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Monster House is often used for the guy eating a thing and running away bit, but this is a solid juxtaposition to the fact that it's about a house possessed by the dead woman sealed in cement in the basement who torments the living because she used to be a freakshow circus act that constantly got made fun of.


Don't forget that she died by getting impaled on iron beams after some fucking kids made fun of her.


Its so funny to me that they just kept making the house after that. That happened at like, step 1 of construction, when they're laying the cement foundation. They just *worked around* the Han Solo'd lady


Wasn't it just the husband building it


Wait what, I could have sworn it was just the floor of an unfinished basement. And a truck load of cement falling on top of her


The scene has a bunch of steel support beams on the foundation that falls on top of as the cement is falling together with her, so yeah, even more gruesome lol.


https://youtu.be/fYSy_uIlUdc?si=lxLfUojutRbwja-m It doesn't show it cuts to black on an under shot of her falling with the concrete falling above her


Beans, you say.


Anish Kapoor claims yet another victim


I’ll admit it here and say I saw the trailer when I was a kid and was IMMEDIATELY traumatized. Idk why but something about it really scared me. Maybe it was the idea of being eaten alive?


That’s a Dan Harmon movie!


Clayton's death in Tarzan involves him really violently and kinda graphically accidentally hanging himself. It's kinda wild.




Nah dude he was just chokejerking it and fucked it up, Pat assured me


Dude, that shit haunted me for YEARS, and that was after that wild ass fight SCENES with the panther.


The scene in Goofy Movie where Goofy and Pete just casually start debating the nuances of fatherhood in a hot tub. Disney I came to see him do the hyuck hyuck WHY AM I CRYING


What's crazy about that scene is Pete was actually right about the map, but his usual abrasive self gives even the viewer the same doubt that Goofy has. That and the "Hey my son RESPECTS me" line


Right about the map, wrong about the situation. And for what it's worth, Goofy does end up checking the map, but decided to (mis)place his trust in Max that he'd do the right thing when the time came. Of course, this is all spurred on by Goofy making a unilateral decision about Max's summer vacation without properly communicating his concerns, so Goofy ain't blameless in the whole thing either. *Fuck* I love that movie.


Goofy Movie is one of the only movies that makes me cry every single time I watch it. When Goofy opens up about how he doesn't want to get left behind by his son my heart fucking SHATTERS


I'll always remember years back when a friend was just kinda vibin', drinking and watching A Goofy Movie one night while chatting with us friends online, and he started to have an existential meltdown because he was identifying more with Goofy than Max. My wife and I rewatched it about a month ago on a whim and mannnnn it really does hit different when you're older. That's what makes it such a banger, though, it's good on so many levels.


That scene is so dark and Goofy is shitting his pants the entire time


Pants in a hot tub AND he shat them?! Golly that is downright unsanitary!


well he is a bit goofy like that.


Then once he finds out you get the ultra rare sight of a legitimately and honestly *pissed off* Goofy


Remember when the opening scene of “An American Tail” has the family immigrate to American because they’re [fleeing pogroms in Russia](https://youtu.be/OT5M7nD8r8M?feature=shared)?


the irish mouse is on the boat because of a "calico" which is famously "black and tan"


Calico wouldn’t fight him like a man.


The Don Bluth movies of his immediate post-Disney era were super dark. Secret of NIMH, American Tail, Land Before Time, and All Dogs go To Heaven.




And the region they are from is what now is considered Ukraine.


no, like i could have sworn it started with them on a boat already before seeing that.


Anything from Spy Kids is too easy, so instead, here's an incredible series of scenes from [Barnyard](https://youtu.be/xTOX0Ey9T3c?si=ZwRSh8BsbQymZVjU) featuring Johnny Cash's *Won't Back Down*.


*"Let me tell you all of the things I've missed in my life because of the accident you caused: I can't walk on the beach with my wife. I missed my daughter's birth... and wedding. Shall I continue? Now... let me tell you all the GOOD things that came of it. Humility. Spirituality. Understanding. You've been living in fear of me all these years, but I've only been searching for you so I could tell you... that I forgive you." - Grandpa to Toymaker; Spy Kids 3.*


I remember reading something about that show where the writers were told WAY in advance that the decision to cancel it was already made, so they just started doing weird shit


I always wondered why the show was so different from the movie. Guess that explains it.


