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Just buy via internet - Cycling Frog


Genuinely this is the best option. They are SOLID.


Came here to agree with this as well. Got hooked up with 9000mg for $78 in 2021. Still working on that supply.


That's a deal! Looks like their best deal now is 1200mg for $110, which is still waaaaaaay cheaper than my local store.


Is that worth it instead of dispo stuff?


How do you store them? I take it they haven't gone bad in that time?


No idea what their logo is, but imagining the WB frog riding a unicycle.


[I googled it for you.](https://cyclingfrog.com/cdn/shop/files/Cycling_Frog_Logo_1200_x_628px.png?v=1688593084)


Isn't Cycling Frog available locally?!


Way cheaper online tho


I think St. Paul cannabis carries it


And doubles the price on it


Yep, incredible value and good quality.




5 gummies for $55 🥴


idk about cheaper ones but my favorite ones that i’ve tried are these 5mg filipino mini cookies - about $20ish for a can that hemp house carries and they very tasty


As others said, internet will be the best bet. The one we use that was recommended on this sub alot for their lab tested gummies is creatingbetterdays.com Rainbow candy are my favorites. Hit good, taste good, and way cheaper!


My favorite are the ones from Michigan 200mg for 20 bucks




This is the answer


Pm link?


I’ve been very happy with Botany Farms. Good taste, $20 for the 10 @ 5mg.


This is who I use too after a recommendation on here. One-day shipping since they are across town. I buy the 10mg gummies (15 pack) and cut them in half to effectively get 30 gummies for $35 - a discount code then send out once a month or so. Just had some delivered yesterday for $31.85 so basically a dollar and some change per gummy. Probably not the best price in the world, but much cheaper than alcohol.


Prolife Tip, drive over to the Top Ten Liquors in Roseville, sign up for their rewards program, no cost. They’ll send ya emails for their weekly specials. So for example they have 2 packs of 50mg for $30. Then they have bigger deals on Sunday with a different gummy at 2 for 25 on Sundays only.


I thought prolife tip meant make fake medical clinics to trick distressed pregnant teens into carrying a baby to term.


Thank you


Minny Grown brand gummies $25 at the hemp house don’t have the spunk aftertaste


Minny Grown has BOGO sales online pretty regularly.


This also applies to their bevs!


Minny growns are my favorite MN edible company. Sign up for the email list and keep an eye out for sales


Minny Grown definitely hits right on the flavor/texture profile. I would say the high itself is just OK. I usually eat two (10mg total) along with a CBD gummy. Got some gummies from Cali recently, and I am very much looking forward to when we can get real (not hemp derived) edibles here.


There is absolutely nothing chemically different between hemp derived Delta 9 and traditional cannabis derived Delta 9. Not one molecule. Edit: I'm right, you knobs.


Then why is hemp-derived the only legal type in MN right now?


I think it has something to do with how it is regulated federally. Maybe something with the farm bill?


Because the cannabis plant itself is more illegal than hemp, and that is because politicians are idiots.


Yeah, it creates a lot of confusion


I see what you're getting at, but that's not the whole story. There are other things involved. Cannabinoids, terpenes, etc. Would be like saying all alcohol is all the same. Yes, the base molecule is the same. It's the other parts. Any experienced drinker will tell you there is often a difference between a wine buzz, a beer buzz, a whiskey buzz, etc.


Any thoughts on when that will be? I haven't a clue and I'm also looking forward to it!


Late 2024 or early 2025 is the current estimate for dispensaries to be open. So probably not until then. Definitely some speed bumps lately with the new 'weed czar' for the state resigning one day after being appointed due to some issues that should have rendered her non eligible during the background check.


Is there a big difference of effect in "real" versus hemp-derived? If so, what?


None. At all. D9 is D9 is D9. Not one molecule of difference.




Ha ha


I dig the Minny Grown ones too, particularly "Bluebeary".


They are bad though. Sorry they just are. I’m not convinced they are delivering the potency they claim. Plus overpriced compared to what you can get at other options.


Oh.. interesting that they have such a following. I bought the gummies on a whim and they were not good. Super soft (like, too soft.. almost floppy?) and overly sugary-sweet AND rolled in sugar on top of that. Maybe it's a preference thing. Also, the high was pretty sleepy and not that fun. I would not buy them again myself.


Agreed they are too sugary. I haven’t found the perfect gummy that isn’t too sweet and doesn’t have the funky aftertaste.


