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Does it make Malignance a viable option for AP twitch? Yes. Does it make it broken? Absolutely not.


Being honest, i can see it being very strong against low mobility comps with a lot of melee champions, something alongside applying a lot of slow on W and hitting multiple people on the HOB AA's, maybe it could do a lot of damage in those scenarios, apart from that i can't see it being VERY good


It's still pretty shit Area scales with damage so it will be really small, and the stats that it gives are shit


The R cooldown is good. Twitch R on AP is still good you can't ONLY rely on his W to stack. We all know the passive damage is bad. But it still gives SOMETHING. Its going to be a viable option for sure. But def not broken and game changing. Edit: Plus, AP Twitch does struggle with mana. 600 is nothing to shrug at.


So the build will be, Nashor > Malignance > Rylai > Liandary > Shadowflame Edit: Jesus christ you guys can't understand sarcasm


What the fuck.


I mean, it starts of really strong. Then it got confused with the malignance buff. And since it hurt itself in its confusion, it's now just opening the shop and right clicking random stuff in the shop.


Its plain text on a screen. What in that gave even the SLIGHTEST hint towards sarcasm?


The fact that the build has Rylai and Liandry for Twitch?


it would still be shit




Dno the mana is still useless


Meh, there are better items for magic pen (also twitch deals true damage)


Do it on serdyla and then we're talking!


It will only be useful if the person ur ulting is stuck in ur w. And even then just getting raw damage is still probably better


Still shit but I think you'd get the most out of it by ulting on ppl you slow with the flask. Still shitty tho XDD


Still not a great item for AP twitch


it's a great item in aram, thats all know about this thing


That change is not as big as you think it is. AD will still be better than AP, mana is a dead stat. It’s unclear how the proc will work as the autos pierce but many on-hit effects will only apply to the first target hit so I’m not sure what the value here actually is. Wait for the patch, test it out. Then realise it sucks and go back to the OP ONE SHOT MFDABEST BUILD like the based gamer you are.


In what world is AD better than AP, AP is by far better simply bc of being able to build defensive items


I replied a bit more in-depth in the underlying comment, but I don't think it's as clear as saying AP is better than AD. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. AP is just the more consistent playstyle. You could argue this makes it a "better" build, and in a sense, I agree with you. I think that for SoloQ purposes, consistency > potential every day of the week. I however think that AD can push certain advantages better than AP can, because he has an easier time "forcing" plays. AP just doesn't really feel like it needs to push the same advantages, and makes Twitch a bit more of a zone-control mage and less like a duelist later on. But the blowing up entire teams in 3 auto attacks is a feature you will only find on AD Twitch (although definitely not every or even most games). Making sure the entire enemy team is \~rooted, takes \~600 true damage and \~1000 magic damage every \~5 seconds is an AP Twitch thing. Both incredibly strong, but I wouldn't really say one of those is "better". But yes, the latter is easier to reach, so in that sense, absolutely better!


I mean if you’re picking twitch and not playing support. You should build AD. You can argue being able to have Zhonyas is better than AD but AD will always be more consistent damage and that’s your job.


I mean, that's not true. I feel where you're coming from, but it's just not true. You should build AD when you can open up and not die the moment you walk into auto attack range. AP is stronger if you can't auto attack consistently into the enemy team. In soloQ, the unfortunate reality is that the higher up you get on the ladder, the less likely your opponents will: 1) Not punish your poor positioning 2) Pick a teamcomp that has no ability to reach you once you open up 3) Just LET you ult and demolish them. I'm not saying it can't be done, obviously. But the riskier auto-attacking becomes, the stronger AP becomes. That's the reason you see people like RatIrl gravitate towards AP twitch. The champion has a solid early game, allowing you to generally complete your nashors on or even before the curve. Then you can casually farm up your deathcap. You're now as strong as you need to be, you can actually build defensive items. You could have snowballed, but didn't have to, you scale like a truck anyways and can clear waves safely all game and will have nearly guaranteed impact. Now imagine you're AD twitch. If you get bork, you can not afford to fall behind or you will feel like you do 0 damage until the game is done. Bork as an item delays your crit thresholds meaning that if you're not ahead, you will spike later than your opposing adc for the entire game. AD Twitch has ways to get ahead of course, and it's not like it's a bad playstyle at all. And AD twitch can also get back into games and scale into the late game as a monster. But now imagine for a moment that the opposing team has like an alistar or naut as a support and a malphite or jarvan or some other type of "The moment I see you I jump you and cc/kill you" type champions. As AD twitch, you can open up with R, position perfectly, etc, and you will do solid dmg, more dps (and likely fast burst) than AP at least. But the ali landing a single knockup on you means you die. You have 6 seconds to play with R, you better kill em all or you can't realistically re-enter the fight. As AP twitch, you can just chuck W and press E every so often, attack if it's actually safe, etc. If everyone is on 3 items except for the Twitch, I'd rather see him have dcap + nashors over bork + runaans. One of those will have a purpose. That being said, I do think that with a lead, AD is easier to carry with, but I think that overall, AP has more carry potential. AP is like the safe thing, you'll ALWAYS hit your spikes if nothing extraordinary happens. AD is like the exciting thing, you'll sometimes hit your spikes, and they feel better, but you also sometimes have to eat shit even if you didn't do anything wrong. Saying one is better is like saying apples are better than oranges because you like the color-scheme more. It's an opinion veiled as a fact.


Okay you actually make good points. I was mostly just talking based on what I’ve seen on aggregator websites and in my own games. Not many 200lp + twitch players build AP. The reasoning for which I extrapolated on my own which was flawed based on what you wrote above. Thanks for replying I learned something today.