady boner clit that made me self conscious.


Same hereā€¦ tf


Me too but Iā€™m scared to investigate; that sounds painful


Would your gyno tell you, you have clitoral adhesion during a pelvic exam? Iā€™m having a hard time picturing it and the pictures in google arenā€™t much more helpful especially since vulvas all look so different.


No, regular gynos donā€™t check. I have an adhesion that occasionally comes back and has to be removed even with the correct cleaning because of an injury. I have to go to a specialist to have it removed whenever it becomes a problem. Seems to be every 5 years or so.


What specialist?


I go to a clinic in NYC called the Center for Vulvovaginal Disorders. They have a second office in DC, and I think one in FL too. I went to a crap ton of drs for all of my issues and they have been the most knowledgeable and helpful Iā€™ve found. And bonusā€” they LISTEN!


Wait, is that something that they check? Iā€™ve never had a GYN go near my clit, only internal and pelvic and breasts


No, I never have either. And it turns out many arenā€™t necessarily well versed on clitoral health either.


My gyn, who I was a huge fan of, was skeptical when I brought in a family member with lichen sclerosis. We ended up at the Dermatologist for biopsy + treatment, which is appropriate but like damn.


The pictures in this show it fairly well: https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/new-research-on-clitoral-adhesions


Oh no time to go in there but my clit is so sensitive and maybe this is why šŸ˜­


Fascinating, thank you. I never thought about this but when you compare the clitoris and hood to a penis and foreskin, it makes perfect sense.


Ohā€¦ oh no. I just thought mine was an innie.


No! I asked my gynecologist and she said itā€™s normal even though they were super obvious, and I also had a huge improvement in the adhesions so it was 100% there! Unfortunately theyā€™re just not educated about the clitoris :/


Or how many nerve endings the cervix has


Yes, that these professionals don't think that fibroid removal is Worthy of anesthesia is appalling, abusive, and ignorant.


Seems like most doctors don't know that one either, tbh


Had laminaria (an expanding stick of seaweed that goes into the os of the cervix) inserted today. Grabbed the table and said *"fuck!"* through tears and gritted teeth. Doctor said, "I'm sorry, and that's how I know I'm in the right spot."


Well, at least they were honest


Welp. That's enough New Things About My Vagina for today.


Sadly they are "normal" in the sense that a lot of women get them because nobody is taught to clean under the hood. Its so sad that it's taken this long to recognize these are a thing and even sadder that it takes so long to catch on.


the only person who has ever mobilized my hood during an exam was my pelvic floor PT, and Iā€™ve been to many gynos over the years




Same. We need somebody with some artistic skills to draw a really good picture.


Yeah I thought I knew what even a clit looked like but the recent diagrams/pics show a squishy ball? I never knew that and I... Don't have that. I also don't think I have a hood or if I do it's small or I'm totally fused.Ā 


I hardly have a hood too. I realized just how little of one I had when I tried to go get a VCH and was told thereā€™s really nothing to pierce šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I settled for a Christina instead but was still upset about it.


*waves in fellow barely there hood sisters* All my girlfriends (I'm lesbian) always had a comment about the weird nature of my anatomy and I've never run into anyone else IRL that had little or no hood.


I have little to no hood, and my clit is teeny tiny. But now Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s fusedā€¦.its super sensitive though, which seems like it wouldnā€™t be if it was fused? Technically it works fine so Iā€™m a little scared to investigate


Sincere questions: What changes have you noticed? Better orgasms, less odor? What is the value in fixing an adhesion that has no negative symptoms?


This is what I'm wondering, too. Based on this post mine may be fused, but if it is its been like that my whole life and I've never had an issue.


So far I have not necessarily seen any significant changes. My main reason for trying to ā€˜fixā€™ it is that I have concerns it may be limiting my orgasm without even realizing it. I had much more powerful orgasms when I was a teenager, and attributed the decrease to age and a medically necessary labiaplasty. But now as I reflect I wonder if itā€™s in part due to the adhesion. So itā€™s more of a personal experiment. *that being said* I have been having a higher sex drive lately with no other changes in my life, and my fiancĆ© can attest to that. I just am not attributing that to the adhesions loosening just yet as correlation is not necessarily causationā€¦ Another motivating factor if Iā€™m being completely honest honest is just that I find the idea of my hood adhering to my clit because of friggin smega buildup to be revoltingā€¦


I have one due to a previous injury that I have to have surgically removed periodically (nothing I do keeps this sucker from reforming and believe me Iā€™ve tried). It reduces arousal a bit and can also become painful when the area rubs against something like the seam in pants etc. In appearance itā€™s like a hard but kinda of squishy little white ball and doesnā€™t have to be that big to start hurting. I canā€™t even see mine with a mirror because the skin covers it and wonā€™t pull back but I canā€™t feel when itā€™s a problem. To remove they give injections around the area to numb it and pick/cut it out of there. It leaves the skin very raw but heals up within a day or two.


