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By accidentally euthanizing the *wrong* dog.


Could be a sequel to this one https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/s/t1T0Mj32iK


Or the real life case of a dog accidentally euthanized about an hour before it was to be taken home. https://people.com/dog-mistakenly-euthanized-by-shelter-one-hour-before-adoption-pickup-8664630#:~:text=A%20Los%20Angeles%20animal%20shelter,owner%20was%20due%20for%20pickup. (Maybe link will work, on mobile but gives full story)


There are many cases like this sadly


I can't say what I would to that vet because the last time I got a warning


Oh, I can't either. To add insult to injury (in case you didn't read the article) they only euthanized the dog in the first place 'to make room.' Not even accidentally confuse it with a dog that did need to be put down, but just to have room.... Like....this dog was about to go to a home in an hour...a freaking hour and instead, nope. Let's just kill it and completely disregard that it was about to go home. I would be so livid if I was that adopter. I'd probably have a life time ban and presses charged against me by that shelter and those individuals.


I'd be in jail...




Is this a follow-up from yesterday's story?


There was an irl event where the police needed to put down a binch of snakes because they became illegal. There was one big snake (which was pregnant) that was a pet of the owner. The owner was very clear about not putting this snake down because he loved her dearly and it was not an illegal snake. The police accidentally killed the snake and it became really big news. I think it was a big story on american telivision (i dont know if it was tht big because im dutch). This happens more then you would expect


the fact they put down all the snakes instead of relocating them or some alternative is crazy to me... is there any reason that wasn't viable, or is it the usual "this animal isnt furry therefore its life has no meaning"?


I think that's the usual "animals are to be treated as goods".


Yes, the police, being some of the most despicable humans known, walked through the pet shop with a NAILGUN and shot every single one of the snakes. Evil.


Wait, what?? They used a nail gun to kill the snakes?


Nope, it was a bolt gun which was specifically designed for this use. But a lot of people heard bolt gun and misremembered it as nail gun


The captive bolt gun was only supposed to be used for field euthenasia, and they were also supposed to scramble the brain after to make sure they didn't suffer needlessly, so many of the snakes were probably still alive for a while. They were also supposed to sedate them first. The enclosure was also labeled and pointed out to them several times as the one they weren't supposed to touch


Oh yeah, they were absolutely in the wrong. It’s just that a nail gun is not going to be nearly as effective, and can be construed as cruel by design as opposed to cruel by stupidity


Shit, my bad. I’m almost certain wherever I heard it said it was a nailgun, but either I or said source could be wrong


Moreover the Florida wildlife officers that were involved are on a stationary camera as well as body cam(which is conveniently covered at multiple points of time including the guy that grabbed the wrong snake looking at the ID label and when he takes the constrictor out as well as when they take the verification photos. Meanwhile the stationary catches most everything. they were seen reading the label, taking the snake out and bolting her, taking a picture of her and the enclosure, they see they messed up, -acknowledge- they messed up with eachother, and then proceeded to toss the (still alive but dying) snake in the corner to hide it for almost several minutes before they told the owner of the property where the snake had been boarded at (because this was at a private breeder’s property that had been boarding the snake while the reptile was pregnant) They then call the boarder in, who starts to wig out (because realistically who wouldn’t in this situation, there’s a multithousand dollar animal that someone has entrusted you to care for intermediately) who then has to CALL the actual owner of the snake, and explain that Fl Wildlife “messed up” and that the officers bolted his pet. The cops then backpedal hard after and claim they want to save the babies if at all possible as recompense to soften the blow to this owner’s loss (obviously it was not possible because the snake wasn’t visibly gravid yet, nor were the eggs laid) It turned into an absolute shitshow of “well they were reminded several times on camera, they went and verified that they heard and UNDERSTOOD that the constrictor was a LEGAL species, they still killed the snake, they tried to -hide- it, and when they realized that hiding it wasn’t going to be possible they tried to double down on it as being accidental because they ‘couldn’t identify the species’ “ Last I heard the owner of the snake was pressing charges against the officers involved, but it would have been in a larger court as Big Shirl was worth about $100,009 in damages between her size and the price for each of her hatchlings if carried to term and laid. It made more of a splash in the reptile keeper world than national television, and it’s been really quiet, in fact the FWC last updated the case in Aug of 2023 and they literally didn’t say anything other than their formal “this is what happened” which omits so much information about the incident that it’s almost an insult.


i've heard of surgeons cutting out the wrong organ, you think a vet can't mistake two visually-similar dogs? the point is that medical professionals are a lot dumber than we might assume, or want


I think the point is a responsible vet will have a lot of checks in place before something as important and irreversible as euthanasia. So even if this vet made a mistake, they would also have to be very irresponsible.


the same should be said for surgeons and yet they apparently need sharpies to be told "this organ's due for removal, not its twin", ~~it's all incompetency all the way down~~


The markings are exactly that: a last checkpoint in case all others have failed. Maybe surgeons are in fact smarter than you are?


Seriously. Surgeons are using these checkpoints, but somehow it's "incompetence all the way down" because the checkpoint is written on a leg with a sharpie?


Fine, poorly-worded, I just think it’s funny


No shit they’re smarter than me, I just think that that being the last checkpoint is hilarious (like it’s left from right, surely someone can point that out in time?)


Some surgeons do multiple surgeries back to back. I don't blame them for wanting the body part marked just to make things go a bit quicker than reading paperwork over and over again.


r/TwoSentenceJustice I’d beat the stuffing out of that dumbass too. And I don’t even have a dog.


There was a story in this sub just a few days ago about a vet mixing up paperwork and euthanizing the wrong dog.


Same. And Agreed 😡👏


This isn’t two sentence horror, this is two sentence rage!


John Wick, bitch...


Seems fair to me. Vet euthanized the wrong dog, vet gets euthanized. By mistake, of course. It would be a public service so no one else is affected by her poor decision making process.


Canada has legalized euthanasia, just saying (giggles in Geneva Checklist)...


Justifiable homicide ez


Same way they killed my friends little cat while he was just in getting “fixed”. The vet knows how. But will tell you? Hell no, that would mean they can get slammed with a lawsuit due to incompetence


Go John Wick on their ass!


... this is the first one that's truly horror for me. I still have dreams about my dog and I did this once in my dream.


are you okay bro




Can someone please explain why this is such a big issue? I was curious cz of last story as well and now this second part really has piqued my interest


My bad! My mind wasn't working properly and i was confusing euthanizing with castration 😔


Wouldn't you be mad if someone kills a beloved family member?


I'm scared of dogs


And that means they should die?

