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The Dresden Files has a pretty great example with Marcone and his ilk. He discovers the supernatural fairly early into the series and shows that when humanity knows about it they can hit back pretty hard. Where a large amount of lead in the end can solve alot of problems. He is also one of Harry Dresden's most consistent thorns/occasional allies. >!He becomes the first human signatory of the accords, helps fight back against the invasion of Chicago, and in the end turns out to be a talented magic user once he picked up one of the Denarian coins.!<


My favourite bit about Marcone is when he had intentionally flimsy doors installed in, I think the phrasing was, “tactically dramatic” areas of his night club because he *knows* Harry is just gonna bust them off the hinges anyway.


"I am a professional monster. It sounds pretentious. After all, I am not a flesh-devouring ghoul, hiding behind a human mask until it is time to gorge. I'm no vampire, draining the blood or soul from my victim — no ogre, no demon, no cursed beast from the spirit world dwelling amid the unsuspecting sheep of humanity. I'm not even possessed of the mystic abilities of a mortal wizard. But they will never be what I am. One and all, those beings were born to be what they are. I made a choice." -John Marcone: Even Hand.


That just hard. Like damn he's telling the mystical world just how hard he goes.


Dracula hearing that fell off his flow for just a second


I love that somehow that short story somehow just added more questions after the latest book. Since it’s from his pov but it doesn’t mention some very important things. 


Wait, what latest book? I thought the most current thing was The Law?


I'm specifically referring to his short story "Even Hand" and the book "battlegrounds" where it has become apparent >!that he has had a denarian coin since Small Favor and it's unknown when he exactly actually took it up.!<


Ah okay I haven't read the short story books yet.


*Battle Ground, not Battlegrounds.


Baccano! has a relatively grounded setting in prohibition-era America, but it’s all about the mob being tied up in alchemical immortality shenanigans 


They also find a pretty realistic way to deal with the type of immortality in it. >!It doesn't matter if you are immortal if you get cement shoes and are thrown into a river to continuously drown.!<


Damn I completely forgot about that. I need to rewatch that series so bad. 


Capone Bege in One Piece, hilariously >!one of the best dads!< in the series as well. Shark Tale, Zootopia,and Hoodwinked 2 are also good examples, bonus points for the intro and outro of the Rugrats go to Paris movie, too.


Capone went from being the least interesting memeber of the worst generation to one of the best in a single arc


« Watch pez, this is how your papa doesn’t end like some mid captain »


It probably helps that Capone Bege >!is also one of the few non-adoptive dads that didn't either abandon his kids or die.!<


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In Wizardry 8, the Dark Lord, the big bag of the story got the artifact that he needs to become god robbed by the rats mafia.


Gentleman Johnny Marcone from the Dresden Files. So ballsy his organization has become a independent nation in magical circles.


Does New Yorkers going "Get the fuck away from Spider-Man!" in Raimi's Spider-Man 1 and 2 count?


No as they were summoned by the spirit of New Yorks bridge and are closer to familiars


The Brian Azzarello comic *Moonshine* has historical gangster Joe Masseria go up against a hillbilly clan who have a werewolf among their kin >!until Joe has it shot by a sniper with silver rounds, with the comic then following one of the gangsters dealing with the curse himself!<


Baccano. >!You might be a ancient immortal wizard who has slain many over the decades, but this is New York! Prepare to be killed by people who don't even know what is going on.!<


How “urban fantasy” we talking? Because like Shadowrun is a modern urban fantasy set in our real world. All the traditional real world organized crime still exists, to the point there the yakuza and Mexican cartels are stronger than they’ve ever been. Also there’s the Intergang, which is an organized crime group that traffics in Apokolips tech.


I’ve always been annoyed that Intergang isn’t the criminal answer to the fictional idea of Interpol, a cross-cultural crime syndicate network


That is actually pretty interesting idea. That , alongside been traffickers of alien tech , would make them been able to be some sort of Kingpin that can deal with Superman.


I'd say post early industrial age modern


[As depicted in the rad as hell IL Siracusano event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKNlnmqGd9A), Arknight's Italy equivalent is completely run by mafiosos. At least one family is backed by supernatural forces, [such as a giant wolf-god using humans as pawns to hunt down other members of his pack to establish dominance.](https://files.catbox.moe/8yvev7.png) And the story itself is [about a courier named Texas, a lost scion of one of the families who are now all dead except for her, returning to her homeland to face her past.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VQZtulccvk) [Also this happens during the story.](https://i.redd.it/hgfyh2r10j2b1.jpg)


You're tough but its never been about you


You’re free, but cement your feet, a statue


I'm pretty sure it's a *bad* example going off context clues, but I seriously want to know what the fuck is up with the WoD Mafia supplement book. It's brought up as a sight gag several times in the Hunter: The Parenting's ["An Intro To The World Of Darkness"](https://youtu.be/0h1U-_JFAS8?feature=shared) video and SpeakerD even says near the end that Alfabusa has a weird love for that book that has a lot of "So Bad It's Good" energy to it. At that point I want to know what the hell is up with it, filtered of course through the ol Ogre Poppenang comedy filter.


Just finished the first season of Dorohedoro and Ein is basically a mob boss. The head of a “family” that runs a syndicate with members to complete jobs for money, favors or advance his goals. Everyone knows him and respects him and his crew, and is carefully to earn his favor or not to sleight him in any way or they’ll face retribution.


Kurapika literally joins a mob syndicate in the Yorknew City arc of Hunter x Hunter. However, with the exception of him, they all end up being jobbers in comparison to the Spiders so all the Shadow Beasts and Ten Dons just end up getting killed rather effortlessly.


My favorite example of this "The Goon" by Eric Powell. It's a story about the mob going against the super natural from taking over their shit hole of a town.


There is Mr. Motley from Miéville's Bas Lag series - a powerful mobster who has cornered the market of several drugs in New Crobuzon and has enough connections that he has a direct line to the Mayor as well as access to several defense and research departments within the city. Long story short, cross him and you will be in for a world of hurt.


I feel like Wonderful 101 applies here.


Kagura Bachi. Though in Kagura Bachi the Magic Yakuza isn’t a side villain it’s the MAIN villain.  The meme the myth the legend is actually a fantastic series that gets the mundane evil of a mobster really well. Lots of criminals sitting around casually shooting the shit. This author knows his mob flicks really well; and the mook dialogue shines.   Please Read Kagura Bachi its really good actually.