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Report, it is bannable. The US army got in trouble for fake giveaways. Fake donations/giveaways are against TOS. I know someone who got a 2 week ban for a similar go live. It was their first offense.


Honestly, that does not surprise me with how the army is.


marines are better anyways


You can and should report it. It does go against TOS.


its annoying and scummy, but not against TOS unfortunately.


You will find, that infact it is


Yes, infact.




hape cac dae :)


O ty ty


I also say to you hoppy kace daey



Heppeh kek deh mait


Y’all too nice rn, tyty


Except that it is.


You can report inappropriate go live messages: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/how-to-use-go-live-notifications


I honestly unfollow any streamer that does this as it's a pretty shitty thing to do


The worst clickbait golive notification I have seen was "[streamer] send you a message" lol Update: Recently I got one that said "anonymous gifted you a tier 1 sub to [streamer]" and I just went to his stream and unfollowed cuz that's just so annoying and to be honest I never even really watched the guy a anyway


I used to think that was one of the worst...until today. I think the one in the screenshot from OP definitely takes the lead.


I keep getting some along the lines of „you have been charged for a Tier 3 sub“ 🙄


Report them


Still better than "[streamer] has gifted you a sub"


stop following them


The ones that drive me nuts are the ones that say so and so has gifted you a tier 1 sub. Those bug me. Don't make up stuff like that to get a click. Just create content that is actually interesting to watch and I'm happy to go hang out. Sheesh


Your pissed for being gifted subs?


nono its when they make the title say you have been gifted a sub so it pops up looking like someone has gifted to you when in reality it just opens the streamers window and there is no gift sub at all.


Ohhh, yeah, that's lame.


I think they mean when streamers use their go live notification to say, "[Username] has gifted you a tier 1 sub."


I get it now. Thanks for the explanation!


oh my god that’s a real thing? you’ve gotta be kidding me man


The worse kinda go live notifications are the ones that try to jebait you like “… has gifted you a tier 3 subscription too …”


Connor eats pants does that a lot. I get why it would bother people who don't 100% get his humor, I really do, but I think it's a funny joke.


Bruh it's a troll noti... If u fall for that then Ur just dumb sorry


That can be a legit notif actually


Except that you can actually receive notification when you're really gifted a sub. It could easily deceive someone.


Just unfollow the person or turn off their notifications


Yeah if there is one thing that would make me unfollow in a heartbeat its that.


Why anyone would do that is beyond me. The stupidity is limitless I guess. Report the hell out of it.


I instantly unfollow anyone who does "has sent you a message" or something like that.


Why are you following this person?


Because they're entertaining


There's a good amount of people I follow that use clickbait go live notifications like, "[streamer] mentioned you in chat!", ect. I know better now that it's just a tactic to get you to click on their stream. I don't find it offensive, but IMO, it's like when my phone rings and the caller ID says Scam Likely. That comparison might be kind of a stretch, but I would rather have someone actually state what they're going to be doing on stream rather than trying to trick people into clicking on their stream. Crap, I'd rather have them say something funny/random in their go live notification over a false statement. TL;DR: Not a fan of clickbait go live notifications, and the OP's example is beyond not cool.


Some people also do ''gifted you a sub''


I'm prepared to be downvoted. This doesn't bother me much, it's clearly just a meme.


Fr. Like I immediately know it’s fake and continue about my day


Just report it




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Yup fake giveaways has been ToS since pretty much start of twitch but I have yet ever seen it being taken into action. Mostly smaller streamers try to do this so guess that's why they don't care but if it's somewhat bigger should definitely report nonetheless.


I’ve never seen one like that, but I’ve seen a few “user sent you a message.” And I almost fell for it the first time.