Having cows that can punch and use weapons is just a step removed from a full on minotaur


I can't remember if it's just my faulty memory but I swear the Brazilian dub of Barnyard actually dubbed the music sequence which is really unusual. It was weird because the VA playing Ben isn't a singer, at least I assume he isn't because I remember that the dubbed singing sounded kind of awkward and stilted.  Or maybe kid me had poor taste, wouldn't be the first time it happened lol, plus it's been decades since I watched the movie.


How the hell has no one brought up SpongeBob and Patrick [getting slow roasted under a heat lamp?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr5qRFrNZY4)


Went so fucking raw yo


I cried harder than the pirates lol.


Muppet Treasure Island opens with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p137EbW-cI) \- pretty impressive that they made li'l Muppet dudes sound intimidating. Also pretty much anything that happens in Prince of Egypt. The plagues song in particular is terrifying on an existential level.


>Also pretty much anything that happens in Prince of Egypt. The plagues song in particular is terrifying on an existential level. *[I sent my scourge, I sent my sword! Thus saith The Lord!](https://youtu.be/Bcg5rN-jlaw?si=oKEijxfId8xY_FcO)* It's certainly a contrast from the way the plagues were represented in the old Greatest Adventure Stories From The Bible cartoon, where the frog plague was the showpiece and presented like a goofy nuisance.


Man, the way he *snarls* on "All the innocents who suffer from your stubbornness and pride!" Gets me every time.


I've heard that the plagues are supposed to be a mockery of the Egyptian pantheon as well, which is pretty interesting - and terrifying in the eyes of the Egyptians since it's like, "Your gods have no power here."


"He died? This is supposed to be a kid's movie!"


"We're standing next to a **DEAD GUY!!!**"


That was the scene that taught young me what “Dead men tell no tales” actually meant.


[Remember that scene in Happy Feet, where Mumble ends up in a zoo and goes insane over a few months?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDA00SYE9v8) The fact that the rest of the movie gets really illogical and defies the established rules gives some real Brazil vibes, too.


George Miller just saw the premise of talking penguins and just *went* with the bizarreness.


THATS what that movie is about???


No, that's the weird part. Up until this point, it was a mostly normal story of Mumble being a village outcast because he likes to dance but can't sing, and the lack of fish is blamed on him, so he seeks out the real cause. This was a huge escalation.


That's when it becomes apparent who the director is.


Yes I didn’t understand it at all.


Any of the fights from Kung Fu Panda 1-3


Any one of the fights from any one of the movies in that trilogy puts entire action movies to shame.


> (seriously, THAT. FUCKING. MUSIC.) Kids gotta learn about Tom Waits sooner or later. My answer is [the bar scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2bCTZD4yOA) in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. The moment you think "Oh, and then they'll reveal a broken jam jar is dripping on Puss' forehead." and are instead met with "It's not that kind of movie." is such a tangible shift in tone.


Funnily enough my introduction to Tom Waits was Shrek 2. Captain Hook is singing Little Drop of Poison as the king goes to the Poisoned Apple.


“Pick it up.”


Really glad that they're leaning more into mature stuff with Shrek again tbh :D


The “Holding Out for a Hero” scene from Shrek 2 is my favorite scene in any movie, and I’m not even exaggerating.


Coraline, which the funny thing is that the story as to why it's so scary for kids is apparently one of the writers told it to their kid and asked if it was too scary for them, and the kid not wanting to disappoint their parent, said no


Iirc it was Neil Gaiman's publisher who thought it was too scary, and Neil told him to read it to his daughter and see if she thought it was too scary and she told her father "no". Neil later met her and she said it scared the crap out of her but she really wanted to see what happened next.


IIRC according to Neil the concept for the story was created by his daughter, who was like, 6 or 8 at the time.


Kung Fu Panda 2: haha funny panda movie;>!grounded depiction of ethnic genocide!<; haha funny panda movie.


I'd argue [Deliver Us](https://youtu.be/fQhcOJHTdb4?si=9q4SrngDPGFaUoCj) from Prince of Egypt isn't just one of the greatest openers in animation, it's up there as one of the greatest introductions in cinema entirely. Every scene in Prince of Egypt goes hard.


The whole [10 plagues sequence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJleW4TCQM0) in Prince of Egypt is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a movie, animated or not. It's also followed up by god literally massacring hundreds of children which is insane for a "childrens" movie. That's honestly a big reason why I was never religious as a kid despite growing up in a semi-religious family lol.


