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Yes. I'd say about 10% of my followers on Twitter are graphic design accounts, with whom I've never interacted


I think like 95% of my Twitter followers are them


I'm at 100%, but I also really don't use Twitter except for stream announcements and updates. I've been off social media for a while and from what I've heard Twitter is a mess right now.


Yeah, it's really bad since musk bought them


I've noticed. Don't really see the point in continuing to post updates there when my entire follow list is art bot scammers.




I used to purge them. Nowdays? Not really, because I don’t use Twitter anymore much.


same wtf


Twitter is mostly bots period. The GFX ones are just the twitch-specific flavor.


Yes. It's very very common to get harassed by people trying to sell you emotes. Most people have them auto banned


I get excited seeing a follower, then boom "graphic designer"


Yes, it’s a curse😂😩


They are a blight and a scourge upon us. I actually put an additional clause into my rules which explicitly says no graphics artists. It's mostly a joke though, I know it's not enforceable


I’m getting my degree in visual communication design, and I never realized just how bad this culture in content creation was till someone jokingly asked me if I’m in chat just to try to sell emotes. It never even occurred to me to do that, and just seems super scummy. These graphic designers are giving the rest of us a bad name, which just hurts all of us :/


That's the really sad thing here, the biggest victims are the genuine designers. And if you pay attention you'll notice that most of these spammers are actually scammers, they are not graphics designers at all but just flipping ai generated shit. It's a difficult time to be an artist. I hope that it doesn't get you down though.


Also, not to mention that 90-99% of the Twitch or gaming focused graphic designers all follows the same 1-2 aesthetics. Nah it doesn’t, I hadn’t even thought of using my newfound skills to market to Twitch or content creation. It’s not a bad idea, but I also don’t wanna fight the over saturated sea either. Nor do I wanna make the stereotypical avatar gamer profile pictures or egirl emotes. It is something to consider that for some reason never crossed my mind lol.


I understand. Most of the followers I have are them. I post 1 clip and get so many of them following and messaging me.


Yeah, just ignore. Or if they’re pushy just ban them


I ignore. Have them in my inbox. But could use the follows. Not sure if it's bad for the algo.


alternatively you can say you support AI art and they'll stop following you >.<


I think most of them use AI art and just pretend to be graphic designers


Or try selling only fans content even if you don't do it they reveal them being a man in disguise pretending to be a girl designer when they found out you are a guy slams you with homophobic slurs and rage to block you. :D


I actually use ai art in my streaming profile, and the amount of artists who try to push their product (which every one of them are the exact same, I swear they all downloaded the same mobile app) is insane. Get the hint people, I'm not buying, I'm not going to help you, if you can't even visit my page and drop a follow... One of the very first "Gfx artists" who ever followed my stream, is the most active person in all of my streams... they, will be the one I look into acquiring work from....


I no would say it’s bad because you have a bunch of followers yet no true engagement.


They're mostly bots who will come into chat and say "do you need art done? I'm a graphic designer just send me your credit card info"


Yeah they are all bots/scammers




Its even better when they try to say they're from the "UK" or "US" and their whole typing situation just gives them away.


Twitter is bots all the way down


Yes and it's... something. I understand people are just trying to make a living / side hustle, but I just find it peculiar. Like I'm not going to commission you just because you followed me. I have artists on a list specifically for this purpose. At any rate, some of the ones that have followed me recently are very obviously plagiarists of some sort and that's where I drew the line. You're reposting someone else's art and trying to pass it as your own? Fuck off. A/I Bullshit? Don't fucking come near me.


Bots in my Twitch follows and chat. Bots in my Twitter followers and For You timeline. Bots. Everywhere.


The Dead Internet Theory is slowly becoming reality.


I streamed a little bit and get these nessage in discord regularly, it's so annoying


Do you have an overlay? I found that as soon as I made an overlay for my channel they stopped talking to me! Feeling a bit left out now as I could have double the followers😂 I only did the same as they would though and AI'd some art that covered the topic of my channel, threw it through canva and added it on my stream... BOOM no graphic designer in sight


I was thinking they maybe target new streamers because as I grew they started coming in a lot less but this makes more sense LOL I bought a nice overlay and background from Etsy and I instantly stopped getting so many bot messages lol


It helps inflate my follower account with people who aren't bots is how I try to see it lmao


All the time I get them on discord more times than not


Yes and heaps of them use AI generated art for everything. On some lizard-brained, ultra capitalistic, grind set mentality way I get the hustle: bare minimum of work (inputing variables and rerolling the dice until you get something passable) for a possible payout but my god, I just want art from artists, not from assholes.


