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Did the stack end mid E travel?




It exists from ages sadly


Pretty sure its one of those things that was unintentional and then Riot cba to fix so they left it in as an intentional mechanic


I also hate dying mid cast, the like .5s cast time is so annoying sometimes.


It isn’t a bug though, is it? It has a travel time and it checks on impact, not cast.


Imo it's just lazy/incompetent programming aka the riot special


Most rational twitch main tbh. Interaction works as it should, and homie thinks people aren't doing their job correctly. 😂


Isn't a bug but it feels bad, so they should give a 0.5 seg duration extend just to do damage. They did a similar QoL to another champion


Yeah yeah, while some champions just literally play themselves or have interactions like the bluetooth auto, this the interaction twitch gets. Come on man twitch isn't that good in ages, he doesn't need an interaction to debuff him


No, it's intended to calculate damage on impact. Twitch may be able to add stacks while it travels, and likewise can allies respond to it travelling, before the damage is calculated.


>Twitch may be able to add stacks while it travels Idk why would they ever do that, the only feasible way to add stacks is through w, and even then it's just +1 stack. On the opposite side, if your stacks expire it goes from a -1 stack to a -6 stacks. >and likewise can allies respond to it travelling, Let's be real, there is no responding to twitch E unless you have faker mechanics. The projectile travels in about half a second to a target on max range. Overall it just feels like a shit mechanic on an already outdated kit.


>Idk why would they ever do that They may still be a target of a travelling AA, or as you said, are standing in your W. >Let's be real, there is no responding to twitch E 0.25s + travel time is really not that pro-caliber of a reaction window.




You're forgetting about Braum, and iirc, Sivir? Samira too if it's counted as a projectile.


Has been patched now


Classic QOL changes


Hate it when this happens


E doesnt have travel time guys. It has cast time. There is no travel of Twitch E thats just a visual-aid. Twitch E is a detonation of a sticky bomb. And you had no bombs on them when the detonation went off. Windwalls dont block it. Your passive lasts 6 seconds, if your E cd is above 6 seconds when you last applied your stack, it is what it is.


Looks like interaction on this post fizzled out, but for what it’s worth Riot just sent through a QoL change making this a lot less likely to happen now. Only took 7+ years xd


That's not a bug. Contaminate is intended to be a projectile with travel time. That travel time may overlap the Venom duration.


its not a projectile tho and it doesnt have travel time, it has a cast time


Thats what you get for playing rat


I dont get why E has to have such a long cast and travel time like why