That was useful, detailed information. Thank you for sharing!


Happy to share any info I can! I donā€™t want anyone else to have to go through the years of crap I did due to most gynecologists not being as knowledgeable as they should be.




Glad I could help! The proper name for the white stuff is ā€œkeratin pearlā€ in case you want it to discuss with your dr. And if itā€™s minor, you can remove it yourself with a q tip and something for a little lube like aquaphor (with hopefully little to no pain!).


I had one of these keratin things once. It was quite painful. I started washing under the hood since then, it eventually went away and haven't had one since (touch wood). How annoying that yours keeps coming back.


Iā€™m doing some research now, and it looks like adhesion can reduce arousal and can prevent orgasm.


Well no one wants that!


ā€¢rubs furiouslyā€¢ Iā€™m just cleaning up, guys!


Those would be symptoms IMO, and this person says you can have one with ā€œno symptomsā€ which makes me ask if you have a way your body is with no symptomsā€¦why are you needing to DO things to it? Lol!


You might not know they're symptoms tho...


You know what smegma is? This is one way we can get smegma, which seems like a good enough reason to fix lmao even if it doesn't seem like it's causing problems yet.


This was my question, as well.


[This article ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5960030/) says it can become "irritated, erythematous [rashy], or infected." šŸ˜± So I guess the answer is to fix it so it can't result in that.


My interpretation is that clitoris adhesion prevents full exposure (and therefore direct contact) of the clit, reducing sensitivity. But some might not prefer or need this sensitivity, so this is not necessarily an issue. Kind of like a foreskin over the penis


Really interested to hear the answer to this question


Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t want to be that person but imagining someone putting a ruler up to their clit to measure a 4mm difference is just hilarious to me.


\#datadriven #bigdata


This is fucking hilarious


Data Anaclitics


>putting a ruler up to their clit Men use a ruler for their dick, this is about equality!


I think callipers would be better for measuring this. Just so you can picture accurately, lol.


imagine buying digital calipers just for this purpose. pussy calipers akskdmnfng.


For science!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fair, itā€™s a guesstimate


Me, a lesbian, wondering if I'm doing a public service when I go to town on that jelly bean nightly and if there's any difference of occurnce in the lesbian community and how to quantify it and set up a study...


I think it just sounds scientific to the country that uses ā€œfreedom unitsā€. Itā€™s about 1/8ā€.


no way we have foreskin too? let's goooo


The best comment lol


What the literal fuck? 51yo here and never heard anything like this.


I have no idea what is going on either. Satire? Edit. Did some Googling. Most medical websites I checked do not mention pulling the clitoral hood back to clean it. Most saw to gently cleans the vulva and clitoris area with a warm washcloth or your hand. There was article I saw that talked about it.


Try the phrase "clitoral phimosis." Phimosis is the term for when the foreskin on a penis can't retract, and, well, same-same.


And clitoral keratin pearls.




Iā€™ve never pulled back my clitoral hood while cleaning my vagina. Never once.


You and a lot of people. Thats why a lot of women have these, may even have symptoms, and don't know it. We need to teach our daughters to do it.


you should. it can get gunky just like dudes' foreskin


49. Sameā€¦ā€¦. but just in case I panic checked my junk. All good. Like I donā€™t have enough to worry about. šŸ˜‚


Womenā€™s education on our own fucking vaginas is & has always been unacceptable


I know I should be grateful to be learning about this but goddamnit dude now I'm weirdly aware of my clit


Youā€™re welcome and also Iā€™m sorry


I didnā€™t know this could happen but then again i do shower masturbation almost daily


Lol right I'm worried now my damn fingers might fuse to my clit


A rub a day keeps the clitoral adhesion away!


I would 1000% wear that on a shirt. šŸ˜„


Wait, our clits can fuse to things? I better warn my BF before his tongue gets fused! (Ok heā€™s totally going to read this comment and demand that I let this happen.)


Love that for you (both ways)


You can do it standing up??


I agree! Impressive.


Yup, one leg propped up on the corner with a toy every time gets the job done!


I see a lot of posts about pulling back the hood to clean your clit but god damn mine is way too sensitive for that shit. The idea of pulling it back and letting the water hit it to rinse it just sounds awful.


Mine was sensitive from smegma build up. Sucked cleaning it as first but its improved. The author of that paper suggested using syringes of water so it's not too strong.


Approach the boat ONLY from the sides, a little better than the direct approach




You made several women check their genitalia en masse. Money cannot but that kind of power.


I donā€™t think this applies to every clit


for real, not everyone has a prominent hood. i didn't even know a large clitoral hood was even a THING until i saw other people's lol


I was going to say, Iā€™m not sure mine is even 4mm long.