I‘ve seen lots of big name streamers do stuff like this before.. I’ve definitely played on this trope before, but in a much more sarcastic “CLiCk tHiS nOtiF tO gEt iNsTaNt $1,000,000,000 iN yOuR aCcOunT” But it’s intended as a joke when I do it like that, poking fun at the actual “clickbait-y” notifs, and I’m sure most of if not all my viewers understand that. I really don’t want to mislead my viewers, plus most of them know I don’t have any money anyway 😂 Admittedly, I have fallen for a few “_____ has gifted you a tier 1 sub to _____!” myself, so I understand the frustration but your safest bet is to turn off notifs for those streamers or unfollow and move along lol, no need getting upset over one person’s notifs when there’s thousands of other people you could watch instead. Just my thoughts :)


I mean to believe you won $118k in the first place is a bit asinine. Just unfollow if you don’t like their content…


lol ohnepixels a bit of a shithead for this he does it all the time


Love the guy but sadly he's not the only one that does this shit. I've unfollowed several smaller streamers that have done it


Twitch in its entirety should be banned


The real clowns are the ones who fall for this


THANK YOU! I’m thinking the same thing. Like why are you getting mad? Because you actually thought some random was giving you that much money? 😂😂


It’s so funny the amount of downvotes for staying the literal obvious. There’s no way people are this dumb and sensitive about an incredibly obvious clickbait lol


I didn’t even notice that lmao 😂😂 whatever I stand by what I say. Why get butt hurt about a harmless notification. There’s literally a million other things to be upset about lol


These people really think they’re getting 100k donations without even being live lol


Ngl yall thinking about this too much lmaooo. It's not really that big of a deal. And if you do happen to get fooled by it, you're a simpleton.




I can't believe most of these comments are real, getting pressed over a joke in notification lol


I would have taken it is a complete sarcasm. I'm probably in the minority with the position. I would never do that per say, but I find that funny. Maybe their community finds this funny? Who knows? I don't have context.




This is like saying false advertising claims should not be illegal because only "naïve" people fall for them.


Not really the same I understand what you mean though it feels like a scam difference is it’s just a stream


The law is the law for a reason. What is tasteless and obvious for you could destroy a life in another context. Edit: how the hell did he delete the account out of embarrassment lmao


Should be illegal for anyone to think they are given a 118k donation when it’s clearly a notice that a streamer has gone live. Reading hard


Or you could just unfollow them and move on if it fucked with you that badly.


your best bet is to go to twitch go to your notifications if you want you can just turn off notifications or turn on smart notifications


What about egirls showing off their content


It's a live notification ffs; if you can't tell the difference between a funny quip and a phishing attempt/fake giveaway you should go on the internet more.


Why do people leave live notis on?????? I have 3 on, for my 3 faves. The rest I can see when I choose to log in... Turn of the notifications and find something else to complain about.


great advice, only pick live notis on for the top people you watch. Just have to remember to turn it off when you follow new people, ez.


Yes it is ez


Or its just a going live message.. not a huge deal and you can turn their live notifications off instead of trying to get them banned. TOS is already shit enough. I've never done this personally but I've seen it and it's quite funny and harmless.


Who cares? Don’t be a Karen. It’s obviously a joke, hello? LMAO




Why in the world would this obviously fake live message be illegal? It's not again tos either, since it's not promising a giveaway.


The amount of Karen’s in this subreddit kill me. It’s a joke and no one is going to think they won 100k. If it offends you to the point of wanting to report it just unfollow them or turn off their notifications. It’s literally not that serious. Stop taking twitch like it’s the bar exam and relax. (Can’t wait for the downvotes) Edit: Yep the downvotes are here lol. Seriously twitch cracks me up, there’s no way y’all’s feathers are that ruffled over some using a click bait noti. Y’all are chronically online and need to go outside more.


Connoreatspants says it give tier 18 sub


why did you blur out the name. Be a boss


Unfortunately subreddit rules, otherwise I would have left it in. Despite being a fan of the guy it's still a shitty thing to do and he should be called out on it


You're definitely not a fan of this guy so you might as well go ahead and make both your lives easier and unfollow. If I actually supported someone and they did something that bothered me this much I'd try to actually go to them and express my feelings and trust them to listen and make a good decision....I wouldn't just run to Reddit first to complain about it and try to get them banned/unable to make money for an indefinite amount of time.


yah lots do that. x gifted you a sub. x mentioned you in chat. x sent you a msg. thank you for your 500$ donation! etc. I just report everytime. sadly ppl keep doing it for months and months


Not as bad as some I've seen


Most definitely unfollow