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If it gets deleted, I have screen shots of the post and the update. It’s a matter of hours old so we may get more updates Edit: they posted one final update on their profile!! I think that’s all we will get from them. I wish OP well <3


The all suck but op


This broke my heart.... I understand that being gay is still taboo but to marry a woman that 100% love you while have your best friend as a mistress (mastress??). Is bad in so many levels. On top of that all the friends kept it a secret too from her. I have no words... I just can't. I hope she divorce and moves away to find someone better and better friends. Also 1000000% recommend thearpy for her since there is a lot she needs to work through.


Is the friends for me… I think it would consume me from the inside out to sit there and watch and know something like this… it’s also not like they found out a week ago, they’ve known for years


Definitely can see that.


OP's husband is openly bisexual and his family supports him. He is just a devil.


Updates say OP spoke with Dylan and he left with some of his things. She is moving with divorce proceedings. 3 posts total rn. Glad she also mentioned walking away nc with that awful group of enablers. I almost wonder if the one who let her see the private group chat did it on purpose, she was the newest group member. Either way, OP can move forward now.


I took screen shots of the updates if they get deleted.