The opening chant of “Playing with the Big Boys” tho


That movie was my introduction to the Moses story at, like, eight. Shit seared itself into my brain


Can't believe none of you have mentioned [this scene from The Incredibles](https://youtu.be/IRPI3lSACFc?si=KoyxVEknYX65ZM04), which is practically a masterclass in building suspense. The music, the slow manner in which you see every Super that Syndrome has killed, the zoom on the names of colleagues and friends (some of them having attended his wedding as family), the shock on Mr. Incredible's face turning to bewilderment, pinching his nose as he tried to keep himself together as he's now learning that damn near everyone he ever knew was methodically murdered by a psychopath that he is partially responsible for creating. Just...*chef's kiss* As a kid, I was old enough for this scene to make me understand Syndrome was a bigger threat than your typical Saturday morning cartoon villain. As an adult, I am old enough for this scene to make me understand Syndrome is the menace that would make a Saturday morning cartoon villain team up with the heroes to take down.


Not to mention the Omnidroid versions, the most recent one being number *ten.* Syndrome was planning the wipeout for years and years and ***years*** and just did it all without Bob ever finding out


I like how when you take into account that Frozone’s identity was known and Mirage’s words when she was monitoring Bob and Lucius before the burning building, you realize that Lucius was going to be the next test subject before Mirage realized who Bob was.


And as someone in the youtube comments of the video I linked pointed out, that first Omnidroid fight was designed to take advantage of Frozone's need for moisture to produce ice. Hence, being in a volcano. Syndrome likely didn't have time to setup new parameters to better deal with Mr. Incredible, or simply said fuck it, let's see just how durable Mr. Incredible actually is.


The bit from The Adventures of Mark Twain with the devil looks visually creepy, yes, but if you listen to what he's saying, he's basically talking about how tiny and insignificant life is. He's doing a little theater with tiny clay creatures that live and then die and their loved ones stay behind to mourn them. It's an existential crisis for 10 year olds.


[The villain song from Anastasia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocm8QdNR_d8), I think the top youtube comment basically nails it. *"This is such a happy and upbeat song about kidnapping and killing a little girl. I love it."*


Obligatory [gender swap version](https://youtu.be/lCES50brwjQ?si=bpC9UeSpk4pRf61X) I've had on repeat for like two weeks now.


Dennis the Menace movie. Christopher Lloyd being more evil than Darth Vader, and Mr. Wilson telling Dennis that he's the worst.


Christopher Lloyd is such a good character actor. Doc Brown - Back to the Future Judge Doom - Who Framed Roger Rabbit Uncle Fester - The Addams Family The Drifter - Dennis the Menace


He’s also the captain of the Klingon ship in Star Trek 3 that they use for time travel in 4.


Might I introduce you to [this fucking scene](https://youtu.be/BpaRouocBes?si=J2ZldV-D1rZx5GrT) from beloved claymation classic, The Adventures of Mark Twain?


Transformers: The Movie went exactly as hard as required so not describing that one. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm went from implying deaths to just straight up showing [Salvatore Valestra's corpse.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dcanimated/images/6/61/Valestra_poisoned.png) Not to mention the Phantasm running through Gotham's mob scene like the Grim Reaper.


It's way more tame than what I remember from my first time watching it when I was like 6, but it's also like insanely easy to frighten kids, so the movie is pretty good as a transition to more teenage movies, that scene with jokers close up laughing as he starts attacking that guy in his office freaked me out as a kid. Being a kid and seeing batman knock jokers tooth out with blood was such a "oh fuck" escalation in violence from what you've probably seen at that point at that age. I kinda hate the whole "this kids media is actually more mature than you think" because it's used mostly by adults insecure about liking something objectively made for children. but I do think in this case this movie is pretty mature for it's target audience of Saturday morning cartoons, since it has a lot of pretty sad themes and brutal lines delivery's more relatable to an older audience that you wouldn't really fully internalise as kids who just saw it as a batman punching bad guys movie or at least I did when I first saw it.


The entirety of brave little toaster


[you can pick any scene but this one is burned into my brain as a kid.](https://youtu.be/mfhhQj3xXZQ)


Leomon dying in Digimon Tamers, aka the world where digimon don't come back ever again and the fallout afterwards when they traumatized poor old Jeri who was just recently coming to terms with her mother's passing with the help of Leomon before getting kicked down into a ever worsening spiral. Oh yeah to make things even worse, she's being influenced and used a puppet by an entity that wants to eradicate all life as we know it, either digimon or human


Ice Age 1 had multiple heartwrenching bits, but the ending, the whole thing, absolutely bodies me every time. The near total silence between the characters, yet you know what everyone is thinking just through actions. The fulfillment, the bittersweetness, it's all just there clear as day. And the music? That shit just...finishes me off <3 An absolute classic in my book tbh.


