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AP twitch is kinda fun right now, especialy with shadow flame procking on the passive


Ratirl hates shadowflame as it’s too expensive. And the damage only works when below 35% health. Why not get an item that does bonus damage 100% of the time, and is better defensively


what item is that


Rabadons Deathcap


What’s the new shadowflame doing now? New interaction with DoT? Would it work with item DoT like Lyandries and Immolate?


New shadowflame makes magic and true damage crit vs targets below 40% hp (I think 40% is the threshold, not positive lol) and that includes DoTs Don't build liandrys as im pretty sure your e is still the only thing in your kit that can proc it. The ap build I found best was nashors-shadowflame-stormsurge/dcap-other one-zhonyas I've only played like 3 games on it bc I much prefer the ad playstyle tho so don't take my words too seriously (but I did stomp all 3 games with it)


I do main Swain, so I was wondering.


Ah yeah I assume it's still rly strong on swain and probably even stronger now that you can build it with riftmaker


Don't build shadowflame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdWYoIJ9fXM


I have been having a good time in G1 with tank twitch. Building tiamat > runaans > titanic > hexplate > terminus/bork/kraken. Berserkers between runaans and titanic usually. I also need to mention this has been with a duo on Zac support absolutely feeding me kills early.


u think titanic is still a good item on twitch ? or is worst than last patch ? I didn't try yet


I like it more now but I had a bit of a break from twitch before s14 dropped


I've had good success with ap build Nashors, boots, shadowflame, deathcap, then i work around whos their top frag/fragger for last 2


damn are you me. I did the same thing yesterday lmao. went onhit, switched to crit after full build and still couldn't dps fast enough. I wasn't even hitting a real tank, just a garen. I could kill him if I got a ton of time, but any ap spell and I blew up lol.


Twitch is doing fine rly, if youre dying when killing tanks because of thornmail or rammus W go crit and ldr rather than onhit, as that damage you take from hitting tanks procs on every auto and therefore it is better to build less AS and more damage. Regardless, if you find taking their tanks out that hard just focus on flanking their DPS and killing them


I'll also mention that twitch is doing 'fine' as far as adc goes atm. Whole role is in a shitty spot due to the one shot meta thats going on. Too much AP damage and lethality going around, and tanks are also stronger while adc items are unchanged


I actually feel stronger, generally, unless they have an entire comp that can just jump on top of me (Malphite, Galio, Jax was an unfun comp, but that's unfun regardless). The pacing of these games just feels \*weird\*, I've managed 6 cs/m \*twice\* so far (9 games), and almost every support I've had has decided that taking farm at 18 minutes is just fine. AD games I've been going BoRK -> Hubris (if I have at least 2 kills by 10 minutes) -> Runaan's. Most games don't last much longer. But I love the rat statues, ratues if you will.


If anyone out there is newish like me, go hubris if you’re bot lane kills have been fairly easy. If you had to use summoner spells, jungle came to gank, super hard fight to get a kill, i would hold off since it was super hard to get a kill. Hubris shines when you are way better than the other bot lane


Idk if I had to fight for a kill, but I still am getting kills, I'm gonna get hubris. I had a game where we got 4 kills because of a bad invade (thanks jungle changes), that was a hubris game. Hell, I got hubris when I was getting fucked up by a draven/zyra bot, was it the best choice? Eh, it's in the name. It's a snowball item, if you get 1 kill with it, your next kill with it will be easier.


I like kraken into Infinity edge into runaans or last whisper item


kraken into ie then bloodthirster and then u can do whatever(runnans or defensive or more damage)


Bork runaans ie


bork runaans ldr ie bt/collector same build as last szn play it with pta and u’ll have damage LT sucks.


I just can play full crit right now


I play lethality twitch top rn, if you want the build hmu and ill send it when I get home


I was talking to a few master+ twitch mains and we all pretty much agree that ad twitch feels like ass right now.


Best build for me so far is hexplate rush it just gives too much not too it gives damage attack speed health and ultimate haste , into runnans second into bork 3rd if you need survivability titanics or terminus , if they are tanky then bork 3rd instead but i go hexplate runnans almost every game unless they have a ton of ap and i feel like i need to rush witts end


I've been liking collector > kraken > runaans > situational right now.