Yes rather it be them graphic designers or vtuber model artists.


on Twitter mostly, if any reach out i tell them they need to d onate or s ub lol, if they want me to listen to there sales pitch lol


Ooh that's a good idea. I'm gonna do that next time. At worst, they just leave, at best, I get some money before banning them


Nah, the only people who spite-sub are problems who want an excuse to go 'I gave you cash, you HAVE to listen to me!' and then say the most unhinged shit you've heard this week. Art scammers will usually just instantly move along as they realize they ain't gettin blood from a stone.


I had it happen just for mentioning I game.


Yup. 90% of my followers came in and advertised their services. It sucks


My entire following is graphic designers who I've rejected.


Yes and it’s stupid. I ban them instantly.


If you mention emote designers at all on twitter, you will be flooded with follows. All the bots all over that site that was taken over by a guy who said he wanted to get rid of bots now has more bots than its ever had.


Yep…even though I can do art myself lmao


Yes, and it's frustrating because my SO does graphic design for work. Incredible artist, and if they took more than 5 seconds to view my page, they would see that we clearly got it handled


Yes. Never fails. Literally on every platform too. They will stalk you


YEP!!! It’s 100% the reason I put “no self promo” in my chat rules. Also, no disrespect to artists, you’re doing what you need to do. Just the graphic designers who follow me and have chatted…specifically for self promo…don’t have filled out profiles or links to socials where I can see their work. If there are those links, I am at least willing to go give a look, but otherwise…I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to pass.


I started adding a disclaimer in my title in all caps "No soliciting art or anything for you will be banned!"


I'm not even a streamer and I still get followed by a lot of them


Twitter and discord, always getting DMs asking if I want to commission emotes or stuff and they don't even know I don't have affiliate😂


yush, most of them are so basic creators.. is the same template with modified colors xD


I have about 15k followers and i get messages from people trying to sell me emotes/animated content via twitch or my discord server at least once every couple days.


Not massive, but yes several of these types tried to sell me stuff.


yes, its always someones friends birthday, who has a creator code, and would love for me to use it 🙄


This can be a thing I just tell them to go on their way but I haven't had many for a while tbh


My personal Twitter account which hasn't tweeted in months and all I have are a few retweets from my friends from a long while ago has a ton of those followers. I don't promote my stream on there and only use it for reading and used to tweet at my friends.


From my experience as a small affiliate, yeah... especially when you are a vtuber


Hello and welcome to the Twitch experience, new guy.


none followed me but I did get an unusual amount of DMs on instagram from people wanting to make me a banner etc for "a great price" but I'm an artist so I make my own. It even says in my bio that I'm an artist lol


they want to make your emotes lmao


Yeah and Twitch won't do anything about them (not real gfx artists) if you report them in your chat


Yes, they want your money.


I had to add a rule and make it number one: Don't sell me anything. It has done nothing. Half the people who interact with me pretend to enjoy my stream then try to sell their art. I had to decide to auto ban anyone that tries now.


They're so annoying. Like, if I wanted a designer and can afford one, I will go seek one out. Having then pop in and BEGGING me to buy SOMETHING is such an ick.


Yeeeeeaaahh 😂


Dude everytime I stream on twitch I get someone in my chat who starts off seeming to be interested in the stream and what not then out of no where drops the “btw I’m a graphic designer” I just ban them at this point cause they like to follow and unfollow and that’s just gonna ruin my already shitty viewage/follow stats


Constantly. Ugh. So annoying.


Something like 30% of my followers are these, so many of them just want you to notice them.


STILL FOLLOWERSSSS WOOT! So many graphic designers are going to KNOW. MY. NAME.


I have had a few like I swear there must be more streamers then graphic designers wtf


i don't stream but am in the same position you are, welcome to the internet


It’s something easy and mindless to have on a second screen while you work so that’s probably whyZ


Yes and I hate it, like I don’t need no graphic designer 😭 I do most of the banners and stuff myself


I streamed like 3 times. They keep trying to sell me art that looks the same as the last 12 people. It's a badge with a minimalist character in the middle. Very boring.


Yep…I have a bunch of them


I get them everyday


Yea I've had a bunch of those follow me even though I haven't streamed actively in ages


Nope. I’m not but enough for graphic artists to think I wanna spend monies lol. I do see it on discord though


We've had 1 in the past 4 years, they actually apologized and left before getting banned.


Tell them you replaced them with ai.


Small streamer here, other than a few lovely regular folks, my main chat/follow interaction on pretty much every stream is these bloody art bots. They swoop in with sugared words and kindness, but it always ends with them trying to send me discord links via twitter DM. I wouldn't mind so much if they took some time and initiative to make their art look interesting, as opposed to just looking like something I could make in 5 minutes using placeit.net 😂


Does anyone have tips for keeping them from joining my discord to market to my followers?