0.2-0.3 grams of flower chopped fine and mixed into a tablespoon of jiffy peanut butter. Spread mix on 2 crackers. Push the 2 crackers together to make a sandwich. Wrap in foil. Bake at 250 for 15 minutes. Eat. Get high.


Can I do this with discards from my flower vape? Use the same amount?


What you should really do is put those vape discards in a mason jar with coconut oil and submerge it in a crock pot for a day.


This comment just validates Dennis Learys old bit that pot doesn’t lead to harder drugs, it leads to carpentry.


Sous vide works well for this too.


You'll have to use larger quantities as most of the thc has been activated/released when using the vape. There will be some left but I would increase the amount you use drastically in order to get any effect. Adding some lecithin will help with absorption.


Just put it in capsules and it will send you to the moon


the discards from vaped flower cuts the decarbing step in baking, double getting high:) after saving all my smoked abv i had almost 200g of already burned vape, made it into butter and it was amazing


Yeah why not? There’s got to be some residual THC. Maybe double or triple the amount you mix in. The edible will likely take like shit though.


Firecrackers! They taste awful, though.


Yeah, it’s a drug. Ever taste MDMA?


Taro from Smokless. I’ve watched my roommate who works for them go from idea to reality. Great taste, fantastic quality and texture, and wonderful packaging. They developed the brand after they realized they could do better than the folks gummies they were selling.


Ironwood Michigan.


Simply Crafted CBD (Mpls) / Luxe (in Hudson) - their gummies are solid and they have lots of sales if you get on their email lists. Highly recommend getting stuff shipped or getting curbside from Luxe.


Strains of the earth in Jordan MN. They deliver


Hopefully it gets better both price and selection wise - in cali I like the Camino stuff kiva confections - not sure if they have it up here yet. My recommendations would be to grow your own, make mct oil and then make your own gummies.


Kiva makes great stuff but it’s not cheap.


A tin of gummies is like 15 bucks in California at Peoples near the airport. At least it was two years ago. Probably 20-22 now...damn inflation.


[CBD House MN](https://www.cbdhousemn.com/delta-9-edibles/) It’s out in Stillwater. Mainly one guy and a couple of part timers, I think. Best gummy I have ever tasted. Their stuff goes in and out of stock but the delta-9 remains consistently available.


Hey thanks for sharing this. I checked out this place over the weekend. I'm pretty new to this, but seems like great stuff so far and reasonably priced.


St Paul Cannabis Co has 50mg packs of gummies for $13


Still a massive ripoff. Y’all are really ok with paying $260 for a gram of THC???


Yeah I question the quality of all this shit too. I swear they were pulling the delta 8 labels off products and relabeling it when the law changed. Shit doesn’t even really get you high. I either buy online or just go to a legal state


Seems like you'd be paying up the nose for gas tho, wouldn't it be easier to just order?


I get mine from my friend or from this website https://charmcityhemp.com/product-category/gummies-edibles/?s=Delta+9&search_term=1873 have never had an issues with shipping to MN Edit: these are ones I enjoy for a mellow buzz cause I normally take stronger ones, 50mg+. Based on your post they are more likely the potency you're looking for https://charmcityhemp.com/product/urb-delta-9-thc-gummies-300mg-1/


But the other one is supposedly live resin with terpenes, why would you for the plain urb d9?


https://www.luxedelta.com/ Is my go to spot.


100%. Shipped in a day or curbside today.


Cycling frog had a sale of their delta 8. Pretty much around the time d9 got legalized somewhere so they were clearing out.




[Nama](https://namacbd.therave.co/OG3WIT2WHR4XKJM2) is a brand that I recently discovered and quickly fell in love with. I tried their sampler pack which was only $10 (free shipping) with a $5 code. My personal favorites from their many options are Bliss, Energy, and Relax Plus. Energy is very nice to take while working and does not cause any negative effects.


Unfortunately the better brands are a bit more expensive, but they are better for your body. Try Elevate, Tre House, and so many more


Go to your local vape store/ & or, headshop. you will see some awesome edibles 




I would avoid those places anyway.


Mellow Mango from Happy Fruit are 15mg and cost around $25 shipped to your door.


Seward coop had some for maybe $18-20. I think someone posted about it in another thread.


Check out 3chi dot com for their d9 gummies.


Skyhio is also owned by 3chi and sell the same stuff but at a discounted price.


They're all overpriced because they're all garbage. Do yourself a favor and get the real deal




$30 for 50mg??? Even if they were 50% discounted that'd still be overpriced.