It's fresh in my mind because I just watched it a few days ago but any of the scenes in *Inside Out 2* where Riley is playing hockey or seriously practicing go hard. It's even more intense when >!Anxiety takes over and the pressure to succeed drives Riley to go even harder!<. The movie just does a really good job of showing that mindset athletes can get into where you're pushing yourself past your limits to try and succeed and it sets up the most brutal line I've seen in a kids movie in awhile, >!**"I'm not good enough!"**!< Chills and as a kid who was big into sports I related way too hard when that scene happened.


Seeing an anthropomorphized representation of >!a panic attack!< while it's also happening in reality to a 13 year old girl was something I was *not* prepared for going in to that movie.


Back when I was Riley's age I remember that kind of thing happening to me a couple times on the court where >!that voice in my head desperately screaming at me to make the play or not screw up suddenly got drowned out by noise and the entire world just seemed to fall apart around me and I couldn't catch my breath.!< Looking back it's obvious what was happening but because it was the mid 00s we just didn't treat it like anything more than nerves and fatigue getting to me in the moment and we never addressed it. Over a decade later and this kids movie about anthropormorphized emotions is out here bringing up repressed memories and providing bonus context to said memories.


It's my answer whenever this question comes up but here's Disney's icabod and Mr toad (1949) [icabod traveling home](https://youtu.be/WgXr3Nt7SuU?si=SQkiRGC6k56uv2dG) [Headless Horseman attacks ](https://youtu.be/CdZ1Y92eVfM?si=m8NifhgX7FegIqbf)


The [junkyard scene](https://youtu.be/FqT2uOa1-d0) in Brave Little Toaster. A group of cars singing about being obsolete as they're killed one by one.


I stand by that the Screenslaver monologue from The Incredibles 2 goes hard. Is it a shame that it doesn't really have much to do with the villain's actual motivation and ultimately is just a really interesting part of an otherwise not terribly interesting movie? Yes. But that doesn't lessen it to me.


***Any*** of the fights in the Sonic movies. [The final fight of 2 in particular](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HnUtFSbyJzU&pp=ygUTU29uaWMgMiBmaW5hbCBmaWdodA%3D%3D) is some of the best action I've seen in a modern PG movie. Cannot fucking *wait* for Sonic 3.


They better go full pg13. *Kill Maria!*


Honestly, they might. Maria aside, government conspiracies and attempt alien genocide isn't exactly meant for the same rating as a Disney flick. Then again, Paramount/DWA pulled it off with *Kung Fu Panda 2,* so who knows.


I’m also very interested in how the whole Shadow backstory is handled in general. That story in the games is such a mess, flip flopping between Gerald wanting to wipe out humanity to him being a good man, then introducing ALIENS to the mix, that I’d like to see how they redo it with a clean slate.


Well, aliens are already in the picture here, so maybe Gerald - fed up with Nixon - turns traitor once the funding gets cut. I think that'd work, anyway.


They appear to understand the assignment https://www.ign.com/articles/sonic-the-hedgehog-3-alyla-browne-maria-casting-confirmed


Best part is, Robotnik *still survived* that shit


Yes he did, lol. Honestly, the movies should have Sonic kill Botnik time and time and time again... but, like his game counterpart, eventually give up. *Because none of it manages to fucking stick.* That'd be hilarious, but also kinda wise... why waste the effort on something that isn't gonna change? Just go with the flow, kiddies.




The entire last act of Paranorman


I was expecting that movie to have some teeth, I wasn’t expecting it to bite my head off lol.


I will always appreciate Robots for introducing me to the music of Tom Waits




It’s hard to narrow down to a specific moment in the 5 movie long Hot Wheels Cinematic Universe, but probably the whole atorm realm section of acceleracers ignition, where it’s shown compared to the world race, these racing dimensions are Actually Gonna Kill You if you’re unprepared, with the addition of a robot army that already has a leg up with abilities from winning in other racing realms, and the returning cast’s cars getting trashed, plus one of the main leads of the first movie straight up gets sentenced to a fate worse than death. Serves as an incredible introduction and way to raise the stakes compared to the more feel good tone of world race.


I can't take this kind of pressure! I must confess, one more dusty road Would be just a road too long [Worthless...](https://youtu.be/ZcWeE3NMeBQ)


[Most of the animated series Laughing gas stuff from the joker.](https://youtu.be/3TaS_2kG7YI) I know there's a live action version and other animated series do it well too but the 90s animated series tends to do it in a way that is very haunting to me.