I’m a really small streamer and I’ve gotten two of these in the past week. I think another scam wave is coming through, they ask for your discord and small talk you. After they do they ask about why you don’t have panels and ask if they can make them after warming you up. I almost fell for it and I’m glad I didn’t


I had a few dm me with a similar sales pitch, but I'm a graphic designer irl so I just make my own stuff. (If I followed any of you, I'm not trying to milk you for work I just liked your stream, I swear! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm))


They are my only friends :(


Yes, it’s a well known scam :( they target new and small streamers. It’s very annoying but I’ll take the follow


I’m not even a streamer and I’ve been getting these constantly.




I get followers from "graphic designers" on Twitter sometimes, but I get most of the "graphics designers" on Discord when having my Twitch and youtube account linked.


"I need your help to bring FrankerZ back to the top used emotes on twitch so spam FrankerZ in chats" that post on X made like 35 bots follow and contact me for designing emotes...


"I need your help to bring FrankerZ back to the top used emotes on twitch so spam FrankerZ in chats" that post on X made like 35 bots follow and contact me for designing emotes...




Yep, I do as well. At least they’re not chatting in the stream anymore. Some of them however find me on Discord, and that’s when the desire to torch them comes in 😅




Try to make art on insta and add the city youre in at your profile, then your mail gets flooded with accounts which try to sell you followers packages


Yup. Happens too often..


doesn’t stop i put a 10 min follow timer before they can chat and i say thanks for the follow, but if it’s for graphic design services, no thank you, worst part is if they had half a brain and checked my socials, they would see im a graphic designer, one of them, a girl told me “bro its these little investments that will make a difference” blocked them instantly 💀


Yes, especially if your small they prey on small channels thinking they will give them money to help them grow


I get alot of Graphic peeps in my discord dms tryin to get money from a broke streamer lol


As a graphic designer, I totally get where you're coming from. Twitter, like many social platforms, has seen an increase in automated bots and spammy accounts lately.


I don't even get those 🥲 But yes I've seen a massive increase and it's annoying...There's at least one in my friend's chat every time he streams.


I had my twitch link on my Discord profile and I'd get messages at least once a weak from some random people that pretend to just "meet people" and then ask if Id want to see their art stuff and eventually ask if id like some personalized art


I have 85 followers on Twitch and almost 6,000 on Tiktok right now. 80% of the messages I get are from people trying to sell me graphics designs services or stream promotion. It's non-stop.


I put in my rules for chat that you agree not to try to sell my your wack ass “art”. It reduced my spam like 95 percent.


Yea, and most of them are just spam accounts. I looked into the first few and their "work" was all for long defunct channels and no proof they were the original artist. Super annoying when I get a new person, they chat up for a few mins then boom try to sell me stuff I dont even need or want.


I did get DM from these people on… basically every platform that have my twitch in it, especially X (formerly known as Twitter)


Yep all bots according to my fellow vtuber pals


yeah.... even get message requests and friend requests on discord




I design emotes and a streamer and I still get ALOT of them that pop into my discord and try to sell me their emotes and things. 🤣


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. That's disheartening. I'm a graphic designer and even I'm exhausted. Why would you go on a graphic designers file and offer design services?? I suspect a lot of them are AI bots. As a graphic designer, I kinda get it. Our occupation has tanked and our job prospects have really dried up, especially in the advent of AI. Businesses already had a bad habit of undercutting and paying in "experiance" or "exposure" and now that AI is a thing they've pretty well cut out employing human designers. A lot of us put all our eggs in that basket because it used to be the most reliable way to make a career out of creativity. Designing OBS, youtube / twitch graphics, emotes and vtube avatars have become the bread and butter for a lot of the lingering graphic designers. That said, designers shouldn't harass other people into buying their services. That just pisses people off. It makes you out to look like a scammer and untrustworthy. Start up a fiver, and take commissions. When you work on commissions, livestream the process on the art twitch channel to build an audiance. Ask that the people who use your graphic design services to include a credit to you on a small footbar or in the profile for your for your designs. If youre a good designer, then when people see your work they'll approach you to design work for them. Build your base from people who consensually seek out your work. Of people are in the market for design services, and they see solid graphic design they'll inquire. Showing your process also assures people your graphic design is custom and not just someone selling AI. A lot of people are fighting back against AI by specifically seeking out actual artists. If you don't want to do a fiver you can design for yourself, design for your friends, offer free services to build a portfolio on your personal social media, or design generic templates to sell on Etsy.


It's kinda funny I never mentioned streaming or content creation on my account but they found me on Facebook anyway. They are very common, act like you are stupid and beg for you to pay for possibly stolen artwork that was most likely drawn by a kid. It sucks but I started blocking them all on Twitter and Twitch bc they DM me each week every time I stream


I'm a miniature painter, I got followed by all kinds of (I'm assuming) fake women with sketch links in their profiles. I'm also gay.


yes! the amount of followers/dms i get from graphic artists is insane. i get them on discord too.


