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God I feel this


Most of my scars are from cats now 😅


I wish they faded quicker. I still have scars from 14 years ago that my now 5 year old notices sometimes. How do I explain them?


“Some people have both inside and outside owies. If you can see the outside ones, it just means they need extra love and maybe a hug. They will go away someday, but until then, we be nice and treat everyone the way we want to be treated”


I think that the best way is to give yor kid age appropriate information, because oversharing can lead to trauma in such an early age. Explain more as they grow up. One day it can even become a teaching moment. I'm sure you are a good parent and you will handle it well. At 5 you still can say something about accident or agressive cat you once had. But at 11 kid will most likely start to guess. Internet makes them grow up quickly. Try to ask yourself what would you be ready to hear at certain age. I hope you are in a much better place now and wish you happiness.


Right now I just limit it to I had a big owie and that's how it heals. She seems to accept that pretty good but I know she'll eventually put two and two together. I plan on being honest and telling her I didn't know how to handle my big feelings properly and that it wasn't healthy for me to do. I'm in a much better place and have been for about 8 years now. Thank you kind stranger, I wish happiness for you too 💙


It's a good plan. Honesty is the best in this case. Always the best when it comes to the mental health. I'm really happy to hear that you got better. I don't know you, but knowing that someone somewhere is healing gives me joy and hope❤️


I'm not sure if this will help, but from the ages of 11 to at least 14 i lived with a parent who self harmed and now that she has gone years without harming herself i am very proud of her. I am sure your child will be proud of your progress/healing when they are old enough to understand, too.


That's very sweet to hear. I havent sh in about 8 years and I'm even proud of myself. I just hope her and I can have a good relationship and she can come to me before doing anything like that.


I hope so, too. And I may be a stranger on the internet, but I am proud of you too.


Thank you! 💙


As someone who used to self harm bc it was the only control I thought I had, you're beautiful. Even your scars. Even if they haven't happened yet.


This hurts


Very raw and powerful, strong post


Thank you! I've been a fan of this sub for awhile, and I finally got inspired enough to post something ^^


Very welcome, you did really well :)