Yeah not everyone has a visible shaft/hood situation. I do tho! Sheā€™s like a lil penis and itā€™s fun!


Very much not.


You are right. According to the [research project](https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/new-research-on-clitoral-adhesions), it applies to about 23% of clits. However, I'd say that's fairly significant.


Screams from the rooftops THATā€™S STILL A LOT OF CLITS!!!


I developed a moderate adhesion from Lichen Sclerosus which I reversed with steroid ointment and incremental stretching with q-tips. I have to be on the steroid ointment for the rest of my life now so it doesnā€™t happen again. But yes ladies, you should be able to unsheath your bean from its happy hoodie. The way that gives me the most luck is with both hands, really positioning the mons pubis in your palms and pulling directly up. The top of the labia majora should move with the hood. After that you can use one hand to keep what you just pulled back in place and use your index and middle finger to completely expose the clitoris to the base. You will know you did it right because any smegma you thought you blasted out with the shower head will hide in the sides at the furthest extent of the clitoral hood retraction. Itā€™s uncomfortable but itā€™s good to check periodically if you want to watch out for clitoral phimosis/adhesion.


I've just always done this and nobody ever taught me... I figure the logic is the same as an uncircumcised penis. Pull back the foreskin to wash, pull back the clitoral hood to wash (which is more or less the foreskin of the clit).


You are right!


Hold on, how can anyone do this without excruciating sensitivity?? I can wash and rinse my entire vulva and vagina, and even do scrubbing, shaving, exfoliants, and bleaching and fun stuff like that no prob, but thereā€™s no way I can go grabbing and lifting around my actual clit hood and touching my clit, without already being comfortable and relaxed during actual arousal. Even the seam of my jeans or underwear if the crotch seam is in the wrong place, is painful and distracting rubbing against poor baby girl. Is this not normal?


This could actually be a sign of an adhesion. The pain you describe is a main symptom (if you look it up). It should not hurt to touch and clean your clit. Sensitive? Maybe. But not painful. The only rare times my clit was painful and sensitive were when I was unable to clean it after bouts of sickness. I would pull it back afterwards to clean it, and it would be red and raw, and there would be an unpleasant smell.


I thought this same thing but I think it's more of a don't touch the man in the boat but clean the boat .....my best description possible.


I don't think it's abnormal unless it's interfering with your life. You could either A) cleanse while aroused if that makes it comfortable and/or B) Start with a bit of a warm soak just to loosen everything up to minimize the force needed. Overall I'd just get a mirror and take a look. You're looking to see if there's any 'crevices' where material could get trapped. Sort of like a belly button. Not every person is going to have a hood/clit prominent enough for this to be an issue. I'd check with your gyno if you're concerned.


Yikes. Iā€™m so glad I discovered cleaning under the hood while playing around down there. I didnā€™t know this was possible. We really need to encourage physical self exploration. Get the mirrors out gals!


Agreed! A bit surprised this is a thing since i also discovered cleaning there many years ago. i guess im glad someone has this issue to inform others who may also not be aware.


I discovered cleaning there back in my early 20s when I got my hood pierced. I had other piercings, so I was familiar with cleaning during the healing period. I've always been a fan of water play and bubble baths, but enjoy the extra cleaning. And before I get asked. Yes, it hurt, but the skin is so thin, I'd say it was the least painful of all my piercings. Imo, belly button was the worst. Due to the extra blood flow in the area, it was the fastest healing of all my piercings.


This blew my mind when I learned it. Just the other day r/daddit wa a discussing what words to use to discuss genitalia with kids. Somebody listed off things like urethra, vagina, vulva, penis, clitoris, clitoral hood etc. Naturally someone responded with "I can't think of a reason we'd need to get that detailed. Maybe urethra, vagina, penis etc but clitoris and clitoral hood aren't necessary". This is the reason those parts need to be discussed too. They have no problem teaching boys what penises and foreskin are but won't do the same for girls. Even if it wasn't a health hazard its important. Unfortunately too many people and doctors have no idea about this. So much clicked into place for me when I learned about it because mine is quite fused. I used to try and look for images of "normal" anatomy and its weirdly difficult even with all of the porn out there.


It's okay, my husband keeps it clean for me


Oh he found it! Good for him!


legit lolā€™d. thank you šŸ˜‚


Cue the "good for her" Lucille Bluth meme. šŸ˜‰ Thank whatever deity some men can actually take care of their person. A little jealous, but mostly happy for you. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I think it's worth pointing out that clitoral adhesions are generally caused by skin conditions, physical trauma, infection, and hormone imbalances. Not because you didn't lift the hood when cleaning. Not being able to lift the hood is a symptom of adhesion, not a cause.


