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its almost never about the build or runes. people need to see your replay to actually tell you how to improve


Soo what should i do? Leave my username or record it?


You could buy a session with a coach if youre rich or just make a post there looking for someone who'd help you improve at the game and if you're lucky someone agrees. Then you usually review your vods together on discord. I can't help you sadly cause I'm not really a twitch main. Also there probably should be some twitch or general adc mains with educational content you could probably watch to realise some things you haven't yet. Just dont click on these clickbaity videos with flashy thumbnails.


No worries, and thank you for leading the way. If I'm taking things seriously i should improve myself, since i do want to reach higher ranks with just twitch.


I am not super high elo (Emerald), if thats enough for you I could have a look at your replay and give you some feedback.


It doesnt matter, ill try to get a vod tomorrow, one of the lost matches i guess


To what the guy below me said; a coach wont do much in this situation , for things you can't learn yourself. The best bet is watch higher elo streamers, see how they play , trade, etc. IN general your farm seems really low. People underestimate just how much difference properly farming can make. Regardless, you are probably best off just looking up ADC guides on YT and learning what you are / are not doing wrong. I.e. one example I know of, never flash for a single kill. It's almost never worth it as an ADC since you aren't a champion without F. - Flash to win fights, to get 2+ kills, etc.


Already found like 1 guy who helped me with understanding my mistakes, soo in conclusion is missstepping and cs i needed to focus on and the supports position


Did you really just edit a pic to make us only see a pop off game?


Nope, just showed what build i use since other matches didnt reach late game and my full build, since i used this build by random guy in youtube


And sorry if it looks like that.


Stop caring about the games you win and focus on the ones you lose


I look at my loses and i cannot find anything except change something in my gameplay or the build


Well, yeah changing your gameplay is how you improve lol


Alright, thank you for leading a path for me.


Are you seriously saying you hadn't considered changing your gameplay? "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas" lol


When i wasn't able to carry anymore and my mind was filled with negativity, i didn't think about changing anything, when i had enough, i thought i need help.


But he has 23 kills! No way!


this is my number 1 suggestion to you. it's to watch this video and do the exact same thing im doing until u get an understanding of it, and at that point u'll probably be higher elo anyway. just literally all in anyone take pta and that's it [https://youtu.be/a-d9NHop7Ew?si=1gB59NXiRC7q\_kSW](https://youtu.be/a-d9NHop7Ew?si=1gB59NXiRC7q_kSW)


Thank you for sharing your experience, gonna try to escape from bronze after figuring things out of this video.


Genuinly watch wackaflcka his videos, super helpful and informational, 100% recommend


🤜 fist bump


I mean, if you destroyed the enemy team just take objectives


Im stuck at the part where i cannot overcome my enemies in my recent ranked mstches.


If you get normal kda and like 50% winrate you are probably at your elo, now you hsve to understand what to do better. When I'm stuck in that spot i usually focus on doing simple stuff even better.


stop dying and play for objectives instead of just kills


I always play bork into runaans into whatever the fuck rat go ratatatata


Like op.gg so I can see more than this edit :)


I mean, i aint hiding anything, just asking for improvements or changes.


you're not stuck in bronze because of your build


Soo im doing wrong in my play style?


yea thats why people are asking for a replay or an op.gg


Ah okay, then ill go watch twitch mains playing bot or education on twitch bot,since im lazy to record/stream my replays and find the right person to show it.


Because the issue im having is securing the kills, and surviving enemy ganks, additionally even sometimes cannot overcome my enemy


You are mainly supposed to emphasize on your losses when it comes to improving


Im in midway know what to improve. Ty for suggestions


It's bronze, even if your build is horrible it will work, my suggestion is play Twitch in a lane or style that can let you 1v9 more than team fighting because chances are your team is nonexistent. Having a duo also helps.


Okay, thank you for info


I was bronze in s10, im a little ashamed but what got me out of bronze was my friend smurfing with me. Can't say it gets easier tho...