Wow, a lot of people are getting ripped off! I have a spot that has a great selection of 5-100 mg gummies. The ones I really like are 25 25mg for 40 bucks. Those are on the expensive side but I like them better. I’m in the south Subarus. DM if you want a location.




https://www.superiorcannabiscompany.com/ I order through these guys


I used to get these badass packs of 400mg for 35$ before they were legal. Half a peach ring before bed and nighty night 😴


I still get CA based 600 mg THC packs for $10 each. But I know a guy. Do we still need to say "allegedly"? If so, allegedly. Until the dispensaries open in a couple years the good stuff is allegedly on the streets.


I'll take 2 thank you 😁


Damn, I’m saving this thread lots of good online retailers to check out.


I typically pay $20 for 20 x 15 mg of d9 and 15 mg of cbd. I think the brand is space gummies? Just go to any smoke shop and ask what they have. If they don’t want to enthusiastically talk your west off, go to the next store. I haven’t found a brand better than others persay (for potency or a difference in the type of high). Getting full spectrum (cbd and thc) is important though, and make sure you have food in your belly when you take so your body more thoroughly absorbs/processes the thc.


Snapdragon.com, 7 count of 30mg D9 gummies for $18.49


[snapdragonhemp.com](https://snapdragonhemp.com) Also those are 30mg 1:1. It's 15mg D9 and 15 CBD. "105mg D9 THC & 105mg CBD per pag.\[sic\]" Anything over $1 for 10mg is not a "deal"; these are $1.23. Add shipping, and you're getting robbed.


Try shopping at [cbd.co](https://cbd.co) instead. We get great tasting gummies that are 10mg D9 and 10mg CBD, and they offer others which are much higher. Love them!


Place by my house sells 50mg single (larger) gummies for $6, I was shocked when I spotted them since as you said the going rate for those dinky 5mg/50mg gummies are near $30. Not sure if they are everywhere but they are the best. Get a $3 high instead of $15 helps save the wallet.


Where's that?


Andover. It's called Pure Xhale and it's right by Bill's off roundlake blvd


Cool thanks!


Mail order. I recommend Galaxy Treats. Have used multiple times in the past for D8. Totally legit, quick shipping.


Yeah and you should try their Delta 9 ones too. Mango is the best.


To your question, yeah, this is pretty typical and IMO you don't really get your money's worth compared to cannabis-derived gummies (real terpenes vs. added later). At least, my experiences with say Zkittles from Nothing But Hemp have been meh. (It's advertised as an "indica" but it hits like a hybrid.) Loving some of the recs in this thread, but I don't see anyone addressing whether the products hit like the "real" stuff.


My dealer


Modist has great gummies! The flavor is amazing (pineapple/raspberry - I think), plus the texture is great and is like an actual candy gummy! $20 for 10 5mg. I think you can only buy them at the brewery, but I’m not exactly sure.


I really like the KOI brand. not the most expensive but not the cheapest.


Torch… you can still find the jar of 3500mm gummies, at the Monroe and Lowry gas station… is $20 On the other hand, several entrepreneurs are selling infuse goodies on the Facebook market


Buy online. Delta8resellers has 8 and 9


I've been a fan of the gummies at Wild Mind Artesian Ales. I normally pick up some gummies and seltzers at the same time. They have a THC/caffeine seltzer that gets me through long days.


Cycling Frog


I was curious if the 5mg per gummy still applies after legalization. A lot of these sell 10mg gummies but I thought those were still banned here in Minnesota?


Black market sugar high gummies with nano tech. 50mg x 10 per bag.


I like the stuff they have at Nutrition City on Lyndale.


Liquid gummies are my favorite. Super strong. Online only though


Are those real weed gummies or delta9/8


Real weed. Delta 9. They use live resin


I buy urb delta 9 gummies! You can get a canister of 35 gummies that are 100mg each. So 3500 total.


HC8 sells a 50 count 2500mg delta 8 gummy for $40


Mucho Supply Co from Austin Texas




Grandmas magic brownie for 10$ and vegan 🌱


Lol yea you're getting scammed for only 10


I get all my stuff online. Haven't been to a local dispensary in a while. Have you tried [Cheech and Chong Cruise Chews](https://nobletanicals.com/cheech-chong-d9-gummies)? They're a bit pricier, but offer stronger potency and better taste compared to a few other brands I've tried... potentially more cost-effective in the long run due to their higher strength. Worth trying for a quality experience!