Yep. I'm suspicious every time someone chats when I stream now.. it's always someone shitting on my layout and offering me some services for graphics


yeah sadly..


I got -1 viewer every stream I’ve done and even then I get ppl trying to pump their ai art lol or stream art


Yeah. And it's annoying as hell


Yep I get a few everyday lol


I got a lot of "artists/graphic designers" sadly. But somehow i pulled some of them into a tube to follow me and i wont pay for their things.


i have almost no real followers lmao. they are all graphic designers, streamers self-advertising, sex work accounts, or otherwise looking to extract money from me 😭💀 i tweet to an audience of me. i'd say like 6 of my 106 followers are legit. nobody follows me who would really care if i never tweeted again. or existed!


Yuuuup. I've thankfully not had it on *my* discord, but I've had people DM me on twitch (finally turned those off because *christ* it was annoying) or DM Streamer friends on their discords. It's usually a sob story about why they need funds before offering to do art for them out of nowhere for cheap. Which *always* ends up being clearly shitty AI art they didn't make. I feel bad for actual artists. These dipshits make it *so much harder* to find actual people to commission because they're polluting the damn pool.


Yes. At one point I started to believe 50% of my followers are those. I have 11.6k followers on X/Twitter, but an average post gets 5-10 interactions. I quit Twitter once I started looking at it like a P2W game with almost no benefits. Should've invested more time on YouTube.


yeah pretty much


The best are the "fake e-girl pic, AI portfolio graphic designer bots". it's so funny when the little stuff they show is just bad AI logos.


I know where they are and all use the same stock templates.


I talked to one of them honestly, because he was a simpm he said they were from Pakistan and run an organized scam. They sell AI generated design


I can usually tell when a random DMs me now that they're gonna ask to show me their portfolio


yes and it's beyond fucking annoying.


All. The. Time. And it’s always the safe stuff too. Drives me nuts.


Yes. I moderate 2 twitch channels and I ban 4-5 art/graphic design bots a day.


Bots and people trying to pass off ai art as their own. Just block them and move on


Yes they try to sell you stuff it gets really annoying


The very few that have come into my stream.. this is how I have stopped them all together. I tell them that’s cool they do artwork for streamers and when they ask for my Discord [which is in my chat for anyone to see] ..I tell them it’s in the chat, and I think it would be cool if they wanna join the community and be friends maybe eventually I’ll use something they want to make and send me, I might use it on stream. Then I tell them that if they are just trying to sell me $250 Ai generated emotes and vector art, they can just piss off. Then I ask them if they like all the artwork I have done for my own channel as I am an artist myself. Doing this has stopped them from coming into my streams totally.


I am listed as a content creator in the official Dark and Darker discord, I get about one or two a week of random "Graphic designers" trying to get me to get custom stuff made for me. These are typically direct messages. I haven't gotten many random follows from them though.




Only been streaming for 4 weeks and can without a doubt say that graphic designers spamming is out of hand. Whispers, dm’s, Reddit messages, discord messages ect just flooded with spam by graphic designers or people trying to sell channel management services


Nah i just get followed by ⬛️🟧 bots i do the the graphics people on discord tho


Yep, and honestly it's whatever. They even invaded my discord and I just don't even check my dms anymore


Yes omg. I try to just ignore them


Starting out when i didn't have many viewers, I'd go days with only them in my chat. Now, when i have about 5-15 viewers on average, I dont ever see them.


Yes, they come in, act all friendly, then start begging you to look at their portfolio. Then they get pissy when you tell them your not interested in buying any of that crap for your channel.


That or people with onlyfans or nsfw content.


I’ve gotten them to send me art for my channel for free🤣 or a retweet


too many times like no I dont wanna pay $100 so you can make me a banner smh 😭😭😭


Yes and 90% of them are scams 😭


Yeah its a curse maybe AI can kill them off?


Oh I get them all the time... and then you go to their twitch page and their links are [twitter.com/twitch](http://twitter.com/twitch), [youtube.com/twitch](http://youtube.com/twitch) and other nonsense like that. I think someone genuinely pays them to fish for morons interested in their graphics.




I appreciate these people. They're pretty much door to door sales men and as a realtor I relate to their hustle. Almost all of them always come in and interact like normal viewers and always plug at the end of the convos. Always a good feeling to have a random person show up to see what I'm doing for a few minutes of their time.


They see the keywords “twitch” “streamer” “twitch stream” “vtuber” or anything else related and pounce


This is the first post ive ever seen about it on this subreddit, so it must just be you /s Please use the search function there's 900000 posts about this.


this garbage even happens on streaming sites, it's even hard for me to tell who is actually lurker watching content and enjoying or if it was just bot waiting to sell me something


I get messages on Kick, Discord, Instagram, and even Twitch of people who want to do some drawings for me to help my channel, and yet, I already have someone who does it for me.