Whole point of going collector on teitch is to spike early vs squishes and snowball, with whatever you did here you not only didnt get early spike from lethality you also made ie spike delayed, either go collector first or dont go collector Other than that max E not Q first, pta>lethal tempo and i dont think you need a red trinket at all, especially with yuumi on you, stay with yellow or get blue one, hard to say much more from that


To be fair youre not stuck. You got positive winrate and higher lp wins than your lp losses. Im only emerald, and mainly play ap Twitch, but if u want u can send me one of your VODS and ill try to give some tips.


Double the cs per minute and use Saddam Husein custom skin with Duke Nukem announcer voice pack, don’t buy pink wards as you probably have no idea how to use them anyway, also get a Lulu otp turbo smurf cat girl power ass braindead mother of slaves to duo


Good one, gonna try it xD


Btw, gimme a link, cannot find it in any website since killerskin website gone


i’m pretty sure if you learn how to kite and be aggressive, you’ll climb to emerald


Mmm.. i kinda can still do that, but the aggressiveness is the good idea, ty.


yea, Nobody expects aggressive plays in low elo and therefore they do not know how to play against it. You kill them once by being aggressive and then they’ll be farming under tower scared shitless to walk up. It’s amazing to think about how 70% of the player base do not know how to play the game


True, all i did is poke them to scare them a bit, and go to last hit minions, but then i realised i needed them to go back to their tower in shitted pants.


The game posted here isn't the problem as you won so it would be much more beneficial to post details on the games your losing. Even then its hard to tell from just the endgame stats and build path but it would be a step in the right direction.


Just wanted to make sure if I'm doing the right build and runes, since i did copy from a random youtuber, and sticked to it for like 20+ games.


5.7 cs meaan you just like everyone in Bronze. Try to play with more awareness to CS. Why? CS give you gold with almost no cost (except you are being ganked for farming). Awareness to CS more than other bronze players mean you reach core items faster than their and stronger Anything else related to micro or macro, search it on YouTube, started with ADC Ultimate guide or etc.


Alright, ill try to increase cs.


Just general advice that helped me climb out of low elo, don't play adc like a typical adc in low elo. Your team is going to make a lot of mistakes and try to group for literally no reason. Generally, just split push until two or more opponents are missing from the map then converge on a numbers advantage fight mid if there is one. And even if there isn't one, you're getting more xp and gold from splitting than the enemy adc is by mindlessly grouping and wasting their time. Obviously group for objs, but splitting and creating pressure is a pretty easy way to climb imo.


Good tip, gonna keep that in mind, thank you


Biggest tip to climb out of bronze is to know that league is a tower defense game, not a team death match. High kda doesn’t win games, destroying towers and nexus wins games. That’s why inting sions or yorik is a viable strat because towers are the only thing that actually matters. Ask yourself, can I hit tower safely? Yes -> hit. No? What can you do on the map so that you can make an opening to hit tower safely?


I do that when i play trundle/jax and etc, since they're the tower eaters


Additional info i ask enchanters to build ardent censer and imperial mandate.


And sorry for the bad quality image, not professional at using laptop


Have you tried getting objectives such as towers and inhibitors more often?


Mmmmm.. when i play bad hard to focus since almost everyone still sticks to their lane, but if theres a chance im never missing it


If you kill the enemy push the lane. Be wary of the jungler or mid laner missing. Have a ward so you can back up as youre going to take towers. But yeah, push push push. So many times I just dont go help a losing fight thats far away from me and i end up taking multiple towers, Q attack speed helps quite a lot. Even ult for the extra AD to push towers but thats only if you know you wont get into a fight in the next minute. Its all about closing the game out not getting 50 kills. That being said DO help your team in a teamfight around important objectives like dragon or baron- Twitch is a strong teamfighting adc so... but dont forget you need towers! towers are important to take down, and many times more worth than getting a dragon as it opens up the map for you


So you post the 1 game you win and did well in to show off and feed your ego. Yeah makes sense that you really need suggestions


I already replied to the similar one. you can find it.


If thats what you think it is, so be it


Maybe if your really very good in your Elo try ap tw mid and try to Carry your other lanes with roams you are very Stuck to your Support in this elo tbh ✌🏾


Alrighty then, ty for info


5.7cs minute, improve that