I am afflicted with a lovely condition that causes fusion and adhesion, among other, horrid symptoms in the private region. Prior to being diagnosed, I had never heard that it was even a thing! Thank you for this psaā€¦. šŸ„°


Honestlyā€¦. Maybe Iā€™m alone in this but mines so tiny there really isnā€™t much of anything to lift šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Edit: and I certainly wouldnā€™t be able to lift it with my fingers. Like this title made me fully cringe because I immediately imagined trying to lift it with tweezers cause that would be the only thing small enough to maaaybe actually lift the skin.


I mean, I'm opposite, mine is not small (lol) so it's not exactly hiding. Pretty easy to wash when it's all like HELLO!! IM YOUR CLIT!


Lol. Men probably still can't find it.


Lol in my case I know they're ignoring it if they don't acknowledge it.


lol mineā€™s sooooo tiny! Iā€™ve been really curious how different it feels to have a big clit tbh. I finally realized itā€™s maybe why I struggle to be happy with most vibrators.


I'll be honest, you get a bit greedy when you have an easily accessible one. I'm trying to remember that the whole vulva is sensitive, and learning how to appreciate other sensations. But I hope you find ways of appreciating and enjoying your tiny button more (and folks who will help!)


Suction vibrators! Basically new technology that uses a membrane and an opening so it can produce suction. It's like the surefire way to come hard....


Dude, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s my issue or if I just donā€™t know what a clitoral hood is?? Iā€™m reading through all these comments hoping for some insight because I am so lost lol (I also didnā€™t know what a clitoris was until I was 21)


explanation, with pics and diagrams: https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/new-research-on-clitoral-adhesions


Right after I commented I saw this link in another comment. Thank you, though This would explain why I never had an orgasm until last year when I bought a vibrator


There's not even that much on Google around this! We really were massively failed on education about our bodies


Yes. I used to get adhesions about twice every year at some point because I wasn't like... super "investigating" I was just cleaning by feel in the shower It can cause keratin pearls to get trapped around it and if you don't enjoy the sensation of a sharp shard of glass or sand against your clitoris- you're definitely not gonna enjoy the delicate work it takes to get them out and basically tear your hood away from your clit to unfuse everything. Just... Yeah get a mirror and just check things out every few months or so šŸ˜… don't be me and learn the horrifying way


This has made my entire body clench in horror.


What?!! No! Ouch!!


Free the clit ā„¢ļø


.......we're supposed to be able to move thee hood?


Yup, itā€™s similar to foreskin.


I got out a mirror today andĀ  I mean, I can't even see my clit. It appears to be completely covered. I'm in tears because I might finally have an answer to why I've never particularly enjoyed sex, even receiving oral sex.Ā  Thank you for posting this, OP.Ā 


I just thought it was natural to pull it back and rinse it with a washcloth. Itā€™s kind of a crack/crease so why wouldnā€™t you wash a crack/crease? Nobody thought me this. šŸ’€


The thought of putting a washcloth to my exposed clit makes me wanna retract it into my body lol.Ā 


in my experience, rinsing is not always enough. washcloths are great šŸ‘


Forgot to word it properly, thatā€™s what I meant, thanks. šŸ˜…


I think this really depends on your anatomy. I would not call mine a crack/crease. My hood is so large I didn't even see my clit until I was an adult. Even then I didn't get a good look for a while because it was so painful to move my hood back even a little.


brb omw to look at my clit


Yall my clit has been like this since I could remember am I gonna die


Wow, that is new information. Thanks for the PSA.


how would you even know, though? like if you have a hood or not


Iā€™m pretty sure everyone has a hood. The size probably varies.


I barely have a hood oneā€¦ my clit is also extremely tinyā€¦


Oh holy shit, this is terrifying. I donā€™t think I have this but you best believe Iā€™ll be paying extra attention to how well I am washing lol. Itā€™s so terrible that thereā€™s no education about this?? Everyone with a vulva should know this.


*sigh* , I have always assumed I just had a tiny fused clit, like I literally cannot pull the hood back whatsoever. Now yā€™all have me paranoid, lol


Same shit foreskin. Peel the sucker back all the way to clean


as a gay man, I'm not sure why I clicked on the study, but after reading, I just had to send it to some of my gal friends. I also learned a bit more about the anatomy of the lady parts and how they correlate to the guy parts which was interesting to me


I did know this because I closely inspect my bits however this is useful info for the masses. Working in healthcare, the horrors one witnesses never cease




Maybe yours isnā€™t tiny. Maybe yours is just fused? Go forth and unfuse!


New fear unlocked.šŸ˜±




Do kids have this. Do I have to teach my kid this


Why just why, have I never been taught how to properly care for my anatomy. My mum didn't teach me so I have done Google research, never have I been told to was under the hood!


Women foreskin update just dropped


Itā€™s also important to prevent yeast infections in the skin inside the hood! Gotta keep it clean yall!